12.ptsp Question Bank

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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)



1. Define term probability`? list the axioms of probability?

2. With example explain the equally likely events and mutually exclusive events?
3. Explain the relative frequency definition and axiomatic definition of probability?
4. When two events are said to be statistically independent?
5. What is meant by total probability?
6. What is conditional probability?
7. Define joint probability? state Bays theorem?
8. Define a random variable with an example
9. What are the conditions to be satisfied by random variable?
10. Define continuous , discrete and mixed random variable?
11. Define cumulative distribution function of random variable?
12. Define probability density function ?
13. State four properties of cumulative distribution?
14. State four properties of density function?
15. Define uniform And exponential density function?
16. What are the necessary properties to test a valid density function?
17. What is probability of drawing an ace or a card of clubs from a pack of 52 cards?
18. Two dice are thrown find the probability of drawing 3 and a 4 appearing?
19. A bag contains 3W, 2B, 4R balls find the probability of drawing a W, a B, and a red ball
in secession?


1. Define expectation value of continuous & discrete random variable?

2. Express variance of a random variable in terms of its first & second moments?
3. Define moment generating function?
4. What are central moments?
5. State chebyshev’s inequality?
6. Define characteristic function?
7. Define variance?
8. Define central limit theorem?
9. Define transformation?
10. Define covariance of random variable X & Y?
11. Explain correlation coefficient?
12. Explain joint characteristic function of N random variable?
13. State properties of correlation?
14. State & explain the correlation of two random variables X & Y?
15. State any four properties of covariance?
16. Explain the linear transformation of Gaussian random variable?
17. If X & Y are two random variable show that E[X+Y]=E[X]+E[Y]
18. If X & Y are two random variable show that E[XY]=E[X]E[Y]


1. Define random process?

2. List the types of random process?
3. Draw the waveforms of random processes?
4. What is the stationary process explain?
5. Difference between random process & random variable?
6. Explain the types of random process with examples?
7. Define deterministic & non- deterministic random process?
8. Explain the first order and second order stationary process?
9. Define WSS & SSS?
10. Explain about the strict sense stationary processes?
11. Where the Poisson random process is used ?explain
12. Explain the Gaussian random process?
13. When two different RP are said to be statistically independent?
14. Define stationary & non- stationary random process
15. Define time averages?
16. Define ergodicity?
17. Define and state properties of auto-correlation?
18. Define and state properties of cross correlation/
19. Define mean & mean squared value?
20. Write the formulae for Nth Gaussian R.P & Poisson R.P?


1. Define cross power spectrum?

2. Define power density spectrum?
3. State the properties of power spectrum?
4. State the properties of cross power spectrum?
5. Define bandwidth of power density spectrum?
6. Stare the relation between cross power spectrum & cross correlation function?
7. What is the average power in X(t), if the Rxx(τ)=3+2exp(-4τ)?
8. Correlate PSD & ACF?
9. Prove that Sxx(w)=Sxx(-w)?


1. Define convolution?
2. Define mean & mean squared value of system response?
3. What is system? What is system response?
4. State the auto correlation function of system response?
5. State the cross correlation function of input & output?
6. Define spectral power density of system response?
7. Define cross spectral density of input & output?
8. Define band limited process?
9. Define band pass process?
10. Define narrow band process?
11. State the properties of narrow band limited?
12. Describe the condition for stable system?
13. List the properties of band limited process?
14. Explain about mean square value of system response?
15. Define noise?
16. Define RC filtered White noise?
17. What is white noise?

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