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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

Use Case ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Setup Information ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Usage Information ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Use Case
Customer wants to configure a custom loan request form using Document Records functionality. The
following attributes are required as part of this loan request form.
1. Loan Start Date
2. Loan Type
3. Loan Reason
4. Loan Value
5. Employee Guarantee1
6. Employee Guarantee2

Setup Information
1) Login into the application
2) Navigate to Setup and Maintenance

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

3) Search for the Manage Document Types Task

4) Click on the Manage Document Types Task and navigate to Manage Document Types

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

5) Click on Create (+) and navigate to Create Document Type. Enter Type, Country, Category and other
attributes as required. Once done, Save the configuration.

6) Submit the changes

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

7) Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and search for the task Manage Document Descriptive Flexfields

8) Click on the Task Manage Document Descriptive Flexfields

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

9) Click on Action and select Edit

10) The flex field page opens up -> Click on Manage Contexts

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

11) Click on + to create a new context

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

12) Create the Context by entering the Display Name and the Context Code of 'IN_LOAN_REQUEST'.
Then Save the changes.

Important! Ensure that the context code is the same as the System Document Type

Note: System Document Type is an internal code (not currently shown on the UI, but stored in the table
HR_DOCUMENT_TYPES_B). Its value is derived by the application using the following logic:
 If document type is for a specific country/legislation then the system document type will be
CountryCode + '_' + Document Type Name converted to upper case, where spaces ( ) and
hyphens (-) in the Document Type Name are replaced with underscores (_)
 If document type is for all countries (global) then the system document type will be 'GLB' + '_' +
Document Type Name converted to upper case, where spaces ( ) and hyphens (-) in the
Document Type Name are replaced with underscores (_)

For example, in this case since document type ('Loan Request') is specific for the country/legislation
India, system document type will be 'IN_ LOAN_REQUEST'

If this document type was defined for all countries (global) then system document type would be

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

13) Search the created context code in the same page 'IN_LOAN_REQUEST' and Navigate to Actions>Edit

14) Create the following segments for that context as per the business requirements:
1. Loan Start Date
2. Loan Type
3. Loan Reason
4. Loan Value
5. Employee Guarantee1
6. Employee Guarantee2

Once done, save the changes

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

15) Now Deploy the Flex field

16) Once the deployment is done validate the message appearing for any errors /warnings

17) Logout of the session

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

Usage Information
1) Login into the application and navigate to Personal Information self service

2) Navigate to My Documents and click on + to create a new document record

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

3) Select the country India. Select the document type of Loan Request. Notice that the context value will
be automatically defaulted and all the segments configured for that context will be automatically
If you change the document type, the appropriate context value will again be defaulted and all segments
for that other context code will be displayed automatically.

4) Enter the data in all the fields

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

5) Add supporting documents in the Attachment section

6) Submit for approval

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Configure Document Record as custom Loan Request form

7) Verify that the Document Record is created

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