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1) Complete the following sentences using the third conditional:

If I had won (win) the lottery, I would have bought (buy) a house

If you had studied (study) for the test, you would have passed (pass) it.

If she had asked (ask) me, I would have helped (help) her.

We would have seen (see) my friend Jacob if we had gone (go) to the cinema.

If you had spoken (speak) English, she would have (understand).

We woulds have been (be) home earlier if they had listened (listen) to me.

I would have written (write) you a postcard if I had had (have) your address.

If I had not broken (not / break) my leg, I would have taken (take) part in the contest.

If it had not started (not/ start) to rain, we would have walked (walk) to the museum.

We would have swum (swim) in the sea if there had not been (not / be) so many

sharks there.

If I had seen (see) my aunt, I would have told(tell) her the news.

You would have learned (learn) Chinese if you had stayed (stay) longer in China.

If he had saved (save) some money, he would have traveled (travel) to Mendoza last


2) Match the two parts of the sentences.

If you had studied medicine // if you had asked // if you hadn't told them // she wouldn't have

been so tired // if my alarm clock had gone off // they wouldn't have had so many problems //

you wouldn't have been so stressed at the last minute

I wouldn't have overslept if my alarm clock had gone off.

If she had gone to bed earlier, she wouldn't have been so tired.

I could have lent you the money if you hadn't told them.

They wouldn’t have found out if you had asked.

You could have been a doctor if you had studied medicine.

If you'd been more organized, you wouldn't have been so stressed at the last minute.

If they’d taken my advice, they wouldn't have had so many problems.

3) Choose the correct form to make third conditional sentences:

● If you had told me that you were having problems, I would have helped you.

Would help

Had helped

Would have helped

● If I had known that she was in town, I would have called her.

Had known

Would known

Have known

● If she had offered a better price for the car, I would have bought it.

Had bought

Would have buy

Would have bought

● There wouldn't have been so many problems if they had organized the race a

bit better.

Would have organized

Had organized


● We Wouldn't have got lost if you had asked for directions.

Wouldn't have got

Hadn't got

Wouldn't get

• If Mary Would not have missed the train, she would have seen her friend.

Would not have missed

Had not missed

Have not missed

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