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DATE: 10 Oct UNIT: Medical Ethics Individual report CLASS: 11

Learning Activities Evidence of

Framework W: whole class; G: group; I: individual.
Objectives/REACHES Success Criteria (WILF) Resources achievement

(WALT) Description W/G/I

Unit 2 Students can analyse the MUST categorise disease 80 1. Entrance activity: What categories G/I Laptops Q/A: entrance
functions, topics, and types mins of disease are there? How do we questions
perspectives on disease SHOULD dramatize protect against disease? How has WHO website stats
disease facts disease changed in the last 150 D: cancerous
COULD evaluate a years? diseases
disease in depth 2. What GP topics does disease fit W
into? O: group
3. What GP perspectives does W dramatizations
disease fit into?
4. 6 groups—Overview, Risk G
Factors, How to Help, Visual
Stats, Cancer in Media,
Visualisations of Cancer
a. Create script and visuals
for your topic
Organisation: details of differentiation / groups / adult role (linked to activities) Notes / homework Q&A: question /
D: discussion
O: observation
M: marked work

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