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Literature review:

The literature surrounding SC Johnson unveils a narrative of a venerable

company, deeply rooted in history yet dynamically navigating the complexities
of the contemporary consumer goods landscape. Spanning over 130 years,
SC Johnson emerges as a family-owned enterprise, currently led by Fisk
Johnson, the fifth-generation scion of the Johnson family. The company,
headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, stands as a leading manufacturer in the
household consumer goods sector, offering a diverse array of products
ranging from car care and pest control to air care, home cleaning, and
personal care.
Central to SC Johnson's identity are the guiding principles encapsulated in
"This We Believe," a document formalized by Sam Johnson in 1976, which
continues to steer the company through its multifaceted interactions. These
principles underscore a commitment to goodwill, ethical leadership, and
sustainability across various spheres, including employee relations, product
development, and community engagement. The sincerity of these beliefs is
reflected in the company's dedication to environmental responsibility, with a
focus on developing and marketing products that are both environmentally
sound and safe for consumers.
The organizational structure of SC Johnson mirrors its commitment to global
excellence. Led by Fisk Johnson, the CEO, the company operates with a
hierarchy of senior VPs overseeing distinct departments, each contributing to
the realization of SC Johnson's global strategy. Notably, the company's
leadership hierarchy ensures strategic alignment, with executive
representatives from various departments actively participating in shaping the
company's future during annual meetings at the global headquarters.
The literature review also highlights the integral role of SC Johnson's board of
directors, a diverse group of accomplished leaders providing counsel since
1932. Their collective experience adds significant value to the management
team, contributing to the future vitality of the company and upholding its
commitment to ethical business practices.
SC Johnson's multifaceted approach to marketing is another focal point in the
literature. The company employs a range of techniques, including social
media campaigns, billboards, digital media, brand awareness initiatives, and
product launch campaigns. Notably, the success of campaigns for brands like
Glade® and Ziploc® at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity underscores
the effectiveness of these strategies in not only boosting revenue but also
solidifying brand loyalty.
As I synthesize the literature surrounding SC Johnson, a comprehensive
understanding emerges of a company that transcends conventional business
paradigms. Rooted in enduring principles, committed to sustainability, and
strategically navigating the complexities of the market, SC Johnson stands as
a testament to the fusion of tradition and innovation in the dynamic world of
consumer goods. This literature review sets the stage for an in-depth
exploration of the company's ethos, strategies, and impact on a global scale.

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