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Dr. Jasmine Lall

1. Chronic Complication in Diabetics mellitus type-II occurs around

A. 5 years of onset

B. 10 years of onset

C. 15 years of onset

D. 20 years of onset

2. Earliest dyslipidemia to occur in a case of diabetes is

A. Raised LDL

B. Raised Tg

C. Reduce HOL

D. All occur together

3. Legacy effect is related to which of the diabetes complication? (PNQ)

A. Cardiovascular

B. Renal

C. Neuropathy

D. Retinopathy

4. A 40-year-old male patient is suffering from type II diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Which of
the following antihypertensive drugs should not be used in such patients? (AIIMS May 2016)

A. Lisinopril

B. Hydrochlorothiazide

C. Losartan

D. Trandolapril

5. Treatment goal for blood pressure in an adult abet

A. <140/<90

B. <130/<80
C. <120/<80

D. <125/<75

6. Which of the following drug acts on PPAR gamma receptors? (AIIMS May 2016)

A. Losartan

B. Telmisartan

C. Perindopril

D. None of the above

7. A patient has TODM diagnosed at age of 15 years. The most reliable indicator for diabetic
nephropathy is (NEET 2015)

A. Urine albumin >30 mg per day in 3 consecutive samples

B. Urinary protein >S50 mg per day for 3 consecutive samples

C. Development of diabetic retinopathy

D. Hematuria

8. Seroglitazaar acts on which receptor? (PNQ)

A. PPAR Alpha

B. PPAR Gamma

C. Both

D. None

9. A 50 yr old male with type 2 diabetes mellitus is found to have 24 hr urinary albumin of 250 mg.
Which of the following drugs may be used to retard progression of renal disease: (AIIMS Nov 2015)

A. Hydrochlorothiazide

B. Enalapril

C. Amiloride

D. Aspirin

10. The most characteristic finding in diabetic nephropathy is: (NEET 2017)

A. Diffuse glomerulosclerosis
B. Nodular glomerulosclerosis

C. Armani-Ebstein reaction

D. Fibrin caps

11. Earliest feature of diabetic nephropathy

A. Enlarge kidney size

B. Raise GFR

C. Raise serum K

D. Microalbuminuria

12. 60-year-old man with a history of diabetes complains of gradual diminution of vision. Which of
the following will be the most important investigation in this case7 (AIIMS May 2014)

A. S. Creatinine

B. S. Homocystine


D. QuantiFERON TB gold

13. Which electrolyte imbalance can occur in a diabetic patient with normal blood urea & serum

A. Hyperkalemia

B. Hypokalemia

C. Hypernatremia

D. Hypocalcemia

14. In diabetic patient fundus examination should be checked how frequently? (AIIMS May 2014)

A. 6 Months

B. 1 year

C. 2 years

D. 5 years
15. A 45-year man is diagnosed with diabetes at his present visit for the first time. when should he
visit an ophthalmologlst: - (AIIMS May 2014)

A. On his 50th birthday

B. When dimness of vision starts

C. Before his 50th birthday

D. Immediately at time of diagnosis

16. Which of the following monoclonal antibody is being used in the treatment of diabetic

A. Tocilizumab

B. Etanercept

C. Ranibizumab

D. Rituximab

17. Risk factor for diabetes foot is:

A. Male

B. Callus formation

C. Diabetes >10 year

D. All of the above

18. The most common presentation of diabetic neuropathy is: (NEET 2016)

A. Amyotrophy

B. Mononeuropathy

C. Symmetrical sensory neuropathy

D. Autonomic neuropathy

19. All are used in painful diabetic neuropathy, EXCEPT:

A. Phenytoin

B. Local use of capsaicin cream

C. Dextroamphetamine

D. Amitripty|ine

20. Duloxetine is used for (PNQ)

A. Painful neuropathy

B. Sensory neuropathy

C. Cranial neuropathy

D. Autonomic neuropathy

21. Frequency of the tuning fork use for vibration sense is? (NEET 20Z6)

A. 128

B. 256

C. 512

D. 1024

22. Third nerve palsy with normal pupillary reaction is seen in which condition. (NEET 2016)

A. Aneurysm

B. Diabetes

C. Trauma

D. Raised ICT

23. Sohan, a 30-yr-old male, a known case of type 1 diabetes presents with failure to pass urine. He
also complaints of feeling dizzy on sudden standing from supine position. What is the problem with
him ?



C. Autonomic neuropathy

D. B/L Ureteric stone

24. Drug used for DM gastropathy (NEET 2018)

A. Erythromycin

B. Sulpha drug

C. Tetracycline
D. Ranitidine

25. Hypoglycemic unawareness that occurs In diabetic patients when transferred from oral
hypoglycemics to insulin, Is due to (AIIMS Nov 2025)

A. Autonomic neuropathy

B. Insulin resistance

C. Lipodystrophy

D. Somogyi phenomenon

26. Which of the following drug is used In the treatment of postural hypotension? (AIIMS Nov 2014)

A. Midodrine

B. Fludrocortisone

C. Octreotide

D. All of the above

27. Which of the following drug is not used in erectile dysfunction? (AIIMS Nov 2015)

A. Phenylephrine

B. Apomorphine

C. Yohimbine


28. Intensive management of diabetes is needed all except: (AIIMS May 2015)

A. Autonomic neuropathy causing postural hypotension

B. Pregnancy

C. Post kidney transplant in diabetic nephropathy

D. DM with acute MI

29. Life threatening complications of diabetes mellitus are all except: (AIIMS May 2016)

A. Malignant otitis externa

B. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis
C. Emphysematous pyelonephritis

D. Emphysematous appendicitis

30. Scleredema is seen in (NEET 2017)


B. Grave disease

C. Diabetes

D. Hypothyroid

31. Epalrestat is a (PNQ)

A. Lipid lowering agent

B. Anti hypertensive drug

C. Anti diabetic drug

D. None of the above

32. Kumamoto trial revealed relation of diabetes with which of the following2 (AIIMS Nov 20i8)

A. Acute complication

B. Microvascular complication

C. Hypoglycemia

D. None of the above

33. Most common oral infection in diabetes mellitus:

A. Candida

B. Aspergillus

C. Streptococcus

D. Staphylococcus

34. Foot Ulcers in diabetic are due to all except?

A. Decreased immunity

B. Neuropathy
C. Microangiopathy

D. Macroangiopathy

35. Chances of blindness in diabetic patient as compared to non-diabetic patient is? |NEET 2017)

A. 5 times

B. 10 times

C. 15 times

D. 25 times

36. A diabetes mellitus patient presents with fungal infection of sinuses and peri-orbital region with
significant visual impairment. Best treatment among following is?

A. Amphotericin B

B. ltraco n ai ole

C. Ketocon azole

D. Broad spectrum antibiotics

37. Consider 2 patients with Atherosclerosis, one is diabetic, and other is non—diabetic. When
compared to non-diabetic, diabetic patient has 100 times increased risk of: (JIPMER 2Ot7)

A. Myocardial infraction

B. Stroke

C. Lower limb ischemia

D. Vertebro basilar insulliciency

38. Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum is most marked on: (NEET 2017)

A. Forearms

B. Face

C. Pre-tibial

D. Sole of foot

39. Dose if insulin in diabetic nephropathy?

A. Insufin dose should be increased inpatient with ESRD

B. Insulin dose should be decreased inpatient with ESRD

C. Insulin dose not need change in ESRD

D. Add inhaled insulin to conventional administration

40. Alirocumab is a drug for treatment of (PNQ}

A. Diabetes Nephropathy

B. Diabetes Retinopathy

C. Hyperlipidemia

D. Diabetic neuropathy

41. Microalbuminuria refers to urinary albumin excretion rate of: (NEET 2017)

A. 30-300 mg/24 hour

B. 400 600 mg/24 hour

C. 700-900 mg/24 hour

D. >100 mg/24 hour

42. Diabetes mellitus patients presents with HbA1Cof 9.6%. All improve with tight glycemic control

A. Neuropathy

B. Nephropathy

C. Retinopathy

D. Peripheral vascular disease

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