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DATE: 12 Sept UNIT: Conflict TP CLASS: 11

Learning Activities Evidence of

Framework W: whole class; G: group; I: individual.
Objectives/REACHES Success Criteria (WILF) Resources achievement

(WALT) Description W/G/I

Unit 1 Analyse and evaluate Students must use digital 80 1. Use portfolios to research G Digital portfolios O: researching
conclusions, arguments, portfolios to research mins 2. Use research to create 4-5 minute G created on Edmodo digital
reasoning or claims topic presentation portfolios,
3. Work on summary of conflicts Key questions creating
Communicate views, Students should create a printed presentation
information and research short presentation
effectively and Presentation
convincingly guidelines/rubric
Organisation: details of differentiation / groups / adult role (linked to activities) Notes / homework Q&A: question /
4 groups—EAL will do deforestation in S America, HA will do nuclear Presentations need to be ready for next week and summaries need to be D: discussion
armament in Iran produced O: observation
M: marked work
Extension: each group conducts research to create a summary of the main
conflicts of a particular type in the world today and their causes: civil war (Syria
group), sanctions (usa and china group), nuclear conflict (Iran group),
environmental conflict (South America group)

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