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Pradnya Niketan Education Society, Pune.



Date: 02/08/2023

Experiment List

Data Structure (BTCOL306) SY (CSE) – I

1. Study & implementation of Stack. CO2/Apply
a. Write a menu driven program to implement stack using Array for the
following operations:
i. Push
iii. Display contents of Stack
iv. Exit
b. Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression using stack.

2. Study & implementation of Queue using Array. CO2/Apply

Write a c program for following operations:
a. Insert
b. Delete
c. Display
d. Exit

3. Study of hashing methods. CO3/Apply

a. Write a program to resolve collision using linear probing.
b. Write a program to resolve collision using chaining.

4. Study & Implementation of Singly linked list. CO2/Apply

a. Write a menu driven program to implement singly linked list. The
menu should have the following options.
i. Insert at the Beginning
ii. Insert at the End
iii. Insert after a specific value
iv. Deletebeg
v. Deletelast
vi. DeleteSpecific
vii. Display
viii. Search
ix. Exit
b. Implement Stack using singly linked list.
c. Implement Queue using singly linked list.
5. Study & Implementation of Doubly linked list.
a. Write a menu driven program to implement doubly linked list. The
menu should have the following options.
i. Insert at the Beginning
ii. Insert at the End
iii. Insert By Position
iv. Delete
v. Display
vi. Search
vii. Reverse List
viii. Exit

6. Study & Implementation of Circular Singly Linked List. CO2/Apply

Write a program to implement circular singly linked list for following
a. Insert Item
b. Delete Item
c. Display List
d. Exit

7. Study & Implementation of Binary Search Tree CO4/Apply

Write a program for implementation of BST for following operations:
a. Insertion of a node
b. Deletion of a node
c. In-Order Traversal
d. Pre-Order Traversal
e. Post-Order Traversal
f. Exit

8. Write a program for implementation of graph traversals by applying BFS

and DFS. CO4/Apply

9. Write a program to implement selection sort and insertion sort. CO5/Apply

10. Write a program to implement radix sort. CO5/Apply

11. Write a program to insert a record in file and delete a record from file.

Dr. Vipul V. Bag
(Subject Incharge)

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