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8Shenda shekhax Azad bivesity

Chardra Shekbar
Agriulture and echoe eg
kanpur 202002

Depactneat- Departmegt af Horticulture

COurse Preducion tech fer fuit gnd plontatbn
Soyrse code: HR-222 2t,

Top's Producton technolog for ceffee

CA-1115 /2021


Submitted by Submitted to
Shyam prakash gupta
B- Batch
Date- o9/oe/29
Tenpe. Rginfett(mn) Distribu
Elevo tionf o)|5-25°c
oo0-2000 Feb. - Mar
20-3°C |6o0-2500 arch- Apri
shower during Ppril-May is requires for
both he Varieties

4. oprayed YacetiesCrop inprovement Lsork has

been cqrried eyt at Centrql Copfre Research

Snstitute! - baloh n4r ka
* Arobjco coffee popular Variety
*S.-795 (stn. 3)-[s- 288- kent)- Mast
Ocupy 70 of total Orea

* Sln-7 (San Romgn hybri

* Sh- D- Timpr),

*. Cauvery
* Blue Mountoin
* Agro
K.Robusto Coffee (s-274)
* Selecion - 1R
* Selectbn- 9R Hyrjd RJ
’ Snportant coffee spreiesr
*C. orgbjca (Argbicg coffeel> fornous for ts qroma
* (. canephora (Robusta coPfee)low cost ef cultivgthon.
tiberica (Tree copee)
C. ercelsa
mong his only Qnd 2nd ore extensively
cultivoted Lworld
s topagatoo' sexually
Coffee is proragated both by
(seed) qnd asuolly (cutting:).
Healthy fully matured,
collectod, Hand pulped oith
fruits are shode. seeds
qnd extracted seed dried in
coithin two months. oidh and
Raised bed (1sm),1 n Seed treated
convenient ergBh qre prepared ond
n Dec- Jan mnonth
with Rgrocon, oport. Bedg
Beds qre
LwSo tered
at 2 5 Cm spce
Germirg Hon sBarts ahout 4 weeks.
daily. 5-8Cn tal, shiffed
khen secdligs bed or to polybag of
ether serondary nyesery
Feb- March.
|So gage during
is obBened from
perfer gnce and
bushes of outstarding from 5-Jo years old plant.
from pest and discase, hard wgod cutting
grecn wood (semi
Single node montho ofd. Qre
* and 3-6
soppm used
polythene bag. 1BA
Planted in
monthe old seedling- ore ont!.
Rlant spQhat6- IB- 18
Arabian coffee fo 4 m in square ysem
Robuste coffee-
7 Soing or planting tn
fit of 45-ko cn uggcd durig Tanu- Fcbru
donc- June- Sep.
* lartig of scedlirg do o tuDork
is grven
* duriig in tiot stog

A Rrabica ty (nPk, g/Mart) fer year.

stogt (Agel
dys years obo yield tess than Itha |90-90 -120

Ö, SYears ahove yield more ttan ! /ha- 16-120 - 162

KRotuta spr: (Npk g/Nant) per year,
( yield for less than 1t/ha
For more thcn 1/ha yield. t20:90:120

*3+ ts gererolly gron s roinfed crop

Use orinkler e igation Gt eb to April.
Ia oterculturel pratia'
* eedirg as oetl as diggi9
and soil sBiring
* Trenching
* Mulching use GrG rmox on at
*For surcestful. weeding.
1.2 5 itre in So iter of wsater in per /ha.
Can cultivatcd Loith many
other ornualc and perennio ls.
otr Crops ore> (oronut, tea, adartn Drorgcs
12. Harvesting
Bearing storts Arom grd year onwards.
qnd continues
but economic yield starts from 5ytar
to yield up to 15 years.
Arabica coffee. fruits attein maturity by end ef
septem ber Qnd starts ripning by October, while
Robusta stort ripenhg in Dece rTaru.
*4 Pickings in coffee
1 Fly pic king - Selechive pic kings ef ipe berries.
2. Main pickng- well ripe d, 4-6 times a or5 P
3 Stripping Final harvest. beries.
4. Gleqning ollectian of droppe d

* Arobico - 48tg dry berries/ha.

*Robusta - 49 kg dryberries/ha.

14. ProcesSing of coffkei is- beans

ef cofCoe
Commeil coffee
(Parchment). Pulp must
toith pulp
removed. Processed in two ays
For arqbicq coffee
È). e t processig
quality produck.
Superior skin removd
mucilaginos pulp+
(Q!. ulping- Sweet of pulpers on the seme day
twith the help
harves ting ohewise, eods oto
of Demucilaging r Remove mucilage
small of he begns.
(b) and musty
moulding 's naved by tuo -
ef beans
Processes.’ * Alkoli; treatment
* Fernentaton
brart uabrd to wotrr for
24 hourg
nd then oa shed fheroghly ir
untl the ofckness omptly
th Dryng
dried in sun /a'r driers. aloshed beans are Sprecd
clean /led (oncretdrying flpor to
thickness. Bears roked stirred frrqucrt,
(e). Sforag store d in new, clean gunies.

02 Dry procesing (chrnty coffe)

For Kobusta Co Pfee, Harvestcd
berrics cither dried
tusually cun dryièg is Qdopt ed, sun dried for
|2- IS days on drying floots, oth frequenty
cirrig and turning of beang for uniform
drying. End point - Ratling sound of berties
* Sun dried coffee possesr beter flavor
than that dried artificially Dried roffr
store d well. The dry se on hpuld concde he
time of riptnig
15. Plant Pretection
* Pests
i). hite stem bo rer -
9 Attacks orgbica coffee orouwn under inadcquG te
Control 25 /he if incdence
(9). Snstal! pheromone trabs
is high.
(b). Use monscrotopas 36 kisC @5 ml.

(). Ber ty borer' thorough harest.

Carry eut tinely and posdble.
fas as
Avoid gleanngs as
berries to sqNe Crops.
Remove off - seqon
Control quinalphog 2s
25 FC @s4o mt /20o (+
(). spray
hole borer beetle'branches gnd suckers
(ú). hot
mainly attackg
of robusta coffee.25EC 2mt/iter.
scales and Mealy bugs
(iv), Green ml/iter.
Monp crotophas 1.5
>*.Disease ' bordeq* mirtute,
G). Rust kolerogaMencozeb or Copton
rot or
ei. Black rot

),Coller spot
Bren y
(V), Black root
Arabica and. Canephara Canephara
Diffrrencs tetueen
S.No. Character C. arabica (Robusta coffee)
(Arabion coffee) Diploid (2n:22
TetoploH (en44)
ploldy shrub or buch sigger free han Araion.
2. Plont stahs. Srnall 4ree
under trairing
shallow. roote
3. Root ystem. Snall, dcep rootd torg.
Deciduous after brvest
4 Branches. fersisten
Pale grvn
5. leaves Dark grecn
On neuw old w .
6. Floueringhabhit. Cn new grooth
Regulariy in Regular
bearing leafy eXpandet. brards
Sodly,small bracts,
9. Flowets. Gyillary 4-5 infreseence oith 5-6 Pfower per
at each gde,ioith -4 inflorescence
flower per tnflorecence
Self fertil, self polli. Self fertile,cros polti.
1. Pollington.
Medium, lo-12 per hade Smatl 49-6o per hade,
lo-ll mo nths.
I1.Fruit dcvelopment. 2-9 month:
12. (afeine Content. I. 47.
ollee ulthatisa
4 Botanicol descriptien
(a). Botonical ngme- Coffeo rgbca L. (Arqbion coffee) - s-P.
Coffeg Canephora L. (Robuota coffe) -cf.
H). Family- Rubiaceae 9). Propagation - Seed
(C), Chromasome No- 22,44, (h). Also known ag. king- of
beveroge crop.
d. pyigin- Eiopla
(el. Fruit type - Drup!
4) Snflorescence type - Auxillary
2. nttoducton originated from EHhiopia, but
16oo A.b. by MTuslim
introduced in india during
lgrin Bab Badan on the hille
neqr chikmaglr.
C. qrabicq compr ises
Am eng total cane phorq 4o7.. Co ffee contains
60/. Qnd
use fut to Cure skin d's eases.
Naicin ohich is
pereenia l shrubs.
Coffee plants qre evergreen
* 34 is mainty short day plant.
3. Soil Qnd Climate '
Soil should be deep well draned
Qcidic ond rich in orgonic matfer.
slighty ts - G to 6.5
Best pH rang

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