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Laravel Imp Question

1. What is an artisan? List artisan commands available in Laravel?

Also Explain how can we create our own artisan commands in
2. What is blade directive? Explain : @extends , @parent ,
3. Explain String Helpers, Pluralization, and Localization in Laravel
with appropriate example.
4. What is pagination? How can we manually create paginators?
Also write code snippet to paginate database results.

5. What is Response object in Laravel? How can we send response

from Laravel?Also explain different methods to send file as
response to browser.
6. What is database migration? List different options use with
migration command.Explain with example.
7. Explain Laravel folder structure in detail.
8. What is the purpose of routes in Laravel? Explain giving
9. What is seed and factory? Take an appropriate example to
explain the use of these features in Laravel.
10. What is request object? Explain all its method with
11. Why is form method spoofing done in Laravel?
12. Write short note on control structures available in blade?
Write code snippet for any one of them.
13. What is blade templating in Laravel?
14. What is Query Builder?Explain different method of query
builder with example.
15. What are different types of relationships we can define on
models? Explain with Proper code snippet.
16. Explain CSRF Protection with proper code.

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