PIL Questions 023937

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1. Analyze the various sources of International law according to the ICJ Statute.
2. Explain the theories relating to relationship between international Law and Municipal Law.
3. Discuss the theories relating to application of International Law in Municipal Law.
4. Critically examine the meaning and definition of International Law.
5. Discuss the theories as to relationship between International law and municipal law.
6. Explain the different theories relating to relationship between International Law and
Municipal Law. “Individuals are the only subjects of International Law".
7. Evaluate the relevance of the statement.
8. Is international law true law? Discuss.


1. Basis of international law.

2. Custom is a source of international law
3. Subjects of international Law.
4. Individuals as subjects of International Law.
5. Write a brief note on Customs.
6. Are individuals subjects of international law?
7. Write a note on Auto Limitation Theory.
8. Write a note on International Customs.


1. Briefly explain the various modes of acquisition and loss of territory under international Law.
2. “It is the duty of State not to interfere in the affairs of another State". Examine the statement
with exceptions if any.
3. Explain the modes of acquiring of territorial sovereignty.
4. Discuss different types of states and modes of acquisition of territorial sovereignty
5. What is recognition? Discuss different types of recognition.
6. Discuss different modes of acquisition of territorial sovereignty.
7. Define State. State the different kinds of States.
8. Discuss the legal effect of de facto and dejure recognition of States with the help of decided


1. Monroe doctrine.
2. Write a note on retrospective effect of recognition.
3. Wi1te a nota on "Microstates”.
4. Write a note on Legal effects of recognition.
5. State “X” was accorded recognition on a condition that, it shall not impose any religious disabilities on
its subjects. State “X” commites breach of this condition. Can the recognition given to it be with drawn?
6. State “H” claims the island on the ground of continuous exercise of sovereignty with willful intention to
rule. But State “N” claims the island on the basis of treaty with State “A” to which island was the
colony. Decide.
7. Temple of Preahvihar case.
8. State “A” claims sovereignty over an Island on the ground that it has discovered the same, but State “A”
has no effective sovereignty on the Island. State “B” also claims sovereignty over an Island on the
ground that it has effective control and sovereignty over the Island for last three hundred years. Which
State has sovereignty over the Island?


1. Discuss the limitations on territorial jurisdiction.

2. Analyze the rights of coastal states on their continental shelf.
3. Define Territorial Jurisdiction of a State. Who are exempted from the territorial jurisdiction
of a State?
4. Explain the history and development of claim over territorial waters.
5. What is territorial jurisdiction? Can a State exercise territorial jurisdiction over a foreign
6. What is high seas? What are the freedoms of high seas?
7. Discuss the jurisdiction of maritime state over coastal waters.
8. Explain theories and kinds of State succession.


1. Anglo Norwegian fisheries case.

2. Yourman’s case.
3. State responsibility in case of mob violence.
4. The King of State “A” during his stay in State “B” promised to marry Miss “M” subsequently
the promise was not fulfilled. Miss “M” files a case in State “B” for breach of promise.
5. Write a note on state succession to public debts.
6. A National of State ‘A’ while travelling in State ‘B’ was attacked in a mob rioting. Can the
state ‘B’ be held responsible for the injuries caused to him? Decide.
7. Write a note on International Delinquencies.
8. A factory situated in State “X” releases poisonous gas. The poisonous gas is carries away by
wind to the territory of the neighboring state “Y” and caused heavy loss there. Can state “X”
be held responsible for the loss to “Y”?


1. Explain the concept of Reservation in a treaty with the help of provisions of Vienna
Convention on the law of treaties.
2. Discuss the privileges, immunities, rights and duties of the Diplomatic agents.
3. What are the privileges and immunities of a diplomatic envoy?
4. Explain the stages in conclusion of international treaties.
5. Define Treaty. Discuss different steps in the information of a treaty.
6. Define extradition. Analyze the crimes which are recognized as non-extraditable crimes.
7. What is Asylum? Explain the different types of Asylum.
8. Examine the practices of States in relation to information and termination of treaty.

1. Asylum
2. Nottebohm’s case
3. Different modes of acquisition of nationality.
4. Non Extraditable crimes.
5. Significance of Nottebohm’s case.
6. State ‘A’ requests the State ‘X’ to surrender a fugitive offender, Mr ‘B’ who is National of
State ‘A’ State ‘X’ initiates the process of surrender. Mr. ‘B’ contends that there is no
extradition treaty between states ‘A’ and ‘X’. Cam he still be surrendered? Decide.
7. “X” a member of banned organization in State “Y” kills a minister of State “Y” and flees to
State “Z”. State “Y” demands his extradition. “X” pleads, he is a political offender. Decide.
8. Nottebohm’s case


1. State the purposes and principles of Unites Nations Organization.

2. Explain the composition and powers of international court of justice.
3. Explain the powers and functions of Security Council.
4. Explain the objectives and composition of International Labor Organization.
5. Explain the powers and functions of the General Assembly of Unites Nations Organization.
6. Explain the role of U.N Security Council in the peace keeping.
7. Explain the main features of International Labour Organization.
8. Discuss the structure and functions of general assembly.


1. Structure of World Trade Organization.

2. Write a note on International Labor Organization.
3. Write a note on membership of United Nations Organisation.
4. Write a note on World Trade Organisation.
5. Write a note objectives of International Labour Organization.
6. Structure of W.T.O.
7. Veto Power.
8. W.T.O

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