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Name: Lim, Lyssa Antonette K.

ENGL031 9:00am – 10:30am

➢ How does the picture make you feel?

"Amidst the Tempest and Trials, Education Becomes the Guiding Beacon to Achieve Triumph."

➢ What
Theis picture strongly
the subject matterconveys that determined individuals do not let
of the picture?
 The image captures the resilienceofand
circumstances hinder their pursuit their goals. I felt aofmix
determination of sympathy
students as they
and admiration
navigate whiletolooking
their way school atbyit.carefully
I felt sorry for the
walking students
along a row because
of chairs
of the challenging
organized situation
to create they are path
a makeshift facing, but Ithe
above alsofloodwaters.
felt a sense Thisof
pride and adoration for their unwavering determination.
poignant scene underscores the unwavering commitment to education, It's inspiring to
in even at a young
the face age, they
of adverse are willing to
circumstances, do whatever
highlighting theit takes to
secure the future they deserve.
value that these students place on learning and their willingness to
overcome obstacles to reach their educational goals.
➢ Do you think the picture is effective in communicating its message
➢ What is the mood or atmosphere of the picture?
 The picture is undeniably effective in conveying its message. It vividly
 and
The explicitly
picture's depicts
mood canthe be
intended themes.
described as oneTheofmessage
resolute itdetermination
conveys is
not only influential but also motivating. It emphasizes that
and perseverance. Even though they face the challenging and potentially in any
challenging situation,
dangerous situation there is the
of flooding, always a solution
students to overcome
are resolutely theof
using a line
problems and achieve one's goalsf
chairs as an improvised pathway to get to school. This illustrates their
strong commitment to education and their readiness to conquer
adversity. While there might be some difficulties and inconveniences
involved, the prevailing atmosphere in the picture exudes unwavering
resolve and an unshakeable dedication to their studies.

➢ What message or meaning is the picture trying to convey?

 The image strongly delivers a message highlighting the enduring

significance of education. Even in the face of the challenging situation of
flooding, the students exhibit a strong determination to reach their
school, symbolizing their unwavering commitment to learning. This image
reinforces the concept that education is a crucial and priceless endeavor,
capable of motivating individuals to surmount obstacles and adapt to
adverse conditions in order to attain their educational aspirations.

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