Assessment of Fogging Resistance of Anti

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Assessment of fogging resistance of anti-fog

personal eye protection

Article in Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics · August 1999

DOI: 10.1046/j.1475-1313.1999.00418.x · Source: PubMed


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4 authors:

Stephen John Dain Annette Hoskin

UNSW Australia University of Western Australia


Chris Winder Don Dingsdag

Australian Catholic University Western Sydney University


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Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 357±361, 1999
The College of Optometrists. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain
0275-5408/99 $20.00 + 0.00

PII: S0275-5408(98)00059-3

Technical Note

Assessment of fogging resistance of anti-

fog personal eye protection
Stephen J. Dain,a Annette K. Hoskin,b Chris Winder c and
Don P. Dingsdagd
School of Optometry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia,
Unisearch Ltd, Australia, cDepartment of Safety Science, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia and dSchool for Social and Workplace Development, Southern
Cross University, Australia

The propensity for occupational eye protectors to fog in warm and moist conditions is often
offered as a reason by workers not to wear occupational eye protection even where mandatory
eye protection areas have been specified. A study of eye protection practices in the New South
Wales coal mining industry identified the number one issue in underground coal mine conditions
as being fogging of eye safety wear. Conventional anti-fog treatments and cleaners were con-
sidered by the miners as completely inadequate in these conditions. At the time of the study
claims were being made for a new generation of lens treatments. These merited evaluation.
Spectacles and goggles claimed to be fog resistant were obtained from manufacturers and sup-
pliers and subjected to the test set out in BS EN 168 and the compliance criterion of BS EN
166. Some lenses claimed to be fog resistant failed the requirement, some new technology
lenses showed arguably superior performance but failed the criterion of the standard. Modifi-
cations to the test procedure of BS EN 168 and acceptance criteria of BS EN 166 are pro-
posed. The College of Optometrists. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Introduction treatments and these claims merited independent evalu-

ation and investigation since no validation was o€ered
It has been established by Dingsdag et al. (1996) that a
major cause of reluctance to comply with personal eye by the suppliers. Details of the exact nature of the sur-
protection wearing requirements in the New South faces are considered commercially sensitive at present.
Wales underground coal mining industry was the pro- Informal evaluations by underground miners have
pensity for eye protector lenses to fog in the humid shown that the newer type of lenses are considered
conditions. Control of dust and the prevention of con- markedly superior to the older types. (Dingsdag et al.,
sequential lung disease in the miners is achieved by 1996). Given that guidance on the e€ectiveness of
substantial damping down with water sprays. This claimed anti-fogging treatments would be extremely
results in a very high relative humidity. In addition useful in the design and selection of anti-fog eye pro-
heat and moisture generated in exhaled breath and tectors for underground coal mining, especially in the
body heat due to exertion, especially if respiratory pro- absence of any local performance standards, the
tection is worn, can be trapped behind eye protection. methods and acceptance criterion of the European
Some claims have been made for new generation lens Standards EN 166 and EN 168 (in the form of BS EN
166 and BS EN 168), as the de facto international
Correspondence and reprint requests to Dr S. J. Dain. standards in the absence of any International
Received: 21 May 1997 Organisation for Standardisation standard or draft
Revised form: 17 February 1998 standard, were adopted to assess a number of currently

358 Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 1999 19: No 4

available occupational eye protectors claimed to be fog fuseness in the transmission will cause some or all of
resistant. In retrospect the study has demonstrated the light to fall outside the detector and the detector
problems with the test method and acceptance criteria output to drop. Behind the lens under test is an
rather than produced useful guidance on material per- enclosed space part ®lled with water held at
formance. 50.0 2 0.28C (the standard sets 50 20.58C) and stirred
The mechanism of fogging of the older type of anti- with an electric fan. In practice the reading was always
fog eye protector has been described in Margrain and 50.08C. The apparatus was built on a Cole-Parmer
Owen (1996) but the details of the new generation ma- 12501 series water bath (Cole-Palmer, Niles, IL, USA)
terials are closely guarded commercially. which has a digital temperature controller/display with
a nominal stability of 20.28C. For this study all ther-
mometers were calibrated with reference to the Optics
& Radiometry Laboratory Standard 68a. Laboratory
Samples of anti-fog spectacles and goggles were Standard 68a is a mercury in glass thermometer for
obtained from local suppliers and manufacturers by which a National Association of Testing Authorities
purchase or donation. They were neither a complete (NATA) endorsed calibration certi®cate number
nor random sample and, as a consequence, the suppli- 46677/B.7207 dated 14/6/86 was issued by Dobbie
ers are not identi®ed with the eye protectors. They are Instruments (Australia) Pty Ltd. The thermometer is
detailed in Table 1. All were commercially available checked according to the methods of Beavis (1981) at
and claimed anti-fog except for the ®rst two samples 6 monthly intervals. The uncertainty in calibration is
in group F which were a pre-production prototype. 20.158C (con®dence level not stated).
The samples were conditioned by immersion in dis-
tilled water at 23 228C (standard requires 258C) for
1 h then dabbed dry and conditioned in air for at least
The apparatus set out in the BS EN 168 is shown in 12 h at 23 2 28C (standard requires 258C) and
Figure 1. The collimated beam from a Helium±Neon 502 3%.
laser 628 nm (Uniphase, Manteca, CA, USA) (the Humidity was monitored using meters referenced to
standard requires 600 2 70 nm) is 10 times to be nom- Optics & Radiometry Laboratory Standard 86.
inally 10 mm in diameter and passes through a semi Laboratory Standard 86 is a Psychro-Dyne psychrom-
silvered mirror and the lens under test expanded (all eter (Industrial Instruments and Supplies,
other optical components: Edmund Scienti®c, Southampton, PA, USA) including two mercury in
Barrington, NJ, USA). It is then re¯ected at a front glass thermometers for which a National Association
surface mirror, passes through the lens again, is of Testing Authorities (NATA) endorsed calibration
re¯ected by the semi silvered mirror and focused into certi®cate number 200228 dated 7 August 1997 was
the plane of a 10 mm diameter photodetector. Any dif- issued by Testing & Certi®cation Australia. The ther-

Table 1. Description of samples of goggles and spectacles

Identifier Description

A 5 untinted acetate lenses

B 5 pale blue tinted acetate lenses
C 5 untinted polycarbonate lens
Spectacle type (one piece lenses)

D Manufacturer #1. All nominally the same material but different models
.1 3 untinted, 1 grey tinted and 1 yellow polycarbonate
.2 3 untinted polycarbonate
.3 5 untinted polycarbonate
.4 5 untinted polycarbonate
E Manufacturer #2. One model, two tints, same nominal material
.1 6 untinted polycarbonate
.2 5 grey tinted polycarbonate
F Manufacturer #3
.1 2 untinted pre-production prototype polycarbonate
.2 6 untinted production polycarbonate nominally the same as the pre-production
Fogging resistance: S. J. Dain et al. 359

Figure 1. The experimental set up (redrawn from BS EN 168) see text for details.

mometers are checked according to the methods of stopped. The uncertainty in time interval measurement
Beavis (1981) at 6 monthly intervals. The uncertainty was 20.5 s.
in calibration is 20.18C (95% con®dence level). The The instruction sheet for the operator is appended
relative humidity is calculated according to the as Appendix A.
methods of British Standard 4833:1986. At 238C and Subsequent to this study testing of fogging resistance,
50% relative humidity the temperature uncertainty using exactly the methods detailed here, has been
included in the terms of accreditation of the Optics &
translates to an uncertainty in relative humidity
Radiometry laboratory by NATA. NATA accreditation
measurement of 1.1% (95% con®dence level). All
is recognised by the United Kingdom Accreditation
uncertainties have been calculated according to the Service (UKAS) in a mutual recognition agreement.
procedures of the ISO (1995) report.
In accordance with the method of BS EN 168 the
following routine was followed. The water bath tem- Results
perature was allowed to stabilise with a dummy lens in The results of the assessment are set out in Table 2.
place. The stirring fan (``ventilator'' in the standard) It should also be noted that untreated lenses, of any
was turned o€ and after 5 s the dummy lens replaced commonly used eye protector material, fog within 1 s
with the lens under test. The timer was started. In and do not clear within 60 s.
most cases the moment of fogging was observable visu-
ally in the laser beam and general room lighting. Discussion
Where this was not possible the output of the detector
was observed continually until the point at which it (a) Problems with test method
read 0.64 of its original value (when the lens under test It is reasonable to assume that the test method was
was ®rst inserted into the laser beam). When this value designed with the typical hydrophilic coatings in mind.
was reached or the lens visibly fogged, the timer was The hydrophilic coating initially absorbs the deposited
360 Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 1999 19: No 4

Table 2. Fogging time when tested in accordance with BS EN 168

Group Sample Fogging time individual results (s) Comply with BS EN 168 X [ Overall

A 5 pairs L&R 5, 5, 17, 13, 10, 11, 4, 5, 5, 4 XX[[[[XXXX Fail

B 5 pairs L&R 27, 25, 48, 45, 46, 45, 44, 42, 39, 40 [[[[[[[[[[ Pass
C 5 pairs L&R Initial fog for 3 s XXXXXXXXXX Fail
D 18 pairs L&R 16, 4, 12, 16, 15, 7, >60, >60, 10, 20, [X[[[X[[[[ Fail
9, 9, 9, >60, >60, >60, >60, >60, 4, 1, [[[[[[[[XX
>60, >60, 8, 7, >60, >60, >60, >60 [[XX[[[[
E 11 pairs L&R all >60 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Pass
F 8 pairs L&R >60, >60, 10, >60, remainder all initial fog [[[[XXXXXXXXXX Fail

moisture until fully hydrated, in much the same way period so that this is not seen as relaxing a standard.
as a dehydrated soft contact lens will absorb water. In practice the producers of old technology anti-fog
Once the material is fully hydrated, then droplets form coatings will argue that this would exclude previously
on the surface and the lens is seen to fog. The greater acceptable products without justi®cation. Thirdly we
the initial dehydration of the surface, the longer it will propose that an immediate retest, without pre-con-
take to hydrate and then fog. The pre-conditioning ditioning, be permitted and that the better of the two
a€ects the performance of the lens markedly. Retesting performances (pre-conditioned vs not pre-conditioned)
a sample which has just been hydrated by the testing be accepted. For old technology coatings the perform-
without the 50% relative humidity pre-conditioning, ance after the current pre-conditioning will be the bet-
will cause a shorter fogging time since the hydrophilic ter and for the newer types of lenses the performance
surface will be more hydrated before being placed on will be better in the second test situation.
the test site. The onset of fogging in these material
types is delayed but, once it occurs, was observed as
(b) Comparative performances
just as rapid as with untreated surfaces. The ``new gen-
eration'' treatments react an entirely di€erent way. Assessed against the modi®ed parameters, all the
There may be an initial fog which lasts 2±3 s, which is spectacle lenses (the new generation surface type)
longer than permitted in the standards. When this hap- except the production samples in Group F, passed the
pens, the lens fails the requirement. When the lens is requirement. The superiority of the new materials is
left in place, the fog clears and the lens does not re-fog seen but some indication of variability in one of the
within 60 s, after which time observation was routinely manufacturing processes is evident.
discontinued. On removal of this type of lens it was An additional problem identi®ed was that Group A
observed that water had gathered on the surface but had a visible haze to the lenses. When tested with a
not formed into droplets to create fogging. Some BYK-Gardner model XL-211 Hazegard (BYK-
lenses were left on for up to 30 min and it was Gardner, Silver Springs, MD, USA) in accordance
observed that they were visually the same as after with AS/NZS 1337 (technically equivalent to BS
1 min. The water ®lm was suciently even as to not 2782:1992 and ASTM D1003) showed a mean haze of
di€use the laser beam unless an irregularity happened 6.0% which well exceeds that permitted by the stan-
to occur in the vicinity of the beam. Thus the surfaces dard. The hazemeter had been calibrated using six
had a modi®ed surface tension characteristic which haze standards calibrated by National Physical
changed the nature of the water deposition rather than Laboratory (UK) report number QO03/3/93/053 dated
prevented it or absorbed it. It was also observed that 4 November 1993. They also failed the light di€usion
on wiping the surface dry and retesting immediately requirements of BS EN 166 in a custom built optical
and without pre-conditioning, the initial fogging did bench built in accordance with BS EN 167. The eye
not occur nor did the lenses fog within the 60 s before protectors were not, however, marked as complying
observation was discontinued. Thus it is of some ad- with any standard.
vantage to the new generation lens treatment to be
partially hydrated. The BS EN 168 requirement of the
full conditioning routine, including a 50% relative
humidity environment, is placing these manifestly su- Conclusions
perior surfaces at some disadvantage.
In the circumstances we propose that the initial fog- (a) Of the eye protectors claimed to be fog resistant,
ging allowance be extended from 0.5 s to 3 s. It would there is a signi®cant number not meeting the mini-
be equally justi®able to extend the required fog-free mum fogging requirements of BS EN 166.
Fogging resistance: S. J. Dain et al. 361

(b) There is a need to modify the method and accep- Appendix A

tance criteria of the test method of BS EN 166 and
Determination of fogging resistance
168 to accommodate the slightly longer transient
fogging characteristics of the otherwise superior Scope
newer treatments and to allow variations in the
pre-conditioning which do not presuppose the This method assesses fogging resistance in accord-
characteristics of hydrophilic coatings. ance with BS EN 166 and BS EN 168.
(c) Informal reports indicate that within the products
exceeding 60 s fogging time, there are variations in Method
on the job performance. As a consequence there is
a need to develop formal on-site evaluations and (a) Conditioning of samples
laboratory test methods to assist in comparative Place the samples in the glass dish. Cover with dis-
evaluation of these products. tilled water and leave for 1 h at 23 258C (the labora-
(d) Production fog resistance testing of materials is a tory is normally 232 28C). Dab dry and leave in air for
clear necessity. at least 12 h at 23 2 58C and 502 3% relative humidity
(check using humidity logger or psychrometer).

Acknowledgements (b) Setting up of water bath

This study was supported by a grant from the Joint Turn the water bath on. Check that the water bath
Coal Board Health and Safety Trust. The authors wish is set for 50.08C. Turn the stirring fan on and the
to acknowledge the donation of eye protectors by laser. Ensure that the laser beam is passing approxi-
Protector Technologies Pty Ltd. mate through the centre of the aperture. Cover the
aperture with a spare lens.

References Allow to stabilise and leave for 30 min after 50.08C

is reached.
ASTM D1003-95. Standard test method for haze and
luminous transmittance of transparent plastics. American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshocken, PA. Measurements
AS/NZS 1337:1992. Eye protectors for industrial
applications. Standards Australia, North Sydney. (i) Visual
Standards New Zealand, Wellington.
Beavis, M. (1981). Techniques for the calibration of liquid- Turn the fan o€. Replace the covering lens with the
in-glass thermometers. Division of Applied Physics lens under test. Set timer going. Observe where the
Technical Paper No. 4, Commonwealth Scienti®c and
Industrial Research Organisation, Australia.
laser beam meets the lens and when the surface fogs,
BS EN 166:1996. Personal eye-protectionÐspeci®cations. stop timer and record sample identi®er and time.
British Standards Institute, London. Initial momentary fogging in the ®rst 0.5 s should be
BS EN 167:1995. Personal eye-protectionÐoptical test ignored. Turn the fan back on and replace test lens
methods. British Standards Institute, London. with spare lens. If the onset of fogging cannot be
BS EN 168:1995. Personal eye-protectionÐnon-optical test
methods. British Standards Institute, London.
determined visually then use method (ii) below, having
BS 2782:1992. Methods of testing plastics, Part 5: method repeated the conditioning on tested lens.
521A: determination of haze of ®lm and sheet. British
Standards Institute, London. (ii) Photometric
BS 4833:1986. British standard schedule for hygrometric
tables for use in the testing and operation of Turn the indicating meter on. Set appropriate scale
environmental enclosures. British Standards Institute, turn the fan o€. Replace the covering lens with the
London. lens under test. Set the timer going immediately.
Dingsdag, D., Dain, S. J. and Winder, C. (1996). Prevention
not reaction: eye safety in the NSW coal mining industry.
Report to the Joint Coal Board Health and Safety Trust, Note: the meter reading. Calculate the meter reading
Sydney. 0.64 and record. Stop the timer and note the time
ISO (1995). Guide to the expression of uncertainty in when this last value is reached and record. Turn the
measurement. International Organisation for fan back on and replace test lens with spare lens.
Margrain, T. H. and Owen, C. (1996). The misting
characteristics of spectacle lenses. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. If necessary, the photocell output may be monitored
16, 108±114. on the digital storage oscilloscope and the time
obtained from that record.

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