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AMBRIDGE STUDENT’S BOOK (7S yauR WORLD WITH DIGITAL PACK Samantha Lewis and Daniel Vincent wth are Reid CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS UUniversty Printing House, Cambridge C2 88S, United Kingdom Gn Libersy Plaza, 20h Floor, New York, NY 10006. USA 4477 Wiliamstoen Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Austell 314-32), 3rd Boor, Bae 3, Splendor Forum, Jala District Centre. New Deli ~ 110025, tna 79 Anson oad, #0606106, Singapore D996 Jos® Abascal 59,1 28008 Maar, Spain (Caznbridge Univeriy Press spac of the University of Cambridge, It farther the University’ mision by diseminating knowledge the pursuit of education learning and research a the highest interantional evels of excellence. swwicnbridgoeg Information on this tk: (© Cambiage University Press 2020, “This publication isn copyzight Subject wo stastory exception and tothe provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements no reproduction of any part may take place without tk writen permission of Carnbrilge University Press First published 2020 IZ WIS IS WORT OSE Printed in aly by Rotalito SpA. A ental record fortis publican vara from the riih Libary ISBN 978-1-108-77257-0 Own it Students Book with Dighal Pack Level 3 ISHS 974.8-490-56862-4 Cullaborate Sides Book Level 3 ‘Atal resources fortis publication at ew: cerbeidgeorg/onniveesources (Cambrge University Presi has no respons forthe pesstence vr accuracy of URLs for extemal er third-party internet websiesrelerred ton ths publication, and does net guaran‘ee that any eopient op such websites sor will emain, 2ccuraie of spprapelate Inforvston regarding pce, travel timetables, and oeher factual information given ia this workis corcct tthe tne of fet printing but ‘Cambridge University Pres does ot guaranee the accuracy of such information thereater Your digital activation code Use this code to access your Practice Extra, ote0k and Collaberation Pus. Go to and sion up. Help For help or system requirements, go to help. ‘Your actation cade can only ba sed ance iwi eval for 18 manths fram atieaion OWN STUDENT’S BOOK WITH DIGITAL PACK Samantha Lewis and Daniel Vincent 3 =] CAMBRIDGE with Andrew Reid UNIVERSITY PRESS: CONTENTS Starter unit | "290187 0. rsetinleareperereonincns Eee ona re | Footings | yathadvers of equeney a Welcome! 2+) wusic 57 Prasentampletor ture pe Pastsimple 8 oa Descibngpeople pit |@PartinglaandpaitcortruseWih snare Thomanuhoraughtnmaatiowee pla Phase ves Pi chen nbfeand as BB Banari The boy whe brougelghe boineptes p10 rece PIS torreetonn nis ® FS lecathooes ie "Unitrevien 920, Finished “unit2 Visual and periorming rts p23 | @) Present pevlect with regular anc Amagazine articles hat do yousee? trate yaa | Museandtheae PIE. iraguerverbe 25 | Rusbieh, pasta rari? ps ata @riesetvetectwnnateadynstsit "|| F¥an.changingourlnesforthe beter p12 @ ander ear ished? pile — - communcating 25 | can ceuld willbe ool to Pot | Anamice:No morelangwagelesons) pa a Colocation: wth sy ® hresentoerect wich ovsnce ‘Amagarineortie:Langngeein danger pa Soresaine, | Shel 98] andinulongse p92| @othervorlds otter words be i. @ Present pertect and pastsimple 3 Unit review p44 Finished? 120 ee wantianc tines pe? SUSUR Hi] einer Frequent asin Questions pat voay, _|Neathv esting PSC, B)sheul shouldnt and cushe te St | SP Teemnaony ana tnese, pie healthy mind pte ® Unit reviow 5, Finenog? 9132 = ame PanetEarth #59 | Oye textceratonsl pal] Anowestorncanwesavoourocsone? pa ae Naturalenvronvents p02 | @thesecondcondonst 63 | Ajournel Wednesday 24 October e Snoutorm) pi feet eS Woke scton aon! pe Unitrevten 65, Finished? p23 ~ | Moire tines pr |B Piesant apie pave pia Anews tory: Twer'sbananaskinivmevion p72 Hele ete Mribandcotsnee $4 @ estanplenssie tS | HWwnenllonsatiack.. getcrestie! p39 ‘bo 970 ® Unitreiew 0, Fnighed? p1Z3 Festivals 783 | BPastpedect HS | AT tale: princes, farmer and bridge Huse tesivaisane Reported statements a7 | ofbids po verse 86 ‘@ travetiog-otiomncnina rad DA monkey bullet 00 Unitrevien 2, Fnshed? p24 —_ unke Sciool 83 | Scanlon BET] AreooreDangerousjoumeysioschool 536 bi Attideand bonavour | bectawed to pA? By Groningunard ging back ris0 eben fos hover, restandreed to 3 | Unitrevien p04 Finished? 125 cmee Trai 107 |B he gag tnand presertcaneinicus ‘Amagasne inti Holanofthetutore 6308 Seer amine | Worlohrsslverbs p10 |orkte 10a | @ rwebpage-volumcerssrond | oD turecomiauois 09| censervaionprosormey:contaRca ld moon pi one neridsove cuter pia Relative pronouns anc relative clauses: lll ea co eer Asavesan #7 freowet Recoiingvocabulary Ey snape | p8 Contextualing vocabulary 7 je samaeiemameme = = ido Interiewingsomeone pi Aletertoa "Cnposies a programme p04 @tvendayErdisn —p1e magscing p17 Ting notes pM . 3 | Causzerdeffect 19 S| tenet stand aenevetearinggoa's 521 ion #26 [esrbiagapiciwe p28] Aveiew 028 |[Theartproiect Naing ol forpeonle Es) ‘@weryday Englisch p28 Aprobileof an artst p30 Intersing ps Weak andstion ferme Fovtedoonlinetesearch p20 Leamto...hp your portner fi ae En imrovetheirspeakire os ‘edo [aaingiorsaneining——[Amuce pat ane spdergame 2 inewew p36 | yauneed 40 engined ms Brveryoryeralsn p40 Semenseg pe. : Lento. ecorseaieations | cerectomial ss al ee om Aninterview 650 | Givingadvice 2 | A poston ‘The PE project: Recording vocabulary by topic oar @tverydayEngten —ps2| stecam’ 953 Avepor P54 Coprates 50 Consonant to “Fatodoawney p54 Leama, check yourwiting sr [oe iire a a SE) om: |) cccoesenn te 2 Secussion —pé2/@rverydayEraln pCa essay ps Drauingpicuires = : Fefereneswords er suessinfes ace leatenee ac Learnteundesstand howyauleain pa [Aqasen 7 SERIO caer ot RRR ‘Galle = a insescuons pie ‘presentation pre Using bacgioundtnowiedee es everaytraisn pie Hewrtobraitorm ——_BTB._Leamto... mprove our Wedh ae | soning with gores pat [ Acanversation p86 |nviinga tend Anenaito | Suesspatiens 88 “teaparty atiend 60 Predietrgevoimation ms Orveryiayengisn Prefixes andsuffoes al cee oa Leainto challenge yousell > inne cal — pe SER a cccny pic SREY RC a a Pecan gancy a | aboutrules 0 Aichoolbroehare” p02) Preparingtaisten = [@ererysayergin pace fovetomakededsorsin "Leste ».askfr helo when you | (aaa ra stan ag] sits ae 7 Ycerversations piid|Talingaboot =| Anomailtoa Tieaaringeatoestons par | atuurewp 212 host Tami 3 Phrasal verbs pu | WeverytayEngon ps1? ebingadecuses from nouns bus | eed arte... uesteehnaogy mone #2 | practise Eatsh pur | WELCOME! VOCABULARY Technology A 1 Match the words with the photos (1-6). Then S3\"" tisten, check and repeat. emoji () app @ screen videochat (] device oO social media (_) 2. Circle the correct words to complete the ‘questions. Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 What's your favourite screen (@pa)on your phone? 2 Which emaji screen do you use the most in messages to your friends? 3. Which device / social media sites do you use? 4 How often do you use video chat / device? Guess the correct answer. ‘What was the most popularemojiin 2017? be cw ae Find another interesting fact about emojis. Then write a question for your partner to answer. 4 STARTER UNIT Feelings 43 Write the words in the box next to the emojis in ‘the sentences. Then listen, check and repeat. ‘angry bored embarrassed excited nervous upset Help! He's talking about his fovourite computer gameagain'tmso@2 bored © ere teres tohint © ‘G0ps! Clothes disaster this morning ‘Onered sock, one pink sock. feel) with me. forgot aa vette u precion. web © Video chat isn't working -againt Feeling @ ‘Thisbirthday boy s fooling «Party at my house tonight! Uy LEARN TO LEARN Recording vocabulary Writing new words in example sentences can help you to remember them. $% 4. Write the words from Exercise 3 in example sentences. Then read your sentences to your partner, 1 always feel excited when the weekend start READING A message on an app 1. Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1. What can you see? 2. How do the people feel? 3. Which is more difficult? Skateboarding or making a robot? ©) 2: Read the messages. What do Dylan and *”"" aay doat their summer camps every day? my Hey, Dylan! Hows tech comp? Are you hoving fun? It's brilliant. j'm never bored here What de youdo every dau? Inthe morning we usually study computer larquages, and inthe afternoon we learn how to write apas, But we don't clays de the same thing, Today were building robots! That sounds cool! tis, butitisn'tas easy ositlookst Tet. ‘There's@ competition tomorrow. 'mencted but ‘so abit wortied. My robot isn’t working very ‘well. anywoy, how's skateboarding camp? Ym having the time of my life, I'm earning lots of new tricks Ialvays feel nervous before Ido one, ond sometimes feel embarrassed when fell over 63 Teel upset when my robot flls over! Ob, don'tbe upset! Listen, hove you got ary shotes of you on your skateboard? Im making an app for social media. Ineed some cool photos to put on it. No.1 hardly ever take photos 0k, don’t worry. Angwoy, got togo. Thenext class is starting ‘ond everyone's waiting forme. ‘You're never on time! Listen, we always use this messaging opp to tolk. Next time let's doa video chat Good idea! Bye! Bye! Good luck with your robot! Dylan Read the conversation again, Write (Dylan) or (zzy). Who... 1 thinks their camp is always interesting? has an important event soon? sometimes falls over? needs help with a project? talks about a different way to communicate? 4, Write the words and phrases in bold in the conversation that mean ... 1 lever, fun acts. tricks 2 alittle, 3 I believe that's true. 4 enjoying myself alot. 5 notlate. 5, Discuss the questions. 1 Which summer camp do you think is more interesting? 2 Are summer camps popularin your country? STARTER UNIT 5 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present simple and present continuous with adverbs of frequency Where is he? Sra eens Perera) naa ad Present simple Present continuous need some cool photos. Thenextclass' i» _ starting. We? always do the same thing. My robot isn’t working very well, What? you do every day? 4 you having fun? o = Frequency © never hardly ever sometimes often usually always 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the Quseit: messages on page 5 to help you. 4, Write sentences about your partner with the time expressions. OF ‘Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, but after be. always get up carly. | am never late. ht intheevening at the weekend When it’ssunny atthe moment You often gato she park atthe 2. Write the adverbs of frequency in the correct places. fou often gota the park atthe weekend. 1 Iclean my computer screen. (hardly ever) Lhardly ever clean my computer screen. 2. Do you feel nervous when you speak English? (sometimes) sent simple for future 3. Avideo chat is as good as a face-to-face chat. (never) 5. Write sentences in the present 4 New skateboard tricks aren't easy to do. (always) inte. Do they vefer'to the present (?) or the future (F)? 3 Complete the message with the correct form of the verbs 508" in the box. Then listen and check. 1. the film / at 21.00 call(k2) do have have learn Tistewaipetenn 20.00. make notbelieve sing Hi Anna! How's it going? ' Are you having @ good holiday? 3 we/on holiday next Monday Guess where 1? from! Summer camp! I 3 ‘an amazing time here, During the day, we & C/myaunt/everymectend “ sports ond in the evening, we* songs by the fire, Oh, and guess what! We* our own food every day, 501? how to cook! I'm sure you « ‘me, butit’s true! Anyway, my friends” me, Speak soon! Bye! 6 STARTER UNIT VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Music © 1 Match the words with the photos (1-10). Then listen, 50°" check and repeat. Dd 2 crums folk () heavy metal keyboard (7) rap 7.2 Listen and write the words from Exercise 1. 1 bass 5 9 2 6 10 A conversation 3 1 4 8 uy LEARN TO LEARN Contextualising vocabulary fith the ‘ise 1. 3 Complete the table with the words from Exercise TSaTe In NaE enema esate folk, a understand and remember them. Types of music | Q4G Listen to the conversation. Which Instruments ‘°” "words from Exercise 1 do you hear? 1.7 Listen again and circle the correct So answers. 1 Most of the children like pop / rap music. 2 Alot of the children feel excited / nervous about hearing themselves 4 Read the questions and make notes. 1 How often do you listen to music? 2. What are your favourite types of music? onthe radio. 3. Isthe music you listen to different from the music that 3. On the radio, the children talk about your parents like? Why? their hobbies / families. 4 Sometimes doctors / bands give concerts in the hospital. How often do you listen to music? Quoi | listen to music every day when get § Would you like to be a DJ ina home from school, What about you? children’s hospital? Why /Why not? 5 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4, STARTER UNIT 7 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past simple Peed een iac Se cura See Neate Regular verbs trregular verbs + _| Iptayed lots of music. They gave a concert ~_| They didn’t want to be in hospital. They? speak tome. 2_| Where did you work last summer? What? you do? 1 Complete the examples in the table above, 2. Complete the sentences about your summer, Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. getup go have lear listen play see work | didn't go to the beach. 1 football in the park. 1 how to play the drums. Hl ata swimming pool. 1 to music every day. i late every day. ' aparty at my house, I my friends every day. { 3. Write questions about the activities in Exercise 2. Then ask and answer them witha partner. summer? Did you goto the beach las 8 STARTER UNIT 4 Rewrite the paragraph in the past simple, Then read your paragraph toa partner. Matias gets up at 7 o'clock to go to school. First, he gets dressed and then he has breakfast. He has cereal g and toast. He doesn't have juice or - coffee. Then he cleans his teeth and puts on his coat. He doesn’t walk to school, He goes by bus. He meets his friends outside school and they listen to music before school starts. Matias got up at. 7 dllack.. 5 Write questions in the past simple with you. 1. Where / go/ on your last holiday? Where did yougo.en your last holiday? 2 What / do / last weekend? 3 Who / see yesterday? 4 /have breakfast yesterday morning? 6 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. ‘Where did you goon your last holiday? 1 went to Barcelona. WRITING $% 1. Which apps do you use every day? Discuss with a partner. = 2. Read Sophia’s review. Does she recommend this app? 1 (_) PhotoFun is a photo-eatting app. All my friends have tt and they use it every day. Last week, I downloaded it on my phone. 2. (J wsgreat because it's tree and very easy to ‘use. I ean change my photos and make them look better. I'm interested in photography, 30 it's @ great way to make beautiful pictures and share thom with my friends on the Internet. I ‘upload new photos every week and my friends really ike them, 3 CO) tamy opinion, there are a couple of problems with it My phone is bit ol¢ and the app is sometimes slow. Also, people sometimes post negative comments about my photos. That's ‘not cool and tt makes me angry. 4 () overal, 1thinkett’s «great app and | really recommend it. pe 3. Match a-d with paragraphs 1-4. a Good things © Introduce the app b General opinion d Bad things 4. Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. Then check the review. Cems = isa? It’s great because? Inmy* , there are? Overall, [think it’s * Ireally” Write your own review of an app : PLAN 5 Write notes about an app you use. Whatisit? What's good about it? What isn't good about it? What's your general opinion? 6 Decide what information to include in each paragraph. Use the information in Exercise 3 to help you. WRITE 7. Write your review. Remember to include four paragraphs, the present simple and the present continuous, and adverbs of — : = frequency. : CHECK g Doyou... i + introduce the app in the first paragraph? + write about good and bad things? + give your general opinion? STARTER UNIT 9 LEARNING OUTCOMES 1 ee BE INSPIRED What can you see inthe photo? Before you watch, what do you think an entrepreneur is? Which businesses are mentioned? Watch and check. an you invent a new business? What is it? eer eer reesreert eet Boor ae Sea nn a VOCABULARY Describing people ©) 1 Match the adjectives in the colour wheel with the 1: definitions, Then listen, check and repeat. Someone who ... 1 isrelaxed and doesn’t worry. calm. 2 helps other people. 3 ishappy. 4 feels they can do something well 5 makes good decisions. 6 understands how other people feel. 7 wants to be successful. 8 isnaturally good at something. 9 likes being with other people. 10 does a lot of exercise. 1 doesn’t get angry when things take a long time. 12 makes you feel you want to do something. $& 2 Look at the adjectives for your favourite colour. Da they describe you? Why / Why not? Listen and write an adjective from Exercise 1 to describe each person. L 2 (GJ LEARN TO LEARN Opposites When you learn a new adjective, write the opposite. 4 Match the words from Exercise 1 with their opposites, 1 anxious sal 7 silly 2 grumpy 8. unambitious 3. impatient 9 unhelpful 4 insensitive 10. uninspiring 5 lazy 21 unsociable 6 shy 12. untalented 5 Testa partner. Say a word. What's the opposite? Write three adjectives to describe you and say why. Then write three adjectives to describe your partner. ‘sogiable:!m sociable because | love raking fesends ard being with people 7 Tell your partner your answers from Exercise 6. Do they agree? Did you both choose the same adjectives? Guess the correct answer, Some people in Japan believe your... influences your personality. a bloodtype b height ¢ shoesize Find another interesting fact about what can influence your personality. Then write a question for your partner to answer, Prana READING An article 1 EL] iA Veet The inspiring Daniel Kish lost his sight wher pl himself to see | [°"° a ‘When he was growing up, his friends | waves travel through the cir until hey al rode bikes to school. Daniel hit something, The bats then listen wantad to be active like his friends, so | to the sound woves as they bounce he decided fo teach himself to cycle off the object and return to them with by riding next fo o wail. Soon hewos | information. Using this technique, tycling to school. called echolocation, Daniel knows the One day, © cever friend was watching | ze, postion and shape of on object Danelonhs bikewnen he roalsed | Sohecan see’ tin his head ts something inceedisle Daniel was Daniel believes anyone can train Using hs ears o’see' objects around their brain tolaamn acholocation, 9g him, As Donie! cycled, hewas making While he was studing at university, the world giving talks and teaching the technique to other blind people. He inspires them to use echolocation so they can enjoy actives such as mountain biking, eimbing, camping and cooking, ust ike he does. dlicking sounds with his tongue. Bats he planned an echolocation training 3 make similar sounds, andthe sound programme, Now, he travels around 1 Tick (V) the things in the box you think 3 Complete the table with words from the article. 8°" the blind man in the article uses to T = éeeG!, Read and check: Verb Noun Adjective 2 baliewe belief believable brain ©) a saline 5 inspiration inspi d ——— aon! | _ nate activate | active — see cE sighted A ' j 1 Why is the phrase ‘as blind as a bat’ _amaze_——_jamazement ——_|* strange? $4. Write sentences about Daniel with words from Exercise 3 in your notebook. Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. 2. What can Daniel find out using soul Qvoeeie 5 Discuss the questions. 1 Do you think Daniel Kish is inspiring? Why / Why not? 2 Do you know any inspiring people? Why are they inspiring? 3. What does Daniel do now? 4 What does Daniel do in his free time? 12 BE INSPIRED | UNIT1 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past simple and past continuous with when, while and as 7 When he was growing up, his friends all rode bikes to school. Daniel cycled, he was making clicking sounds with his tongue. One day, a clever friend * 11 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the article on page 12 to help you le the correct words. 1 Whatdid you do Agere you) Goingwhen \Galledy was calling you? 2 Asthey were leaving / left the phone was ringing / rang. 3 Ididn't see / wasn't seeing Tom while | played / was playing football. 3 Write sentences with when, as or while. 1 My brother / eat /1 arrive My brother was eating when. Larrlved. 2 My friend / listen to music / Isleep 3. They / walk to school / bus drive past 4 Mymum /read / my dad cook dinner he was studying at university, he planned an echolocation training programme, Daniel on his bike when he® Then listen and check. EvvisIngersol, a 14-year-old from Calform, yas working. (wore) in his familys restourant one day when sudderdy,t? (star) 10 rain Elis? ook) out ofthe window when he a (see) an old man walking across the street without an umbrella immediatly, Elvis 2 ‘ran outside wth an (help) umbrella and® 5 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in AT Ne ess eee ad How does he describe himself? something incredible. (4. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. for theman to cross the street Ehisand the old man (not row) that people in theresiauramt* videos ofthem while they * (cross) thestreet Later, thousands of people - (share) videos ofthe (ake) helpful teen and the old man online. al a. brackets. 1 What id you se2 (see) asyou were going (go) to school this morning? it (snow) when you (wake up)? 3. What. you (talk) about when you (see your friends last week? 4 What you (do) when you (get) home from school yesterday? 5 What you (think) about wt (eat) breakfast this morning? G Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. UNIT 1 | BE INSPIRED 15 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Phrasal verbs 1 Match the underlined phrasal verbs +" 1-8 with the definitions a-h. Then listen, check and repeat. teenagers ‘hangout! friends, but Ben volunteers at a children’s summer camp. He takes care of _)the children. “1>got.on with(__}the other volunteers,’ he says. It’s great!” ©) "(really ‘look up to(_)my best friend, Emma, Her mum isin a wheelchair, so she “depends on. Emma{_ for many things, like havinga shower. Emma is also busy with schoolwork. | don't know how she ‘deals with] everything, butshe never ‘gives up|_], She's really positive, When |'m feeling, sad, she always ‘cheers me up|]. @ lookatter f havea good b make me relationship feel happier with manage to g need do Emma's admire help @ stop trying h-spendtime relaxing 2. Write true and false sentences about your friends and family with the phrasal verbs from Exercise 1. Can your partner ‘guess which sentences are false? 14 BE INSPIRED | UNITT A radio programme 3 Look at the photo. What do you think ‘the man’s special talentis? Y LEARN TO LEARN Taking notes Writing keywords can help you remember what the listening was about. Listen to the radio programme about Henry Fraser and take notes. Then compare with a partner. Whose notes are clearer? Why? a4 e His life before the accident: The accident: His life after the accident: 15 Listen again and circle the correct answers. 1 Henry hit his head because ... a the water wasn't deep, b hewas running. 2 After the accident, Henry... a needed help with some things b needed help with everything. 3. Henry paints pictures of a animals and people. b animals, people and things. 4. Jeremy looks up to Henry because he... 2. is positive about a difficult situation, b paints with his mouth. ‘cuss the questions. 1 How do you think Henry felt after the accident? 2 Why do you think he didn’t give up? 3. Doyou think Henry is inspiring? Why / Why not? LANGUAGE IN ACTION used to Or erred to be afraid of? Pere uc Henry Fraser didn’t use to be an artist What did he use" be? He used? bea rugby player. 1. Complete the examples in the table above. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the phrases in the box. be very active livein-thecountryside play with Lego™ hate vegetables like coffee build things 1. Now my grandparents live in the city, but they used to live in the countryside 21 but now I drink it every day, 3. These days, Caroline doesn't do much exercise, but she at but now | havea salad for lunch every day. 5A when you were little? B Yes, \loved it. allthe time. To make questions, we use did + use to + infinitive. Did you use to walk to school? ¥ NOT Did you used to walk to school? X ALEX 3. Complete the conversation with the correct form of used to or the past simple and the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check. What do you want to be when your're older, Mia? MIA 17 used to want_(want) to be a tennis player, but now | want to be a scientist. ALEX Why? (change your mind? MA 1? (see) a really interesting programme about science on TV. | 5 (vot pay) attention in science, but now |loveit. What about you? ‘ALEX | want to bean English teacher, but when I was younger | had a different idea. MIA — Really? What was that? ALEX 1? (change| my mind all the time, One day 16 (want) to bea photographer, the nexta singer, then a painter. MIA Well, we have lots of time to decide! 4, Write sentences about what you used to do when you were younger. Think about the things inthe box. food and drink games and toys holidays primary school When | was younger: | used to bulld things with Lago”. 5 Compare your sentences with a partner. ‘When Iwas younger, lused to build things with Lego™. Really? Me too! Whatdid you use to build? 1 used to build castles. UNIT 1| BE INSPIRED 15 SPEAKING Interviewing someone 1 What isa hero? Listen to the conversation. Do you agree with Sam? JARED Hey, Sam.? Canl ask youa few questions for the school magazine? SAM — Sure. Go ahead. JARED # 4 who's your hero and why? SAM My friend, Elena. Last month she saved a little boy at the swimming pool. JARED. Really?? what happened? SAM He was playing with 2 ball when he fell in the water. The thingis, Elena isn'ta great swimmer, but she jumped in and pulled him out. JARED Good for her!* inyour opinion, what is a hero? SAM |used to think all heroes were famous. Now I think when someone does something brave, they're ahero. JARED I'm withyou there. * »Sam. Thanks! 2. Complete the conversation with the phrases ‘4 from the Useful language box. Then listen and check, Gantaskyeue fewquestions m2 Can youtellus...? First of all. One more thing... That’sall... 16 BE |NSPIRED | UNIT? 3 Match the uses (1-4) with the phrases in the Everyday English box. We say this whenwe ... 1 think someone did a goad thing, 2 tell someone it’s OK tostart. 3. agree with someone. 4 introduce a problem. Goahead. (_] Good for (her)! (_) mith you there. (_) Thethingis... (_) : PLAN £ 4 Read the interview again. Workin pairs. Think of a hero you both have. Discuss the questions and make notes. 1. Whyis this person a hero? 2. Whatis this person like? 5, Plan an interview. One of you is the interviewer and the other is the hero. Think of questions and answers for your interview. SPEAK 6 Practise the interview. Remember to use past tenses, used to and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday English boxes. : CHECK 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their interview and answer the questions from Exercise 4. WRITING A letter to a magazine Doar Editor, 1 OC tam wating about ‘your Inspiring person’ competition. Personally, Ifhink Anoka Primrose Abeyrathne should win the next Inspiting person’ competition, 2 ()m2004 anokawas 3 ving in Sri Lanker when ex tsuncimi destroyed lots of the coast, so she decided to stot a project to plant new troes. Now sho works with other young people to tako core of the environment and help people around the world, For me. her : environment, 1 Doyou know any inspiring teens? ‘What inspiring things do they do? 2. Teen Magazine is having a competition to find an ‘Inspiring person’. Read Luke’s letter. Who does he want to win? 3. Match a-c with paragraphs 1-3. @ Why should this person win? b_ Who should win the competition? © What inspiring things does this person do? ‘Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. Then checkin the letter. Pelee most exciting project is called Make It Green Again: For this project, Anoker mace $i Lanke’s first environmental music video because she wantod people to think ctbout the CO my view, Anoka 1Scm inspiring person Ipecaruse she's ambitious cand helpful. [look up to her because sho used to be normal schoolgil and now she's changing the wodd. In my opinion, Anoka should Write your own letter to the editor about an inspiring person PLAN WRITE CHECK ‘win because she cares! ‘about the environment Thank you for reading this letter. , ‘Yours, Luke Black 5 Read the notes. Use them to write your own notes about an inspiring person you know. Who? My friend Gina A What does she do? runs a lot, gets money for ill children Why should she win? she never gives up, she's cheerful, she's talented 6 Decide what information to include in each paragraph. Use the questions in Exercise 3 to help. 7 Write your letter. Remember to include three paragraphs, past tenses, used to and phrases from ‘the Useful language box. 8 Doyou... + introduce the person in the first paragraph? + say why the person should win? + use language for giving opinions? UNIT1| BE INSPIRED 17 ¢ AROUND THE WORLD = READING An article 1 Doyou know where Freetown is? How do ‘you think life in Freetown is different from where you live? Read the article and check your answers from Exercise 1, Put the events in order, He built a radio station He made a battery. ) He played music on the radio. Can you imagine life with no TV? What about life without a computer, or music or even lights? kelvin Doe is an inspiring young man From Freetown, Sierra Leone, When he was growing Up, the electricity in his neighbourhood didn't always work, so the lights only used to come on cence a week. AAs a boy, Kelvin was interested in how things worked and he used to get excited about: making things. While he was hanging out with his friends, Kelvin used to find materials in the street and make useful things from them. His mum used to get tired of finding pieces of rubbish everywhere, but he made some amazing things. He used old electronic items to repair broken TVs and radios. At 13, he even made a eae hal CETTE Watch video1.5 + Who is your hero? Why? + Which heroes are mentioned? What did they do? + What type of personality do you need to be a hero? d (_) He found objects in the street. e () Hewentto a summer camp. f (1) The lights in his community didn’t always work. battery so that his family and neighbours had lights at night. When Kelvin was at secondary school, he participated in a summer innovation camp. ‘Students had to think of a way te deal with a problem in their community. Radio is important In Sierra Leone and Kelvin knew that his community would be proud of their own radio station. So, while he was there, Kelvin built a radio station. He played musie on the radio and when he wasn't playing music, he interviewed people about life in Freetown. His radio show was very popular because Kelvin gets on well with everybody and was geod at talking to people, People called him DJ Focus because he believes that when you focus on something, you ean do anything. i} LEARN TO LEARN Cause and effect Identifying why something happened (the cause) and what happened (the effect) can improve your reading. 4, Use the language in the box to complete the causes with their effects. buildaradio station make abattery not be happy people like his radio show repair broken things The lights in Freetown worked only once aweek,so kelvin made battery Kelvin's family didn't have much money, sohe Kelvin left rubbish everywhere, so his mum Kelvin knew radio was important, so he Kelvin wes good at talking to people, so Circle the correct prepositions. interested on /(in) good inat tired for /of proud of jin excited for | obout 2 3 4 5 Complete the questions with the adjectives from Exercise 5. Then ask and answer them. 1 What are you excited aboutdoing next week? 2. What types of websites are you in? 3. Which subject are you att 4 What do you get of doing? 5 What are you most of? J Discuss the questions. 1 Which adjectives would you use to describe Kelvin? Why? 2 What could you do to help your community? Guess the correct answer. ‘The four main languages that people speak in Sierra Leone are: Mende, Temne, Krio and ... b French ¢ English z fact about a question for your a Spanish Find another interes Sierra Leone. Then wr partner to answer, CN) su VOCABULARY 1 Circle the correct words. 1 When I have problems with my homework, | ask my brother. He's very helpiul / ambitious. 2. l've watched all her films. l want to be just like her one day —she’s so calm / inspiring. 3. Sophie is very patient / confident. She talks to everyone and is never shy. 4. My best friend is very sonsible / sensitive. He always plans things very carefully 5 He has the most amazing voice. He's so talented / sociable, 2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then match the sentences 1-8 with sentences a-h. cheer up deal giveup hangout ith depend on get on lookupto take care of icult! Cy Your uncle's a firefighter? Wow! Do you take your cat on holiday with you? so much homework? after school? | There's no school tomorrow! How do you Hey, do you want to Do you with your sister? adults for everything, e438 Ow ww ew Babies Sure, let's watch a movie! Of course! She's ike my best friend. No, silly! Our neighbours it. They do. But they're really cute! Yes, but | have homework to do. Don't I make a list and do the most important things first. fh He’s my hero. really You can doit, mre ance him. 20 BE INSPIRED | UNIT1 LANGUAGE IN ACTION 3. Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. a (play) tennis yesterday with Anna when a dog? (run) onto the eourt. It? (chase) the ball and ¢ (pick) it up in its mouth. As Anna « (run) after it, the dog « (@rop) the ball and Gump) on her. As T 8 (g0) to check she was OK, P (see) she was smiling. It was her cousin’ dog! 4, Write sentences about Leo’s student life with used to or didn’t use to. Use the phrases in the box. getup late every day not have any money nothavea job sharea flat with friends sometimes study in the afternoon I can describe people in English. ean use phrasal verbs totalk about people and what they do. | can use the past simple and pastcontinuous with #2 eS when, while and as. @e@ I can use used to to Gescribe past habits. Da LEARN TO LEARN —> aif LEARN TO... SET AND ACHIEVE LEARNING GOALS When you know what you want to achieve with English, you can take steps to get there. = tA «| |B [How de 1 achieve ae? your own action plan. 4 [How do T know that 7 | have some nen Australi frends $F ERSTE eT [imma na 4 a 1 What was Tae Min’s learning goal? Lectyeor five Australian students vst our pa school Ourteacher olds. amonth before . . ther uit | wanted to gper tne wth them, 4 a Find the vocabulary 'm studyingin but my English wasn't very good. lw getting - adictionary. Sood marks but conversations were fice, So ny goal nas to hangout wth the Auctrolon suerte. My teacher helped me to mate an action pan. My plan seo lesm some easy rane usin conversations and practice them every day wih my Sater she speats Engi rectywe The plan worked spoke beter eect ‘bt of Engst wit the Austalant and we became good end. Question 4 2 Complete Tae Min’s action plan. [Recon view NaN Tae Mn [2 [What dot want to do? OWN IT! 2 [How much time do t have? 3. Read about Radost’s goal. Write her answers to questions 1 and 2 of the 4 Circle the best answers to questions 3 and 4 for Radost and write them in the action plan. b Make vocabulary flash cards and use them every day. < Study all the vocabulary the day a I passthe exam. b Hail the exam. © Ipass with top marks. 5 Think of a goal and complete action plan. ¥ , z i Into monte ne ANE: Radost a 3 haven important T ] = exams abou the | vocabulay were z ] ®% G Tellyour partner about your swuyngin class action plan. Do they think itis Ireaty ware to d0 3 realistic? Why / Why not? mate = ( 2 IK 5 a Mal cone | E eS LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Look at the photo, Do You like it? Why / Why not? 2. Before you watch, which different types of art can y 3. Which styles of art do they talk about? Watch and c! 4 Which is your favourite art form from the video? Ocls als c's = @ Derr area Le Pome Reem he VOCABULARY Visual and performing arts 1 Match the words with the photos (1-9) and 20 uu 12 architecture (J) exhibition filmmaking _) gallery illustration (_) musical theatre performance (_} photography sculpture definitions (10-12). Then listen, check and repeat. contemporary dance (fashion design () street art a room or building where you can see art acting, singing, dancing or playing music an event where you can see paintings and other art forms 2 Complete the table with the words from Exercise 1 Visual arts Performingarts | architecture oO LEARN TO LEARN Making nouns for people We often use the endings -ist, -er and -or for people. 1 2 3 4 3. Write the people who do these activities, fashion design filmmaking illustration performance photography fashion designer 6 sculpture 1 street art {2 [ele Te) 4, Putwords 1-9 from Exercise 1 in order starting i# ith your favourite. Then compare with your % partner and say why. wl ‘My favourite art form is street art because it looks really cool. What's yours? (Exptore tS Guess the correct answer. People won medals for architecture, painting, sculpture and ... atthe Olympic A Games between 1912 and 1948, a music b filmmaking ¢ fashion design Find another interesting fact about an art form. Then write a question for your partner to answer. Check out this talented street artist 4. from Lisbon, Portugal! 4 Bordalo I, creator of Big Trash ‘Animals’ has transformed the streets “ oflisbon into on art gallery. When you fist look, you See an enormous bear or a giont duck, but look again ond you'll see a car wheel or an old toilet This is street ort with a message Bordalo It hasnt used normal paints, brushes or rollers for a reason. He's used rubbish and spray paint because he wants Us to think about all the things we thraw away. His animals ore beautiful but he has made them from ugly things. Fans have seen his creations ct exhibitions and festivals in the USA Italy and Sweden, but Lisbon is his favourite city READING A magazine article Have you ever looked al a normal, everyday object and seen something else? inspiring young ilustrator Kristian, Mensa, from Praguein the Czech Reaubitg, takes ordinary objects ond uses his imagination to change them into exciting visual ar. For Kristin, an orange isnt justa fru, i's o turtles body, ‘and spaghetti becomes guitor stings. His biggest galley is social media and 4, Complete the table People 1 Look at the pictures. Which types of art can you see? answers from Exercise 1. Art materials Read the magazine article and check your Other art words 3. Do the sentences refer to Bordalo I! (8), Kristian (K) or both (BK)? 1 Hecreates artto share important ideas. He includes everyday objects in his art. Alot of his artis online, He's a street artist. He likes performance art. 2h WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 His hometown is his favourite place. 5 followers hove shared photos of his " artwork thousands of times, but fons a have aiso been to exhibitions af his ilustations in his home country and the USA. Kristian loves dance, theatre and music He hast! been to art school but SS ‘would love to go. So, next fine you look § ‘al some posta, imagine what else it covid be! We haven't got time for more this week, but check out next week's young talented artists — Joshua Behrens and Shania McDonagh. artist. iscuss the questions. 1 Doyou prefer Bordalo II's art or Kristian's art? Why? 2. Which type of art do you like to create? Why? gee Pre ee ai LANGUAGE IN ACTION ices Present perfect with regular gs has she seen? and irregular verbs 1/ You / We | They He/She /it Fans have! _cesn_his creations at exhibitions. He's? rubbish and spray paint. We haven't seen the exhibition He hasn’t* toart school Have you ever® at anormal, everyday object > and seen something else? Yes, |have. /No,Ihaven’t,_| Where has he been! 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the the article on page 24 to help you. #8 verbs in the box. Then listen and check. The verb go has two past participles: been and gone. ‘She has been to school. (She's back from school now.) ‘She has gone to schiool (She's at school now) amaze appear create notfinish see Have you ever seen a photograph and then realised it was a drawing? Perhaps you wore looking at one of Shania MeDonagh’s illustrations, : Shania is a young Irish artist who! 2. Put the words in the correct order. ‘the world of art with her incredible pictures, 1 had/has/ exhibitions in the USA.and Poland/ She * several drawings that look like Bordalo I photographs, with nothing more than a pencil. Bordalo ll has had exhibitions in the USA The talented schoolgirl * first prize in ational art competitions and her pictures * and Foland, in exhibitions in Ireland. Shania * her 2 Bordalo ll / Has /had an exhibition in taly cedueation, but in the future she wants to be an artist. ever /? Df I ide {hasn't 3 Bordaloli sculptures of animals /made/hasnt Write questions with the present perfect and the phrases in the box or your own ideas. 4 People / Kristian’s work on social media / shared / have gotoanexhibition gotothetheatre make film play a musical instrument win a competition 5 Kristian / Has / been to art school /? Have youever been to the theatre? 3 Correct the false sentences and answer the questions in Exercise 2. 6 Workin groups. Ask and answer your questions 1. Faloe Bordalo ll haer'tshad exhibitions in Poland, to complete the sentences about your group. 2 Allofus have been toa concert 3 Someofus 4 None of us . QD vinisnearonsiece UNIT 2 | WHAT IS ART? 25 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Music and theatre ©. 1 Read the sentences and put the words in bold 208" in the correct category. Then listen and check. 1 'm playing the part of the sister, but I'm only in the opening scene of the play. 2 The audience stood up when the orchestra finished playing the last song. 3 | need to learn my lines for an audition | have next week. 4 V'mlearning the lyrics to my favourite song, 5 We only had one rehearsal before the show. 6 She spent three months in the studio working on her latest album. Music Theatre Both 2. Write present perfect questions with words from Exercise 1. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. Have you ever seen a show? A conversation % 3 Which emotions in the box can people feel before or after an audition? Why? calm cheerful sad sensi confident stressed 26 WHAT |S ART? | UNIT 2 uy LEARN TO LEARN Inferring Noticing the way people speak can help you to guess their feelings. 44, Rosa and Daniel have had an audition. Listen #5 and answer the questions, 1 Did they get the parts they auditioned for? 2 How do Rosa and Daniel feel? 5; Listen again, Tick (/) the advice Daniel gives Rosa, °°" 1 practise every day sayyourlines outloud think about the meaning ofthe lines say your lines infront of a mirror record yourself with a camera think about your audience don't make any mistakes 6 Discuss the questions. 1. Whichis the most important piece of advice? 2. What's difficult about performing? O O000 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present perfect h already, just, still and yet 3. Complete the conversation with the present 28" perfect form of the verbs and already, just, still ae or yet. Then listen and check. pte liciad Pee DANIEL Hey! Guess what? I?ve just:seen (See) my part? drama teacher and. ROSA You got the part? Vve just _ spoken to my drama teacher. DANIEL Shh! Yes, but it’s @ secret. They? ss facie. {not tell) everyone because they They> haven’t decided on the main parts. 3 {not choose) all the parts. haven't heard * ROSA Sowhy* they (tel) you? ; DANIEL Because they've decided they really want me ee CE. for the part. | said atthe audition | (BD rrevuncovion pres 5 {learn) all the lyrics to all the songs. 1 Read the information below. Then complete the ROSA And” you {tell) your examples in the table above. parents 2 DANIEL Notyet.1” (send) my mum a [O) cet it right} message to ring me, but she* (not call. £ Weuse still before hasn’t/haven't. | We use just and already between has/have and the past participle. ‘We use yet at the end of the sentence. 4 Write questions to help you find a person in your s S class who ... 2. Choose a word and write it in the correct place 1 has already finished same homework. in the sentences. Have youinished your biclagy homework yet? 1 Have you heard the news? (still / yet) 2 hasn't seen (film name) yet. Have you heard the news yt? 2 [haven't finished my food. (already / stil!) 3 has already tried (a sport you've never done). 3 She's seen the new play at the theatre. 4 has helped someone today. (already / yet) 5. still hasn’t been to (a place in your town). 4 They've gone to see a film. (ust / still) 5 They haver’t learnes their lines for the play. 5 Ask your questions from Exercise 4, (already /ye0 Have you finished your biology homework yet? UNIT 2| WHAT IS ART? 27 No, not yet. SPEAKING Describing a picture 1 Look at the painting and answer the questions. 1 What can you see? 2. Doyou like it? Why / Why not? ©. 2. Listen to Lucas and Sofia talking about the 7" painting, Who do you agree with? LUCAS Hey Sofia, have you done your art homework yet? SOFIA Towrite about the painting? No, | still haven't finished. There's tons to say! LUCAS Really? What? SOFIA I've seen The Starry Night. It’s amazing! ‘Ir makes me feel calm and excited at the ‘same time. What about you? LUCAS Dunno, akid’s painting, The clouds, stars and moon are ginormous compared to the houses. 3 strange. SOFIA Have you read about it yet? 4 look real. The artist Van Gogh wanted to show how the sky made him feel. LUCAS Nope, sorry! I've just looked at it again and I don’t understand why he used wavy lines and shapes. SOFIA He used them to show how light moves. LUCAS Oh, Isee. And he combines lots of bright and dark colours. SOFIA Right.? his mixed emotions. 3 Complete the conversation with the phrases from ‘the Useful language box. Then listen and check. ire Itisn't supposed to ... Itprobably shows ... It looks like... Itseemsabit... Itmakes- mefeolen 28 WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 4 Match the words and phrases (1-5) with the ‘words in the Everyday English box. 1 Idon't know 4 alot 2 no 5 enormous 3 child Brecon ginormous (_) kid () nope (_] tons {_] PLAN 5 Look at the painting of the artist's bedroom. Make notes. Have you seen this painting before? What can you see? Do you like it? Why / Why not? How does it make you feel? 6 Work in pairs. Plana conversation about the painting. SPEAK 7 Practise the conversation. Remember to use the present perfect and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday English boxes. CHECK 8 Work with another pair. Listen to their conversation. Do they answer the questions from Exercise 5? WRITING A review 10) tereyouseen STOMP yet? Youhaver'? Then what are you waiting fr? STOMP is perfec for adults ond kids ~ it’ the best show I've ever seen. 2(_] STOMPisnta musical oradance show It's.a performance with adiference, The performers create powerful yt with cbjects ike brushes and newspapers. Tere arena line, singing or story, but the sounds ond movements are amazing, 3] Whatlikedobcutit was that he performers were so talented ve never seen anything ike t before. twas abit Jud sometimes, but areat fun really. STOMPis on at atheatre near Broadway and tickets are arealy goed pice, | recommmendit becauseit's so creative and original ® 1 Look at the photo and answer the questions. 1. What type of show is it? 2. Have you ever seen a similar performance? 2. Read Camila's review of the show. Did she enjoy it 3 Match information a-d with paragraphs 1-4. 2 a description of the event b what she liked / didn’t like about it © where you can see it ¢ whoitis for 4, Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. Then check in the review. eee in Itbecause... It’s the best show I"? seen Me never® anything like it before. (STOMP) is* at ‘ {liked / didn't ike about it was .. School of Rock, the musical! Great family entertainment! Dewey Finn fails as a rock star! But ean he become a good teacher und turn his students into an amazing rock group? Winter Garden Theater, Broadway, Now York. Write your own review of a performance PLAN 5, Look at the School of Rack poster or think of a performance you have been to. Make notes, Where did you see It? Who was the performance for? What was it ike? What did you like / not like about it? Decide what information to include in each paragraph. Use the information in Exercise 3 to help you. WRITE 7 Write your review. Remember to include four paragraphs, the present perfect and phrases from the Useful language box. CHECK 8 Doyou... + describe the event? + say who itis for? + say what you liked / didn’t like about it UNIT 2 | WHAT IS ART? 29 atlas PROJECT A profile of an artist 1 Look at the photos and read the profile. Do you like Ben Heine’s work? Why / Why not? 2. Read the profile again and complete the notes. Nationality: Education: (ntereste: Types of art: Exhibitions How to do online research 3. Why isitimportant to think about these questions when you read information online? ‘a Who wrote the information? | b Whois the information for? ¢ How do | know it's true? Can you find the same information on a different website? © When did they write it? f Can! copy and paste this information into my own work? Q 4, Listen to the advice about doing online research and check your ideas from Exercise 3, 30 WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 Artists name. Ben Heine Art form: painting, illustration and photography 1 Heis Belgian ard be Ives avd works in Brussels He started sawing wher he wes i. Hes an artis and a music producer He studied at: art college in the UX and he taught himself pootography. He has abo taught hinselt frow to ulay the dns avd the pan, anu he has learned bow to speak French, English, Russian aad other languages. In 2010, he invented @ new art form which uses ilustration and whotograghy. He ads deawings to phatos to mnke them cont alive This artwork as been so poplar that art teachers arourd the word have used it to tench thelr students how to be creative: 4 He has created a range of paintings which use waintings and real-life model Be, waits a model the same colours as the vairting. Tren the model stands infront of the ptirg so trey look ‘vel Beers artwork has appeared in exhibitions and galleries in Alrica, Asin, Europe and the USA, You cau see hs werk ol over the world Make a profile of an artist PLAN 5 Work in pairs. Choose an artist you like. + + Find information about the artist. Use the tips from Exercise 4. + Make notes like the ones in Exercise 2 « Find pictures of their artwork. + Decide who will write the different parts of the profile, + Write your part then give it to your partner to check. + Work with your partner to put together the information and pictures. + Write two questions for your classmates to answer about your profile. PRESENT G Present your profile to the class. Remember to include interesting facts, pictures and to use your own words. CHECK 7 Look at your classmates’ profiles. Do they include all the information from Exercise 22 Which artist is your favourite?

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