Bme R16 - Unit-2

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Tntioducho a . we ioniC — The bic electric pe tonhal, generated Io The body cme fon poloha produced by ionic Covent ble at potenkaly veguive Convenson into electronic poten ud measumment these ionre “> The devicy that Convert fonic polenkay inte electronic potentials ae (atled electrodes ond the measwament ofp — The measunmene off ionic potential electiic Cuvventy 19 body reed Some interac berween Ihe body And the electronic meaturing in SGrument « > This bunchon is achieved through bicep ofemhal elec troclea Polenka Measurement is done through Cument [foro in The Meas uring Cavcait fer Some hme over whith tke mrcosurcmnent i dow. TM ideal conditions, this Carvent Should be very Small. The elec beck Should have the Capability oly Conduchwg a Cunent across the Inter (p@ between the body and elachonc rmealung Cor Ceuit me The ele cbrett® Carries’ outa bycensduceng fyuncten Senco Covent is Carried ouhHA te ‘badly Phrough Tons - It Caved in the elec Decdes and % lead wre by elechons —y Efectiodee hat a transducer to Chang an fone Carver an electric Curvent + inks + eo We are decay with the ~hevic theony of electrodes and then with the Varo type Used - 1 Scanned by CamScanner Electrode Theory me she inkeygoce ofp metalic sew! oy Solvshan wilh these eeuotvcited mmefay retalh nan belwlal pelonal thal a called a the elecbode potenhal ws Ths potential sa Acti of Ihe diplewe in dibpunen veite | of) sent ine on cuth ob te nefal a Equilibrium s produced by the Lorraken gf layer of charge at the inlerece. this Chavge veally a double layer, with the layer peadest Ihe mefat beng oh ove polrwity nel the ayer neat te the Soluhen beng os opposite polarity ye pon refalke materials such as Hydrogen ao Fawe elec bude potentials when inlerlrad with ther atiotated rons in Soluben - Arother Soue ob an clectod potential 15 Ike Un equal Erchamge of) fons acre & membrane That 11 Semi permeable Luguid folebvens fo a given ion when the membrare Separates tuith thy dibpetent Contentrahens of thar 1m * + The equahen Aclahng the potunhal acrers the membrane and the hwo Conbanbakm oy the ion i Neunst Egle oy and (9 be Stated os c= - PT In Ge ne oy by where R — gal Constenk T —abselute kmperalue 1 — Valent ob the ton F — Fovcday Cowlout 6.6 — Gatenbebens of ion or fron Ser ofp wembrewne bubs — Adividy Coe pfrGeny eb 10n two Sides used Br the ricarusement eh bia elertos potential, x at the roberpeue oh CF metal and + Tn elecbodes the electyake polanhal octuy an electraly & « _y In Bio Chemilal hawgducert, both membres bernie and Welal { dlecloly inkybaes ae wed | | www. Scanned by CamScanner Equivalent Grcw of Elec bok ne potenkal 1s developed > Tp bopetehal electrodes On elechok Alrct the inbred , propcrhorat te fhe exchonge of the metal Grd the Clactrolytes of the boty —> Th double layer ob Chaoge at the interface ach a Capac, The eguivalet cucu 16 given od c ro ee o— —|}-——* Body Electrode Ru E Elec broly kes R, It Conssty of a veitage 1 Serves lath iow behacens yessione - Capercstorte Netware Sing te mraiwement of dechods , the vottege mug, boelkecare poenay Sequins Ree is Atolls the dip(eeue these | the instentanceny polinhaly uly hee electyodks mr ThE Mangement ap fen Clicticdes iy quent e=—— VE SL & Rs 8, o Re Py ba fu L_e I Roady (lust : fy Wve or 1G the two clachads ae cf Some Bree the dippeseme NOM Sera and deperey enenhally 7 fv cuttual chphuente Oy (Ore potinkal between Tee eo poe oh the bely prodite > Ih the two elochos are dipferert however Hey ray vatkage fhat Cor Cowie Current fo flow through Cet of amp lifu O SGnifitest 9¢ both elecbrocky oy well ag Through the inp! Scanned by CamScanner Oro elec bocce > “These cue ele tbodes With fps SufpivienHy Small fo perebak a Single GU ia Orde fo Obtain deadngs fem within The Coll > The tip mwt & Smal enough, fo permit prrebaton without devncaging the Gu Tek ove genesaly feo Fypss © metal mivo elecbode (© miopipt moo daclicde metal mivo thectrode # There ate [med by Fire feungslen or Stavnlent steel wine fo the A The wie is (Cated akrost fo the fip with an proenng Con ae be porgdrred on the Hp Rec ba ly Healy, atchng Te tip ob * desired Site insulahvg matewal, Some Clectrolyhe fo lower fhe impedane coterpete fewer plate whee the me fal indt or Oubside the Coll % The metal joo Hp Contac the electrolytes Cithex micopipet Ao electieele a [Fis a gkass mio pipe With the Hip drcury Our fe the desine pitted with a Elec brolyle Compal be ails Si7e = The milopiper is the Cellular fleuds : % The Clecticdes hove dual inlepede- one intespee Const & fa Conbeack with The electrolyte SOterhen insede the metal wie micropipet Te othe 5 the pipet ond the luids hb oy jmmedialely oxutSde > Belaur ofp their Small Jenfpie ot impedarisy in The Range fs megaohs high impede inteypoe between Ne electrolyte mide My te @u mivo eecheder have $0. amplifiers with eabsurnely dug Anguenred Avoid loadwg the Cacuit are fo minimize the effect of Smal Changes 10 inleagote rept dan@ 4 Scanned by CamScanner E lec trodes The qensral sbructue of needle ecb head wie c Needle These Qte not inserted into the brain. they Me Needle ly penetrate the SKIN - Grenerally they ove Simply inteated through a Small Secken of) te Skin Auk beneath the Surpele ond posaltel fe it ey when oe Simuttoneous mealuement [foro various ckpths 19 he brain alovg a Gxlain ans 15 sequired , Special rnuthipe depth Cle ctroces have been developed - > Ths type Clechod wseally ConmsG gy a bundle of bw wie, fach termina at a dibfeent depth Mie wes ae brow out fo a [onnect at the Surface ef the Stalp - > needle cctrodes [ft Emin Consist merely df; 6 they hes. Which ae beag , aie 10 Contact is meacle vine insulated wines, plaled © ther With the mene, muitle gaan Uhich maeas ucersertt wire electrodes dy Copp’ Prtup bem Speche mruscles | we Tre wires axe cither Suagicalty implanted A introduced by MWans | dy & hypodame needle , leaving the Wye elecbode 19 ple@ the electrorks cue Corie ine fhe inferken , proacts | wr oF platinum ow ote used (h Emo he wares (Amng (rcates the hole necewary ica needle , whith e gtounded Shield eA acy snide fhe needle Server Gant polar elechods , at te pomt of Contact wih the wy of A Sogle wire which measures the pounnels Yespect Some indifferent ye jrrenG the needle, the meceyurcemen| — If the two wil Cue plaed inuide js (atled bipolar and provides avery [olel-ved meayurerrent belween fre two wre fips | _| 5 Scanned by CamScanner Body surface elec Erodes en Electodey uxd fo obteun boplechic potmhal (fom The Surpae oy the ody oe in difpeimt $ret ard germ The [ys sovented body Sorfale electiode is immerpen elected « Trmmertion electicles There ae Simply buckes off Satire Soluhen ino whch the Subject plated his hands and [peek , One buceeh (A each ~y Thele electicees have many dippicuires Such os restricted Potion of the Subiect and danger oy Electrolyte SpiNege Metal Plate elec tiode These cre introduad in 1917. These Clecroces were Separcted Grom the Suubiects Stan by Colton ew [yell pads Soaked ina Sdrong Sale Soluhon > lakes a londuche Jelly or porte seplacd The soaked pads Qnd metal was allowed 1 Contact the Skin Hexough a thn Cat ob Jelly wil fot % Reclawgular oy CrCelar plates made op nice plated Steel ae vied a Typiial impedera eh the Clactiedes as in pee hurdsed ohms of German Silver A BL Aesstanle Vorics fen 2tA R lo ka % A Kerminal 6 plaGd am if culty Sula pr lead wites A post plored on the Scame Side f Connect & Webber thop te the electho® Ord fo hold + in pk a an Arm leg. —* qhis Gn be Wed of @ Cheik elechode fel ECG AelAclng | > The dipgicuths in using plate electrods is the poli bilby of electrode Slippage of rrovernent - —_______4 6 Scanned by CamScanner Suchen cup Aecbwde lontect 4 surgete (O20 > Rubber, bul lead wre * : : Tevminad pe (er Sullreee duran im Els * Hae wut (an How Clechadk at On frequently eyed of @ tleclroc «Ib is Cylindnitat electroce ae It Consist dy hallow melee that ma Fes Contact with the Skin A lead wire Herminal provided +0 the hollow matells tybieda, A fubbe. Suchon bulb to plot te Follow yekallic bate ay Suerte hip OVA he hallow cylinder on the Chesr Wall 4 Even trough the electrock 5 large, tontackag surpece 1s way Smatt - Sof has large ion pedewe te held (A lovg durahen due fo ivtahen fin Sin 4 Ik Gnnct Adh Tape electrode Clevakien TOP ew leuge dst ab plethrom berm Ue Consisty oh & Yelatively Ja on one Sde and Silver al wih a Shex- phked blewtle pI other Sie ra fen! Plated Snap clothing en the G oy an electrock A Glver Chloride clockaa A by Ob electrolyte get ier the elec lak - proved cue ths adhere x This Silver plated duc ad (oat may be mack on Te Wilk an odheswe 1S Coated wv proteckve seleaw papa oat Frally it pacted ia a Geil evaporate off This electrock (al of ony Sk to use tes electode water Component in The gel fovea So that to avoid | no be usek as a peel end pate type | 7 Scanned by CamScanner floating tlecbede cies Chibride disc Gilva- ead wire y SKin 4 Any duplatemed i the electrode rey Me predue aaahpect 1 electrodes - Ue oly thew Cleckwetes lol redue free anhhat Contact with The She * Heo the eloctrde deer not Come 1 duiect Tre gel in the Covily 5 10 Contact with the Sin fr the gel ete Hough The Mell Thee 15 No methanilal movement él Clectrcde roves So trex 1h no anhfent SPrayon: tectods Spot of Conductive Adbesue iS sprayed oF He a Seal) whch trad previously betaled with Pounted ove The Sin, an elecholyte Coahuyg Orspont dated There decodes owe ob Me OM fy with snp emp Connectors by which The leeds , wohich au 2etsabe ane attached They Come pregelled, Yeady (a sonmecliak They ae be Suge frre Wecge Le Pheet gine iF i Connected fo He eax it if reamed und in EEG measurement Scalp electrode cop ee Ther eecbodsr au [A EEG These cue Usteally in dicmeltr thet ate plaed on Ike anccytmement + Salt disks about “Tenn Cleared Scalp Wing 80 ekecbroly te pe Scanned by CamScanner Transducers Bio chemical electoolyt geratid either ot retail jar Separate fin ekctice potinhal is intapete 01 0 Either Side 6 Bote enetheds ox uKd TO measure this + in te Subic the f Semipermentle membranes 1 two Solutiows Concentration sease THe gars dissolved in Wood ard dther liquids noo elpchodes jive. one electrade +5 Sensibue to Changes are qui ws insensitive and tre offer is Aefuente elactnost which Changes 17 fhe subject Referente Elecbrode soe been designated as Aefrence Hydrogen ion inliapae hes potentat interpoe and i was being ausigned an electrode. Ob Zero Volk = Henie the hydvoger bioChemital mecsurement “ye To this elachod, an inBAt tele ny elactrede was ust 4 the sefrena io live Perum 8 pankeally expoted hydaogen Hons and potaribel clecbode bo genetcke vn olactuece «The prceheon immersed in the Solum Contaianng to hydrogen ges pring thyough the eA lead wire & faen (fom fhe plakow is the hydrogen electok not Stable enough fe act os superene elected Thee are Heo Hyp OF clcclredes Wher have Sup ecratly feng cloctyceks “They WR Stable inteee act a we and Calomne| elecrock silver Chloride elec bo Silvey - uct oh Mpuene elachiode => The base 5 ==) 1 ui ihieg qué Solution (Fe!) Sanction Toternat (A) 49° [@bore!) electrode inlafple 1 % The Silver -silver Chlovide an elacholy® widge - ‘ Connected bb the Kel Soluben by 9 Scanned by CamScanner 4 This filling soluhon has a liguid junchen with Sample Solukon * The elected fon be Succonsfpully Clactioce if the Kc} Solution is Saturated with a The Sepetente electrode potenkal, Gunckon of eel Contentyahon. For | mole Solehon, iT 1S (0°236 voly % frother populs repuene Clechedk “5 Colomel oechod The inkrachn between mercury and Mercurowy Chloride FJerrerates The electrode potential % Calomel elactigde Produces 0 388 o:au7 Volk “go BF mol employed 8% degeer@ Agel « S voie ba 00! mole Kel Soluhen and le Kel Soluken . directly Jolated te the hydrogen for Contentrahen Ih the logartim of fe vecipretat of th] phe = tog HT = leo ae ‘Me ph as a mntuune ef the atid- bar babna of) © hud A reubal Solukn ha a PH oh 7 Lower ph indi(ale AGdihy, rd hghr indilater Boye nate « we The pl fy ndirral aakerial Hood vanges belie 738 bTw ph oh venow blocd us 7 35 2, T= ho Bu bite Solution reeket Aglagel wwe “Ph gus A Io Sde te gloss bulb 1 o highly cde bubler Solute Meassuument ef the potenhal act th ght miefae Ss | achieved by a plcny AplAgel Cleched 1 the Soluhen Ain tke glen bulb and (olomel refeente Uacthode 19 the Soltakin jn which pH ig beg measured % The Scnssbivity of PM techode i fo ew] pt The impedang Aone 50 Fo Sco ma 10 Scanned by CamScanner elec rode Blood gas_tlec te 4 Tir te physolegial ct oh emygen ard CO, 10 the peed we penal pretioe oh 6 duselved ft thet gas fo the fotal Pragne ey ot dusolved Pre the pental preie o6 © Fs proporhenat te Mt quaokty oF gas in te bleed THe thgectivenien oy Aaperetery ond heont Jneie vmpentant pasamelirs eenital eocciusecncny, the portal prewoses iy NAKONY 5 is ta Cnbibabion 06 1 the blocd te tral systems ib Aeplected 10 O row > Agl* Taian ey purer daca we Elecbolye sclubor into ‘aeh ¢ can db? membre pycugh whith cy can dvtbuk wahith mode 8 Soluhen 10 measuscrnet ce plahinum of some other moekal wil, embe decd anvaulaher Purposes , info whch onyyer expored 8 fe degeust A bine pire in gies 4 with only the HP cxllewed plated 9 on elecbolye sapped Ixheccn the plahnum aig a vetiage eh bet cay vg eperene Clee eek, toh the planus G2 megeds ACe educhen ch He ONE fares ple at piahour Calbeet Chamber that belts Sealed ste the a geooally the reporenie ee eet by means of & uct onygen ‘an tbe ue bloc. decked (n be inlegratl ce The clectroly le the plain wire and quven winch the tte mnten bire fatteds and ef > The plakoun fan be inte © Single unit ch Weed fe owe problem S omygen Ts electrerte pleted 1G chamber mecsrcneny deduchers prea acheclly — Acmeves heck +The maoy vicinity ob © { a fre amen’ of tg 1mmechate | 4 Scanned by CamS. ‘canner and Tronduchon, Princ ples The Transducer —<_— whee vale Clorgey with hee + A \Wiiable iS any quantity = A voniable otociated With (he physclequiat proce ch the body i Called — Physologital vorricrble Examples eb physiologital variables eve baly temperctse elect! actvily Ob heast, blecd prewurg ir blew fone peenhely occur in rrany (Ams os presences 4 Glews + Physiokegial vewcibles and Curreng, mechan: (al movement, hydrahe famporarure Variations 4 fogune fe Convent beth vowebe sale an a bensder 5 iG pet nd an —e A Transducer elecGital Signet Component which electrifal Signal as yelakenship before, ontpat vollage at the output ch wheh “Can be arplbiel $0 phason Clectivial Variredble OF 1G outpuF and onput should be > Tdeally the tres Ue Linea, le the presiwe beeng proporbenal fe the applied prcsiter lahenshp net aluays poss ble AS long as Ihe A Linton Hl tronidachen (pnchen non anabiguowy) ib gs possbe be dleterrwnt Me eneg tect rip Varwawl (sem te electtal cutpur Signal davelved wor the procent ef Cormerheg me Two dipferenh prncyler oe on elachital variables inte Llectaulal Sgnal © Energy Conversion ~ Transduens bese this pringpe ae Galled Ace awrducers © exetaher vetloge — Tansduers bret om ths principle are Called Passuc hemnsducers 12 Scanned by CamScanner Active Transducers ——_——> AU phys tat Prncples (or be employes (x Conver hing non electslal acivity in achue brcnidecte re Some Cases the Some Geansdac heer caveat (Om or CGS electatal EMT x To Athwe honduen 19 punciple wed to Conued Gem a Fen ole fom atte be wsecl o yewenre dnechen te Cement fo non Clectastal (fins Magnehc Induchon _Ebbit ws > Ig on electyial Corduchor 1 mover in a rragnene biel! ia such @& way thet The rragnche flux trough the conduc ter Bw Changed, O voltage i Indued whch Prcporhenal fo The Yale ch Change op Mmagnehe berm H+ Converiely, if & Cancat iS Senf through the Seame @ndie ts mechanical eT Enerted Upon t preporhonal to the Current ond te magnehe Gell AW the eleclial motor) aud generators. Sach ax Selenesds and loud Speakers Ubbze | Hh Principe + Magnehe énduchon plays om important yolk at the coupal ¢h Prany biomédial insbyumentahan System + Alralog meters wind Arion momeay , Lant biany galvostometirs wo phokgraphc Sciordes ewe pen mofevs vo ink, Hhermal Selerdss We all based en fhe Prntiple qf ymagnehe induchen > The basic configurabon Ch hades tat te fhe pingple magnehe fnduchen bee the pxtarurement Of Yolafay mohen fel <7 The mosh im perkat bio medital appl latens ae © Hear urd Preophenes pulse Temsducers © elechonngnehe Blood Flow mets a 4 13 Scanned by CamScanner Thermo electric efpect % Ih foo wes of dissimilar metoy ae Connecter go thet the b y bem a Clted Conduchue looP 1 © vaitege Con be obsered al ny pow of ‘intevuphen op loop % This voltage is proporhonal tthe difference in kerr vahae behween the fue Jjunchions belo the meio’ % The polerby depends en whith Ob the fwo Junchiowy Hs Warner The deve ved on thi hothem i Called Thermoloupe H The Senstividy of thermocoyple & Smet Uosw]*e OA Copper - Constantin ana 53 Av]te fA ioe Constontan dlecbital energy Gute the bansper ob heat The delivery Of [fer the hoHer fe Colder Jsinthen , the hotler Junchen gee tools While the Colder ge warmer lower Senvibivily , thermo Couples ate led fet a Belase of the physologiiot Kermpaakoes , where Ihe lunsited (hem thermal energy fo electrical the Mm€asutement off Kmperalae Range a TR proce oly Conver hing energy is (allel Seebeck, egect % The (low ob Canent Courses one junchen fe heat and The teot $0 thal eleclacad &P*IY 5 Called Pelion _ebpret is Corerted into heat other fe Energy! 14 Scanned by CamScanner je20 - Electric ebfect Ik © varying potenhal i apphed fo the proper Ome of the Uysal it voll Charge ke dimensions ef Gyttal thee by deforming it > Ib is called pita elictrc effec” whch as electre potenkral OPPS dimensions off Crystal Oe the 4 A piezo elecbue maternal 3b One Qed Gatun Surfer op % Gyilal if the Changed by The appllahens cb te Grysial axe Changed by appliake a @ mecharval [AG ® piezo electve material are Rochelle Salle, Ammensem di hydvogen Phosphate, quastz Thee rmalenicly Oe stable, high Op Snsihvity is gin os b Ample * The electrilal equivalent CEE Fave — ly Frawdues hewig og VOTES? Yp, fe applied mechansiat (26 (conecled in Genes with platy Sepeeted + In te diagary voltage Sous picperions! a capaci chit Yepeseat the Condac hE by the = tre Gpachus pr peahes of) vrpecenee fy the Smet bein Ue enaterval | labag per clectyc beangduey intexc tog a elec tyre oc te Whth Tey &E uth te inet ex te lobar MY) Connecti EEF LPO hecat Jocencl tacd in MmiGophone Piero Clectuc Prnciple cr otter Cacouuheat Sgrets fron ithe the bedly | me pero elect hemsduiers OS Uyed Wwidely ap Ulberlon rn tosereng al tycaunvite, Grd VECO ob ulbedeone — Signe's 15 Scanned by CamScanner nunc Fe measur the 5 Or He % The Selenium cll has long beer pole groph'e expose retin totensry oly lighr * light absorphee ob Chemitat solution cally Enon % folar Gul, + Tre Sillon proto electric lt gos 4 than the Selenium colt higher e ppscicrsy ry pears in the Yas a mitch er, while infpoved , howew in tke ViSe ble hight voune and Curvert 1h Specbat Snahv thaF g) & felenum Celt i$ MaKiauD xe when perc inte a sett! load yesstane calivered by incident hg ht camer GLB prepomrensl fo the intensity eb The etre voltage oh Me cell “Conmot enced’ gextarn valve: | Such that the ip & intenghy oF culpur vovog the load esstawe 8 approaches ths value, Ff bens POP Lime 16 Scanned by CamScann er Passive Transducers pusueEe aaa “ Passive hawidues ublize the principle of (onbollng & 0c @uc taker) votlage oy Gn AC Comer Signal - cvcuiE % The achial Lronsdua Confisg Oy @ Usually passue physria lament wheh Chonges i§ value os a bunthon Ob the Veswable bo be rncosued The hewducr ya paar oh O Cacut , whith 5 powered by ak the othpub ef an AC A OC exGtahen S.gnal- Tr vollage tre Cacut Refolech Pe physited verriable There ce only thvee passe Cocait clemenly That fers bE Ublized ag pasrue bansducrs | yes iron, capac), ind thos, A The PAue Brndutes Genet be Operald the Seve ee ncchen ic be Convent Go eectaital Signal late a phys vest Resistive Nansduers | favre ee + Amy resithue dement thet Changes 16 yesisteange 4 et purchen | ch 0 Physiar weniable can be wed ay 0 bamsduan Ge that Variable x Resshue Geniduens pack PL on the, (Amule a . . kee ch any one cf the Resistane oni changed by Me Chevy ch ny t ‘Areas of Ch Behan prsomeleas — Ressnuibyy (FP), length ©, Ih vesitane 8 Changed by the change of length Of o vesitet, ib os Known os Poknhonetr: Hb the yesstawte changed by, the Change Frown a4 phoko Uy- ob yenshuiky (e) dy cryessi it Ges A If the yedianle changed by te change ob Area Of ae is Enon os Sb guage Kechion oh A arshh 4 17 Scanned by CamScanner Potentiownetin > wher the length of the vesisha. Cheinges , the velue of Ine Yesisteh. also Cherng es Yelislang oly the Conduct 4 due bo the lp the Change length the Change oe the vale oh Calibyalid displatement , yChilan@ elome a measure of tre displatement when input volhage fore . It abo > The potantionnetr Consist of) an Contact Calle wiper hat a vesithve Clement wxth a Slidg be mead iS lowneckd The displatement Sowre whch © FP fo the poiper THE wiper Sled along the yejulang coive propor Fiowal fo the Aisplacernent Duc to the Slidieg achan Tre effective length Ob Ke Teast ws Changed in the Change 9 Yestshe1 te The —> change in length yesurg du plc meaf- Chawp. in depistewle belomes a rotague ch aan cof The lncar prtenko meter 5 > The Rolaienal potenkometex 1 giuen a 18 Scanned by CamScanner shain guage % When a Yessbd ig Shetched oy fompressed duc 40 the charg in the length and ditimetin of menue Sain wlakve Change ig yerulon@ Changes the resithe % Ik SO meaquement braniducy vied fo shiva trontduce pefaue it Convery in[genahen about ta dimension fo a Change in yesiitong in vebitkou@ duo ty o uaik Change 0 % Tre flackonal chanf length 5 Glled guage bench % “The ype ob Stun gueges Me © unbounded \ San guapz @ Bonded Shan quay Bunbonded Steun quo These Sian guage Oe not bonded onto the Suyee directly Gh the Sthuckor Gunde Study yespect to each Ieacted rechaniin oe perc hee former Gen reve Aceves with jelhes by ce Sprung guage ‘stretched larcurd the fennected fo Wheaton bridge cha and they au held tog eA pine whe resstane ster insulated pins The Sb guage stuck, ene oh the [some > when a (exe 6 applisl Or the auc fo tha Me Stan gt twill mous elatiug ty thes (K@nc wil Change 19 leegths and Coe's gechon, “e Ths Shaun Change, the yesulane ofp the Sbewn guage ore fs Change 1 yegislonce of The Stren Gage v5 measeud Ubng oO Loheat Stone de Ths Change to yesutone when Calibialed befomes ¢ meatine | ch the applet (ove | © Bonded shown Quage es te Safee | These guage oF divectly horeed ov pailed a7 the ape ages Of the Suachwe trne Hey Oo reed 04 bonded § tue have the tyr @ rw wire @ ment be! Semi conduc HL 19 y Ca Scanned by CamScanner © Five wire Shain guage A bee Resshawle wire fn eThs it dene te mevcase Feagth The Feagth of Pag o unger 4s bu buber ob Stren of drameler 0 025 mm whith ben again oad Op te wie so tot it me Tha vetudane wire ij plated bere the frac Canes low, jenka Jo cach Ether Heads ate prowiced ba whih ae Gr meaty ke Kleclartally Connechag Ihe sbaen UCR Wee he stauctiug tcith Change in I > By be appliahen cb [ae 5 bored to the structs) The démension . AS He SBarn guege Shan quege abe vill cardergo henge ” ja dimengen changes the woud with voheatttone brelge length 4 Crease fen + Ths Shain ¢ che yesstane of He Strain Guope © metal [pil sbon gase > The mnclal boil ch oem thick iy predual Using The pod Cocuit Kehnigue Leads oe Commechog the Stern 9% Gach Can be meas foklerca He the mek bol FS cle bu vely cas burned fe mea fennng 4 Se when a Stuuchuy fs Subjected Fe baw | the Stachare Wel dhovge im dumenger AY the guage bonded Fo Struc. the Queg® will undergo Charge beth © Gemilorduckr sewn guog sa xclovgubs fle Siler _plashe — stenorers tel attacked fe Bacring a length 4 Guest han > The Sensing element filament os a wert —e Ths Sersny element a plaike or Stainken Skel pack} = Lecdy One diaen cut [erm the gening clement ber cle bvtally (cnvechivg the Shean guage fea mean devie 20 Scanned by CamScanner Phota devices to (one light enevgy into Gacbuc Crergy vation to fal on & prele The Principle 1S his is done by Causing the vad emenk and measuring The electn’ wectly oF abby Scudable omplifi Sensihwe cal Cayvent So gered with tateon a sensitive galvonometen 4 =r pho Volare ct, usually cenit oh semitordechng Subtle hich 3 generally kelemvm deposited a meat ba whch may be iron and whith acy as ome gy Ihe electrodes « two byt The semifonduchyy Subsione is Covend with & Silver oF go ckposited by thee cepasshen + Vacuum | collectivg electrede « the Semiforduche jntagerte “THE “pris layer alk a a goes yadiant energy (PY upon = when Silver ~ Selenivar eycitey the electrons oh The it dlactrors Acleaed ond (Ollecled of tte (ollecter elector - wy The Gell encloted in heesng eb ensulakng ymakearat and ean electycets ave connected | sheet ay glass The Ie Gu Covered with a cut minaly whch Connect th other park ¢b to. boo ter 2 Scanned by CamScann¢ er Toduchive Transducers ‘ luden Hes bared on the principle ob Change 19 Be Telutlang , The Col whch may pre é a hanfduer Permeability , no op Hens in change 19 the inductone ob Le tA 2 wth 2 A Anca of (re secen 2— length ob fol pam backs Whore RK — Reluclave vy Noroh uns f= Permenbilly Ge Variable delutlone method Consider a Coil wound ec permanent magnet fac. Any Charge 17 the permeane ch magnene Cacuit Catue @ Change In plwe this Change in lax 1 Proportional fe the vellage included in tke (oil. reenact aya Co Ff WLR f—+ IF Consiste off a perrnanent magnet Core The magneke fe i trounced with A Gil Te lermvnaly of te Coil au Connected #* (Fe when a chonge an [yhox ferkes plage -electic impure Cue genesalct | in He CRO: The Cutpuk 6 Calibrated fo read Me Changes + al Linear vasiable clipfeental Tranifsmen. Lvpt fonvery Linear motion into an electoial Signal. Its Lael he meorwing Asplagrent - IF Conse oly A primary winding and feo S8londasy windings which a wound en a Cylindhital [yhmer THE Selondary wnelings have equal nove puns Thee aw placed ideoklatly on ester Sick off Ptimary winding 4 The Primary wi neag is Connected fo an Ac Some A movnbe Core 15 pled inbide the Cylindrviat (ermer 22 Scanned by CamScanner —> L— AC inpub — asa No 2N5 05, a Dis placarrent fonmected fo the Ac Sout prodcced Ove to this The Prmary winding is eMerted ord bene a magnenc pied Wh unduecd in the Gelondary windy magnehe bietd Atal voltage 4 The ipgewnhat output 16 Vo = Ves when the Core is Vs, ord vs, aur equal: SO Ye * The i he owmal position . ual _y when tke Ge is move fo the ght Ob fhe rut poskon mee magnehe (yee Links with Me loindings $y and lew Leith the will be larger than vs, Thesepee Vo *S winding $,- So Vs in phar with Ver ene) postion mae + when the Gres moved 1 the tet ob th ax thon Vs, Then eX _mageens feld bnks With S140 Ys." lay Vo is 19 phate with Vs) ° Vo Ob the Lvar cand iy + The cuttpd vottage giver a meosenc a Mh prysiial postien eb the Cv ued fo measute duplaament [AG and wegnd displacement > ib ® genexally Ht also Ute fo mealwe Vibratows , preseey 23 Scanned by CamScanner % 1h uted fo mecutw the dip lace entnt Preruted by The bo uate gh (108s Sechien ch the * by means of Change in overlap qua fonducheg plates , thicken of the dielecbuc vralemecl cared Ihe diane bekocen the (erduchug plates % Capacitor Const of two Conducking Suryeds Sepesotd by OH dielectric W Me [hm ap Sold, liquid + FH C= ea 4 thowgh He ‘The Change in Capatrlene uy normerlly measured (equeny change in the CfCrilakey Caccut where the Pansduta pdms A honk Cacud (aprotic % The Capaciiowe is daectly pyoporional fo atea ob the plies and inversely proportional ‘to the distante between the plates ‘a veiiahay im la pecito ‘4 bc Gpacter , Ihe digjane # Navaho of “d Causes Concipencn When a bet@ 15 ppled en one plate « behucen the plakes a Acdutal @ incrccred The Chonge cb dstere will Change the Capachawe % Capacteme fangduces Ge Very Serie diyplacement hewdued They cu wequied fe he Hermeally invutited and the Ff ime ching Cables hauc fy be macle @% Smal os powbbe in lengths 24 Scanned by CamScanner 25 Transducers ie medical Applitakous Physital Variable Type Os Trawsd cer o Fore @) preswe 8 , Piezo electic, unbensed Shain geese © Disp late ment Variable R,t,¢ , bvoF © Surface Strain stain guege magrehe Trduchen @ — veleuty © Temporahe stheimofouple , Thermal © ght ' Phole voltaic photo Resibue @ — Magnene [eld atl eect Fore Transducers roe oe \ysstal tueel GA the Conway ers of PM XA design clement feq\eently ") Fonte = Tosrbewent js a kop SPY directed berde member The Conpiguahar 4 Varioble 8 the (oe Sa when ce Yee the [ore Saromnng_mernten uaherr Spring beat clownuasd, 1 eneag an Upwend [hak «3 proporkoral fe the clyplaterneg ob the end oh Sprg 5 appled fe the end ch We seHrg In downwerel ip a (oe h Lpuoad- lnectat (ee E7UAL dnechan, Ike Sperg bends Cink! the dcwnwerd directed apphed (are oe The Jor Seemmug member Con be Ured Fe Convem @ Gove inko a Vadiable fe which bansducrs cue Nacily Ave lable A The bending ob He Spring Sesuily so a Suafede Sern Thal fon | be measwed by means ef bonded Scum guage Za Sbain guages Fee Scanned by CamScanner HR The Hae breamtducer Ubmg dibtuenbal tveanibhmmer is aA Fae ropes | 4 The [pve hansduce wing @ lamp ond phok rmcauwse the dplatemest ob bE Surmmrng rember Mf fo vesish to Probe resist Displaament Transducers Displacement measwement Meant mea Ung the movement of ee point (fem one peihen fe anotnes The weriows benicucers hat axe Seashie fe clspkement ae © Resistante Poterhometers © Pipecnnal Trasapdrrers © Variable Trdvctewe Twrseltders @ (|@patdawe haviduays © Pere eleclsie hevuducens velocity Tyamsducrs Velocity 1 the Yoke ab change % disphtemeat with reIpect fo fine we havc oo typs of velocihes Lneaa # Angular Linear velocity segers te the veloaty ofr G body moving 1” a Ir cueprewid on mnetea per Kfond various Jinan manne typa oh hanyluers ae moveng magnet ype @ Electro magrehe franictuters Tater co @® — oigital heaters © doppler Ebpect trchectaent 26 Scanned by CamScanner Argular velocry 5 mearuud With tachomekys + They Oe Classpied 4 gy mechanilal tochometars ¥) Electrical Fachometars Contactless Fachomeless Acceleration Thantducers time . tre rate ch change velocity wrt Fme is called atColerome ler The Actelerachon, instrament sek fo measug ac@lerahon The Vatiou types ae © rere electuc Accelerometer ® wor Acceleromelea © Seumic puplacenent accelerometer Pressure Nansducvs * These cue closely lated to (er@ hemsducers The [de Sermrng Memmbes Wed in pressive Harsdu@ys ce 4 4 * Pressue hanidues Ghlzng GBF diaphragms hormally hawe bonded oy Semitonducht SGen guage allathed directly fe diephsagns * Flat of Conugated dinphregme have been wet on Baniducers whch Employ the Varian Jeluclae or Vabable Capac, tance ciples # Bowrdor rub henidutes ax Uied fe high prciiae guage, 4 The cmcunr of defdmaten of fhe (AE Stmmeng member Ina pressure Bansduay actvelly ce pends on ty dipfauene on the pring Between the Hee Sikes of chaphsegmy * Ib Absolute pretiae 15 to be mecued , Ihre must be @ Vacuum on one Side Of the diaphragm 41s Comman fo Meatue Me premue selative to atmospheric — Prewene by |xposrg one Seb Of Diaphragm Wy atmosphere 27 Scanned by CamScanner Pulse Sensors oo * Each fre heart muscle conte, ood Cecked bom the Venta clay - Contequenty , a pulve Press i Geum thet Macugh Ihe Cireularyy Syste % Ths pelle (aues venel -wall displacement While brewe ting favo the visels. The displacement iS meaiwease at Various poing of the periphaat Circulatory System * The pulse Sensing Can be done by placng berger Hip cue the Radial arkay a wrist or Some other [otahen whee an Grkag is Suit belewo the Spin * The pulle pietiee Gon be meaitued by vasious lsemsdiens ay © photo electve patie Craniducr © Prere electre Arteria pulse yelepher © Stew guage pull beamschucer © fhoto electric Aelee transducer. Putsalie Hood vokime Changes ee detected by photo slectve method wing Preto yesistovs. The methods und Oe © Tranimittane oetted | 6 Ref ec hance m€ thed OTiantmitianwe meted It has a minialwe lamp and photo yest mounted in an enclesune which [les OV The Hip ob Seviects binges Light & bawimitted though the piager he ob the patient's frnget ond the VOsukanle pholo yeSsta detoumined by the arouat of light Yeachng — phelo Ysiste te resist j ( rr Lamp = Glocd 5 fed fo the ente mbes and the amount dy blocd er inkrcases With “tach fonbachen ob héeant | 28 Scanned by CamScanner = This alley opkial density and Consequently the lant bromsmnss Trough He (ginger Aedes Cnet acedingly the restore of the photo vessh inceasey the photo resist is a pork oh & Voltage d voltege Varies with He amount of ivider Gacudd wihich, Produas a voltaye » The Bload 19 the binger WPS vottage clesely —fpllbus the pute prctivee ore! ceo ig wane Shape (an be lorcet of duplayed or ® Replactare method photo Yesiib. fo the excites. larnp only The pheto wesistet as plated ad iatent ve(locked and x post of Ughh yoys, emilled by the lamp , is SCaltered fem the Sen ¢ hssua 6 mack fe Lol On photo Yesisha “+ The blecd scatunatin oh the Ceupittavies Geleumve th quanhly of bghr xplected “The yesstane ch phele yesuke varies due to the above wr The vothage aGes He photo vesiter ehh & fernected & vetage divider , Vanes on) propinher IN volume charges ef bloc veils of tke body eb the Jubsect @ Piero electric Arterial Pie Peeples Piezo Oe 4 It Consisth of Piezeclecte Ciyital twhich is Subectt fo fhe displacement Stress is bamintled fo Yubbu daphsagm The pale presiwe ware form fo E Ct, r€lorder clamped 10 ce Sealed Capsule fhe Gyslal Hough Sebt w The diiplacemcat vetorded bY Connecting tke Crysiel # Tre Volume olf bleed in finger, Veries Cause Change in Se ob Wig sprese Changes Me bareens mn pressure - waviaows ia the ain (chimn mide Ihe plashe Herbig. during Cardiac (yeh whith Hed 29 Scanned by CamScanner a piero electic bantduer Convent # AE tke end ob tie tube bial Signal This Clecbital Signed is The presiure Charges te eee ampli fed and displayed © sb. velorded, Gauge Pulse Transducer. Fecley Pio show Gaug * Displamment of the vewel wall is trowspeud fe Sern onduc ht P Sbenn guage by means oh a fecler pin ant o leah Spry ly allached fo the leaf Sprny on “The Stew guage ivml fone Side ard fo @ler pro op the othersce leaf. - adcund He [vole pin Ob the traniducy Yelps 10 — ore ri Oh ontduca te Subjects Sen - —> The thawduar outptct Yeung is | | meni mizing the 1nleafseuene (ound by unsteadmets 6 fp cxpplitectesn, Gomv (cd ot om dibplotement 30 Scanned by CamScanner Respiration Senior Tissues Yee owygen ond given Away Co, on Te vespnaher, Systm. ‘The breathing then is Contyolled by muscle, ather, Causing volume of lung fe intwcore and deocae te achieve Ne CL precae and fenshve (onto of the Content cf coy +" arterial blood » we Wave Fu ty pes © Soin garye type Cheret Trowsducer ny resprakey cycle > Thorertir volume Change 6 obseaved This is Served by rant qh & duplocmcant berniducey ith the help of Strcuny quaye adcund tke Chest > The stan, — fin elashe band hokts the baniduces the yesislante Changes of VeSpiratory movement YesUlh oe one con of bulge guage reli 5 Cenncctod fe Caut =F The olp Wollage Up bridge owes wath Chat exponen Uni giv Signal Concpordeg Fe MSprohry cxctivly op Suboed @ Therenvttor bated Transducer % dunng respivahan there a ce diplerne 1 Fern postu Inspired cd expired Ga Thu 1 Sense by uefoeg CC Pham sink plated 1 [fork ob reibuls Ging holding kei A th the dibpence 19 kemperaluce cf cubside arr ond that of Pp" inshally nealed feo Surtable Air i Sereatt, thernster can be yesutere mm Synchrondm ch ef Slam 1 | | the vewietion ef 4 fempoatwe ard as a vesulh of CoOlng © the woth vespiration tate, Je athieved with hermit ciisipahont oh about by placing @& wotlage dividing Cacuit or na Sew % Ths Gn be fo as mw Yonge, budge Cacuit whete Unbabn@ Signal gives yespinaliry Sige 31 Scanned by CamScanner Tromsdueys with “Digital output nn # BMT Systems Ae ublizng digntat Methods eh procening whith yequire that ony data entered into the System Ch data be in digital yather than in analog bom * Avaleg bo digital converters Can be used bo Convert an analeg | { bansduc, oufpar inte Aignal [ém - vray (Jom Uses entoding 4 Tre frantduce whose oUlfpet 10 ag thed on glass ples dises with digital pattern , photogrephiially © gal ps Photog yephitally photo cletectors. Oe UK bo that indifates the clesplaceneol % A light Soue and an assay oh rat In parcillel Lorne oblacn a dightal Sg pla ond ther by yepreseny Ihe pesihen of) enceelng being measured « 32 Scanned by CamScanner

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