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ABC Worksheet for Personal

Money Management
Prepared by: Coach Jeff Luspo, ABC™
Co-founder, Always Be Closing Academy
ABC Masterclass Series

Welcome to your ebook companion guide on how to use the ABC Worksheet® . This ebook
will contain the step-by-step pitches on how to teach your prospects and clients budget
techniques, wealth allocation strategies, and how to prioritize money goals so they will have an
organized cash flow.

There is a saying, “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.” Do not worry. You do not need
to use jargons or complicated terminologies just to sound smart or appear as an expert. The
ABC Worksheet® is designed using the language of a “client” so that the Financial Advisor
can easily explain even to a 7-year old child. What is truly important is you know how to use
this coaching tool and what “words” to use so your prospects and clients can appreciate you
more as their long-term Financial Advisor.

One of the challenges of a Financial Advisor is how to properly create the “need” of a client and
how to “price” it so you can position your products better when you present solutions. The
ABC Worksheet® is also designed to help you do product positioning. It will reveal most (if

not all) potential money problems of your prospects and clients. If they can see these potential
problems, you would be able to address them better. No more second guessing on how to
determine what they can afford. The coaching tool will compute it for the both of you.

Because of its flexibility, this coaching tool can be used for High Net Worth clients,
Businessmen, Middle Managers, even Rank & File individuals and the so-called “simpleng

By doing the ABC worksheet® , you will stand out. You will not only offer insurance products
just to help your prospects and clients. You will have the ability to help them organize their cash
flow. This coaching tool will help you close deals in one-sitting (combined with ABC techniques)
and increase your closing ration to 80% and up. Let’s begin!

How Financial Advisors Do Appointment Setting

Most Financial Advisors are using two types of techniques when doing appointment setting or

The first one is what we call the Biogesic Technique. What do we mean by this? Biogesic is a
solution for headache, yes? Most Financial Advisors would offer their biogesic first when inviting
prospects. The biogesic is the insurance products and the company that they represent.

Are you familiar with these lines or at least similar to these lines?

“Mr. Prospect, my name is Brando Braganza (ginawa ng Diyos pang romansa). I’m a Financial
Advisor from XYZ Life. May insurance ka na ba? I would like to share how my company can
help you. When are you free?”

“Mr. Prospect, can I invite you for coffee? I would like to present how XYZ Life can help you with
your goals. We have insurance and investments that you might like. Let’s do financial planning!”

These are solutions for potential money problems of prospects. That is the biogesic. The
problem is, most prospects do not know that they have potential headaches. Therefore, most
would tend to shy away or avoid meeting with you because they know you will “sell” them
insurance products. Hence, the “seen zone” and “ghosting” effect.

The second one is what we call the Kidnap Technique. Financial Advisors would hide their
real intention on why they want to meet their prospects.

Here’s an example:

“Hello, Pards/Beshie. Musta na? Coffee naman tayo. Catch up lang tayo, libre pa kita. Usap
tayo, buhay-buhay lang.”

When you finally meet, you then conveniently insert that you are now a Financial Advisor and
then present the products you are offering. Wala nang kawala, right? Wrong. Your prospects
would feel duped/tricked into agreeing to meet with you. Some would say yes to purchasing
your product but most would say the famous lines, “Next time na lang” or “I need to think
about it.”

How You Can Do It Differently

You will now do the third way of inviting your prospects for an appointment. Starting today, you
will now position your skills first— someone who is an expert when it comes to money

If we are sick, we seek the advice of a Medical Doctor. If we want legal advice, we seek the
services of a Lawyer. If we want booking keeping services, we hire an Accountant. If we want
to see property options, we call our Real Estate Broker. Now, if we want to consult about
money, we would seek the advice of someone who is an expert when it comes to money
management. That’s where you come in. Your personal branding will now shift from being
a Financial Advisor to becoming a Financial Coach, because there is a difference
between the two.

A Financial Advisor would provide advice for clients and would offer insurance products
based on what clients would need.

A Financial Coach is something else. A Financial Coach would provide concrete strategies,
specific step-by-step action plans on how you can help your clients win in the game of money.
We have a lot of certifications in our industry— Registered Financial Planner, Registered
Financial Consultant, Certified Wealth Planner, Chartered Trust & Estate Planner, and many
more. These certifications are fantastic and would play essential roles for a Financial Advisor.
The next challenge is how to translate these certifications into something that
prospects and clients would understand. Nobody really certifies you to become a
“Coach” in our industry because it is not a position. It is a skill, so keep that in mind.

This ABC Worksheet® ebook, combined with the ABC Master Closer Blueprint®
(different training module) will teach you how to become a Financial Coach. This will not go in
conflict with your position as a Financial Advisor. It will actually compliment it. This ebook will
contain the Worksheet’s exact pitches on what to say, how to say it, and when to say it.

So, starting today, master these ABC Pitches so that you will be confident to call yourself a
Financial Coach as your new personal branding and be known by your target market as
someone who is an expert when it comes to money management.

The Appointment Setting Pitch

In the ABC Master Closer Blueprint® , we taught your four (4) pitches on how to do
appointment setting differently. For this ebook, we will teach you the fifth pitch, which we call
the Survey Technique.

You can use this with friends, referrals, and strangers (cold market). You can also use this via
FB Messenger/Viber/Instagram, phone calls, or even face-to-face. You can use this technique if
you want to do online coaching or face-to-face coaching. Yes, it is that flexible!

The Survey Pitch:

FA: Excuse me, can you help me? I’m conducting a survey, 1 minute lang naman. Okay lang?

Prospect: Sure! How can I help? / Sure, anong survey ba yan?

FA: Kasi, Financial Coach na kasi ako ngayon. Next month, I will be conducting a workshop
about Personal Money Management. Itong survey na ito, makakatulong ‘to sa workshop na
gagawin ko. Three questions lang naman. Would that be okay?

Prospect: Sige!

FA: Okay. Question #1. Every payday, what’s the first thing that you do with your money?

Prospect: Pay bills / Save money / Give money to parents / Gimmick (whatever the explanation

FA: Why? / Bakit yun?

Prospect: Kasi... blah blah blah, blah blah blah... (whatever the explanation is)

FA: Okay. Questions #2. From a scale if 1-10 (10 being the highest), how do you feel about
your money (overall finances)?

Prospect: 8 (or whatever number he/she chooses)

FA: Bakit 8?

Prospect: Eh kasi... blah blah blah, blah blah blah... (whatever the explanation is)

FA: Okay. Question #3: Let’s say, umattend ka ng workshop about Money Management, anong
topic ang gusto mo matutunan?

Prospect: Gusto ko matuto mag budget/ mag manage ng pera / investments / mag save /
(whatever the topic is)

FA: Bakit yun ang gusto mo?

Prospect: Eh kasi... blah blah blah, blah blah blah... (whatever the explanation is)

FA: Okay, Mr. Prospect. Thank you for participating sa survey. For sure makakatulong ito sa
workshop na gagawin ko. As a “thank you”, I will give you One Free Consultation. You can ask
me anything about money. Yung sinabi mo sa question #3 na gusto mo matutunan (mention
the topic), yun din ang ituturo ko sayo. I will also give you a Complimentary Worksheet with all
the tips and strategies on how to budget, allocate, prioritize and organize cash flow. I will show
you how to use it. Since this is free, I can only accommodate 12 participants this month. I still
have 5 slots left. We can do this online for your convenience or over coffee if you want to meet.
How’s your calendar on Thursday or Friday? 🤓

(Compare both your calendars and match a schedule that fits both your availability.)

Important Reminders:

When you do this technique, make sure you do it in a conversational way. Be patient in letting
your clients answer. Which means, this technique is engaging and would require back and forth
responses. Do not be tempted to send the pitch and all three questions into one message.
Otherwise, your prospects would think this is sent as a generic message to all your prospects.
It is extremely important to remember this so that the technique will work.

The Psychology Behind The Pitch (Why It Works)

This technique is based on Guided Discovery. If you have attended our two-day workshop
about the ABC Master Closer Blueprint® , then you already know how to use Guided
Discovery all throughout your presentation. If you have not yet, we highly recommend you enroll
in the next batch. Nevertheless, we will teach you some guided discovery techniques
incorporated in the ABC Worksheet® pitches.

First line in the Pitch:

FA: Excuse me, can you help me? I’m conducting a survey, 1 minute lang naman. Okay lang?

The Psychology to this Pitch:

Naturally, Filipinos are very helpful. If someone needs help (asking for directions, asking for
advice), we tend to help them the best way we can. Once they know that you need help and it
will only take 1 minute of their time, they would say yes. That is your first agreement.

At the start of the pitch, you were able to get an agreement already. It lowers their
psychological defenses from the very beginning. Remember, closing is getting small and a
lot of agreements. You start closing at the very beginning and all throughout until the
very end.

Next line in the Pitch:

FA: Kasi, Financial Coach na kasi ako ngayon. Next month, I will be conducting a workshop
about Personal Money Management. Itong survey na ito, makakatulong ‘to sa workshop na
gagawin ko. Three questions lang naman. Would that be okay?

The Psychology to this Pitch:

The first agreement now gave you an excuse to mention what you do. You have conveniently
planted a seed in your prospect’s mind about your expertise, because the perception is, only
experts can conduct workshops about money. Since it will only be three questions, your
prospect would now think it is indeed quick. He/she would say yes. That is your second
Next line in the Pitch:

FA: Okay. Question #1. Every payday, what’s the first thing that you do with your money?

The Psychology to this Pitch:

This question will reveal the money behavior of your prospect. What kind of prospect is he/she?
How does he/she treat his/her money the moment he/she receives it?

Here are a few examples:

• Pay bills - The prospect values paying on time and prioritizes his/her obligations more than
anything else.

• Save money - The prospect values the importance of liquidity. He could be frugal with his/
her money.

• Gives money to parents - The prospect is in a sandwich generation. He/she is most likely
obligated to support his/her parents. The prospect could be the breadwinner of the family.

• Gimmick / Enjoyment Activities - The prospect values leisure. This kind of person wants
to enjoy his money first before paying for his/her obligations.

Next line in the Pitch:

FA: Okay. Questions #2. From a scale if 1-10 (10 being the highest), how do you feel about
your money (overall finances)?

The Psychology to this Pitch:

This question will classify your prospect. There will be three classifications:

Those who would choose 8-10 is your Class A.

Those who would choose 5-7 is your Class B.

Those who would choose 1-4 is your Class C.

What do we mean by this? This is your order of priority.


Class A - They feel good about their money. They earn good money based on their chosen
lifestyle. If they like you, they can be closed in one-sitting.

Class B - They are not quite satisfied with what they are earning yet but it is enough based on
their chosen lifestyle. They still need help in organizing so they can maximize their cash flow. If
they like you, they can still be closed in one-sitting.

Class C - They are not happy with their finances. It is either they have too many debts,
accepted too many obligations, or simply they are just not earning enough to support their
family. You cannot close them in one-sitting because they cannot afford to purchase your
product yet, but they need your help. These are seeds that you need to plant first. Once you
were able to help them and if they do the assignments you gave them, they could be your
potential Class A’s or Class B’s. Take care of these prospects.

Since Financial Advisors also need to earn money to support their families, you will prioritize the
Class A’s and B’s first. Talk to the Class C’s during the days that you do not have appointments
so you can still plant seeds at the same time. Once you do this, you will always have prospects
to talk to. Fill up your calendar. You should be talking to prospects everyday.

Next line in the Pitch:

FA: Okay. Question #3: Let’s say, umattend ka ng workshop about Money Management, anong
topic ang gusto mo matutunan?

The Psychology to this Pitch:

When you deliver this pitch, you have now planted a seed in the imagination of your prospect
that he/she is in the workshop. The prospect is already there. You opened up that possibility in
the prospect’s mind. When you asked what topic he/she wanted to learn, the prospect has
already revealed to you what is truly important for him/her. You did not second guess anymore.
The answer came directly from the prospect. This is important because you will mention this
portion again in your closing statement.

The power of asking WHY?

Did you notice that in every question, we always asked why? Because you want your prospect
to go deeper into the reason of his/her answer. The prospect will be more involved and
engaged in the conversation and it will solidify the prospects answers. These “why’s” will all be
useful in your closing statement.

Next line in the Pitch:

FA: Okay, Mr. Prospect. Thank you for participating sa survey. For sure makakatulong ito sa
workshop na gagawin ko. As a “thank you”, I will give you One Free Consultation. You can ask
me anything about money. Yung sinabi mo sa question #3 na gusto mo matutunan (mention
the topic), yun din ang ituturo ko sayo. I will also give you a Complimentary Worksheet with all
the tips and strategies on how to budget, allocate, prioritize and organize cash flow. I will show
you how to use it. Since this is free, I can only accommodate 12 participants this month. I still
have 5 slots left. We can do this online for your convenience or over coffee if you want to meet.
How’s your calendar on Thursday or Friday? 🤓

The Psychology to this Pitch:

One Free Consultation - It means it is not normally free and it will not be free forever. When
you use the word “consultation”, it gives a perception that you are an expert in your field of
money management. Since it is free, Filipinos tend to grab that chance because they have
nothing to lose and everything to gain, especially when you mention that the prospect can ask
you anything about money.

The Prospect’s answer to Question #3 - You can now quote the prospect on what he/she
wanted to learn, which you will also be teaching. You will leverage this because the answer
came directly from the client. The prospect will not contradict himself/herself.

Complimentary Worksheet - A bonus that you will give to your prospect , which will contain
tips and strategies on how to budget, allocate, prioritize, and organize cash flow.

5 slots left - Scarcity will create that sense of urgency so you can finalize the appointment and
book it in your calendar.

Online Coaching - As of this writing, we are in a crisis where Covid-19 virus has affected our
country and the world. Remember, every obstacles carries with it a seed of an equivalent or
even greater benefit. This is will be an opportunity for you to conduct coaching sessions online
at the convenience of your prospects’ homes. They have nothing to do anyway but to stay
home. They will definitely have time for you if you deliver this pitch correctly.

Face-to-face Coaching - We can do this after the lockdown. Stay home and stay safe. 🤗

Thursday or Friday - Always give two dates. This is an Alternate Choice Technique. It is
just one of many techniques that we taught in the ABC Master Closer Blueprint®
Workshop. When you give two options, the prospect will have the perception of control. In
reality, you are the one who is in control, because whatever the prospect chooses, it will still
favor you. This will also give your prospect an impression that you are also busy (without
mentioning that you are busy), because important people are not always available.

Important Reminders:

Before you try this with your prospects, you practice, practice, and practice, until the pitch
becomes second nature to you. You cannot practice in front of the client. You do not want to
waste opportunities. Test it out with your co-Financial Advisors. Memorize the flow.

Once you have mastered the flow of the pitch, you can insert your own personality and style.
You can even modify the pitch as long as it does not deviate from the Guided Discovery
technique or use it as it is.

The only way for you to find out if this will work or not is if you will test this and apply it yourself.
Step out of your comfort zone. Expand your circle of confidence. Meet more prospects. Close
more deals.

When to use the Worksheet

Upon meeting the client, you will start with your usual introduction and whatever financial
planning concepts you are using, whether those are ABC techniques or other closing
techniques that you are currently using. You will do the ABC Worksheet® after you have
explained your financial planning concepts.

Let us assume that you have already explained those financial planning concepts. You and your
prospect are now ready to do the worksheet as the main activity of your consultation or
coaching session. You open the worksheet on your iPad or Laptop. You may share a screen so
you can show it to the prospect. You interview the prospect, you ask questions, and then you
or the prospect will be the one to enter the data on your iPad/Laptop. Another option is to have
a printout so your prospect can manually write down the data. You, on the other hand, will just
copy the data that he/she is writing so you can encode it on your iPad/Laptop. Which one is
better? This will really depend on your preference. Either strategy will work and will have the
same effect.

Important Reminders:

When using the worksheet, you must only use words full of certainty. Avoid using words that
can leave room for doubt or confusion. When you give recommendations, it should be in a form
of instructions. You want to transfer your confidence level to the other person. So that whatever
recommendation you give to your prospect, he/she will follow it.

Avoid the following words or phrases:

“Maybe, I think, Probably, Honestly, To be honest, Siguro, Baka, Pwede, In my opinion, Etc.”

These are just some of the phrases to avoid. We will be discussing more in the next few pages.
It will take practice to avoid these words.

When you only use words full of certainty, it will be easier for you to transfer your confidence
level to your prospect.

The ABC Worksheet

Your Profile & Prospect Profile

Change it to your profile name to make this worksheet your own. Otherwise, your prospects will
ask you, “Sino si Jeff Luspo?” 😂 Encode the profile details of your client except for the
Monthly Net Income. Do not ask that yet. We will teach you how to ask for your prospect’s
income in a more professional way without being awkward in the next few pages. We will also
allow you to change the logo of the worksheet to help you with your branding. You may use
your personal branding logo or your Team/Branch Logo. Do not use your Company Logo
because this is not an official document of your company.

Introduction Pitch

“The first step is to organize cash flow and that’s what our learning session is all about. Always
remember, Mr. prospect, that the cash flow and the lifestyle of a Filipino should match. The only
time Filipinos are having money problems is if their lifestyle does not match their cash flow.

For today’s coaching session, we will check if your lifestyle matches your cash flow. If it
matches, then good! We will continue to do that and I will even provide additional techniques. If
it does not match, we will attempt to correct it today.

Are you ready, Mr. Prospect?”



When it comes to your income or overall cash flow, you will have three major allocations or
activities. All of these allocations should remain healthy. Let’s talk about the first allocation.


“Mr. Prospect, the Operating Activities are recurring

bills that appear every month. These are
obligations that you have accepted. We will check
if your Operating Activities matches your cash flow.
Let’s now itemize your Operating Activities. What
are they?”

Note: Guide the client with the usual bills so he/

she will remember. Average it into frequency then
compute it based on weeks or number of working
days to determine the average amount of that
expense in a month. This will take practice, so
have a list by your side as a guide of the usual
monthly bills of Filipinos.

After itemizing, ask for the income

“Mr. Prospect, we will check if you have accepted too many obligations or do you still have
room to accept additional more in case something arrives in the future. To find out, we will
match your total expenses to your net income so we will know if Operating Activities are healthy
or unhealthy. Mr. Prospect, what is your monthly net income?”

Note: Ask for the prospect’s income straight up. When you do this head on, you will be
perceived by your prospect as someone who is already used to coaching and seeing different

net incomes. It does not matter to you if it is P15 million a month of P15,000 a month. When
your prospect sees you as someone who is objective, he/she will not mind opening up.

It is like a Medical Doctor asking how you feel and where it hurts. A Doctor asks straight up
without beating around the bush. A Financial Coach should do the same.

Pitches to avoid: These are the pitches you need to avoid when asking for the net income:

• “May I know your net income?”

• “Would it be okay to ask for your net income?”

• “I hope you don’t mind, can I ask how much is your net income?”

• “Do you mind telling me your net income?”

• “Pwede po bang malaman ang net income mo?”

• “Sana ibigay mo sa akin ang net income mo.”

• “Kailangan ko malaman ang net income mo. I need to know.”

• “Ang income mo ba nasa mga range ng above 100,000 ba or below 100,000? (ranging)”

Avoid these pitches! Your client will perceive you as someone who is not used to doing this. It
does not show confidence and conviction. The position is weak.

Prospect has revealed his Net Income

Rule of thumb: “Always remember, Mr. Prospect, that the budget you are allocating towards
your Operating Activities should not exceed 60% of your Net Income. If you can go below 50%,
below 40%, that would be great. The lower the better. Otherwise, if you exceed 60%, it will give
you problems long-term, so make sure you stay below 60%. Let us check!”

Scenario 1: Healthy Cash Flow

“Fantastic, Mr. Prospect! Your Operating Activities

are healthy. Based on your Net Income, your
recommended limit is P72,000. Since you are
only spending P63,289, that’s only 52% of your
income. You have an allowance of P8,711 that
you can still use in the future!

In case an obligation arrives in the future, you can

still accept up to P8,711!”

Note: This will help your prospect to decide

better when purchasing huge transactions. Is the
prospect ready to purchase a car/house? Can
they afford to raise another baby? The approach
now becomes more objective that could prevent
money headaches in the future.

Scenario 2: Unhealthy Cash Flow

“Oh no, Mr. Prospect. We have a problem. Based

on your Net Income, your recommended limit is
P68,400, but you are spending P84,100. That’s
already 73% of your Net Income. Which means,
you have exceeded P15,700 that should’ve been
allocated to your other activities.”

Amplify the problem

“Let’s say we didn’t meet today, and you continue

the same money behavior every month. You will
potentially lose P188,400 a year that should’ve
been allocated to your other activities. It means
the obligations you accepted are just too much
for your cash flow to handle.”

Note: Do not be too eager in giving out solutions right away. You need to “sell” the problems
first so they will be ready to accept solutions you that will offer later on. Always amplify the
problem and combine emotional phrasing with the logical information seen in the worksheet.
Combining emotions with logic will give you a stronger position when coaching your clients.
The pitch becomes more powerful rather than just using emotions alone or logic alone.

Scenario 3: Variable Cash Flow

Note: You will have prospects who are business people, freelancers, or commission-based
income. Their cash flow will be variable on a month to month basis depending on the output of
their production. Before you ask for the average income of your client, do this strategy first:

“Since your income varies from month to month, what we need to determine is the minimum
income needed to support your current obligations. To compute this, here is the formula:

Total expenses divided by 0.6 = minimum income required to support current obligations

Mr. Prospect, is that what you are earning minimum in your business monthly? What is your
average monthly Net Income?

Note: By doing this first, you would now be able to classify if he is healthy or unhealthy, then go
to the pitch that fits the situation of the prospect.

Fixing the Operating Activities

“Mr. Prospect we will attempt to fix this today. We have two options in fixing this problem.”

“Option 1: Lessen expenses. Let us check, from top to bottom, which of these bills we can
lessen or reduce the allocated budget for that item. Let us attempt if we can clear out the
amount that exceeded the limit.”

Note: Before discussing Option 2, reduce expenses first and do the activity with the prospect.
The new budget for each item reduced will now be the assignment of your prospect so he can
fix this problem.

“Option 2: Increase cash flow. You no longer have a choice here. Your income cannot support
the obligations you have accepted. You need to create a secondary source of income. You can

do online work. You can use your talent and skills to generate extra income. You can do buy
and sell. Or you can join my team and become a Financial Coach like me. Pak!!! 🤩 ”

Note: As a result your prospect could potentially become your client or become your recruit or
even both. 🎉


“Investing Activities are your long-term

investments. These investments are plans/
platforms/products that could beat inflation over
time. A few examples would be life insurance,
retirement plans, educational plans, health cards,
critical illness plans, memorial plans, UITFs,
mutual funds, bonds, Pag-ibig MP2, etc.

What investments or insurance plans do you have

at time moment, Mr. Prospect?”

Note: List it down and break it down into monthly

allocations. If it is on an annual mode, divide the
premium into 12 months. Only peso-cost
averaging investments or plans should be placed
here. Single Pay plans or one-time payment
investments that are not consistently taken out from the cash flow should not be indicated
here. They will be placed under the Assets portion of the worksheet.

Rule of thumb: “Always remember to invest at least 20% of your monthly Net Income to long-
term investment vehicles that can beat inflation over time. That is your starting point. Which
means, if you can invest 30%, 40% or 50% of your Net Income the better. If you want to win in
the end, you should do this until you last working day or until you reach your peak age of 60
years old. Leverage the time you have left. More time means more opportunities for you to

Scenario 1: Healthy Investing Activities

“Fantastic, Mr. Prospect! Your Investing Activities are healthy! You can now move to investing
more to hit other goals you want to achieve in the future. Keep it healthy! I see that you are a
responsible person.”

Scenario 2: Unhealthy Investing Activities

“We have a problem, Mr. Prospect. Based on your

Net Income, you should be investing at least
P22,800, but you are only investing P12,500.
That’s only 10% of your income. The amount not
invested is P10,300 that is suppose to be growing
for you. At the moment, you are losing P10,300

Amplify the problem

“Let’s say we didn’t meet today, and you continue

the same money behavior every month, you will
potentially lose P123,600 a year that should be
growing for you. That’s more than P2.4Million
without interests in 20 years. Imagine the growth
that you could have gained but are currently
losing. That amount of money will either be eaten by your obligations or eaten by your
enjoyment. We have a problem.”

Note: After doing the worksheet, and after presenting your insurance product, when you start
doing the pricing, you will price your product at P10,300/month (based on the example) or
whatever the investing gap is. That is what the client can afford plus protecting your persistency
requirement at the same time. You did not price it too high, and you did not price it too low. No
more guesstimates. You can now confidently increase the case size of the premiums without
your client settling for the lowest plan.

If your client can afford to to go annual, then do so. “Mr. Prospect, investing once a year will
give you the flexibility that you need with this plan. No more monthly due dates to chase for this
plan. Build at your own pace and invest the amount once a year only.”

How to determine the investing gap if Operating Activities are unhealthy

Formula: Amount exceeding limit in the Operating Activities portion is divided into two. The
first half will be subtracted to the 20% budget of Investing Activities and the other half will be
subtracted to the 20% Leisure Activities budget. By doing this, you would be able to determine
what can still be rescued in the investing gap.

Note: This will also help you determine if the prospect can afford to purchase a plan at all. You
will now know the reason on why he/she cannot afford to purchase. Remember, no money is
not an objection. It is a condition. You just need to determine if that is indeed the case.

Once this happens, you will be planting seeds. If your prospect follows the assignments given
to him, then he/she will come back to you when he is ready to purchase a plan.


“This is your do-whatever-you-want, buy-

whatever-you-want budget. You can spend it,
without the guilt. Enjoy your money.”

Rule of thumb: “Enjoy 20% of your income. This

should be placed in an exclusive bank account so
you can easily allocate what is used for leisure
without worrying if mixed with other money

Every month, transfer 20% of what you make so

you can enjoy it. If you cannot consume the entire
20% that comes in every month, then it builds
over time and becomes your savings that could
be used for whatever you want to purchase in the
future, whether big or small.


Rule of thumb: “Build an equivalent of at least

three months of your income to a maximum of six
months of your income. Anything in excess of six
months should be placed somewhere else that
can grow and appreciate over time, otherwise the
money will just be eaten by inflation and taxes.

You need to put this in an exclusive bank account

to segregate it from the rest of your monies. Only touch this when it is truly an emergency such
as loss of work, a family member getting hospitalized, or being in a crisis like COVID-19 where
most Filipinos were forced to stop working.”

Guided discovery questions: “Mr. Prospect, have you hit the minimum emergency fund?
How about half of that? How about six months worth? Did you exceed six months worth?”

Note: By using guided discovery, you can conveniently ask if he has money in the bank without
sounding awkward or pushy to know. If he has excess funds, you can do product positioning
later using the excess money so you can transfer it in an investment vehicle that appreciates
over time.

Steps in building an emergency fund

Step 1: “Let’s check if you have unused allocation in your Operating Activities. If you have,
transfer that every month to your emergency fund bank account. The key is to build it

Step 2: “Let’s look at your Leisure Activities. 50% of that will be transferred monthly to your
emergency fund bank account. Another key is to build it as fast as possible in a systematic

Step 3: “If there’s a big cash flow coming in (Mid-year bonuses, 13th month pay, big
commissions), transfer them immediately to your emergency fund bank account so you can
already complete it faster. Once completed, whether you want to build three months or six
months, you may redirect your funds again to leisure or to future obligations.”

How to clear out credit card debts

“Mr. Prospect, we shall consolidate your debts into one. We shall do a balance transfer so you
will be paying for one credit card only. Instead of having 3.5% monthly interests with no finish
line, banks are offering balance transfer interests anywhere between 0.40% to 0.60% per
month. Less headache. You are paying it systematically like taxes. You will have a finish line.

You need to apply to several banks. Whoever gives you the lowest interest will be your best
option to choose. This is your assignment that you need to do this week.”


“ M r. P ro s p e c t , d o y o u h a v e a n I n c o m e
Replacement Fund?”

Primary technique: Punit Papel Tapon (as taught

in the ABC Master Closer Blueprint® )

Secondary technique: “Mr. Prospect, when

something happens to us, does our income stop?
Yes! What about the bills of our family, will it stop?
No! But if you have an Income Replacement Fund, there will still be income coming in for the
next 10 years because 10 years is enough time for your family to adjust. That is the main
purpose of life insurance.”

Note: Determine the insurance gap so you can do product positioning again later when you
present your insurance products.

“How long will your existing insurance coverage last? We will divide the total coverage to your
Net Income. The result will be the number of months left to provide for the family. We have a
problem if this is not addressed.”


“The average critical illness costs for an average

Filipino is anywhere between P1.5 Million to P1.8
Million. So having P2 Million coverage intended for
critical illness will be enough to protect your
money from being wiped out.”


Note: Encode the name of the child, the age of the child, the university of their choice, then the
current tuition fee of that school. You may easily search them on Google. The tuition fee
increase will reflect so your prospect will still have time to build it. You may do product
positioning later if this is truly important for the prospect.

We computed the inflation rate of schools at 6.48% average tuition fee increase. We did not
base this at 12% because it is just too bloated. You can use the other funds to other needs of
the prospect such as life insurance, critical illness plan, or retirement plan.


“The hidden problem with most Filipinos is that

they don’t know the exact amount of money that
they need when they retire. The good news is, we
can now determine the exact amount of money
that YOU need when YOU retire.”

“We shall preserve the same purchasing power of your income today so that when you reach
your peak age, you will still have income coming in when your work income stops at the age of
60 yers old. Your Magic Number is the fund that you will need for at least 20 years of retirement
(60 years old to 80 years old).”

Living on interests during retirement years

“Once you have built your Magic Number, you can reinvest that to other vehicles so you can
live on interest forever. Here are a few options:

• Retail Treasury Bonds - Guaranteed by the government. They give 3% a year to 5% a year
depending on the government’s declaration of interest. However, this has a 20% withholding

• Commercial Bonds - Guaranteed by the bank. They give 6% a year to 8% a year for
preferred clients only. Not accessible for everyone. Usually the rich are the only ones given
this. It also has a 20% withholding tax.

• Preferred Shares - Guaranteed by the corporation. They give guaranteed dividends. Even if
they are in the stock exchange, you will not be affected by the market’s volatility. Choose a
fundamentally sound company that can stand the test of time. It has 10% withholding tax.

• Pag-ibig MP2 - Guaranteed by the government. They give 6% a year to 8% a year

depending on the government’s declaration of interest. This is tax free but there will be no
protection. Should anything happen to you, whatever the fund value is, that is the only
amount given to your family.

• Life Insurance - Guaranteed by the life insurance company. If in case of death, the amount
of money given to your family will always be bigger than the amount you have placed to
purchase the insurance policy. There will be no taxes. In fact, it can pay for the other taxes of
your other investments and properties. It is extremely important to diversify and to protect a
portion of your money. We cannot prevent you from dying, but we can protect your money
from dying with you.”


Note: This is a totally different training. If you know how to do Tax Planning or Estate Planning,
this portion will be an introductory discussion for you. If you would like to learn how to properly
pitch it, then attend our Master Closer’s Guide to Tax Planning & Estate Planning® .

Changing The Game

We hope this e-book, combined with the training you received from us, will help you change
the way you approach and coach your prospects and clients. The ABC Worksheet® will do
wonders as it aids you to help more Filipino Families.

Remember, this is just a coaching tool to assist you. The skills will still come from you. The
delivery of the pitch, inflection and tone of voice, the cadence, when to do pauses in your
phrasing, the anchoring through touch, eye contact, the perception of your sincerity, the
arrangement of seats, the way you dress, how you leverage online technology, the smoothness
of transition, guided discovery, the ABC closing techniques, etc. All of these skills will play an
important factor to make this work.

It is in our best hope that you will do your part in practicing for 10,000 times. Confidence will
always come from familiarity and practice. Now that you are familiar with the techniques, it is
time to practice. To master any skill, it will require countless repetition.

We did not learn this overnight. It took us countless hours of trying what works and what does
not work. This training is the result of our experience. The good new is, you do no need to
undergo countless heartaches. You now have this tool to professionalize the way our prospects
and clients sees us.

This is just the start of your journey. Continue to improve and to evolve. Continue to learn and
to expand. Your ABC Coaches will always be here for you when you need us. We shall
continue to provide you with top quality training programs and post-training support.

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Other Training Programs

• ABC Master Closer Blueprint® Workshop

• ABC Graduates Coaching Program (Mastery Level)

• Master Closer’s Guide to Handling Objections

• Master Closer’s Guide to Tax Planning & Estate Planning

• Group Presentation/Financial Planning the ABC Way

• ABC Toastmasters Club

• ABC Closer’s Summit

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