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Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI)

Press Statement

For the

24th November 2023

Statement on violence in the capital

The Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI) is alarmed by the organised violence,
intimidation, looting and vandalism that broke out on the streets of the capital on the 23rd
November 2023. More horrifying were voice notes circulated online with open calls for
foreign nationals to be killed. MASI is appalled by the attacks on children, their teachers, and
the vilification of the the Algerian community as well as all foreign nationals who call Ireland
home. No human being is responsible for the actions of another, even if it is their twin. Our
thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this horror who are hospitalised and their loved

As asylum seekers, we are acutely aware of the horrific nature of being targeted with
violence for being who you are. Thus the intimidation of asylum seekers and staff in Direct
Provision centres and emergency Direct Provision centres evokes fear amongst people who
came to Ireland seeking protection as per international human rights law. This intimidation is
not new. We have seen it years back in Donegal where a hotel earmarked to house asylum
seekers was torched. We have seen in Rooskey where there was an attempt to burn
another hotel for same reason. More recently, we have seen it when tents and belongings of
homeless asylum seekers were set on fire outside the International Protection Office in
Dublin. When the perpetrators of such violence, who are an acute minority, get away with it
without consequences, they become emboldened.

MASI calls on the government to do its constitutional duty: to protect people, property and
maintain public order. That is the minimum expected in any functioning society. Further, the
segregation of asylum seekers in this case is putting them at serious risk of being targeted.
The government must let the Irish public know how it intends to prevent this and counter the
threat of far-right organised violence who have demonstrated a capacity to cause the level of
chaos and damage seen in Dublin last night in such a short period of time.


About MASI - the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland is a grassroots organisa on based in
Ireland. We are people who are or have been in the asylum and direct provision system in Ireland,
working and advoca ng together for jus ce, freedom and dignity for refugees, asylum seekers and
migrants. Our focus is on the Right to Educa on and the Right to Work for all people seeking asylum,
on the complete aboli on of direct provision and an end to deporta ons.

Media Enquiries: Bulelani Mfaco - +353 89 474 2911




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