Edited - Copy of Kento Hashimoto - CHAPTERS 4-5: RISKING REVENGE

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Think 1: What happened to Mr. Tatum? Explain, using evidence from the text to support
your response.

Mr. Tatum was tarred and feathered. “ “Tarred and feathered him!” T.J. announced hastily”(Taylor 74).
This tells us that T.J. found out that Mr. Tatum was tarred, and feathered because of calling Mr. Jim Lee
Barnett a liar.

Think 2: How and why was Stacey treated unfairly by his mother? Support your response
with evidence from the text.

Stacey was treated unfairly by his mother by getting whooped even though Mama knew Stacey
wouldn’t do such a thing. ““She caught him with cheat notes during the history examination.” “Mama
knows Stacey wouldn’t cheat!” I declared”(Taylor 81). This tells us that Stacey was unfairly whooped
even though as a mother, she knew he wouldn’t cheat.

Think 3: Why is Big Ma offended that the Grangers want to buy her land?

Big Ma is offended that the Grangers want to buy her land because it holds a lot of memories. “He
used to call this place his thinkin’ spot and he called that old pond there Caroline, after me”(Taylor 89).
This tells me that the quote was one of the many memories of their land which proves why she was

Think 4: Why doesn’t Mama want her neighbors to shop at the Wallace store? Support
your answer with evidence from the novel.

Mama doesn’t want her neighbors to shop at the Wallace store because they have bad influences, and
get them into trouble. “At each farm Mama spoke of the bad influence of the Wallaces”(Taylor 98).
This tells us that Mama is trying to convince them to stop shopping at the Wallace store to prevent

Think 5: Why is Cassie unhappy with where Big Ma sells her goods?

Cassie was unhappy with where BIg Ma sells her good because there are not many people around to
sell their goods to. “Well, what the devil we doing way back here then! Can’t nobody see us”(Taylor
105). This tells us that Cassie was unhappy with the place they’re in because of the small population

Think 6: Reflect on the white storekeeper’s treatment of Cassie in Strawberry. How does
this interaction affect her? What do you think she might learn from this event? Be sure to support your
analysis with evidence from the novel.

The interaction affects Cassie by making her feel humiliated. She might learn that black
people are considered second classed. “Well, you just get your little black self back over
there and wait some more,” he said in a low, tight voice.
I was hot. I had been as nice as I could be to him and here he was talking like this. “We
been waiting on you for near an hour,” I hissed”(Taylor 111). This tells us that Cassie was
mad, and tells us that she has been waiting an hour because he did the white people’s
orders first, proving that Cassie may have learned that black people were considered
second classed people.

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