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Student’s Name: Đỗ Thị Giang

Student’s ID: 2257010047

Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the statement ?
“ Teachers should ask students to recite their previous lessons before classes

Requiring students to recite the old lessons at the beginning of classes

is one of the conventional methods of teaching in Viet Nam. Recently, there
is a rising question about the effectiveness of this traditional method. In
fact, the Department of Education and Training has once claimed in 2018
that teachers do not need to require their students to repeat the previous
knowledge through directly calling them to answer some questions in front
of every student before starting the next lessons. However, many teachers,
up to now, still apply that form of checking students’ knowledge. In my
opinion, there are a few reasons some people support the mentioned
method; nevertheless, I do not completely admit to those reasons.

To begin with, reciting the previous lessons is considered to be

beneficial for students by many teachers. Firstly, it creates necessary
pressures to push student’s reviewing motivation. Almost all the previous
lessons have a logical relation to the next ones, thus understanding the
previous theories is fundamental to not only be well prepared for the next
lessons but also be crucial to apply those theories in reality. If students
were not called for the recitation, they could be ignored for the most
important step of learning. Secondly, many people say that the students’
recitation allows teachers to evaluate the students' attitude towards
studying exactly and practically. Teachers based on their students’ reciting
to give them scores, which are a scale of learning effectiveness. Students
who are unable to answer their questions well are evaluated as not putting
real effort into their studying. By giving these students bad scores, teachers
want to raise the studying awareness of the students in order to deliberately
benefit their students. Accordingly, the positive purposes of the recitation
are so obvious.

However, the mentioned method generates various counter effects. In

fact, students experiencing negative pressures cannot have enthusiastic
motivation in the long term. According to a research, excessive academic
pressures pose severe threats to students’ psychology and mental health
instead of helping these students to achieve better scores or enhancing their
studying results (“Academic Pressure”, n.n.d, as cited in Alsulami et
al.,2018). As a result, students try to review the previous lessons in an
illogical way due to their extreme nervousness about of being judged by
teachers and other students. Learning by rote is considered as a
consequence of negative motivation. In the other words, instead of more
deeply understanding the old lessons, many students just remember the
theories mechanically. According to Bloom’s taxonomy, “a classification of
the different outcomes and skills that educators set for their students”,
remembering is the lowest level in six levels of awareness including
remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating
(Shabatura, 2022, as cited in Bloom, 1956). Thus, using the mentioned
method is proved to be out of the beginning purpose.

In addition, evaluating students’ studying attitudes through requiring

citation is not persuasive enough. As an estimation, seventy- five percent of
people all over the world have has a symptom of Glossophobia, which
causes extreme anxiety to talk in a crowd (Black, 2019). This shows that
even some very hard-working students who inspect the old lessons carefully
may not perform themselves well in a public recitation. Furthermore,
although some students literally put in a huge effort, it is still impossible for
them to absorb the previous knowledge in their mind. The action of picking
randomly a person to do reciting drives students to be in a too- passive
situation. Thus, that student cannot prepare well for an excellent response,
and he can answer the question reluctantly. As a result, both good and bad
students could get lower evaluations compared to their efforts due to their
unsatisfactory performances in those particular circumstances. Usually,
these unexpected scores in those situations discourage these students’
academic growth and self-belief. Obviously, teachers’ evaluation directly to
students’ studying attitude can be too subjective, which leads to counter

In short, every teacher's desire is to deliver their knowledge in the most

effective way in order to gain their students’ betterment. Although
requiring students to recite the previous lessons has been applied in general
education in Viet Nam for a long time, it shows many significant
weaknesses. Especially in today’s situation, various researches has have
been done by many excellent educators to figure out other new methods of
teaching. Hence, considering eliminating traditional methods in favor of
more reasonable and superior methods is very necessary.

1. “What Are The Effects Of Academic Pressure”.(n.n.d).The Pacific Teen
2. Sharatube, J. (2022). “ Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Write Effective
Learning Outcomes”. University of Arkansas Tips.
3. Black, Rosemary. (2019). “Glossophobia (Fear of Public Speaking): Are
You Glossophobic?”. Psycom

1. Plagiarism: Check
2. APA in-text citation and references:
3. Task achievement (are the arguments logical and to the point?): Yes
4. Language use (up to C1 level?)
Unity and coherence:

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