Moive Budget Out PDF

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Total moive budget (estimation)


1 Direction
Director 1000000
Co – director 40000 per month 40000 x 5 months 200000
Associate director 25000 per month 25000 x 5 months 125000
Assistant director (2 members) 15000 x 2 per month 30000 x 5 months 150000

2 Writer
Story writer 100000 100000
Dialogue writer 100000 100000
Lyric writer 5 songs - 100000 100000

3 Camera
Camera hire 18000 18000 x 35 days 630000
Cameraman 300000 300000
Cameraman material 50000 50000
Hard discs (4) 100000 100000

4 Music
Music director 900000 900000
Sound effects 75000 75000
DTS 200000 200000

5 Production manager
Manager 5 months 250000
Asst Manager 5 months 100000

6 Location
Set work 100000 100000

7 Art
Art director 150000 150000
Art assistant 120000 120000
Purchasing 100000 100000

8 Costumes
purchasing 500000

9 Makeup
Material purchase 50000
10 Stills
Still photographer 100000

11 Steady cam
Steady cam hire 100000
Steady cam operator
Asst s

12 Jimmy
Jimmy hire 19500 per day 19500 x 5days 100000
Jimmy operator
Jimmy asst

13 Vacuum base
Vacuum base hire 6000 per day 6000x2 days 12000
Vaccum base assts

14 Dance
Dance master 5 songs 200000 200000
Dance master assts 40000 40000

15 Stunts
Stunt master 300000
Stunt master assts
Materials rent

16 Accommodations
For all artist and unit 2000000 2000000

17 Office
Office rent 30000 per month 30000x 5 month 150000
Office maintenanace 100000 100000
Office materials
Staff salaries
Audition &photo shoot 100000 100000
Bill books & letter pads 25000 25000

18 Artists
Heroine 500000
Lead artist
Supporting artists 2000000 2000000
Company artists
Junior artist 20 mem 1000 x 20 per day 20000 x 35 days 700000
19 Post production
19 a Editing
Editor 150000 150000
Editing studio hire 100000 100000
Editor asst 30000 30000
Maintenance 75000 75000

19 b Dubbing
Dubbing studio hire 100000 100000
Sound engineer
Dubbing artists 100000
Maintanance 75000 75000

19 c DI
DI (colour grading ) 200000
Final output
(PXD or QUBE )
Title designing 150000 150000
Logo designing 200000 200000
CG 100000 100000

19 d Censor & FDC

CENSOR & FDC 30000 30000
Poster designing 200000 200000
pro 100000 100000

19 e Miscellaneous
1000000 1000000

Total 1,44,37,000

Total budet 14437000 + 7000000 = 2,14,37,000

Note* 35 days shoot with 200000 daily expenses of each day = 35 x 200000 =7000000

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