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Thunderbird Commands

Thunderbird issued the following commands during the POP3 interaction:

- `UIDL`: Requests the server to list all mails in the inbox of

`` along with unique identifiers.
- `DELE 1`, `DELE 2`, `DELE 3`: Instructs the server to delete the mails with
the specified unique identifiers.
- `RETR 4`: Requests the server to retrieve the content of the fourth mail in the

After Thunder Bird loaded a mail to's inbox, the server's log
looks like this:

[19:05:15.029] [worker-1] [INFO ] r.e.t.POP3Handler:59 - Client connected:

[19:05:15.030] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:66 - >>: +OK Test Mail
[19:05:15.036] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: CAPA
[19:05:15.037] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
[19:05:15.037] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: USER
[19:05:15.040] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
[19:05:17.370] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: PASS
[19:05:17.371] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
[19:05:17.385] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: STAT
[19:05:17.387] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK 4 1436
[19:05:17.389] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: LIST
[19:05:17.389] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
1 357
2 357
3 357
4 365
[19:05:17.390] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: UIDL
[19:05:17.390] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
1 20231115132058121.msg
2 20231115140959481.msg
3 20231124190243550.msg
4 20231124190501328.msg
[19:05:17.390] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: DELE 1
[19:05:17.391] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
[19:05:17.391] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: DELE 2
[19:05:17.391] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
[19:05:17.392] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: DELE 3
[19:05:17.392] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
[19:05:17.393] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: RETR 4
[19:05:17.396] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK 365
Message-ID: 1700827501.283877-ABC@here
Date: Fri Nov 24 19:05:01 2023
MIME-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Schwimmende Mohre Mail Client
Content-Language: en-US
From: AAA@here
Subject: Sample Subject
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Another sample paragraph

[19:05:17.410] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:111 - <<: QUIT
[19:05:17.412] [worker-1] [DEBUG] r.e.t.POP3Handler:317 - >>: +OK
[19:05:17.413] [worker-1] [INFO ] r.e.t.POP3Handler:76 - Client disconnected:

3. Server Responses

3.1 UIDL Command

The server responded to the `UIDL` command with a list of unique identifiers and
corresponding mail indexes:
1 20231115132058121.msg
2 20231115140959481.msg
3 20231124190243550.msg
4 20231124190501328.msg

3.2 DELE Commands

For each `DELE` command, the server acknowledged the deletion:

- `DELE 1`: `+OK`

- `DELE 2`: `+OK`
- `DELE 3`: `+OK`

3.3 RETR Command

The `RETR 4` command resulted in the server sending the content of the fourth

+OK 365
Message-ID: 1700827501.283877-iluv@here
Date: Fri Nov 24 19:05:01 2023
MIME-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Schwimmende Mohre Mail Client
Content-Language: en-US
From: iluv@here
Subject: Sample Subject
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Another sample paragraph


4. Replication of Thunderbird Commands

To replicate Thunderbird's actions:

- Use the `UIDL` command to obtain the list of mails and their unique identifiers.
- Issue `DELE` commands for the mails to be deleted.
- Use `RETR` command to retrieve the content of a specific mail.

5. Implementation Details

5.1 UIDL Implementation

In the POP3 module, the `UIDL` command is implemented to provide a unique

identifier for each email in the user's inbox. The server responds to the `UIDL`
command with a list of unique identifiers, associating each identifier with a specific
email in the user's mailbox.

5.2 DELE Implementation

The `DELE` command is implemented to handle the deletion of emails from the
user's inbox. When the server receives a `DELE` command along with the index
of the email to be deleted, it marks the corresponding email as deleted. The
acknowledgment of the deletion is then sent to the client.

5.3 RETR Implementation

The `RETR` command implementation allows the client to retrieve the content of
a specific email. When the server receives a `RETR` command along with the
index of the email, it sends back the content of the requested email to the client.

5.4 Replication Process

To replicate Thunderbird's actions, the client can issue the following commands:

1. `UIDL`: Retrieve the list of unique identifiers for emails in the user's inbox.
2. `DELE <index>`: Mark specific emails for deletion based on their index.
3. `RETR <index>`: Retrieve the content of a particular email for viewing or
further processing.
The server responds accordingly, providing acknowledgment for deletions and
supplying the requested email content for retrieval.

5.5 Classification and File Writing

The Classifier class is employed to classify each email based on its content.
The Separator class is used to extract subject information from the message.
The write_down method writes the message content to a file in the specified
directory based on classification.
FileManager Class

1. Implementation of FileManager Class

The `FileManager` class is designed to manage the directory structure for saving
mail messages.

2. Implementation Details

2.1 Directory Structure Initialization (`initdir` method)

- The `initdir` method is a static method responsible for creating the initial
directory structure for a user's mailbox.
- It iterates through the predefined `DirectoryList` (['Inbox', 'Important',
'Project', 'Work', 'Spam']) and creates corresponding directories within the
`SaveDirectory` for the specified user.
- The directory structure is designed to organize emails into different categories.

2.2 Getting User Directory (`get_user_dir` method)

- The `get_user_dir` method is a static method that returns the path to the
user's main directory within the `SaveDirectory`.
- It takes the user as a parameter and constructs the path based on the
`SaveDirectory` and user name.

3. The `FileManager` class is designed to be used in conjunction with a mail client

to organize and save emails based on their categories. The process is as follows:

1. Initialization of Directory Structure (`initdir` method):

- When a new user is created or when initializing the mail client for a user, the
`initdir` method is called.
- This method ensures that the required directory structure exists for the user
within the `SaveDirectory`.
- Each category directory ('Inbox', 'Important', 'Project', 'Work', 'Spam') is
created if it doesn't already exist.

2. Getting User Directory (`get_user_dir` method):

- When retrieving or saving emails for a user, the `get_user_dir` method is
used to obtain the path to the user's main directory.
- This path is then used as a base for constructing the paths to specific category

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