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2010 by Bianca Salindong (bien_021)

Promo Pic by Gellie (untamed77angel) No parts of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission of the author.

This story is for YOU, MIGUEL FONTANILLA, I hope you get the hint.


Have you ever wondered why girls now avoid falling in love with Miguel Lorenzo Migs Fontanilla?

Why his past relationships ended so

bizarrely quick and wrong?

Why do his ex-girlfriends avoid him like a plague?

And why do some who had the courage to fight for him has

mysteriously disappeared?

Nobody knows exactly why

Though millions still avoids being with him many are still hard-headed to risk it all

This is the secret Ive been living to tell

I made this blog to warn you all




Suzzane Abalos is one crazy girl. Pretty but crazy. Everybody knows shes been dating Miguel since she transferred, only because she threatened Migs that shell kill herself if he wont give her a chance. Thats typical Miguel you see, he has been the gentleman of the school. The one who always gets praises since hes so handsome, so refined, so damn rich, so intelligent yet so cool, and so nice. Who wouldnt want Miguel Fontanilla?

Things between Suzzane and Miguel got overly dramatic since Miguel is beginning to fall for his best friend, who is the next suspect, but lets leave her first with that.

One stormy afternoon, a gloomy Miguel sat near the stadiums podium to wait for Suzzane. Hes been planning to break up with her and is thinking of ways on how to properly tell it to her so as to prevent suicidal threats from the lunatic herself.

Hi baby. Been waiting long? Suzzane said then hugged Miguel. Miguel gently shook her off. And Suzzane being overly dramatic as she was immediately realized something is wrong.

I cant take it anymore Suzzane, if you really love me, you should accept that Im not happy anymore with you. Miguel spoke these words slow, careful and has given emphasis on parts that really matter. Miguel was never once happy with Suzzane you see, shes not his type. She only forces him since Miguel is someone, no girl, would ever let the chance pass them by without having him.

Suzanne cried, which is expected since shes a real drama queen. Cried so hard and blurted out, Why Migs? Am I not that pretty? Many want me, youre lucky I chose you. Confused and somewhat relieved that no suicidal attempts was made this time, Miguel held her hand squeezed it not because hes taking her back, but squeezes it to offer her strength to overcome, yet again another depressing conclusion.

You are pretty Suzzane, I like you too, but not in the way you want me to like you. Somebody else deserves you, someone better. Someone but not me. Miguel suddenly

wished he hadnt said he like her, suddenly hoped he had been a little harsher, suddenly prayed he had said bad things like I dont love you, I never did, suddenly wished for time to turn counterclockwise so he would drop the gentleman act.

Suzzane Abalos being the lunatic, everyones been telling her about, pointed a finger to Miguel Fontanilla, swore in all her overly dramatic heart that, Youll regret this Mr. Fontanilla! Nobody just breaks up with Suzzane Abalos! Youre life will be a living hell!

With this Suzzane Abalos was nowhere in sight. Some says she dropped off and transferred. Some said shed been recruiting girls who had their hearts broken by Migs to join her in planning for revenge. Some says she committed suicide. Some says shes been stalking Migs all along. No one really knows. No one had the slightest idea on what is happening to Suzzane Abalos

Except herself of course.

Beatrice Sy. Miguels best friend. They knew each other since the gods know when. The reason why Suzzane Abalos and Miguel Fontanilla broke up.

Everybody is buzzing about their secret love affair. Being together all the time, laughing at each other and in some frequent instances, sharing sweet moments together.

Beatrice Sy is exactly like Miguel Fontanilla, except for the fact that Ms. Sy is a girl. Shes bright, intelligent, and undeniably beautiful; in short every guys dream girl.

Rumor has it that Miguel Fontanilla confessed to Beatrice Sy

Bea, I've wanted to tell you this Miguel stuttered. Miguel never stutters you see, he has this certain confidence that he can always deliver anything he wants to tell no matter what. But this time, Miguel got all tongue-tied that Beatrice Sy, being his childhood friend,

knew what was coming.

Beatrice Sy holds his hand and placed it in her heart, You know Migs, you knew that its Ron all along. Ron Alvarez, Miguels best friend other than Beatrice, but he wouldnt go down without a fight wont he. Besides he is MIGUEL FONTANILLA for crying out loud. No one in their right mind would turn down an offer like that.

Ron has a girlfriend Bea! Wouldnt you at least give me a chance? Beatrice Sy, being as gentle hearted as she was smiled helplessly at Miguel gave him a hug and whispered, I love him so much Migs, that if I have to wait forever or the life after this just to have him I would. Im so sorry.

And that was the end of Beatrice Sy and Miguel Fontanillas 40 minutes love affair.

Confused why Beatrice Sy is a suspect?? Come to think of it, she hadnt disappeared. Many times that Beatrice Sy was the reason why some past relationships of Miguel Fontanilla ended tragically. He hadnt easily recovered at his failure with Bea so he is constantly missing her. So why hadnt she disappeared in case of course though she wanted Ron Alvarez so bad she also wanted Miguel Fontanilla all by herself.

But who would suspect Beatrice Sy? A kind-hearted girl, who always had a thing in helping charities? No one really knows. Except herself of course.

Ginny Lacson. The nerd. Ron Alvarez caught her once slipping a love letter in Miguels locker. Knowing Miguels locker combination, Ron Alvarez opened it and read the letter.

"When love exists, nothing else matters, not lifes predicaments, not the fury of the years, not a physical winding down or scarcity of opportunity." _YSA_

During lunch Ron Alvarez, Beatrice Sy and Miguel Fontanilla sat together in their usual spot in the cafeteria. Which is the last table from the cafeterias far left.

Dude! I saw Ginny Lacson slipped this letter in your locker. Beatrice and Miguel looked at Ron. Obviously bewildered how Ron couldve gotten the letter since the locker is locked. Both of them eyed him suspiciously.

I figured out your combination! And dont give me that look! Ron said glaring at Beatrice.

When the bell rang the three still sat down waiting for the crowd to ease so they wont be pushing them when getting all stressed out of being late. When they walked through the deserted lockers, Ron Alvarez heard some whispering and chanting. Curious the three of them peaked at the empty room to take a look.

And there she was Ginny Lacson, chanting inaudibly in front of Miguel Fontanillas picture. No one really knows why Ginny is acting that way, since all her chants are failed attempts. Still she continues to praise Miguel Fontanillas picture in that empty room everyday. No one knows. Except herself of course.

There are still plenty of names to add in this list of three people. Angela Chua for instance, the head cheerleader who has been crushing on Miguel since forever. Or Marian Zamora who was dumped by Miguel for the reason that hes still not over Beatrice Sy. Then theres also Ms. Amy Pascual, the science teacher who is subtly hitting on Miguel Fontanilla. Suspects are always those who had their past connected with Miguel, all of which are girls. But suspicions also lurks among these names; Ron Alvarez, who knows? Insecurity and not curiosity might have always killed the cat; Alfred Lacson, Miguels number one rival or is the suspect amongst those who hated and are insecure of Miguel Fontanilla no one really knows until unconsciously everyone is a suspect everyone who knows or had heard the name MIGUEL LORENZO FONTANILLA became the suspect.


All of the students at Hillside Academy want to know. Who is behind these notorious crimes regarding Miguel Fontanilla? No one has the slightest clue since everybody is a suspect.

While all students of Class 4 Star is in the computer room, and is busy studying the art of Photoshop a message came buzzing at every computer screen. Quote

The secret lurks beneath the halls where a simple girl suddenly falls

Selfishness reigned in the young girls heart

And if anybody crosses her path to MIGUEL FONTANILLA


Theres a sudden silence that filled the room, silence so intense that a pin drop can be heard. And little by little conversations occur. But who would send this message? There are still flaws in finding out who would send this, for there are about 10 computer rooms with 30 units per rooms and there is the computer library wherein about 200 units are connected to one internet source.

If only one can trace each stations transactions then at least Miguel Fontanilla can have a clue but no one can no one in their right mind would risk their lives just to save the next girl that will be connected to Miguel Fontanilla.

Miguel Fontanilla just sat there, his mind everywhere. Then another buzz coming from his Instant Messenger popped in his screen. Quote ron007: dude wat the hell was that??!

migsDgreat: I dont knw man! Its crazy!

tinkerB: u ok? U have any idea who sent that?

ron007: of course he wont b! Migs is not the kind of guy who would blame sum1 for no rison!

migsDgreat: dont treat B like crap Ron! Nope B. not the slightest idea. Dont worry about me. =)

ron007: not my fault why shes acting like crap!

migsDgreat: f*ck off Alvarez! Hey B? still there?

ron007: why did she have to join this conference anyway? Hey b! I think youre the one who sent that! I know that youre secretly in love with MIGS HERE! I know! I know that you are in love in either of us so its got to be MIGS since Im always treating you like some leftover!

tinkerB: As*h0le!!! Its U!!! U DUMB-HEADED AS$!!!!

(Beatrice Sy left the conference)

ron007: yo migz! Wat was that all about? she accusing me that I wud send dat crap!

migsDgreat: shes inluv wit u, m0r0n!!!!! (Miguel Fontanilla left the conference)

So Beatrice Sys secret is out in the open. Everybody knew since their conference has been popping in and out at every screen of almost all computers. What a traitor technology was

Everybody is looking at Beatrice Sy when she excused herself out of the room. How lengthy the walk out was and when Beatrice Sy is out of everybodys sight, she knelt down and cried it all out. Beatrice Sy never returned to computer class so Miguel Fontanilla being still head-over-heels in love with her went to her station to gather all her things. Thats when Miguel Fontanilla noticed that every screen he passes by, he sees the conference involving Beatrice, Ron and he himself.

Miguel Fontanilla hurried out of the room to find Beatrice. He hurried to the place where he and Beatrice would go when they felt that they needed to be alone. He found her there alright, but Ron got there first.

Everybody knows B. they saw our conference. Apparently some insane person hacked Migs account. Beatrice just sat there, crying. Miguel wanted to hug her, wanted to touch her, wanted to talk to her, wanted to be Beatrices shoulder to lean on, but cant.

You dont deserve me at all B. You are way too better than being stuck with a guy like me. Ron held her face so that Beatrice can see that he is being genuine, that he is not saying all this just to trample on her heart. She just sat there looking at him too, with her eyes pleading. Somewhat saying to give her a chance, to prove him that she considers him to be the best and that by all means they deserve each other.

Ron cannot look anymore, though hes been treating Beatrice like trash, shes still important to him. Shes the only girl who never gave up on him, once they knew how a ruthless bastard he really is.

Sorry. whispered Ron as he walked passed by Beatrice.

Miguel Fontanilla just stood there frozen - he did nothing.


He just watched the love of his life fall apart.

Quote Let's Play Hide and Seek MIGUEL FONTANILLA

A smile played on my lips when I saw Miguel Fontanilla watching Beatrice Sy picking up the pieces of her broken heart after Ron Alvarez dumped her. Everyone knows that when the cat is away the mouse will come out and play.

Show her you love her Miguel Fontanilla before she disappears

Or might as well consider this as a warning

You wouldnt want your best friend to vanish wont you Mr. Fontanilla?

If I see that youre behaving well, no one gets hurt.

I want you to always remember that I am not threatening you Miguel

I am just making myself clear that YOU ARE MINE!


It all started when Miguel Lorenzo Fontanilla and Beatrice Sy transferred at Hillside Academy. He is like any other guy at Hillside Academy except hes not. During Miguels first day he became the most popular guy in school. Everybody wants to know how tall he is, the exact color of his eyes, the shade of his hair, his address, his phone or mobile number, his age and birthday. Everybody wants to be Miguels friend and girlfriend, everybody except Alfred Lacson.

So youre the new kid. Alfred Lacson said. Alfred Lacson is the most popular student at Hillside Academy before Miguel Fontanilla came. He is the king of everything just because hes handsome and rich. When Miguel Fontanilla came he was instantly kicked out of the picture. Miguel Fontanilla, being the gentleman, just shrugged and continued walking to avoid a fight.

Dont turn your back on me while Im still talking. He said punching Miguel Fontanilla hard on the face. Luckily Ms. Amy Pascual saw the incident and called Mr. Lacson for detention. Leaving Miguel Fontanilla covered with his own blood. No one knew about that since it happened in one of the deserted corridors of Hillside Academy. No one noticed that it is not deserted, because someone is hidden at the back of a locker and had seen the whole scene.

The next day Alfred Lacson went to school badly bruised. Ron Alvarez gave Miguel a high five saying, Wow! You knocked the breath out of him dude! Way to go!

Confused, Miguel turned around and saw Alfred Lacson, I didnt do that! Alfred Lacson knew better than to retaliate at what Miguel did. He wanted to crush Miguel Fontanilla into pieces but the letter left to him after that unfaithful night where he got his bruises clearly states that:



Many would say that this is just an empty threat but its not for Alfred Lacson. Until that day no one, dare I say it, no one ever had a fight with MIGUEL LORENZO FONTANILLA.

That was just the start of it all. After a week of settling in their new environment, Miguel Fontanilla suddenly developed a huge crush on Samantha Lacson, Alfred Lacsons younger sister. Miguel Fontanilla ignoring the fact that Samantha Lacson is his sisters rival asked Samantha out.

Hi, Samantha right? Im Miguel he said extending his hands to Samantha.

Miguel Fontanilla, I know. She said smiling sweetly. Samantha is one lovely girl you see, bubbly and seems to light up every room when she enters. Its as if youre in cloud 9 just by seeing or walking pass by her.

I know that youre brother and I are not really on good terms

Good terms as in he wont consider you as his best friend. Yes, I know exactly what happened Miguel. She said the smile on her lips grew brighter which made Miguel a whole lot confident.

Yeah. Well all Im asking is if youre still available for the Homecoming Ball? I mean I would love to have you as my date. Samantha blushed so deep her face resembled like an apple.

And if I go out with you Ms. Sy wouldnt be jealous? By the mere mentioning of Beatrice Sys name, Miguel Fontanillas heart shattered into pieces. He asked her first alright,

but Beatrice Sy already told him that he is going out with someone else, that is Ron Alvarez of course.

Hes going with Ron. Miguel replied. And so there they are, Samantha being the happiest junior in the planet is going to be Miguel Fontanillas date at the Homecoming Ball

Or not

At the night of the Homecoming Ball Miguel Fontanilla is already at the front doorstep of the Lacsons residence. In one hand is a beautiful bouquet all for Samantha Lacson herself. Her mother answered the door, Oh, you just missed her dear. Just find her at the ball okay?

Confused Miguel Fontanilla went to the ball alone



If only he got to ask Beatrice Sy first instead of the scumbag, Ron Alvarez whom he calls his best friend then this night might just be perfect.

So what happened to Samantha Lacson? The next day

Hey Samantha! Samantha just continued walking, as if she hadnt heard a thing Ms. Lacson! Miguel shouted. Nope nothing from then on Samantha Lacson removed all the connections linking her to Miguel Fontanilla. A few days after that Samantha Lacson moved to America where she can live at peace

Thats when the blogs, messages and IMs started and it all started with this very single entry


First I started writing Miguel letters LETTERS NEVER SENT but I got too obsessed wanting him more and more Wanting him to be a part of me

Little by little Im starting to fall in this endless pit of obsession and insanity

It was his fault not mine he looked at me first and now he treats me like an invisible scumbag

YOU TAUGHT ME things I never wanted to learn LOVE HURTS REALLY HURTS

And Im taking it on you now by hurting those around you

No matter who they are

No matter they are your past Present Or future THEY WILL ALL SUFFER COZ YOU CHOSE THEM AND THEY CHOSE YOU





Many wondered why Suzzane Abalos just suddenly disappeared when she and Miguel Fontanilla broke up. Many said that theyve seen her lurk around the campus and stalk Miguel but no one was really sure about it.

Many suspected Suzzane Abalos since she had a bitter past with Miguel. Many thought that it is simply absurd to just judge Suzzane since shes still not there when Samantha Lacson vanished into fine dust. Still many believed that Suzzane Abalos stalked Miguel Fontanilla ever since. But who wouldve guessed?

Miguel Fontanilla sat at the lunch room area waiting for both Beatrice and Ron. As he was waiting there he felt like someone is watching him, he turned around but saw the usual crowd at the cafeteria. Then he felt it again, he turned to see a girl at the lunch line staring at him. Miguel Lorenzo felt goosebumps in his skin; he had a strange feeling that somehow, though he hadnt seen or noticed the girl, she knew him forever. He didnt know her, he planned to stand up and ask her name but suddenly she was bumped by Ron Alvarez, spilling her lunch tray all over the place and all over Ron. Hey watch it freak! Ron shouted as the girl helplessly picked up her lunch, Beatrice helped her threw Ron the empty can and ducked again. Hey! Ron looked back. Say sorry id1ot! You dumped her lunch! Ron shrugged and just for the sake of it said sorry.

Hey you look serious man! Ron tapped Migs shoulder and sat beside him.

What happened to the girl? Shes looking at me, it felt creepy! Beatrice laughed.

You wouldnt think that shes your stalker right? Shes only a sophomore.

Plus shes been giving me creepy looks too man. Youre not the only gorgeous guy here! and they laughed. Miguel suddenly dismissed the thought. Things have gone a little bit crazy in the past years; first with Samantha, then Marian, after that Kristin; but Miguel is quite relieved that Beatrice remained unhurt after all these years.

You may think Im crazy but Im kind of thinking if Miguel started but Ron already raised his hand to signal him to stop.

What? Flirt another girl then stalks that girl just to know who will hurt her. Ron read Miguels mind, he suddenly hoped he hadnt blurted out his plans out loud.

Dont do that Migs; its as if youre using a person as bait. I looked at Beatrice and suppressed the feelings to just hug and kiss her and say What if we just move out Beatrice. Move far, far away where no stalker can follow us. But he cant see the way she looks at Ron and concluded that its still for the best, even if Ron is a dumbheaded as$ and a man full of sh1t crap when it comes to relationships.

Yeah, the girls right. Youre life is so damn boring. Cant even have some fun with girls, like I always do. I met his girl, Kim, shes the hottest thing Ive ever seen

Then Beatrice rise up from her chair, Uhm e-excuse me, uhm, I think I need to go to the bathroom to- uhm- powder my nose. Then with an awkward pause left the table.

You know she still likes you. Miguel muttered and Ron just looked at him.

Hey, how about it man? Use Beatrice! Were both strong enough to protect her. Why not use her instead? the idea played in my mind like a broken film where it rewind most on parts of having Beatrice as his girl. She wouldnt refuse it Miguel knows; she would do it for the sake of Miguel and for the sake of those who was and will become victims.

Hey Miguel Angela Chua winked at him and smiled. He smiled back; Angela Chua is the cutest girl at Hillside Academy, while Beatrice Sy is the prettiest.

Busy tonight? she asked, he looked at Ron who is signaling Miguel to not go to that date. But Miguel is bored and relieved that someone who actually looks pretty still wants to go out on a date with him.

Nope. Any plans? he smiled back at Angela and Ron just shook his head bade the both of them goodbye and strode off.

Cesarios? 8 pm? Angela said with the slightest hint of seduction in her voice. Miguel almost laughs what a lame attempt to flirt with a guy like him.

See you there. Miguel said.

At 8pm Miguel is relieved that he found Angela at Cesarios sitting comfortably at one of the booths. He was kind of hoping Angela wouldnt show up. They are having such a wonderful time and Miguel felt like everything is Normal again. No creepiness

When Angela Chua excused herself and went to the comfort room, Miguel dialed Rons number and called him.

Yo man! She showed up! I think the worst is over man! then suddenly a waiter approached Miguels booth and hand him a piece of paper, Sir excuse me, someone asked me to deliver this to you.

Confused Miguel asked why, but the waiter said that its hard to recognize the face of the one who gave her the letter. When Miguel opened it, it read Quote

Bad move Miguel Fontanilla





The Stalker, as everybody thought she is, just sat there. Waiting for time to pass, waiting for an insane moment that he would look at her. And he did, but his gaze just moved past by her and she saw where he was looking at. A girl standing from the lunch line, the stalker knows her, shes Ginny Lacson. Shes been slipping letters at Miguels locker since she stepped her foot here in the academy and saw him.

The stalker smiled, pity if only Miguel would take a hint on her and flirt with her then she would again send messages reminding everyone that Miguel is hers. The victims are going less and there are no more chances of her reminding people that she is the one responsible for everything.

Why she had turned this way? Nobody really knows. But it started one day when Miguel Fontanilla sat at the corner booth at Starbucks cafe. His hair is dripping wet and in his hand a tattered umbrella. He ordered hot chocolate and waited for the rain to pass. Then a girl. Who became this story's stalker, as if on cue came through that very same door with hair dripping wet and in her hand a tattered umbrella as well.

This might be all a coincidental event but the stalker knew that it is her fate calling. She sat at the opposite booth and ordered latte and just like Miguel waited for the rain to pass. Shes been looking at him the whole time, thinking, and how one guy look so gorgeous in that state. Then at one crazy moment he looked at her, she blinked and then he smiled. It was as if the whole world just stopped spinning when he smiled, and for the girl she thought that this has been the sign shed been waiting for.

When she got home, he wrote Miguel the very first letter she had ever written and it read


When I first saw you at the coffee shop I thought you were just another guy who is handsome enough not to care about those around you. But when you looked at me and

smiled I felt warm all over my body. It was then that I first looked at you, really looked at you inside and out.

And I knew right there and then that you are the one for me

-the girl with the tattered umbrella

The next morning after that the girl planned to slip the letter into Miguels locker, but then he saw Ron Alvarez opened Miguels locker, took out all the love letters out of Miguels locker and threw it away, cursing under his breath, its as if the girl heard that he said, Crazy b1tches dont they know hes taken?

With that an angry surge of flame burned her heart. She crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash bin. She then started stalking Miguel, started knowing him through his actions little by little she became obsessed and whats supposed to be a simple admiration became something selfish and cruel and all the hate mails began to spread.

Pity how Miguel cannot know that the one who had cause him so much trouble is there sitting like any other student in the lunch room with a tray on her side like everybody else. She can hear pretty well all the conversations going on about Miguels table, she almost laughed but then their plan to use Beatrice Sy shook her a bit. You see she never wanted to hurt Beatrice Sy; shed been kind to her, always helped her with something she cannot do. And from then on she hated owing people something.

Then Angela Chua asked Miguel out, Angela Chua is cute and bubbly. There is no wonder that Miguel Fontanilla wont fall for her. So the stalker planned to eliminate Angela Chuaeliminate her for good.

The plan was going on well, the stalker asked the waiter to give the letter to Miguel Fontanilla to let him know that Angela wont be coming back and he should not anymore risk anything else. Just as she was about to go in on her car she heard a shrill voice accompanied by a short evil laugh.

Now I know who you are. The girl shuddered when she turned around she saw Suzzane Abalos standing at the rear end of her car.

You b1tch! I will tell the whole academy about this! Slut! Wh0re!! the stalker just smiled

And you think I wouldnt do anything about that? Ms. Abalos?

You wh0re! Miguel is mine and mine alone!

I heard that he never did like you. So why bother torturing you when I knew all along that youre out of the competition.

I will tell the whole world about your little secret! You manipulative b1tch. The stalker just laughed hard and as if on cue placed her hands on Suzzanes mouth and Suzzane just fell on her knees as if asleep.

The stalker dragged her to the car and left her near her house. And when she will wake up, she will know nothing about the incident, but if she did there will always be a solution to that.

That night the girl yet again posted something on her blog. Something to warn all her 1039 followers not to make an attempt to go on stealing Miguel Fontanilla away from her Quote

I prepared a little warning to those who are hard-headed enough to understand.


Last night Angela Chua had a wonderful time with Miguel... Of course I didn't want that. So I came to pay a little visit at their mini little date and taught Angela Chua a lesson she will never forget.

A lesson which will always remind her that MIGUEL FONTANILLA IS MINE!

Now Suzzane Abalos.... I heard you're planning something that I don't really like... I would'nt want you to go telling the whole world my TRUE IDENTITY...


Who will follow??

We'll see...

The next morning the stalker followed Suzzane and Miguel Fontanilla at a little quaint coffee shop where Miguel asked her about the incident. Suzzane swore she didnt know, and that she cant remember anything. She told Miguel to leave her alone, and if that isnt alone enough, Suzzane decided to move to Paris where she can live at peace. Just like Samantha Lacson and the other girls after her did.

Miguel Fontanilla stood up where he was seated and as he was nearing the door a girl smiled at him and said Hello Miguel Fontanilla. Miguel just smiled back and continued walking

He kept on walking

Without knowing that he had just had his first encounter with his so-called stalker.


While Miguel is confused on whats going on in his life and those around him, poor Beatrice Sys heart is breaking.

She still wasnt over Ron Alvarez and she has no plan of doing so. She kept on holding on to that feeble hope that maybe one day some day Ron Alvarez will realize that SHE IS THE ONE HES BEEN WAITING FOR.

As usual Ron Alvarez is there playing with girls, playing with all of them and is trying hard not to admit to himself that hes afraid of commitments. That hes afraid of falling in love and suddenly falling out of it. Hes broken even before he knew it.

After Rons night out, he was so drunk he cant even stand up. He dialed Miguels number and asked him to come and fetch him, he also texted Beatrice in case Miguel couldnt make it for some reason.

Beatrice got there first, for she really cares about Ron and wherever he is, shes there. Whenever he calls, she answers because she loves him simple as that

Ron. She called out seeing Ron drunk and helpless made her hopeful somehow, for these are the times where Ron can see that it has been Beatrice who has been there all along.

You came. He said drunk and unable to look at her.

Of course you idiot! she said and almost sobbed. He hate seeing Ron like this, for though Ron is quite a jolly guy he still havent found the joy that can be felt in love.

Lets wait for Migs ok? You cant lift me alone; youre so thin youre almost anorexic. Wait! You are. He said his speech quite slurred.

Are you really drunk? Or should I just leave you alone??!

Hey, dont be so stingy. He said and held Beatrices hand. Stay. And she was frozen in her tracks.

As if on cue Miguel Fontanilla arrived. Seeing that he too remained unmoved, but somehow he leaned closer so that he can hear their conversation.

Lets just wait for Miguel ok?

I love you. Beatrice didnt know what to feel, shes been waiting for this for so long. Miguel just stood there, and the painful reality stabbed him like ten thousand knives.

Im scared ok. Scared to death that one day youll see me as a scumbag and leave me. Leave me all alone when Ive fallen madly and deeply in love with you.

You are a scumbag Ron Alvarez, youre a stupid pain in the as$ and I still love you.

Dont leave me.

Beatrice smiled, her dreams are finally becoming her reality, I wont Ron, I wont.

With that Miguel left, he cant stand it anymore. He thought that Beatrice would get tired of Ron and then she would notice Miguel and would fall in love with him. He thought that it was as simple as that, only it wasnt.

Just before Miguel reached his car he breaks down and cry he thought about everything that is happening in his life how pathetic his life is. No one can make him forget Beatrice because just before he can fall in love again they would just disappear

Miguel? nobody knows that despite this the stalker is still watching Miguels every move. She cant just stand there and see Miguel so helpless so she approached him.

Isabelle. He replied. Shocked and almost terrified that maybe Miguel knew that it is her all alongshe just remained frozen and became so pale

Hey, I dont bite. He said then wiped his tears almost embarrassed that she caught her in that situation.

You know my name? Isabelle, who is Miguels stalker, asked incredibly.

Yeah. He said then stood up.

Want to have some drinks? she asked finally the moment shed been waiting for

Ill pass. Be careful though everyone who had asked me out on a date just suddenly moved to another place. I really wanted to get to know you and all Isabelle, but I wouldnt want to risk your life just for the sake of being my date tonight so if you please excuse me

Isabelle then grabbed his hands, No! Im th she almost said it. Almost said that its her and that she did the entire evil scheme just to have this one chance if only

If only she hadnt done it

Isabelle, for your sake, youre a nice girl too bad that this wont work. And with that Miguel left.

And so you think that with this Isabelle might have learnt her lesson

But you thought wrong.

All she felt is hatred hatred towards herself hatred among those who Miguel chose before her! All the pain couldve end if only Isabelle hadnt posted in her blog these words

Quote If you thought that all this were over

Well b1tches it had only begun So everyone who would dare to neither speak nor come close to Miguel, either youre worth the attention or not, youre dead!



Miguel Fontanilla sat at the edge of the counter at Corner Ave. Bar, he had no planned dates, his grades are failing and his life is so miserable he just wanted to die. He cant even be around girls anymore even with his best friend Beatrice. He is so afraid that Beatrice would become the next victim that he is the one already avoiding her. Ron Alvarez thinks that he is going insane, and he guess he was too, sometimes he punches himself thinking that if it hurts so much he would wake up and all of this would just be some crazy and bizarre dream, only it wasnt, it is reality as far as hes concerned and theres nothing he can do about it.

Isabelle Tan is there too, sitting quietly at the corner and is vividly watching Miguel. Shes waiting for some girl to approach him but its either Miguel just nods and says he wanted to be alone or he would just ignore the subtle flirting. She cannot quite pinpoint how shes going to feel but that is just the way she had planned it, she wanted Miguel to feel so alone and so cut back with the rest so that only she can get his full attention.

Miguel. Funny seeing you here. She said as she sat next to him. Deceit and lies thats all there is for Isabelle, whats so funny in seeing Miguel here? Shes following him day and night.

Isabelle, I didnt know that this is your kind of place. Funny how Miguel isnt that observant. Shouldnt he notice it too when Isabelle saw him the other night where he was supposedly going to fetch Ron Alvarez? Didnt he notice that she is always there wherever he was? Didnt he know that it was her all along?

Well shes not prepared for this, she wanted Miguel to see her as someone who is sweet and kind which is he exact opposite of her $lutty and b1tchy attitude.

And without any warning Miguel blurted out things he wanted to tell ever since I want to be normal again. I wanted to tell Suzzane how much she brightens up my day with her sweetness, I wanted to tell Mariane how sorry I am for having to end our relationship just like that, I wanted to tell Angela how cute she is in her cheerleading

uniform. I wanted to tell Beatrice that I love her so much. I even wanted to tell Ginny Lacson how cute her messages are and that I knew that shes the one slipping those love letters in my locker. I wanted to be loved again. I just wish that if that crazy stalker is listening at this very minute I wish that she would just kill me. Isabelle sat there frozen. Miguel Fontanilla is asking Isabelle Tan to kill him now

Isabelle Tan smiled her smile so haunting its as if shes thinking how to perfectly execute the plan. But wouldnt all the stalking and plotting be absurd if Isabelle killed Miguel just like that? There is no telling Nobody can ever tell what Isabelle can do just to have Miguel Fontanilla all by herself.

Want to go to the prom with me?

Miguel looked at him bewildered, as if she just asked him if he would want to be killed with a knife or a gun. No thank you, I see you still havent heard about the rumors. Girls who are getting a little too close to me are mysteriously disappearing and when they return they avoid me like Im some kind of a disease or something.

Isabelle is getting madder, she wanted Miguel to be her date and she will do anything in her power to do that Excuse me, I just need to go to the bathroom. And there she sent the very message that would complicate all their lives in one night.

Quote Having a blasting evening b1tches? I just want to wish you the best of luck in pursuing your dates for the prom. As for me I am going alone, I heard Miguel Fontanilla will be too. Just for the sake of prom Miguel Im permitting you to go with whomever you like. But like Cinderella every happy dream comes to a bittersweet reality that YOU ARE MINE AND MINE ALONE. Happy hunting Miguel Fontanilla I hope you end up with a nice girl and that will be YOURS TRULY.

After hitting send Isabelle prepared herself for a night she wouldnt forget. When she returned at the counter Miguel was nowhere in sight, the bartender told her that he already left. Leaving Isabelle, broken, sad, bitter, unloved and MAD.

The next morning Miguel Fontanilla hid at the exact opposite of his locker to see if Ginny Lacson will be slipping her usual love letters, and there she is, just as shes slipping the letter carefully Miguel let out a cough. Hey there Ginny. Ginny almost slammed her head in Miguels locker and when she looked up to him shes flaming red.

I was I was just Ginny stuttered almost finding a way to escape a situation she obviously cannot get out off at all.

Would you be my date to the prom? Miguel asked, and Ginny just stood there shocked, she stuttered a somewhat yes and started walking away.

Ill take that as a yes Ginny, Ill pick you up at 8. And Ginny is nowhere in sight.

Guess youre making all Lacsons disappear. Alfred who came out of nowhere, hissed.

What are you his brother?

Technically yes, since shes my cousin. Word of advice Fontanilla, be very cautious you wouldnt know that youre already exchanging meaningful chit chats with your stalker. That hit Miguel Fontanilla hard, Alfred was a victim too and hes the only one who stayed at Hillside Academy.

You know who she is?!

I wouldnt be so stupid to go on telling you who she really is wouldnt I? I suffered a great deal of bruises just because I hit you once. Just be observant Fontanilla. I just want this craziness to stop. With that Alfred Lacson walked away. Miguel shrugged tomorrow night will be a normal night and somehow all the hopes of him being normal again came up with full blast

If only Isabelle is not listening in the part where Miguel Fontanilla asked Ginny Lacson out

If only Miguel just asked her instead


PROM would be just like any other prom


Sleep tight for now b1tches and gather all the strength youll need, Isabelle Tan is on the rise again.


PROM Night and Ginny Lacson is more than excited, as soon as she strode off after Miguel Fontanilla asked her to the prom she went straight to the mall to buy her dress for the event. She even skipped Statistics and Biology to have a perfect night. She bought a black dress that complimented her body and somewhat lightens her eyes. She went to her mother to ask her to teach her how to apply make up. Ginny Lacson is so excited that finally shed get the chance to have the night with Miguel it was as if she is Cinderella.

Beatrice Sy is excited to, being Rons date made it even more exciting. After classes she asked Miguel to accompany her to buy her prom dress.

B, youll look good with anything. So please dont drag me to the mall and make me wait for about 4 hours just so you could gush at one particular dress only to say in the end that the hems are not well knitted. Miguel almost whined, he didnt want to see how beautiful Beatrice Sy will be especially if she will not be his date.

Come on Migs, you wont throw our 16 years of friendship just because youre not up to shopping. Plus we must get you some new suit too. Bet your suit wont fit you anymore since you became so fat! she said and smacked Miguels stomach.

Miguel couldnt say NO to Beatrice you see, he still loves her, and this is what would make her happy then hell. He might as well first see how beautiful Beatrices dress will be.

When Beatrice went out of the dressing room, Miguel stood up and cannot believe his eyes that shes even prettier than she already is. If ever thats possible. And he couldnt help it, he grabbed Beatrices arm and kissed her. And when he pulled away he said, I should at least do it B. Im sorry, and you look beautiful. And with that he left.

After what happened wouldnt Miguels phone be buzzing on and off about threats on how to eliminate Beatrice Sy, nope. His phone remained silent for one whole day.

Isabelle is busy to stalk Miguel, for tonight is prom night and she should look so beautiful to

finally attract Miguel


Miguel is quite relieved that Ginny Lacson showed up and hadnt disappeared since the day he asked her out. and then came the message: Quote I promised Miguel a night to remember, as long as he behaves well tonight no one gets hurt. And if were all lucky I might have a chance to dance with him

BUT WAIT. Who am I kidding


Miguel looked at Ginny who turned so pale she might have lost all her blood in a second. Dont worry, Ill protect you Ginny. And Miguel became the knight in shining armor once again.

When they arrived he saw Beatrice Sy and Ron Alvarez dancing, Beatrice saw him looking and then glance away. He thought he owed her an apology so she went to Beatrice Sy.

Hey, mind if I dance with my best friend for a sec? he said cutting both Ron and Beatrice in a halt.

Sure man! I never really liked dancing anyway. Meet me somewhere near the liquors B. he said and Beatrice gave him a stern look. He laughed and added, Kidding.

Im so sorry B. Miguel started but Beatrice placed her hand on his lips.

Just dance with me Miguel, thats all I ask. And they danced. They danced until the music ended, they danced until theres silence and still danced together until the music

played again.

But Isabelle did not see all that, she did not see how Beatrice are having second thought on both Miguel and Ron, how Beatrice look at Miguel as if she too is falling for him. Shes too busy eliminating the wrong girl. Since its prom Isabelle Tan should do her plan subtly so that no one, not a single soul would suspect her. Luckily Miguel is no where near Ginny and she is left alone standing.

Not bad Ginny Lacson. How is it being Miguels date?

Exhilarating. Hes like my knight in shining armor.

Hey, Ms. Cruz said that she wants to meet you at the laboratory at exactly 8 pm. She said dont be late. And Isabelle strode off with a smile. What awaits Ginny Lacson at the laboratory? Just smoke that can either kill her, or leave her brain damaged for good.

When Isabelle went back to the gym she saw Miguel.

Hey Isabelle, have you seen Ginny?

Yeah, I saw her left the gym maybe she would just meet someone outside.

Oh. Ok.

wanna dance?

And they did, Isabelle glanced at her clock 7:50 pm. She smiled and saw Ginny Lacson went out of the gymnasium for real. At exactly 7:51 pm she came back. And Miguel saw her too.

Theres Ginny, Im sorry Isabelle but I still hadnt got the chance to dance with my date. Miguel left Isabelle furious and she stalked of glaring at Ginny who just smiled at her, as if saying, YOU FOUND YOUR MATCH B1ATCH.

Isabelle went to the laboratory and found Beatrice Sy, she saw the clock ticking 10

Hey what are you doing here?

Is! Well Ginny told me to meet Ms. Cruz here.

9 8

Isabelle is furious she didnt know what to do

7 6

Either just leave Beatrice Sy here and made her the victim instead or save her, like how she saved her life that day on the beach.

B?! Isabelle looked like blood has been drained in her whole system, Ron Alvarez is here too!

Lets get out of here.

1 and the smoke filled the room.

Hey what do you think youre doing??! Committing suicide? That smoke can kill you in an instant! Ron screamed at Beatrice incredulously.

No it will only leave you brain damage. Isabelle whispered.

How did you know? Beatrice Sy asked looking straight at Isabelle.

Havent you been listening at chemistry?! Duh. She said dismissing the thought.

No, Is. How did you know that that thing is going to blow?

Isabelles world began to spin uncontrollably. How do you think was she supposed to answer to that?


Isabelles mind went black for a second and her devious mind came back in full speed. She shouldnt be the one to blame here and everything went perfectly clear, and she took advantage of the situation.

Hey, Im a victim here too. I I was- I was just told by Ginny too you know.

You just stuttered. Ron eyed her suspiciously.

So what Mister? What does stuttering has got to do with everything?

You just lied.

And how can you tell that Ron? Beatrice said cutting both of us out.

Did you set this up?

You know what Ron, shes right, we just got a little carried away. But who do you think wouldve done this?

Beatrice looked at Isabelle as if searching in her eyes the answers shes been longing to know. She is the suspect! It is her, she planned the whole thing and has been planning all her life just to get Miguel Fontanilla by herself and funny enough there she was, in a situation where she should not be in, Beatrice Sy is actually asking her who did all this evil plotting not knowing that the answer is standing right in front of her.

A smile formed in Isabelles lips she can easily eliminate Ginny Lacson without lifting a finger. Ginny Lacson. And with that name Beatrice Sy and Ron Alvarez actually believed in her.

Beatrice Sy sent a text message to everyone she knows, fortunately her contacts are many

enough to cover the whole student body of Hillside Academy. Even Isabelle got the text message which says: Quote Be careful guys, I know who the real stalker is and shes standing right in front of you all. Shes dressed in black and is dancing on the floor with Miguel Fontanilla. Tadah! No other that Ginny Lacson, so here is the plan, we stay far away from her as possible and with any chance we got we should catch her doing the act. Do not breathe a word people; we have a rumor to solve.

After prom night Isabelle went home with a smile on her face until she saw the message taped on her bedroom door. Quote I know who you are. Meet me at school at the back of the stage Ill be waiting ISABELLE TAN. -G.L.-

PS: Dont make me wait for too long.

Isabelle crumpled the paper and went straight to the gym with one thought in her head which is to finish of Ginny Lacson for good.

Well. Well Ginny Lacson, youre smarter than I thought you were! I guess I underestimated your intelligence a bit.

Ginny Lacson hid her tremors in a smile.

I know youre dead scared by now Ginny, dont try to hide it. I might be a little gentler MIGHT!

Why are you doing this?

Isabelle laughed, laughed so hard she almost cried.

Wouldnt you want to change your question G? More of, what will I do to you? Wait I have a better idea, what will remain of you after this?

Ginny shuddered; she cannot hide her fears now! She cursed herself for being so brave when none of her friends actually believed in her.

I am just as miserable as you, you know. We both wanted attention, we wanted attention of that someone we could never have.

Isabelle is furious, last thing she wants is a lecture from someone named Ginny Lacson.

I dont need attention you little crap! I want MIGUEL! Dont you know hes mine!! Everybody in Hillside Academy had grasped that! Why the hell cant you understand you little creep?

Because he was never yours.

And why do you think that?

You just created the idea of him being yours Isabelle, you threatened people, you made them forget, you made them leave, thats why you thought you have him. But hes nobodys property. No matter how many girls youll torture he will never be yours!

Boohoo! Enough of your drama, I almost thought youre kind! But then I remembered you told Beatrice Sy to come in there instead! You !@#$!

Because I knew Ron would save her! And I knew as soon as you saw me you would go straight there too!

And they will find me huh??! Then poof Im busted. Only Im not Ginny so lets all just shut up and just finish this crap!

And just like Angela, she slipped something in Ginny Lacsons mouth and ran away. It was flawless, if a police would see Ginnys body by now they might have thought of it as suicide. Only Ginny Lacson never swallowed the pill. She just remained there motionless until Isabelle thought she was dead ONLY SHE WASNT.


Isabelle went to sleep later that night knowing that tomorrow she will again post a lengthy message on how stupid the students at Hillside Academy for them to actually believe that little Ginny Lacson planned everything that she has done.

In the morning everybody got the message. Quote Wakey, wakey b1tches

I had a blast at prom last night. I actually had a dance with Miguel Fontanilla. I hope its not creeping you out.

Funny of you to think that little G is me. Sad to say she cant be with us right now since shes not going to school today. I hope the police finds her body fast before she rot in our school grounds. Poor little G. if you dont want to end up like her, youll do what I say! Stay far, far away from Miguel Fontanilla.

Hes mine!

The hall went silent. Dead air filled the space. Not a single sound. No single word was uttered. No one moved. Everybody is staring at Ginny Lacson who was frozen in her tracks as she was about to slip a letter in Miguels locker.

Miguel was there too with Beatrice and Ron they all stared at her dumbfounded. How could Ginny Lacson be dead when she is standing right there, breathing oxygen like everybody else.

Then Isabelle entered the hall everybody looked at her since it was the first sound and movement ever made since the message came and she too was more than shock than everybody else when she saw Ginny Lacson inhaling and exhaling spontaneously. But nobody doubted Isabelle because they taught she got the message too.

Stay away from her. Shes sending these crazy text messages. Beatrice whispered then yanked Miguel away from the now buzzing hallway.

What? Didnt you see the message? The crazy stalker just killed her.

Are you even thinking Miguel?? If she killed her then why is she here?! Or do you think its her soul were all seeing then?!

Dont snap at me like that! this is crazy, you even said it yourself. That shes only a sophomore!

Believe her man! Last night at prom she sent B and Isabelle at the lab, and if Isabelle isnt keen enough to notice the ticking machine. She and B are brain damaged now!

What? Isabelle?

Yeah! Ginny sent her there too, might have seen you dancing with her.

I thought Isabelle is the stalker.

Duh! Migs?! Does she even know you exist?

Yeah man, apparently shes the only one who is smart enough to not like you.

I have this feeling that Im always seeing her at places where Im at.

Pure coincidence man! Stay away from Ginny! She might rape you or something!

Isabelle smiled. They didnt suspect her. Not even a single clue. she started walking away from the three when someone pulled her back.

Im telling Miguel. Im going to tell him that its you!

Go on. As if hell believe you. Good luck.

And with that Isabelle walked away, with a smile on her face and a wave of confidence that radiates her body. She is so not over yet.

At the cafeteria Ginny Lacson went at Miguels table and asked if she can talk to him. Beatrice looked away and Ron pretended to eat. Sure. Miguel finally said and Ron looked at him as if to say, dont worry man, well be right behind you.

I Ginny started as they sat at an empty room far from the cafeteria.

Save it Ginny. I know its you. Please. Stop this. Stop all of this; you will never have me, ok? I just asked you out just to thank you for the letters and all. But no Ginny. No. I will never be yours. I can never be yours. I am not anyone elses property too. So please stop. For your sake and mine.

No! You dont understand I wasnt then Miguel stood up started walking away and then stopped when he reached the door.

Its Beatrice all along Ginny. If you ever lay your fingers on her I promise, youll regret it. and with that he is gone and left Ginny there alone. Crying.

The next morning the students led on with their lives as if yesterday was a dream. Only to find out in first period that a sophomore girl committed suicide. A sophomore girl named Ginny Lacson. Then as if on cue and as if someone told them they all realized the truth behind simple little Ginny Lacson. They knew in their hearts that it is not GINNY LACSON who planned all the craziness happening in Miguel Fontanillas life, it is someone else. And shes still out there, among them even. And her plans and obsession hasnt stopped yet.

Isabelle went to Ginnys house only to find out there was no wake, no rite to grieve for Ginny

Lacsons death only to see her inside a car, Isabelle followed her, and the last time Isabelle saw Ginny Lacson is when shes boarding on a plane going to who knows where. Quote SO LONG GINNY LACSON,

You were a great opponent.

Too bad though



Beatrice Sy thought that all craziness is over, but how can he possibly admit to Ron that she has fallen in love with Miguel? She promised him she wont leave him didnt she?


Ei B. r u awake? Mit me at lunch in Taverna?

Beatrice Sy has never been so confused in her life, when she and Miguel danced during Prom night she saw something else, she saw Miguel as a guy rather than her long time best friend. She saw his sincerity and kindness she hadnt seen in Ron. And when he held her close and kissed her she saw the guy she rejected and now regrets having to let him go.

But he waited for Ron for so long, now is not the time to get all confused. Maybe shes tired of all the nonsense crap Ron has been throwing her for years and now that hes finally hers all the love had fade away. She looked at her phone again lunch with Ron, this should be the thing that excites her the most, she often daydream of having lunch dates with Ron, only it wasnt Ron who is in the picture now.

Sure. Got sumthin impt to say too.

Just as Beatrice hit send, she got a message immediately.

Ei B. we nid 2 talk. migs

Ron nd I r having lunch u cn join us if u want. Taverna. Noon.

Ok. C u.

When Beatrice arrived at Taverna Ron is already sitting in one of the booths. He waved at Beatrice and smiled.

Hey, Migs said he got something to tell us, did he texted you? I ask him to come here and meet us.

Yeah, I did the same way. Beatrice replied, somehow it felt weird to be around these guys, its as if the security and comfort are all missing

When Miguel arrived they already ordered.

Hey man! Congrats! Youre whole life is back to normal, now that little-miss-stalker is gone.

I dont know Ron; honestly I never thought that it was Ginny.

Dont tell me you fell for her? Beatrice said narrowing her eyes. Ron looked at her as if she said something weird, I mean its obvious, she even killed herself.

You know whats weird though, Ginny Lacson lives just a few blocks away from my apartment and she never had a funeral or wake of some sort. Ron said suspiciously.

Maybe they wanted it to be a secret.

And then publicly announce it in school first period? No, I doubt that.

Miguel suddenly looked around; he felt that someone is watching them, as if someone is spying on them. He feels that the stalker is still on loose and I lurking at the very walls of Taverna.

Miguel? Beatrice waved her hand in front of Miguel. Something wrong?

Then a phone rang, Miguel froze in his seat another could it be tip off from the stalker?

Wait, I have to take this, my mom is calling me?! Ron said pulling of his phone and then left.

What is that all about? Beatrice looked at him suspiciously.

Im leaving this town, that school, and this country for good. Miguel said straight and forward.

What are you talking about? Youll leave?! Just like that? Did you honestly believe that this will end just because you left? Beatrice half-screamed and half-sobbed. How could Miguel leave her just like this, without even fighting? Without even knowing who is behind this. Somehow Beatrice Sy felt betrayed. How could he just leave just as she is finally falling in love with him?

Miguel sat there looking at Beatrice his eyes pleading, Lets leave together, leave with me. Please! its not a question; its desperation that is in Miguels voice as he said these words. His hands holding tightly hers, begging her this might be their last escape.

Another few moments of silence then Beatrices and Miguels phone rang. Quote BITTERSWEET ESCAPE You are not going to escape are you Miguel Fontanilla?

And youre going with Beatrice.

I for one had committed so many crimes but yours take the cake.

Leaving with you best friends boyfriend? Isnt that adultery?

If I were you Ron Alvarez, youll stay far away from Miguel Fontanilla, better drag your girlfriend with you if dont want to lose her just yet.

Better plan your whole life here Miguel You know I wouldnt go down without a fight.


Ron who is still on the phone didnt react, but Miguel and Beatrice are both frozen in their tracks. None of them move. Miguel look around to see that many students from hillside academy started arriving at Taverna. It is hard to decipher who sent that message.

When Ron returned to their table he still hadnt seen the message, Hey Ron can I borrow your phone for a minute Ill just text my uhmmm mom. Ron gave Beatrice his phone saw the message and immediately erased it. What she did not think of is the log list, a single mistake that can ruin her relationship with Ron in the process.

When Beatrice returned Rons phone, Isabelle went to their table, Hey Migs saw the message. Youre really leaving Hillside?

Beatrice looked down desperately hoping that Isabelle would not mention that Miguel offered her to leave with him.

You sure man? Ron asked.

You didnt know? They never told you? Ron looked at both Miguel and Beatrice.

You two are leaving? he said bewildered.

You never got the stalkers message?

Beatrice wanted to stand up and just make Isabelle stop, but she look so concerned to all of them that she just looked down. Ron looked at his log list and saw an incoming message from the stalker that he never got.

Thats what you did right? Erased the message so I would just wake up one day and know that you two ran away. Ron pounded his fist and left, Beatrice grab hold of his hand but he shook it off and with a whisper he said, You know what I know that you are too good to be true, I guess I have to face reality now. Bye B.


Isabelle held Beatrice for support. Hey Im sorry, I

Its ok, its entirely my fault I shouldnt erase that message and shouldve explained this to him. Beatrice said to Isabelle.

Why are you always here when something like this happens? Miguel said his eyes on Isabelle. But Isabelle stood there with feigned honesty that did not give any signs that may cause suspicion.

Hey, it is a public place Miguel. She said acting hurt.

Dont blame it on her Migs, shes just concerned.

You may not seem to notice but I always see you in places where Im at, the mall, bars, even on my way home. I am watching you Isabelle Tan.

Without further disagreements Isabelle stalked off Beatrice tried to follow her but she is way too fast. Isabelle is furious, Miguel know its her, but if he did? Then why did he believe in Ginny? Why did he think that it was Ginny stalking them then?

Why are you so nave?!! Cant you see that its her?! Its her all along B! And you choose to see goodness with that brat. Miguel said outrageously, how Beatrice could not know, Isabelles schemes are so transparent that it reflects in her eyes all the evilness in her.

You know what Miguel. Im not going. Your plan is crazy! It is insensitive and youre turning to some suspicious guy I dont even recognize. Maybe I misread my feelings for you, maybe I looked too deep with this relationship thing that I didnt notice that what we feel for each other is just fear. Fear of losing the other, maybe you dont love me after all Miguel. Maybe theres a reason why you and I should just remain as we always were, friends.

Beatrice wiped a single tear and then stood up. She had second thoughts of leaving because she is not sure of what Miguel really feels. But he just sits there and looked at her, a look as if saying go on, leave. And Beatrice did. Beatrice walked out off Miguels life, she always wanted to stay, but it seems that he cannot keep her either.

When Beatrice left Miguel was dumbfounded. How could he just let her go, when she is finally falling for him? Then Miguel thought of one crazy plan, but he knows this will work. He knows that once and for all Isabelle Tan will be caught red handed in his own scheme. Quote COME ONE COME ALL. I will be throwing a party tomorrow night. All senior students are invited. PS Ron and B I need your support on this. Party to plan!

Sent. Within seconds Miguel received a text from Ron.

Sori 2 storm off lyk that. I know I shud hav confirmed it first count me in on your party. Wats ur plan?

Miguel suddenly felt guilty, Ron has been his bestfriend since he and Beatrice moved in Hillside Academy and now hes trying to steal that one girl that made a difference in Rons life. without hesitation Miguel replied his plan.

Gather all senior students and then well knw hu d stalker is

That text started Miguels quest on finding sneaky, little stalker.

The party was a full blast all senior students of Hillside Academy came, Miguel felt relieved to see Beatrice there too. He saw Ron and gestured him to start the plan.

Man, just hush everyone ok. Tell them you got something important to say and then when this place is quite Ill send that crazy stalker a text and then her phone will ring

and well catch her red-handed ok?

Ron looked totally surprised, are you watching gossip girl?


Because that plan is totally copied from one of their episodes. Ron snickered.

Well, that makes the two of us. You seem to have memorized it well too. Miguel answered back, Ron just shrugged and stood at the middle of the table.

Hey everybody listen up

Then theres silence, no one made a sound everybody is looking at Ron and then Miguel sent the message. He heard a beep and saw Beatrice took her phone out, it can not be? Why? Before further questions begin entering Miguels thoughts, there are numerous beeps and rings and almost all the students are looking at their mobiles he and Ron even got one too. Perplexed Miguel took his phone out and read the message. Quote Sneaky Miguel, who wouldve thought that you can play my kind of game too.

I am thrilled that you are now aware of my existence but isnt it too early for you to meet me?

You are not yet ready Miguel.

In a way that I too am . So Ill give you a hint, look around you narrowed down your suspects with the people around you.

The game is not yet done Miguel, it is only steaming up, so dont be a spoiler and try to bear with me some more

As quoted from gossip girl, I am nothing without you.

It wont be a xoxo ending Miguel,

Not unless we both had proven out that YOU ARE MINE.

At one corner of the room a girl who had received a different text message like everybody else received sat there quietly, gulping a huge amount of martini. Isabelles text message read: Quote Now I know who you are b1tch!

She smiled and left the party, took one glance of Miguels bewildered expression and then walked away with one thought in her head, "This is so not over Miguel... I am openly challenging you now."


Monday morning and Miguel doesnt feel of going anywhere. Everything just became so complicated, nothing seems right, and everyone he holds dear in his heart is now slipping away from his grasp leaving him alone in this world that he does not want to be in. he became a prisoner of the stalkers sphere of chaotic world.

He sat down at the bench near the schools library, somehow he doesnt want to see people constantly staring at him, whispering and buzzing how his plan fail and how he just made the situation worst. As if they care? It is not their life anyway. Miguel saw Beatrice walking towards the library, he was about to call her but his voice seemed trapped in his throat. It breaks his heart that somehow it is his fault that people are now suspecting Beatrice since shes the first one to get the message. It is stupid for Miguel to even doubt Beatrice, as he looked at Beatrices retreating back he could not help but ask himself, why did everything have to be this complicated when they both knew all along that its them who are meant to be together.

And as if on cue Ron immediately came into the picture and Miguels answer became crystal clear. Ron can protect Beatrice, and it is for the best that Ron and Beatrice should be together even if he thought that he and Beatrice are meant to be together.

Within few seconds Isabelle came walking not far away where Miguel is seated, even Isabelle hates him now, come to think of it Isabelle never made a sign that she likes Miguel and here he was condemning her for sins he wasnt sure shed done.

Isabelle! he called. She continued walking as if she hadnt heard a thing but she did, she cant turn back, now that Miguel is suspecting her, she should not be seen anywhere near him so that people wont judge her and so she could freely continue her manipulating plans.

Isabelle wait! Miguel said as he caught Isabelles hand.

What now? she said acting cold and distant, if only Miguel could hear her brain whispering leave before he tells you he knows who you really are.

I just wanted to apologize, for accusing you and for screaming at you in Taverna. Theres a lot of things running in my mind and I couldnt think straight. I hope you forgive me.

Isabelle remained motionless, a tear is threatening to escape her eyes but before tears run down her face she removed her hands form Miguels grasp and without a single word walked away. No one knows whats running in Isabelles mind at this very moment but she felt a beat from the one thing she had buried long before she started scheming plans, she had nearly forgotten she had it until now, it started beating and Isabelle placed her hand on her chest, her heart started beating for Miguel again, and she cannot quiet point out if its hatred or love.

Isabelle went home after classes and she rummaged in her things and saw the one thing she buried along with her heart. She opened her diary and saw entries she never knew a girl like her would write.

Quote Sept. 30,2008

A new student entered Hillside Academy today. Hes perfect: Hes tall and handsome and he seems kind. He sat next to me in homeroom and Im to nervous that I havent spoken with him for one whole period. He thinks Im a snob, tomorrow I will gather all my courage and talk to him.

Isabelle tore the page out of the notebook and before she tear the paper into pieces she read something from that date too. Quote P.S. Miguel (the transfer student) is with her bestfriend Beatrice Sy. Shes the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on. I think they make a cute couple, but why does my heart seems to break at that thought?

She crumpled the paper and continued to read on. Quote October 5

Miguel asked me about asymptotes today, I just shrugged! So stupid of me to do that even if I know that Im a math whiz! I still cant talk to him normally. I just shrug or nod my head, this is so unlike me. I promise tomorrow, Ill give him a full one-on-one lecture about asymptotes.

Quote October 8

Everyone is buzzing about Beatrice and Miguel. I dont like the idea! Not at all. I had a feeling of squashing Beatrice Sy with my own hands.

Quote October 10

Today Beatrice Sy saved my life.

Isabelle threw the diary and sat there, her hands trembling, how did she turn out like this? All the scheming? All the evil planning? How on earth did she end up like this? She used to be so nice, funny and outgoing. Isabelle scrambled on her feet and with all her might kneeled and in what she hadnt done in ages prayed. And when she was about to change and repent on her deeds she received a message. Quote Im back b1tch.


Ron Alvarez hurried to Miguels locker before he arrives; he is running late again and had not done his assignments. He and Beatrice are having fights again, apparently Beatrice saw Ron at a club kissing some girl. He spent all night trying to woe Beatrice back but she doesnt seem to notice his existence. For sure Beatrice told Miguel of what she saw and he wont allow Ron to copy his assignments even if he is failing Algebra.

Ron scrambled Miguels combinations and as he opened Miguels locker a piece of paper fell, he opened it and suddenly he felt paralyze, the letter read: Quote It's your will to choose. Don't leave it to fate. YSA-

For all he thought Ginny Lacson is dead, but Ron also thought that the letter is still from her.

Hey! Stop stealing my homework! Miguel said as he ran towards Ron.

Miguel became confused since Ron was supposed to run as fast as he could even before Miguel finishes his sentence. When Miguel reached Ron he looked at him.

What man? Youre creeping me out! And then without uttering a reply Ron handed him the piece of paper which is somewhat crumpled, Miguels expression is similar with Rons only his are far more severe. It cant be, Ginny Lacson is dead!

Migs!!! Beatrice called out. Ron snatched the paper from Miguels hand and whispered harshly, Dont say anything!

Whats going on? You look pale. Beatrice said touching Miguels face, Miguel felt a sudden surge of energy through his body, its as if Beatrice's touch suddenly gave him strength.

Just tired, Miguel quickly answered.

Yeah, he ran after me. I stole his homework again.

Beatrices eyes narrowed, they are obviously hiding something. Shes used to these excuses, either they surprise her with a birthday party or a gift they both have that same look on their faces that says please-dont-ask-again. Then she saw Ron crumpled a piece of paper in his hands and she immediately took it.

Wait!!! No!!!!

When she opened it she almost faint. Ginny is back, Ginny will make her life worse too!

Youll never guess who I saw walking down the hall just a minute ago!! some student whispered, but she is close enough to Ron, Miguel and Beatrice that they heard their hushed conversation.


Ginny Lacson!

Shut up! Shes dead.

Excuse me. both of them froze and Miguels eyes were bewildered on what he saw, standing before them is someone who they thought was dead about a month ago!

Of course you thought I was dead Miguel, but arent you happy to know that Im not?

Miguel looked at Ron to see that he too is seeing what hes seeing.

Im here to tell you the truth

Then suddenly their phones beep and all received a message.

Quote Breathe a word Ginny Lacson and Ill make sure that youll be dead for good! Miguel Fontanilla is MINE! And no one will ever take him away from me! Not even you!

Ginny is not the stalker Miguel is quite sure of that, but why had she returned? And what on earth is she about to tell Miguel?

Guess someone is watching us Miguel, better tell you when no ones around. Then he leaned closer to Miguel and whispered something making sure that only Miguel can hear the time and place 8 sharp your backyard, Ill meet you there Miguel merely nod. With Ginnys hushed voice Miguel is sure that Ginny wont do anything crazy to hurt him or the people around him. And then Ginny Lacson walked away.

While walking Ginny Lacson saw Isabelle Tan standing near her locker looking at her with feigned shock and terror in her face, Ginny stopped right in front of her and then smiled sweetly, I think you mightve dropped something. Instinctively Isabelle Tan looked down on the floor and the minute she did that she wanted to just pull a trigger right in Ginny Lacsons head. Ginny Lacson laughed sarcastically, Youre going down b1tch!

Isabelle felt heat rushing through her veins, she wanted to kill Ginny right there and then but too many people are watching and then she grabbed Ginnys arms and pulled her closer, Miguel Fontanilla is mine! she hissed.

Isabelle saw someone stopped from walking and froze; she looked up only to see Miguel Fontanilla looking at her. Shock written all over his face.

I Isabelle stuttered how was she supposed to get away with that?

Ginny smirked and looked at Isabelle triumphantly, See you later Miguel and then continued walking away.

Ive wanted to tell you. Isabelle started, Ive always wanted to tell you I like you Miguel, but every time I do, that girl just threatens the hell out of me!

Miguel looked at Isabelle as if finding something real to believe in her, how could Ginny Lacson threaten her? Its just too hard to believe.

Remember prom? She planned everything! She even wanted Beatrice to be hurt too! I have proof! Isabelle Tan has proof?

If you dont believe me Ill hand it to you first thing tomorrow morning! and bring all the letters sent to you by Ginny. Im telling you the truth!

No. Hand me your proof 7pm tonight, my house, Ill wait for you there. And with that Miguel left.


Ive got to tell you something!

Yeah, you do have! I saw you talking to Isabelle Tan, man, dont you think its a bit dangerous if you ask someone out again knowing that your stalker had just risen from her grave? Ron mumbled his mouth so full of burger.

Dont talk while youre eating! Beatrice said totally grossed out.

So youre talking to me again.

Miguel looked at both Ron and Beatrice Youre not supposed to be talking? he said particularly to both of them.

You havent told him? Ron asked Beatrice, Miguel totally lost about their conversation.

Havent told me what?

We broke up Migs. And no! I am not taking that dumbheaded as$ back ever again!

I told you Im not worth your every affection you piece of crap.

Hey Ron! Dont you think thats a little bit off. Miguel said, Ron just shrugged. You broke up? Miguel asked looking straight in Beatrices eyes.

Yes if youre going to ask why, you are not smarter than I thought you were. Beatrice said pounding her mac and cheese hard that bits of macaroni are falling off the table.

Hey! Shut up! Its not my fault that youre boring me out!

You shut up Ron! I thought you were just old enough to take someone seriously.

You didnt know me that well then B! Arent you the one whos always, I mean constantly there even if I told you to stay out of it?

Thats because I cared! You m0r0n!

Well I didnt ask you to care!

You know what, I'm tired of this same old Ron-cheated-on-me-and-if-he-ever-sayssorry-Im-giving-him-another-chance crap! Rons eyes widened with disbelief.

Youre giving me a second chance?

I was Ron Alvarez, but obviously I wont anymore! Thanks to your little performance I finally woke up and realized youre not worth everything! with that Beatrice left. What she said stung a bit but Miguel thought Ron deserved every bit of it.

So where were we? Ron said looking at Miguel now uninterested on what Miguel is going to say.

She saw you with another girl? Miguel asked Ron while making up his mind whether to crush Ron into pieces or just punch him straight to his face.

Kissing another girl. Im quite surprised she hadnt told you!

Cant you stick to one girl for once Ron? Its Beatrice youre hurting, its not like shes some other girl! Shes your friend man!

See thats where youre wrong man, you are her best friend and for you shes not like some other girl but for me shes like any other girl.

Grow up!

So what are you going to say before we were interrupted?

Do you think that matters now?

Yes man! Your life matters and apparently Beatrices life is connected to your tangled mess too! So either you talk to Ginny Lacson to stop her evil planning or just leave! And take Beatrice with you! with that Ron almost dumped his lunch to Miguel and he walked away.

7 p.m. and Miguel is waiting for Isabelle to show up at his front door before Ginny Lacson shows up at his backyard 8 oclock.

7:15 and no Isabelle materialize.

7:30 and Miguel stood up until someone called after him.

Hey Miguel! he turned around to see Isabelle grasping her breath as if she ran her way just to get to Miguels house.

Do you have all Ginnys letters?

Miguel showed Isabelle the letters he got from his secret admirer.

And youre sure they all belong to Ginny?

Yeah! I mean we saw her slip those letters in my locker.

And then Isabelle gave Miguel a letter that read: Quote I know your deep dark secret. Meet me at school at the back of the stage Ill be waiting ISABELLE TAN. -G.L.PS: Dont make me wait for too long.

It was the perfect imitation of Ginny Lacsons penmanship.

Isabelle Tan was about to go home since she proved herself AGAIN not guilty then Miguel grabbed her hand.

Wait! Stay. Isabelles eyes widened with surprise.

So you do like me? Miguel asked almost blushing.

I guess. Isabelle almost whispered.

Ginny will be coming any minute now, she might see you and she might try to hurt you so stay until I tell you to go. And for the first time in her life, Isabelle Tan smiled genuinely.


Miguel waited for Ginny Lacson at their backyard, he already knows what shes going to say but he is still not quite prepared on how to handle the situation. While thinking of possible excuses Ginny Lacson arrived.

Hey, Ginny over here. Miguel called.

When Isabelle heard Ginnys name she crept slowly to the garage and opened the door to hear their conversation.

Hey. Ginny smiled and went on. Want some but before Ginny finishes Miguel spoke.

This wont take long Ginny so I assume we dont need refreshments. Ginny Lacson looked embarrassed and Isabelle stifled a laugh.

Youre busy? Ginny asked attempting to make their conversation longer.

Honestly Ginny I have a visitor waiting inside and I still have matters to discuss with her. Miguel said as if cold and distant but Ginny Lacson doesnt seem to notice.

Her? Is she Beatrice Sy? Miguel clenched his fist appearing to be impatient.

Shes Isabelle Tan and I dont want to keep her waiting. Ginny Lacsons expression did not fail to amuse Isabelle. Ginnys lips straightened into a thin line and clenched both her fist along side of her. Her eyes narrowed and shes obviously trembling with rage.

I know shes the stalker Ginny. I knew all along that shes the one. All the blood in Isabelles face drained, in just an instant she looks pale and now shes the one trembling.

And you still

Yes Ginny and it is because I am beginning to like her.

Isabelle Tan cannot believe what shes hearing. Miguel Fontanilla the man of his dreams, the man hes been longing for ever since she met him is finally falling for her.

Ginny Lacson is speechless. What on Earth happened? Why Isabelle Migs? Id rather prefer losing to Beatrice Sy.

And with words that Miguel felt from his heart he genuinely answered Ginnys accusations Because I know that Ill never have Beatrice. So Im giving Isabelle the chance she deserves, I know her ways are wrong but I somehow see her intentions. Please dont get mad Ginny. I gave you your chance too. Remember prom? I gave you the most important date of any high school student there is. And if youre thinking that I asked you out on a date just because of your letters well then youre wrong. I honestly thought you are who you are Ginny, someone who has a good and warm heart. If you did not send Isabelle and B out there at that laboratory then Isabelles plan may have backfired and for all we cared we might be fighting for something we should have had. But no Ginny, you became just like her and worst you left telling the whole school that you died when youre alive and kicking. And suddenly you returned. Why Ginny? You thought that maybe Ill love you back?

Ginny Lacson could not believe what shes hearing she had a chance all along. And just like Isabelle she had done something so not her just because she thought Miguel is slipping away from her. Funny how Ginny Lacson wouldve thought that since she never had Miguel in the first place.

I still think you need to be more careful about Isabelle. Theres a possibility she might go even more ballistic than Suzanne when you ended up things with her.

Miguel smiled, You are one great girl Ginny. I dont deserve such a great girl like you. And you know these excuses might sound as some crappy clichs but I truly mean it this time. Its not you, its me.

Ginny laughed through her tears. You couldve deserved me Miguel, you just cant fight

for me that time. And then she laughed again. See our conversation; its as if were breaking up when we really dont have a relationship.

Miguel laughed too, At least we cleared things out right? he held a hand to Ginny and said Truce?

Ginny took his hand, squeezed it and ran away. But theres no stopping her, at the back of her mind she is hearing a voice so loud its as if someone is screaming at herREVENGE!!! YOU"LL PAY FOR THIS ISABELLE TAN. AND YOU TOO BEATRICE SY!!!

Just when Ginny was out of sight Miguel smiled, at least that ended up easily. I know youre there Isabelle.

You knew all along. She whispered.

Dont you think now is the time to officially say what youve been texting all that time? Miguel smiled at her.

Isabelle looked at Miguel to see if hes mad or anything. But no remorse is seen in his eyes and with all the feelings she felt and is feeling for Miguel, all the pain, sorrows, joy and bliss came together as she say the one thing shed been wanting to say ever since he met Miguel. You are mine.

So you really are the stalker? asked Miguel.

I thought you already knew. Isabelle asked confused.

Honestly I just suspected that it is you, I planned all this Isabelle, everything. You meeting me today and me making you wait for Ginny to come. I knew youd listen to what were talking about. One true confirmation was that Ginny is actually going to tell me that it is you and another one coming from you. If she hadnt spoken those three words. If Isabelle only asked Miguel what it is that shes been longing to say then at least she would know what will happen next, but in the contrary she said the expected now

shes waiting for what will happen next.

Im so sorry. Isabelle mentally slapped herself, saying sorry means she admitted that she truly is Miguels stalker.

Why Isabelle? Why have you gone at this point? All those girls what have you done with them? Theyre not doing anything to you. All the rage that Miguel once felt to his stalker suddenly turned into pity when he saw Isabelle nearly gasping for air as she thought of a better way to explain herself. But both of them knew that forgiving and forgetting the things that happened is not an option.

I I dont know. The first time I saw you I just felt it. I felt our connection, I wanted to write you letters to but when I saw Ron ripping into pieces all your letters and saying something like youre already taken my heart just broke. And seeing you with Suzzane just hurts like hell.

But you never touched Suzzane not until she saw you doing one of your crimes.

Seeing you again in that bar made me think I had the chance to make myself get noticed but you sidetracked me again for someone else. You dont seem to notice me and I wonder why that is.

You are pretty Isabelle, very pretty, Ron even had a crush on you but it has been Beatrice all along. I am sorry that you felt that you were sidetracked but I did all that just to forget my feelings for Beatrice. But wouldn't you hate me more if I used you just to forget B? You're a smart girl Isabelle and I knew that, that's why I didn't use you.

When Isabelle looked at Miguel she felt something, something that made her want to hug him right there and then. She saw longing and emptiness in his eyes and somehow she understands how that feels like. It is how shes been feeling ever since she started liking Miguel Fontanilla. For all its worth Miguel, can you at least forgive me? that she said as she was looking straight into Miguels eyes.

I can Isabelle but I dont think I can ever forget.

I dont expect you to. Your forgiveness, thats all I needed to hear.

Miguel nodded and with that Isabelle left.


Miguel hurried to his locker to see Beatrice waiting for him there.

Hey! What took you so long? Beatrice said in a hurried tone as if she is about to say something important but then Ron arrived as well.

Hey guys!! he said smiling, his huge grin seemed to be so fake. Miguel felt something is wrong people are acting rather peculiar ever since he arrived.

When Isabelle walked past by them Miguel nodded and Isabelle smiled weakly. When she is out of sight Ron nudged Miguel, So are you two going out now?

No! Miguel answered.

Yeah right, she gave you the nod!

So are we getting lines from Shes the Man now?

Ron laughed, I didnt think you were that chick flick guy.

Hey why are people staring at you? Miguel asked Beatrice.

Ive been trying to get your attention by being non existent Miguel thank you for noticing.

Right on B! You are way more sarcastic than I thought you were! Beatrice glared at Ron, somehow their bickering made Miguel a little comfortable at least theyre back to their state pre B-and-Ron-relationship and post-Ron-and-B break up.

So why are they staring and they keep on whispering! Theyre getting on my nerves.

When Beatrice was about to say something Isabelle came rushing down towards them and said, Hey! Ginny told the entire school that shes pregnant and that youre the father of her child and that is the reason why he left school about some months ago!


Beatrice turned red and Ron whistled, Isabelle looked at all three of them intently. Is that true?

Beatrice looked at Miguel as if waiting to here the answer herself while Ron muttered something like, Way to burst the bubble Is.

Chapter 16: THE REVENGE

Im going to talk to her! I never even touched her after we danced! What is she thinking?! Miguel said outraged.

So its not true? Beatrice said relieved.

Of course not! And you thought its true?!

Well, dont blame me to doubt you, youre a guy

Would you please stop, both of you? Im starting to feel a little bit jealous here. Ron said lightening up the mood.

I think it was because of your talk the other day, you know when you told me youre starting to like me?

You told Isabelle that???! Beatrices eyes widened with surprise, Ron merely guffawed.

Can I just tell you after I talk to Ginny? These rumors are getting more and more absurd.

You better man! Coz your stalker is going nuts! With that Isabelle turned so pale she might pass out any minute.

Yeah about that Isabelle was about to confess to Ron and Beatrice when Ginny Lacson came.

So Miguel and Isabelle! Damn! Your name even rhymes! Ginny laughed at herself.

Ginny this has to stop. Miguel said trying with all his power to contain his anger.

Well see Miguel. And Ginny stalked off, Miguel tried to go after her but Beatrice and Ron stopped him.

Youre just making it worst. Just then Isabelles phone beeped and when she opened and read the message she gasped.

Ginny? Miguel asked and Isabelle nodded. Miguel snatched Isabelles phone and read the message, Ron and Beatrice craned both their necks to see it too. Quote Tonight! 8 pm meet me or youre dead. Abandoned parking lot about 4 blocks from Hillside up north.

We should go with you! Ron immediately said after reading the message.


Youre in grave danger Is, you should at least let us go with you. Beatrice added concerned.

Well hide! She wouldnt know were there.

She would, ok. This is just between the two of us.

Hey were not letting you

I have a plan, why dont you wait for me here at school, after 30 minutes and I still havent texted you well then maybe I needed rescuing.

You cant know what time shell just try to kill you or not!

Trust me I know what Im talking about.

After they agreed on Isabelles proposition they separately went to their classes. The whole day was a blur, Beatrice misses a note in her violin class which is completely unexpected, Isabelle answered incorrectly on a grade 3 level question in math, Miguels head was hit by a ball during P.E. and well Ron did his usual.

Quarter to eight and Miguel, Isabelle and Beatrice are already in the parking lot.

Wheres your boyfriend? He decided not to show up?

Ex. and I dont really care.

Ill text him.

Hey no need, I swear Ill be fine.

No! We promised to be here for you. Quote Hey! Wer r u?! we nid u hir.

Quote No sweat man. U can do that! wen something went wrong you could just call the police.

That stupid crap!

8 pm sharp and Isabelle left Miguel and Beatrice to meet Ginny. About a few inches from where Isabelle is standing is Ron hiding behind a bush, he cant just be complacent that Ginny wont hurt Isabelle.

You showed up! Alone! Ginny said rather amused. She was hoping that Miguel would be there since she saw Miguel snatching Isabelles phone when she sent Isabelle her message.

Why Ginny? Of all people why could it have been you? there are no sign of anger or hatred in Isabelles voice, for once in her entire existence she felt pity for Ginny. Kind and sweet little Ginny became who she was before.

Same like you Isabelle. Of all people it is you who should understand!

Youre so nice. How could you turn out to be just like me? Ron was confused. He never thought Isabelle would do such acts.

I know my schemes about Miguel, the girls I tried so hard to erase from Miguels life, the texts I sent when Im reminding people that Miguel is mine. I know theyre insane Ginny. And from my experience it never felt so fulfilling.

Rons jaw literally dropped from what hed heard. Isabelle is the stalker! He tried to back off and just go home but then Isabelle screamed and his gaze went back to Ginny and Isabelle. Ginny pulled a gun and directed it to Isabelle. Ginny is trembling but shes determined to pull that trigger to finish off Isabelle.

You b1tch! You made my life miserable! You took Miguel away from me! After this I would just kill Beatrice Sy when I see her walking alone!

Dont get Beatrice into this!

Yeah? You think I didnt know who sent those messages after prom?! She basically told the whole school that I was Miguels notorious stalker!

After that lab----

Shut up! Ginny Lacson pulled the triggered but then she didnt shot Isabelle because Ron Alvarez blocked the way.


Ron fell on the ground blood oozing from his chest. sh1t! Ginny call an ambulance!!! but Ginny Lacson hurried away without looking back. With trembling hands Isabelle dialed Miguels number.

Hello?! Is? Are you ok?

Help! Ron! Ron was shot!

After several minutes paramedics came, with Ron still unconscious and police are questioning Isabelle. Shes too shocked to talk but Miguel and Beatrice didnt know exactly what happened so the police didnt bother questioning them.


Is he going to be ok?! Beatrice cried, she never stopped crying since the time she saw Ron laying motionless and blood coming out of his chest.

We cant promise anything. He lost so much blood. Please contact his parents so that well know whose blood is compatible to his. We need to start him on transfusion right away.

We cant! I mean her parents died, and hes their only son!

His relatives then.

They dont even know him! He is filthy rich! Just go buy some blood!

You dont just buy blood Ms. Sy,

Then test my blood. And Miguels and Isabelles too.

After the blood testing, the doctor talked to them again. Im sorry but none of you are compatible donors for Ron. I see his vitals coming back to normal but we still need transfusion, Ill call Red Cross to see if they have a stock. Were doing everything we can.

When theyre about to enter Rons room the nurse instructed them that only one visitor should be allowed at a time. Hes now conscious and his vital signs are nearing normal. Beatrice came in first.

You shouldve stayed home! Beatrice cried holding his hand tightly.

I cant let a girl die right in front of me B. Ron said weakly.

Just Just let me do the talking ok?

Ms. Sy, visiting time is over. Said the nurse.

Just a few more minutes please I just wanted to tell her something. Ron pleaded, theres something in his eyes that made the nurse realized that they both needed that time.

Ok, five more minutes and then Im collecting Ms. Sy and hold her as hostage till tomorrow morning. Ron smiled and the nurse left the room.

I told you Ill do the talking. But Ron just smiled.

I love you Beatrice Sy more than youll ever know. A single tear fell from Beatrice Sys eyes and after that very last syllable the monitor that is once beeping on and off indicating that Rons heart is beating suddenly became one straight flat line.

Beatrice remained motionless and shes still holding Rons hand. When the nurse entered she noticed the monitor and called for a code. Beatrice was sent out of the room and after 20 minutes the doctor declared Rons time of death.

Everything reeled around Beatrice, the furniture suddenly upside down and the walls closing in, Died? Ron? she seemed screaming and barely heard her own voice. Beatrice searched Miguel and Isabelles faces who are trying to comfort her. She just couldnt believe what theyre saying.

She knew. Of course she knew this could happen. She felt a knot was forming in the bottom of her stomach, pushing through her chest into her throat as if choking her. The tears came in a gush. But she still couldnt believe what they said. Ron cannot die just like that.

A small funeral was held at the schools gymnasium in remembrance of Ron, almost all students came and paid tribute to Ron, anybody who knows Ron can go up the stage and talk about Rons achievements and share some of their memories with him.

Many students spoke, telling how theyll miss Rons jokes and funny stories. Theyll miss him especially at math when he lets them copy his homework. Theyll miss his laughter and theyll miss his classic moves with girls. And then with everybodys surprise Beatrice tapped the mic and with all her efforts smiled for the very first time ever since Ron died.

I knew love at first sight really do exist when I met Ron. I thought that I can easily lure him but it is much harder than I thought. People present in that gym chuckled. Miguel managed to pull off a smile. But I guess he never felt the same way, he thought my first name is Crap and sometimes when hes on a happy mood he calls me bullsh1t. Such classy signs of endearment. The first time he ever told me he loves me is when he bathed me with his own vomit after drinking too much. Ive never felt so giddy when I remember that, it was the most romantic thing a guy has ever done to me And they again laughed. He snorts when he laughs, he picks his nose when hes bored and when he suddenly thinks of something better to do he wipes his finger on a wall. He farts when he sleeps, he is not good at anything, he slaps me hard on the head when he sees a bald man walking, he consciously makes me trip in front of so many people, he humiliates me by screaming out my name and when I scream his he acts as if he doesnt know me. he is the guy I always try to lie about and claim to not care about anymore. Hes the guy who gave me those clich butterflies in the

stomach, complete of the feeling of being like jello. With that Beatrice started to cry, I love the way he calls me crap and bullsh1t just because of how he say it. I love the way he stares at me when he thinks Im not looking. I love the sweet things hes saying to me even if I kept on screaming at him. I love him so much. All the good things, the bad things, all the mistakes and surprises, all of the imperfections. I love all of it, just because they are his. Goodbye Ron, wait for me in heaven.


After the funeral Beatrice and Miguel met Isabelle at the schools entrance. Isabelle is busy talking to someone on the phone.

What do you mean you cant contact Krizza? Karyl please be reminded that you cannot complete a plan without her! Ask Khay to contact her instead!

Beatrice and Miguel draw nearer Isabelle that theyre hearing her rant on the phone.

No buts Karyl!! If you cant contact Krizza then Ill just do it by myself!

She hanged up and said, Crazy minions!

What was that all about? asked Beatrice. Both Isabelle and Miguel looked at her, shocked that for the first time Beatrice seems to be returning to her senses.

Oh, nothing. Isabelle said looking at Miguel. Miguel shook his head signaling Isabelle that he hadnt told Beatrice yet that shes Miguels stalker and is actually the reason why Ron died.

That didnt sound like nothing. Youre practically screaming your head off. I heard of something about a plan. Beatrice said looking curiously at Isabelle.

Well honestly B, Im planning to smother Ginny to death. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Youre not actually the type of girl whos done a lot of scheming evil plans Isabelle. Beatrice laughed, not aware that Isabelle has been planning ever since the day she met her.

I had. Isabelle whispered.

You had what? Beatrice said confused. Miguel just stood there not knowing what to say.

Im Miguels stalker B. and ever since the day I met him. Ive been planning evil schemes just to get him.

Beatrice stood there, her eyes looking straight at Isabelles, waiting for some moment that Isabelle would laugh it all off and say that its just a joke. Only she didnt.

Look B.... she said touching Beatrices hand but then Beatrice snatched it away.

Beatrice turned to Miguel, Shes joking right?

Miguel held her hand, No, B. shes telling you the truth.

Beatrice started to tremble, her hands, her lips her whole body is trembling.

You! Youve been planning to kill me ever since!!! Now tell me the truth!!! Tell me that this is still your plan! Your plan to quickly ruin Ginny just because shes still a threat to you! YOU ISABELLE!!! Of all people!!!! YOU KILLED RON!!!

Listen B, its not her fault

Im trying so hard to change B!

Dont call me that! Only my close friends call me B! with that she left, Miguel was about to ran after her but he looked at Isabelle.

Shell understand, just give her time. What about Ginny.

Ill take care of it. Isabelle said flatly.

No! Wait for me. Ill just take Beatrice home.

Then Miguel too left.

Miguel saw Beatrice sprinting to the parking lot as if confused on where shes going.

B!!! Miguel shouted but Beatrice continued running. It hurts Miguel to see her like this. Everything that he heard during Beatrices speech felt like knives stabbing him right in his heart. She loved Ron and still loves him up to now. When Miguel caught Beatrices hand, she breaks down and cries.

Ssshhh. Just let it all out B.

I I shouldve I shouldve

Miguel just hugs her, making her feel that no matter what, hell be there for her.

I I shouldve chosen you. Miguels hand suddenly stopped stroking Beatrices back.

I shouldve just listened to Ron and tried to love you instead she continued in between sobs, If I chose you then it wouldnt hurt this bad. I just wanted to love and be loved in return, I didnt know that theres a price to pay.

Its not your fault to love Ron, B. Miguel said.

Its all my fault, if I listened to you that it has been Isabelle all along then

Then things might just get even worst for all of us B. Miguel said pulling her off just to look at her eyes, Ron risked his life for you dont you see it B? He did it to save not only Isabelle but you as well! You dont have to stop living just because Ron died. He wouldnt like that!

I dont know how to face Isabelle after all thats happened. I dont think I can ever

forgive her.

You dont need to forgive her now B. when all your wounds are healed and theres a place in your heart to forgive her, which I know will happen sometime, then thats the time you forgive her. You dont need to forget the past just to accept repentance B.


Miguel released Beatrice and looked at his phone.

from Isabelle? Beatrice asked. Miguel nodded, What did it say?

She said she is now with Ginny Lacson. He said still replying to Isabelles text.

What did you say?

I said ok. Then another beep came


Miguel didnt let Beatrice finish her question, She is now asking for permission to finish Ginny off.

Tell her to wait for us! Beatrice said and then she stood up, Tell her I wanted to talk to ginny Lacson first.

For someone so clever Krizza, to have passed chemistry and physics how could you be so stupid to have brought just a knife? Isabelle said incredulously. Apparently her minions are not as evil-minded as she is.

You dont suppose well really kill her do we? Khay asked looking nervously at Isabelle.

I mean its not that she does not deserve it or anything its just that Karyl stopped

caught in mid sentence afraid to utter the unbearable.

Its just that we havent killed anyone yet. Krizza finishes Karyls sentence.

You are all saints! But dont you think everything youve done under my influence isnt considered killing? Honestly I thought you were the best minions any villain could have. Apparently Im wrong! Isabelle said.

I just thought wed use the same formula Is, you know, the same chemicals we use on your suspects then. Khay said avoiding meeting Ginnys eyes.

An eye for an eye Isabelle started but then Karyl picked up a stick and started playing with it and Isabelle noticed what shes doing.

What?! Practicing Avada Kedavra?! How clever of you Karyl to have brought a wand! The only problem is Ginnys last name isnt Weasley!!! Isabelle shouted, apparently they still hadnt buried their hearts and turned them into stone.

I thought that youve changed. Khay whispered and both Karyl and Krizza looked at her as if shes saying a death wish or something.

I did Khay! But this little Miss Ginny killed Ron! And she might kill Beatrice too! For someone so young how could she have done that! Isabelle said eyeing Ginny with a deathly stare.

Thats the point Is, you told us that what weve done is equal to killing too. We ruined so many lives and still you havent had Miguel. Isabelle looked at Krizza who just spoke, what she said was true and she felt nonetheless guilty of all the crimes shed done. And allowing these three girls to carry on a task she never thought anyone couldve done.

But why on Earth had you supported me all throughout?! You couldnt possibly want Miguel too? Isabelle said eyeing Krizza, Khay and Karyl, her 3K minions, suspiciously.

Its because I honestly thought that if youll get tired of all these plotting Isabelle youd change. Said Khay.

Before Miguel transferred at Hillside we were this close friends wholl stick to each other to the end Is. I know youre not like this. Isabelle looked down as Krizza said those words.

We supported you because we dont want to lose whats left of you Isabelle. Friends do that. Ginnys eyes widened when she saw actual tears coming down from Isabelles face.

Ginnys eyes became watery too, Isabelle looked at her and when their eyes met they both felt that despite their differences theres something in them thats the same, and that is their desire to love and be loved in return without begging for it.

When Isabelle was about to say something to Ginny Lacson, Beatrice and Ron arrived.

Im relieved that you havent touched her. Miguel said in between breaths and then looked at Isabelles companions.

Hey! Krizza? What the?

You know them? Isabelle asked.

Krizza is my neighbor. Khay is in my chemistry class and Karyl is my classmate in English. How?

I think this is not the time for recollection of memories Miguel? when Beatrice spoke everyone was dead silent. Her expression is hard to read. Her lips maintained into one thin line, her eyes did not show any remorse and her tone of voice does not give in into anything.

I dont know what to feel. Seeing both of you here, two of the reasons why Ron is dead. I dont know whether to kill you both at the same time or just give both of you

to the police. Beatrice said her whole body trembling of what they know is pure rage.

B Miguel started but when Beatrice looked at him he felt silent.

Dont even dare to speak Migs, youve been meddling on my life far too long. She said then her eyes fell straight at Isabelle Tan, Remember that day during camp? And you were drowning and screaming for your life, and nobody wanted to save you because they thought you deserved it? Remember that time Isabelle? I saved your life! And what have you done to repay me?

I didnt know what I turned out to be Beatrice. Everything around me just seems to echo things just to have Miguel. And Im sorry Ginny that you of all people would be stuck in the same crap like mine. Thinking that you actually wanted to help me the night after prom. Everyone was silent Isabelles minions are sobbing quietly, at last Isabelle is back. Beatrice fell silent.

I didnt mean to pull the trigger. I know that this case cannot be solved with forgive and forget Ginny started but Beatrices expression shocked them to no end, she smiled.

I might sound crazy but I think it is. Everyone deserves second chances, tonight no one is going to die. I think Ron wouldnt want you both to be with him yet. She laughed at her own self no one is going to the police either. Just promise me that youll change. For the better. And when that day comes I think all else is forgiven.

Beatrice hugged Ginny, a hug that she thought she didnt deserve but both of them break away when they heard Isabelle talk. Hello, this is Isabelle Tan, Im in corner 3 Hillside Road and I know who killed Ron Alvarez.


After Isabelle made her phone call everyone stood there frozen, she looked at them and said, What are you waiting for? Get out of here!

Is! Beatrice already told you to

You dont think I actually deserve that dont you! Honestly Im glad B did not hug me first then I would have just stabbed myself in front all of you.

What are you thinking?! I am the one who pulled the trigger! I should be the one

Dont go all heroic on me Ginny, even if I see you as someone so angelic, being heroic doesnt suit you. Believe me! Dont ever do that again! she laughed.

This is not funny Isabelle. Miguel said.

Stay then! Until the police arrives and Ill tell them we planned all of it, and well spend quality time in jail. Thats possible enough thinking that I had escaped every chance that they mightve caught me during my stalker days. After Isabelles last words, Khay, Krizza and Karyl hurried to Khays car and drove off with just a simple bye and wave.

And they told me theyre that friends. She laughed again. Go on. Dont be hard headed. I deserve this." Miguel yanked Beatrice and Ginny and escorted them to his car.

Tell them its 7o4 gang. Theyve been torturing Ron anyway. Please just dont tell them its you. Please! Isabelle smiled and Miguel left together with Ginny and Beatrice.

24 hours later at school.

Miguel saw Beatrice waiting for him at his locker. It is somewhat odd that shes standing there alone and not yelling at Ron. It somehow feels empty seeing Beatrice there without Ron trying to steal his homework.

When Miguel reached Beatrice she looked at him half smiled and said, I kind of miss Ron running away when I whispered to myself Miguel is coming.

Now I know why he runs fast. Beatrice smiled.

So have you heard anything from Isabelle yet? she asked.

Nope. Been calling her since last night but she wont answer her phone. I called the police station but they wont give me details about anything."

For someone so genius she can be pretty stupid. And they both laughed.

Not talking behind my back eh? Beatrice laughed harder when she saw Isabelle holding Miguels math notebook.


Honestly Migs, you should change your locker combination. 1,2,3,4,5 is for losers. Miguel smiled; its as if Ron is still somewhat there with them. Since Ive been up all night with the police last night I never really had the chance to answer math questions. She continued.

So wheres Ginny? Miguel asked.

I didnt know shes that rich! She had a private jet! And asked her private pilot to go straight to Germany. And she told me shell be a fine young lady there. And will leave

the past behind her. How many people can do that? Miguel and Isabelle stare at Beatrice with awe.

Shes some girl huh! I forgot to tell her my shoe size! They all laughed, and then the bell rang and they all headed to their classes glad that everything is indeed behind them.

Miguel hurried home and changed since shes meeting Beatrice and Isabelle so that they can all visit Ron.

Miguel? said a voice he hadnt heard since he moved in Hillside.

Mom?! he said as a beautiful girl emerged from the dining area. She hugged him tight.

Why are you here? Miguel said thrilled to see his mom.

Ive come here to fetch you, were moving back to Florida Miguel, your dad has been appointed manager again.


Well save some money to help Beatrices mom too. So that you wont be separated from each other that long.

You mean theyre not coming with us?

Im afraid not Miguel. But they will. We just have to give all of us time to earn money and prepare Beatrice too. I heard she had just lost her first love. Miguel nodded.

Whens the flight?



Hey youre quiet. Isabelle nudged Miguel.

Im leaving. He said quietly.

But you just got here Migs. Beatrice said after lighting the candle.

Were going back to Florida.

All three went silent and then a cool breeze swept past them and somehow they felt Ron is sitting with them too.

Should I get creepy or what? they all laughed.

We can take you B. Mom said that if you want to we can take you first before my sister Farzy, shell just finish her studies here. She said looking at Beatrice.

I need to spend some time here with Ron, Migs. I need to let go first.

After that they all went home, Miguel dropped Beatrice Sy first.

Miguel hugged Beatrice Sy tight, Ill wait for you B. I dont care how long but Ill wait for you.

Beatrice Sy smiled and she went inside her house and closed the door.

When Miguel reached Isabelles house, Would you wait here? I wanted to give something to you.

I hope its not some chemical or device that would knock me down. Miguel kidded and Isabelle slapped him hard on the stomach.

When Isabelle returned she handed Miguel a piece of pare and told him to read it when he gets home. Isabelle was about to leave when Miguel grabbed her hand and kissed her in the cheeks.

Take care Isabelle Tan. is his last words before he left.

After packing his clothes Miguel sat at his bed and opened Isabelles letter that read. Quote Miguel,

When I first saw you at the coffee shop I thought you were just another guy who is handsome enough not to care about those around you. But when you looked at me and smiled I felt warm all over my body. It was then that I first looked at you, really looked at you inside and out.

And I knew right there and then that you are the one for me

-the girl with the tattered umbrella

P.S. this is the very first letter that I wrote you Miguel. Before that nasty text messages and e-mails. You probably didnt remember but I remember that scene like it was yesterday.

Miguel smiled, she thought he did not remember. But he did.

Twenty: THE END


Beatrice Sy. Now a college student at St. Marys School. Bachelor of Science Major in Biology. She never went to Florida like what she promised to Miguel Fontanilla.

She had been visiting Ron ever since he died but that didnt keep her from loving once again. Her new boyfriend? Alfred Lacson.

Remember the guy during high school who just hates Miguel just because he existed. Yup. The one and only. Those students who studied at Hillside Academy thought it was absurd at first but they didnt bother so they stopped gossiping.

When Miguel heard about this in Beatrice's e-mails he got mad. Well you wouldnt expect him to just shrug it off and smile, dont you?

Once in a while students from Hillside still asked her what happened to Miguels stalker, she just answer them with a smile and head off as if she hadnt heard anything. What happened about two years ago is still a mystery. Nobody really knows exactly what happened. Except herself of course.

Ginny Lacson. A high school senior student at Germanys top institution FOR GIRLS. She rules the school. Shes popular, pretty and every guy wants her.

She speaks fluent German that nobody knows shes not German after all. Her physique resembles exactly like them except her long black hair and dark gray eyes.

Shes editor in the literary section of their schools paper and everyone is amazed how she writes literary pieces with such passion and emotion.

She is now dating the hottest guy in their school. 6 feet tall, varsity jock Harry Archibald. She has friends, enemies and those friends who are not friends when she turns her back.

Nobody knows her past; she just suddenly arrived two years ago and in an instant ruled the school. Nobody knows that she accidentally killed someone. No one knows. Except herself of course.

Isabelle Tan. College student at St. Marys School. Bachelor of Science Major in Psychology. Shes studying there together with her best friend Beatrice Sy.

She hasnt dated anyone for the past two years after the whole incident; some says she planned to be a nun. Beatrice thought she is still not over Miguel. Isabelle just laughed at that thought.

Shes a consistent deans lister and Alfred and Isabelle does not get along that well. But she tries not to spray something at him to knock himself dead.

Many were asking about Beatrice being Miguels stalker but just like Beatrice she answers every question with a laugh.

Nobody knows what happened. This is a secret that will not be told forever unless Khay, Krizza and Karyl placed a banner to tell the whole world that Isabelle is the real stalker. But you know they wouldnt.

No one exactly knows whats behind the rumors about Miguel Fontanilla, no one knows except if youre a teen talker of course and have read his story page by page.

But lets leave it as that, no one knows. Except herself of course.

Miguel Fontanilla. College student. Bachelor of Science Major in Medical Technology.

Status: Single.

Last night hes busy packing clothes and saying goodbye to his college friends back in Florida.

He is now boarding the plane. Destination: Philippines.

And within hours hell arrive at Saint Marys School to enroll as a transferee.

No one knows whats about to happen after then. No one really knows hes going back. Except himself of course.

There are still plenty of names to add in this list of three people. Angela Chua for instance, the head cheerleader who Miguel dated and after the stalkers magic had suddenly disappeared. Or Marian Zamora who also dated Miguel Fontanilla and like Angela disappeared too. And who would forget Suzzane Abalos? Many thinks shes still responsible for Miguels past but nobody pays attention to her now. Suspects are always those who had their past connected with Miguel, like what Ive said before, all of which are girls. No one really knows until unconsciously everyone is a suspect everyone who knows or had heard the name MIGUEL FONTANILLA became the suspect. And they just left it as that.

Isabelle cursed herself as she went inside the quaint coffee shop. Her umbrella just flipped open and wont return to its usual function.

She is soaking wet and all she has with her is her tattered umbrella. And then she remembered, two years ago shes at the exact spot, with the same scenario and thats how he met Miguel.

She laughed at herself and kicked her brain mentally as if telling her to move on. But her heart didnt allow it.

She looked at the table where she first saw Miguel quite relieved that someone is sitting there.

She was about to look away when she saw who is sitting there, she looked again and the guy sitting there smiled.

She returned the smile and walked towards him, Hey! Im Isabelle Tan. I think we haven't met yet. She said trying to erase everything that had happened two years ago.

The guy smiled. I dont expect you to understand me but sometimes I can actually get pretty conceited and selfish. I can plot things you could never think possible. But I promise Ill do less injury this time.

The guy extended his hands and Isabelle did not hesitate to shake it. Im Miguel Fontanilla, I can be pretty weak sometimes that you might think I cannot fight for you. I was in love with my best friend but then I realized it was really not supposed to be. Would you like to go out for dinner with me? Please? The girl with the tattered umbrella.


BIANCA SALINDONG is the author of The Rumors about Miguel Fontanilla 1 and 2 (ongoing), Across the Universe (ongoing) and The Lost Diary of Lorraine Lorenzo (ongoing). She lives in Tarlac City with her family. You can find her stories at Creative Corner in Teentalk.

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