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Ezra DeVane Part 2

Writing is a beautiful form of art, and it has impacted history in a multitude of ways. Before

coming into this class i thought that I was a pretty decent writer and while this has been affirmed, I also

had the opportunity to grow. Throughout this class, there were a lot of things that i learned throughout

this course about my writing style and literacy as a whole.

Dr. Peter Blair has been an incredible professor. He has helped us to learn a lot of things that, if

he were not in our presence, we would not have learned. There were days in our google meets where

he would call on every single person just to make sure that people had an opportunity to speak their

mind and learn something about the objective at hand. This allowed us to first examine our own brains

and to then compare it to the knowledge of a seasoned literary professional. Through this, I gained

knowledge and understanding about alot including the legend Mark Twain, literacy fallacies, and mental


I believe in a lot of ways this also made me a different writer. When we would attempt our

inquiry essays, we had time to make rough drafts, peer revisions and corrections. Through this I would

see multiple things that I did not see the first time. I would also produce innovative ideas and sub claims

that I did not see before. Just the emphasis this class put on writing was beneficial. It allowed me to

make more full works.

This also changed my writing style a little. This also changed my writing style a little. Before

coming into this class, I would always make my conclusions summaries of my paper. Something Dr.Blair

instilled in me this semester was to rethink that generality and introduce some new information there.

This was very alienating to me because it is something I never did, but honestly, looking back, it made

my papers a lot better and left off on a more intriguing note.

As previously stated, before this class I would have said I was a decent writer. Now, however,

after doing all the lessons and discussions I have partaken in, I feel like I am much better when it comes

to writing. I feel like in my academic journey I will be much better when it comes time for research

papers and final essays, and I will only have WRDS 1103 with Dr. Blair to thank!

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