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1-The Mission of the American University in Dubai is to serve as a

culturally diverse learning community committed to the pursuit of

knowledge through excellence in teaching and scholarly and creative
endeavor, leading to students' academic, personal and professional
success, as well as the advancement of society. The Mission of the
American University in Dubai is to serve as a culturally diverse
learning community committed to the pursuit of knowledge through
excellence in teaching and scholarly and creative endeavor, leading to
students' academic, personal and professional success, as well as the
advancement of society.

2- “As a student of The American University in Dubai, I pledge

that all tests taken by me and that all work submitted by me will
be original and solely the results of my own efforts.
Furthermore, as a student and member of the academic
community of The American University in Dubai, I am bound to
uphold standards of personal integrity and honesty and to
accept my personal, academic and professional responsibilities
in the community
3-Inappropriate attire is defined as, but not limited to: Tight or
revealing clothing; • Short shorts and micro-skirts; • Low-cut tops or
dresses; • Sagging jeans or jeans with suggestive holes or markings; •
T-shirts with inappropriate logos or language; • Midriff-baring, open-
back or halter tops.
4-Standard List of Conduct Violations with Accompanying Disciplinary Actions Adjudication and
mediation by the Dean of Student Services will often resolve a conduct issue. This may involve issuance
of a Disciplinary Verbal Reprimand. The Dean, in consultation with the President, may determine that
the conduct violation warrants dismissal or the calling of a Conduct Council. The following summarizes
possible violations and the options for disciplinary action by the Dean of Student Services (in
consultation with the President) or the Conduct Council. Inappropriate Conduct on Campus – Level 1
Disciplinary Written Warning Disciplinary Probation Inappropriate Conduct on Campus – Level 2
Disciplinary Written Warning Disciplinary Probation Suspension Dismissal Inappropriate Conduct off
Campus – Level 1 Disciplinary Written Warning Disciplinary Probation Student Handbook 2018-2019 22
Inappropriate Conduct off Campus – Level 2 Disciplinary Written Warning Disciplinary Probation
Suspension Dismissal Public Display of Affection – Level 1 Disciplinary Written Warning Disciplinary
Probation Public Display of Affection – Level 2 Suspension Dismissal Inappropriate class behavior
Disciplinary Written Warning Disciplinary Probation Suspension Dismissal Vandalism Disciplinary Written
Warning Disciplinary Probation Replacement or Reimbursement Suspension Dismissal Dress Code
Violation Disciplinary Written Warning Disciplinary Probation Dismissal Smoking Violation Disciplinary
Written Warning Disciplinary Probation Dismissal Theft Dismissal Forgery Dismissal Possession of Alcohol
or Drugs on Campus Dismissal Gambling Dismissal

5-“Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without
consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full
acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript,
printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition, as is the use of material
generated wholly or in part through use of artificial intelligence (save when use of AI
for assessment has received prior
authorisation e.g. as a reasonable adjustment for a student’s disability). Plagiarism can
also include re-using your own work without citation. Under the regulations for
examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence.”
6a-An official written statement to a student indicating that his or her behavior is of such a nature that
further disciplinary action may be necessary. A written warning becomes a permanent part of a student’s
academic record.

6b-: Requires a student to be separated from the university for a specific period of time and may include
certain conditions that must be completed before the student is eligible to return.

6c-Constitutes permanent removal from the university, without the possibility of readmission

7-whole person education-excellence-integrity-service-diversity-tolerance-accountability-collaboration-

innovation-best practice

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