Tutorial Week 6

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Examine whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The Utilitarian justification for capital punishment is that in order for the society to
reform it needs to eliminate threatening individuals in the community.

2. According to Aristotle, as moral virtues were habits, they could not be taught but could
only be learned by living according to them.

3. According to Aristotle, moral value was a purely private matter and not related to how
people interacted with one another in the community.

4. The Deontological ethical theory is one that makes judgments about the morality of
actions based on the ends, purposes, or consequences of the actions.

5. Ethical relativists claim that cultures ultimately share the same basic ethical principles.

6. Ethical relativists argue that, because all moral values are relative to cultural or
individual choice, no universally valid moral principles can be applied for all human

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