HIS003 Project

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Cultural profiles are valuable tools for individuals and organizations seeking to engage
with different cultures, promote cross-cultural understanding, or navigate intercultural
interactions effectively.

A cultural profile includes various aspects that help to understand and describe a culture.
By understanding the characteristics, values, and beliefs of a culture, we gain insights
into the worldview, social dynamics, and behavioral patterns of its members. These can
include language, customs, traditions, clothing, cuisine, art forms, music, architecture,
and other elements that distinguish one culture from one another.

Cultural Profiles help foster appreciation, respect, and effective communication across
cultural boundaries.


 The class will choose one Indigenous or Moro tribe in Region 12 to profile..
 After choosing their tribe, students will be paired by 2 or grouped by 3 and must
select one from the topics given by their instructor.
 Each pair/group must interview five or more knowledgeable members of their chosen
tribe. (elders, leaders, prominent/relevant persons of the community is highly
suggested). They must be careful and sensitive in conducting the interview.
 Interviewers shall document (voice record, write or video) the interview. They must
take picture (with consent from the owner) of the materials the profiled.
 After the conduct of interview, the team may start writing their paper.
 They are allowed to use resources and materials from the internet. However, they are
only allowed to use it up to 20% on their paper.
 After writing their part, the pair/group should let their interviewees checked their
written work for validation and approval.
 The paper must contain the title, name of writer, Introduction, Body (with pictures),
Conclusion, References, Appendix.
 Format: Short Bondpaper, Arial 12, Margin: 1.5 - left, Normal - remaining sides.


 All written parts should be collected and compiled to create a cultural book.
 The class should select their leader/s in making the Cultural Book. The leader/s
should head the pre-, duration, and post- production of the book. The leader/s shall
appoint various committees for the production.
 The class may hard bind or soft bind their book.
 This should be the content of the book:
 Cover Page
 Class Message/Acknowledgement
 Table of Contents
 Written Works (Pair/Group)
 References/List of Interviewees
 Appendix (pictures)

Remember, this project is not just for compliance in this subject but it is your
contribution for the protection, preservation, and promotion of the culture of the Lumads
and Moros of Region 12. #ProjectwithAPurpose

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