Data Security and Integrity

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Slide 1: Introduction

Title: Data Security and Integrity

Subtitle: Protecting Your Data from Unauthorized Access and Corruption

Slide 2: Data Security

Text: Data security is the practice of protecting data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
disruption, modification, or destruction. It involves implementing measures to prevent unauthorized
individuals or systems from accessing sensitive information.

Slide 3: Data Integrity

Text: Data integrity refers to the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data throughout its lifecycle. It
ensures that data remains intact and uncorrupted, both during storage and transmission.

Slide 4: Data Privacy

Text: Data privacy refers to the ability to control the collection, use, and dissemination of personal data.
It involves determining what data is shared with third parties and ensuring that individuals' privacy
rights are respected.

Slide 5: Threats to Data Security

Text: There are various threats to data security, including malware, hacking, phishing, and pharming.
These threats aim to gain unauthorized access to data, leading to potential data loss, corruption, or
identity theft.

Slide 6: Malware

Text: Malware is software intentionally designed to damage computer systems or networks. It includes
viruses and spyware, which can lead to data loss or corruption if not detected and removed promptly.
Slide 7: Hacking

Text: Hacking refers to the illegal access of a computer system with the intention of gaining
unauthorized control or extracting confidential data. It poses a significant risk to data security and can
result in data breaches and identity theft.

Slide 8: Phishing and Pharming

Text: Phishing involves attempts, usually through emails, to trick individuals into providing sensitive
information such as passwords or credit card details. Pharming redirects users to fake websites that
appear legitimate, aiming to collect confidential data.

Slide 9: Computer System Security Measures

Text: To protect data, computer systems should implement measures such as user accounts and
passwords, firewalls, authentication processes, and anti-virus and anti-spyware software. These
measures help prevent unauthorized access and ensure the security of the system.

Slide 10: Data Security Measures

Text: Data security measures include encryption, access rights management, data backup strategies, and
data validation and verification. These measures help protect the integrity of data and ensure its
accuracy and reliability.

Slide 11: Data Validation and Verification

Text: Data validation checks if data entered is valid, while data verification ensures data accuracy during
entry and transfer. Methods such as range checks, format checks, visual checks, and checksums help
maintain data integrity.

Slide 12: Conclusion

Text: In conclusion, data security and integrity are crucial in the digital age. By implementing robust
security measures, protecting against threats, and ensuring data privacy, individuals and organizations
can safeguard their data from unauthorized access, corruption, and loss.

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