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5119/23, 555M Assessment sub x | Eucation for Sustainable Development -- Unit 10- Week & Wain (https:!/ ® Ahtostonayon gui detatsNPTEL) Dene ¥ NPTEL ( » Education for Sustainable Development (course) Course outline How does an NPTEL online work? Week 0() Week 1 () Week 2 () Week 3 () Week 4() Week 5 () Week 6 () Week 7 () Week 8 () Lecture 36 Sustainable Education Thank you for taking the Week 8 : Assignment 8. Week 8 : Assignment 8 Your last recorded submission was on 2023-03-19, 17:54 Due date: 2023-03-22, 23:59 IST. Ist 1) —-—---—-model can be used for the structuring of relevant sustainability 1 point competencies with cognitive, affectiv-motivatonal, and behavioral gal dimensions. OA Mutidimensional OB. Dynamic Oc. Game-based ©. Frame OE. Immersive 2) ——— be performed -is the core of any motivation, without which an action cannot 1 point @A Affective goal commitment OB, Psychomotor skill OC. Cognitive competence OD. Behavioral demeanor OE. Critical thinking 3) —--- Pedagogy can engage leamers in participative, systemic, creative 1 point and innovative thinking process for achieving SDG competences. OA. Transiational OB. Constructive OC. Action-research hitpsfoninecourses.nptel ac invnoc23_ns 7/uniunit=8 1Sassessment=147 18 5/19/23, 555M (Conte) (unit? Assessm@nt suaaulists2) x Lecture 37 Sustainable Education (Conte) (unit? Unit=818lessor Lecture 38 Sustainable Education (Conte) (unit? Unit=818lessor Lecture 39) Sustainable Education (Conta) (unit? Unit=818lesson= Lecture 40 Sustainable Education (Conta) (unit? Uunit=818lessor @ Lecture Materials (unit? Unit=818lessor © Quiz: Week 8 Assignment a (assessment? Feedback Form (unit? unit=818lesson=148) Week 9() DOWNLOAD VIDEOS () Transcripts () ucation for Sustainable Development -- Unit 10- Weck 8 ©D. Transformative OE. Immersive 4) In Whole-school approach School management practices should reflect — 4 point OA Biodiversity 8. Environmental care OC. Financial autonomy OD. Equality @E. Sustainabilty 5) In order to achieve a higher quality of life for all people, countries should eliminate unsustainable patterns of — and promote appropriate demographic policies. 1 point OA Living standard O28. Family income @c. Production & consumption OD. Jobs & employability skis OE. Resource conservation 6) ————s inherently destructive to sustainable development, peace, and environmental protection 1 point OA Bad Politics OB. Economic recession Oc. Confict OD. Inequality @E. Warfare 7) Calling for greater transparency and accountabilty in governmental decision-making point and public service is called ~ OA Democracy ©. Good governance Oc, Equal access to Justice OD, Public participation OE. Economic freedom 8) ————~ is the key competence for sustainable performance. 1 point OA Knowledge OB Skills Oc. Values OD. Motivations: @E_Allthe above hitpsfoninecourses.nptelac invnoc23_ns 7/uniunit=8 Sassessment=147 2 5/19/23, 555M ucation for Sustainable Development -- Unit 10- Week & 9) —————-— aims to empower learmers to question and change their ways of 1 point Assessment submitled seeing and thinking about the world, in order to further develop their understanding of it x OA. Experiential learning OB. Action-based leaming ©c. Transformative leaming OD. Technology enhanced learning OE Traditional instruction 10) approach require learners to reflection their own knowledge and learning 1 point processes in order to manage and monitor them, OA. Problem-based OB. Game-based Oc. virtual ©D, Leaner center OE. Teacher-guided ‘You may submit any number of times before the due date. The final submission will be considered for grading, hitpsfoninecourses.nptel ac invnoc23_ns 7/uniunit=8 1Sassessment=147 39

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