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Recruitment Procedure and Candidate Onboarding SOP

The objective of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to outline the comprehensive
process for recruiting and onboarding candidates within the organisation. It provides a
structured guide for all involved stakeholders to follow a step-by-step approach to hiring
suitable candidates and ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

This SOP covers the end-to-end recruitment process, starting from the initial job requisition,
sourcing of candidates, conducting interviews at various stages, offering the position,
handling approvals, preparing and sending offer letters, managing background verification,
handling pre-joining formalities, and finally onboarding the candidate. It also includes stages
related to offer letter creation, approvals, and communication with internal teams and

Recruitment SOP:

1. Job Requisition and Candidate Tracker:

- Business requests for hiring via a Google form as per the approved plan. Details are
collected in the Candidate Tracker, and the requisition is allocated to respective recruiters as
shown below
2. Sourcing Profiles in Fresh Teams:
- Recruiters create and publish the job in Fresh Teams and upload relevant candidate
profiles in different stages according to the screening process.

3. Screening Stages in Fresh Teams:

- Various screening stages are detailed, including recruiter screening, HM screening,
shortlisting, and subsequent interview rounds.

4. Hiring Manager Screening and Candidate Shortlisting:

- Recruiters mark the hiring managers, add comments on candidates, and proceed with
shortlisted profiles.

5. Scheduling Level 1 and Level 2 Interviews:

- Profiles shortlisted in HM screening move to Level 1 and Level 2 discussions. Recruiters
share calendar requests for discussions based on availability.

6. Cultural Fitment and Document Sharing:

- Candidates selected in Level 2 move to cultural fitment discussions. Candidates share
required documents before the discussion, initiated through Fresh Teams.
Standard format for Cultural fitment shown below

7. Salary Details and Approval:

- Recruiters collect candidate salary details and share them with the business or hiring
manager for approval.

8. Offer Discussion and Negotiation:

- Negotiations with candidates are conducted. If terms are agreed upon, the candidate
status is moved to the "Offer" stage in Fresh Teams.

9. Uploading Offer in Jira:

- Recruiters create new offers in Jira with candidate details, salary information, and
required documents, sharing them for approval.
candidate salary is above >25 Lakhs recruiter have to Mark CEO for Approval and if the
Candidate salary is below <25 Lakhs then the HM will approve ,

10. Offer Approval Process in Jira:

- Operations team reviews and uploads offers in Jira for approval, detailing the stages of
approval based on salary range.

11. Offer Letter and DocuSign Process:

- Operations team takes forward the offer letter for DocuSign with specified team
members for final signing.

12. Sharing Offer Letters with Candidates:

- Recruiters share offer letters with the candidates and guide them through the process.

13. Acceptance Confirmation:

- Recruiters follow up with candidates to get acceptance via signed offer letters.

14. Background Verification Initiation:

- Recruiters initiate Background Verification (BGV) in Jira and ensure it's mandatory and
positive for candidate consideration.

15. Resignation Documentation:

- Recruiters follow up with candidates to obtain resignation mails or required documents.

16. Pre-Joining Activities:

- Recruiters schedule pre-joining connects, ensuring candidate willingness to join and
addressing any concerns.

This SOP serves as a comprehensive guideline to ensure a structured and efficient

recruitment and onboarding process, providing a clear roadmap for all involved stakeholders
to follow throughout the stages of hiring.

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