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Brooke Barlow

Ms. Smith

ENG 2010

September 17th, 2023

Tech Autobiography: Analyzing My Inner Viewer

I felt anticipation begin to build knowing that she would be home soon. I only saw her for

a limited amount of time every night. This was our time. My mom worked two full-time jobs to

provide for my older sister and me. As she was a single mom, it left us with little quality time

together. Exhausted from her day, our time consisted of us lying in bed while watching various

movies and television shows before falling asleep. These moments that might seem mundane to

some were special to me. Without TV I wonder what our time would have looked like.

While my mom was at work my older sister and I would have our own movie day. My

little seven-year-old body would struggle to keep up as we walked to the nearest grocery store.

After we had enough candy to suffice our gluttonous needs, we made our way to Blockbuster.

Roaming up and down the aisles I would search for a movie that would be adventurous enough

to justify my tired legs. We would then eat our treats, and I would be whisked away to some

exciting place through the screen on our television.

I wake up as an adult at the age of 25. The TV is on before I have even finished my

morning coffee. I take breaks in my viewings only for school, outdoor activities, and work. Yes,

that’s right. Despite knowing medical doctors have said it is unhealthy, I keep it on even as I

sleep. There is comfort in the background noise as I drift off to bed. I contemplate how those

nostalgic moments with my family may have turned into bad habits.
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Netflix and other platforms allow me to indulge these habits with no time constraint.

Instead of waiting each week for a new episode to air, I can watch any show old or new at any

time. One after another time goes by. Those Blockbuster memories have now been replaced by

every movie at my fingertips to purchase online. There is really no need to ever again leave the

house to watch a movie.

I do not watch much with my family anymore. However, my mom and I still bond

through talking about new shows and movies. When one of us views a movie or show the other

may enjoy watching, we pick up the phone with our suggestion. We discuss the screen writes,

special effects, purpose, and actors. We must not be the only ones to do this.

Many discussions come from what we watch through those boxes on our walls.

Television can even help society navigate conversations on gender, race, sexuality, and many

other topics. The movie Barbie (2023) comes to mind. Greta Gerwig’s film allows its viewers to

talk more openly about struggles women face. Has this power behind film always pushed people

into more critical thinking?

Hollywood has been known to create influential movies throughout its history. It has also

perpetuated many stereotypes through misrepresentations. There are more female empowered

movies today, but many movies with a female protagonist have still been based around a woman

falling in love with man. As a child I remember being enamored with the female protagonist

finally winning over the male character and how Disney princesses looked the part as prince

charming saved the day. It almost made me feel as if my whole existence was based around

finding a man. Perhaps this ideology still affects me today. I know I am not alone. Do those who

make these films consider the weight of what they produce?

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That black box that springs to life the minute I turn it on is not magic. There are people

who create the technology behind it. There are the actors, producers, directors, and screen writers

that all play a part to bring me my entertainment. I do not tend to give them much thought as a

viewer until I am frustrated waiting for the next season of my favorite show. The writer’s strike

has put a stall in the next issue of Severance (2022-) on Apple TV. Then I begin to remember

those who make it. I am not watching my entertainment in a vacuum. Many people work hard

within their creative capabilities to share with society.

There are many ways that this piece of technology molded parts of me. Bad habits to

wonderful connections, television is in my life to stay. Maybe a few less hours a day may be of

benefit. I can improve by being more mindful of its ramifications on myself and others. There

will never be a stop to the phone calls with my mom excited to tell her about the latest must-


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