17 Oct Y11

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DATE: 17 Oct UNIT: Exam Practice CLASS: 11

Learning Activities Evidence of

Framework W: whole class; G: group; I: individual.
Objectives/REACHES Success Criteria (WILF) Resources achievement

(WALT) Description W/G/I

Unit 1 Practice for written exam MUST annotate 80 1. Hand out documents for exam I The Atlantic M: exam
by applying causes of documents mins a. Go through how to W/I Drones: Actually the
conflict in questions SHOULD identify annotate Most Humane Form
information from 2. Complete Q1 as individuals, then of Warfare Ever
documents answer as class when all finished I/W
COULD use documents 3. Examine Q2 and work through as The Guardian
to evaluate evidence a class W Are drones any
4. Examine Q3 and work through as more immoral than
a class to outline W other weapons of
Organisation: details of differentiation / groups / adult role (linked to activities) Notes / homework Q&A: question /
Read p. 19-22 until ‘more complex structures of argument’ D: discussion
Complete activity 2.06 O: observation
M: marked work

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