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Niyamath Nazeer
3rd Year
Shift 2
List of Values
Generous Honest Balance Persistence

Helpful Sincere Calm Forgiving

Humble Patience Compassion Empathy

Modest Tolerance Resilience Bravery

Justice Adaptability Independence Consideration

Trustworthy Contentment Respectful Kind

Calm Originality Mindful Reflective

Focus Consistency Cooperation Acceptance

Simplicity Stability Gratitude Dedication

Unity Selfless Wisdom Confidence

10 Values that are important to me

These are the 10 values that I think are important. Of course, there are plenty of

other values and it was a difficult task to choose just ten because every value is

necessary to be inculcated into our own lives. Nevertheless, I have picked out

these ten as I believe these will allow us to stay true to ourselves and others. I

will go through each of these values.

1. Gratitude

I believe it is absolutely important to be grateful with what we have in our lives.

Focusing on all the good things in our life to be grateful for despite going through

hardships in life will help us realize that life isn’t as bad as we thought it to be.

There are so many things we have been blessed with that we often take for

granted. Appreciating even the little things gives us a great sense of happiness

and peace of mind and it changes our perspective of how we view the world. One

thing Ive realized Im truly grateful for is:

I am grateful to live and not just survive

This realization hit me like a truck and I haven’t been the same since. Being

blessed with beautiful parents and growing up in a loving home is something to

be grateful for. Having food to eat and roof over our heads is something to be

grateful for. Being able to talk, walk, see, hear and feel are things to be grateful

for. Simply existing and being able to appreciate the beautiful creations of God is

something to be grateful for. Being grateful truly helps us look at the bigger


2. Compassion

I believe compassion is very important because it plays a significant role in both

individual and societal well-being. When we are compassionate toward one

another, it creates a sense of trust, safety, and mutual support, which is essential
for healthy relationships. It is both helpful for the receiver as it brings them ease

and removes difficulties or suffering and also the one being compassionate

because it will lead to a sense of fulfilment and happiness, contributing to one's

overall well-being.

3. Humility

Humility is important because it cultivates an open and receptive mindset.

Nobody is perfect and we all have flaws. But these flaws are exactly what makes

us human. Humility encourages us to acknowledge these limitations and

imperfections, while at the same time creating a willingness to learn from others

and our own mistakes.

Being humble allows us to have beautiful relationship with those around us as

well as with ourselves. There is a lot of personal growth and development

involved when we choose to be humble. In a world where arrogance and ego can

hinder progress, humility serves as a grounding force that promotes

understanding and cooperation.

4. Modesty

Although it may seem closely related to humility, it appears to me that modesty

is the opposite of showing off. Arrogance and excessive pride are two dangerous

things that prevent us from growing and learning. This is why it is important to

always remain modest.

Another thing is to be modest despite our achievements and success.

Remembering we didn’t make it all on our own and received help from God,

family and friends to fulfil our goals is important. Not only does it humble us but

also gains the respect and appreciation of others.

5. Honesty

Being honest is what all relationship are based upon. It leads to the development

of trust between us and others. It allows for clear and open communication,

fostering a sense of reliability and integrity. Honesty is not only a moral virtue

but a practical one, as it simplifies interactions and decision-making. When

people are honest, it leads to accountability and credibility, and ultimately, it

creates a more trustworthy and cooperative environment where individuals can

thrive and communities can prosper.

Being honest with ourselves is also important. Often times we find ourselves

denying our own feelings and trying to convince ourselves otherwise which only

leads to feelings of discomfort and stress. Letting ourselves be honest with our

feelings will help go a long way in life.

6. Justice

Justice is important because it ensures fairness and equality within society. It

seeks to uphold the rights of individuals and tries to rectify the wrongs. Without

justice, there is chaos and inequality, which erode trust and social cohesion. It
provides a moral compass and a sense of security, encouraging people to follow

the rules and behave ethically. In essence, justice creates a stable and harmonious

environment where everyone has the opportunity to live with dignity and respect,

underpinning the very foundations of a just and equitable society.

7. Helpful

Having a helpful mind-set where we are willing to reach out to people

altruistically without expecting any form of benefit in return is an important value

to uphold. Being self-less and helping others empathetically is beautiful as it leads

to the formation of beautiful relationships with those around us. It gives both

parties happiness reminding us that we are social beings and derive contentment

from being there for each other.

8. Thoughtful

I believe being thoughtful is another important value everyone needs to uphold

because in today’s world, it appears as though people are only concerned about

themselves without any regard for others. This selfishness is dangerous as it

destroys a major foundation of society. Caring for others and being considerate

on the other hand is a noble thing to do. Prioritizing others’ comfort over our own

and willing to make small sacrifices is beautiful. Being thoughtful encourages us

to be more aware of our surroundings, more empathetic and kind overall.

9. Contentment

Being content is a value we need in order to have a peaceful mind and life. Often

times we compare ourselves to others and are jealous for the things they have and

we don’t but wish we had. It leads to feelings of jealousy and hatred towards other

people. These feelings will lead to downfall of no one but ourselves. Being

content, on the other hand, lets us appreciate what we have and be satisfied.

10. Focus

It is important to stay focused in life, focused on the right things. It may be our

goals, our plans, our productivity, our relationships etc. But it is important to stay

focused and not get distracted by things that will waste our time or hold us back

from reaching our full potential.

Values and Healthy Relationships
It is important to maintain healthy relationships because it is a source of

happiness, comfort and security for every human being. A healthy relationship

is one in which there is genuine care and affection for one another. It is based on

mutual trust and unconditional love. There is open communication between the

people in a healthy relationship and it is a safe space for the people involved.

Building a healthy relationship and then maintaining it is of utmost importance.

It takes two to keep the relationship healthy where both sides have their needs

met. Some of the values required to be followed are:

1. Respect

2. Honesty

3. Trustworthiness

4. Compassion

5. Kindness

6. Forgiving

Every kind of relationship requires that people have respect for themselves as

well as the other person. Having respect implies that you treat them in an

honourable way, speaking in a way that does not drag them down and fulfilling

their rights. As mentioned before, relationships are based on trust. It is important

for the people to trust each other for a relationship to be considered healthy. And

for this, we are required to be honest with them and have good communication
instead of lying, deceiving, gas-lighting and manipulating them. It is also

necessary that we understand everybody makes mistakes sometimes and forgive

certain shortcomings and excuse them for it. Likewise, being forgiven for

something wrong that we do also strengthens the relationship. Similarly, being

compassionate and kind to each other has the same effect.

Our Responsibility towards Environment
As humans, we have been utilizing the resources available in the environment to

develop as a civilization since the beginning of time. In today’s world where we

have reached the peak of development and continue to increase at an accelerated

rate, it is evident that the resources are being exhausted at an alarming rate. This

is a great concern as the availability of resources for the future generation is

doubtful. This is due to the irresponsible usage of the current population.

Our responsibility towards the environment is paramount. We are the stewards of

this planet, and it's our duty to protect and preserve it for future generations. This

responsibility involves reducing our carbon footprint, conserving resources, and

minimizing pollution. By making sustainable choices in our daily lives and

supporting initiatives that prioritize environmental well-being, we can mitigate

the impact of climate change and safeguard the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Recognizing our role in the health of the planet is not just an obligation but an

opportunity to create a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence with nature.

Therefore, following are some key values with regards to the environment

 Respect for nature

 Simplicity

 Sustainability

 Preparedness

 Harmony
Our Responsibility towards Society

Responsibility towards society involves actively engaging in efforts to address

social issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination. It means

volunteering, supporting charitable causes, and advocating for positive change.

Moreover, it entails treating others with kindness, empathy, and respect, fostering

inclusive and supportive relationships that contribute to a harmonious society.

Additionally, we have a collective responsibility to uphold the principles of

justice and equity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or

circumstances, has equal opportunities and access to resources. This might

involve advocating for policies that promote fairness and working towards a more

just and inclusive society.

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