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Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Ministry of Education
Sector: Economic Infrastructure
Sub Sector: Information Technology
Occupation: Hardware and Network Servicing
Level III
Assessor’s Package
The assessment covers the following units of competence:
1. EIS HNS3 01 0811 Gather Data on Business Requirements
2. EIS HNS3 02 0811 Determine Best-Fit Topology
3. EIS HNS3 03 0811 Configure and Administer Server
4. EIS HNS3 04 0811 Create Technical Documentation
5. EIS HNS3 05 0811 Monitor and Administer Stem and Network Security
6. EIS HNS3 06 0811 Provide First Level Remote Help Desk Support
7. EIS HNS3 07 0811 Identify and Resolve Network Problems
8. EIS HNS3 08 0811 Monitor Implementation of Work plan/Activities
9. EIS HNS3 09 0811 Conduct / Facilitate User Training
10. EIS HNS3 10 0811 Apply Quality Control
11. EIS HNS3 11 0811 Lead Small Teams
12. EIS HNS3 12 0811 Lead Workplace Communication
13. EIS HNS3 13 0811 Improve Business Practice
14. EIS HNS3 14 1012 Maintain Quality System and Continuous Improvement
Processes (Kaizen)

Contents of the Assessor’s Package:

1. Instructions for the competence Assessor
2. Evidence Plan
3. Project Information or Problem
4. Worksheet (If necessary)
5. Demonstration/Observation Checklist
6. Product Evaluation Sheet (If required in the practical project)
7. List of Equipment, Tools and Materials

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Methods of Assessment
1. Observation/Demonstration with Interview Question (If necessary)
2. Knowledge assessment (written)

Nature of assessment:

1. Qualification – based

- All units of core competence are included in different practical projects and
the accompanying Oral interviews (For L1 &2) /written assessment (L3-5)

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3
Occupation Hardware and Network servicing – Level III


1. Establish the assessment context and purpose of the assessment
2. Familiarize self with the qualification or units of competence to be assessed
 Assessment context
 Assessor’s guide
 Assessment methods
 Product evaluation sheets
 Time limits
 Evidence to be collected
 Performance Criteria
 Assessment and Certification arrangements
3. Ensure that the Assessment Center complies with the relevant occupational health
and safety requirements as:
 Well lighted and well ventilated assessment room
 Risk areas properly marked
4. Ensure that the following assessment resources are available in the Assessment
 Complete set of safe and functional equipment and tools
 Complete set of supplies and materials
 Assessor’s guide and rating sheets (Assessment Package)
5. Notify candidates of any resources they have to bring during the assessment


1. Check the attendance of the candidates
 Check the candidates registered number
 Instruct candidates to sign on the attendance sheet
 Check accomplished self assessment guide
 Provide overview of the qualification to be assessed refer to (EOS)
2. Orient the candidates (Time allotment is 15 minutes)
 explain the context and purpose of the assessment and the assessment
 explain the Qualification or units of competency to be assessed and the
evidence to be collected
 outline the assessment procedures to be undertaken
 assess the needs of the candidates and establish any allowable adjustments in
the assessment procedure
 seek feedback regarding the candidate’s understanding of the occupational
standard/units of competence being assessed, evidence requirements and
assessment process
 make all necessary announcement just before the start of the assessment
 specify the do’s and don’ts inside the assessment room
3. Instruct candidates to accomplish the competency assessment agreement
 Provide the candidates with all materials, tools and equipment required to complete
the tasks. Ensure that all tools should be of the same kind and quality
 Administer the assessment in accordance with the outcome-based assessment
 Give specific instructions to the candidates clearly and slowly and provide each

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3
candidate with a copy of the Candidate Instructions Guide and Worksheets
 Inform each candidate that s/he has fifteen (15) minutes reading time and the total
time duration for each is indicated in the Project Information.
 Make certain that the candidate fully understands what is expected and knows the
time limits allowed to finish each assessment project.
 Stay at the assessment area during the entire duration of the assessment activity
and observe the candidate perform the tasks.
 Inhibit self from providing any assistance during the assessment or indicate in any
way whether the candidate is or not performing the activity correctly.
 Intervene only for safety reasons
 Implement the evidence gathering process and ensure its validity, reliability,
fairness and flexibility
 Judge the evidence in terms of the four dimensions of competency – task skills,
task management skills, contingency management skills and job/ role environment
 Record details of evidence collected and make judgment about the candidate’s
competence based on the evidence and the relevant standards required of the
units of competence
 Make no alterations/erasures in the Observation Checklist

1. Provide feedback on the outcome of the assessment process. This includes providing
the candidate with:
 clear and constructive feedback on the assessment decision
 Give the candidates your feedback on the assessment result.
Feedback should indicate whether the candidate is:
On each of the competencies assessed
 information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competency revealed by
the assessment
 information on reassessment process, if applicable
2. Prepare the necessary assessment reports
 Record the assessment outcome using the prescribed Observation Checklist
 Make sure the report or rating sheets are properly signed by you and the candidate
 Maintain records of the assessment procedures, evidence collected and
assessment outcome
 Endorse assessment results/outcomes to assessment centre manager
Prepare recommendations for the issuance of national certificate/ certificate of

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3
Sector Economic Infrastructure
Sub-Sector Information Technology
Occupation : Hardware and Network servicing
Level III
Appropriate Assessment Method Assessment tool/instrument / written
Units of competence to be assessed: Observation Outcome Knowledge /oral question using interviews,
evaluation Assessment practical exercise /demonstration ,role
(Oral or written) play, simulation
Practical exercise written
Project 1- Gathering Data on Business Requirement and Determine Best Fit Topology
EIS HNS3 01 0811Gather Data on Business X X X
EIS HNS3 02 0811 Determine Best-Fit Topology X X X
Project 2- Configuring, Monitoring Server and Network Security.
EIS HNS3 03 0811 Configure and Administer Server X X
EIS HNS3 05 0811 Monitor and Administer System X X X X
Network Security
Project 3- Identify, Resolve network problems and create technical documentation
EIS HNS3 04 0811 Create Technical Documentation X X X X
EIS HNS3 06 0811 Provide First Level Remote Help X X
EIS HNS3 07 0811 Identify and Resolve Network X X X X
Generic competencies
EIS HNS3 08 0811 Monitor Implementation of Work X X
EIS HNS3 09 0811 Conduct / Facilitate User X X

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

EIS HNS3 10 0811 Apply Quality Control X X

EIS HNS3 11 0811 Lead Small Teams X X
EIS HNS3 12 0811 Lead Workplace Communication X X
EIS HNS3 13 0811 Improve Business Practice X X
EIS HNS3 14 1012 Maintain Quality System and X X
Continuous Improvement Processes (Kaizen)
NOTE: The OS must be the guide in preparing the plan, considering the various elements of the unit of competence and performance criteria indicated. Underpinning knowledge and
skills must also be considered

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Project Information
Given the necessary tools, equipment and information, you are expected to perform the
following three projects.
The assessor should ask oral questions on which s/he is not satisfied by your performance.

Assessment Venue:Well Equipped Assessment Centre or real work place

Total time for all projects: 3:50 hours

Project 1:-Gathering Data on Business Requirement and Determine Best Fit Topology

Time allotted for this project: 0:40 minutes

This project involves the gathering of data and requirements for a network system design
and the functional and up to date components that could be included in the system for
better functionality. The task in this project is done on Microsoft word. It also includes the
type of Topology suggested and the estimated cost for the design and other usable
hardware and software. An organization needs to implement a network for its “Marketing”
department with minimum of 15 computers. As a Network Hardware Technician, you are
expected to fill the table below so that there will be a quality network infrastructure.

Competencies covered:
1. EIS HNS3 01 0811 Gather Data on Business Requirements
2. EIS HNS3 02 0811 Determine Best-Fit Topology

Instruction: Under this project the candidate is expected to perform the following activities
based on the information provided:-

 Analyze and Evaluate accurate information

 Acquire the possible information of the network design
 Select the reasonable Topology type
 List the possible hardware and software required for the network

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 7
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Type of Capacity CPU Cable Operating Room size/ Suggested Reason Network Total
computer RAM Hard speed Type System Ventilation Topology For the Hardware/ Estimated
required Disk Type Type Suggested software cost
Topology needed

Project 2: - Configuring, Monitoring Server and Network Security

Time for this project: 2:20 minutes

This project involves the configuration and administration of server. Security is also part of
the project, different resources should be secured means users need to be given
permission to access confidential resources of the server.

Competencies covered:
1. EIS HNS3 03 0811 Configure and Administer Server
2. EIS HNS3 05 0811 Monitor and Administer Stem and Network Security

Instruction: Under this project the candidate is expected to perform the following two tasks
based on the information provided:-

Task1:- Install windows operating systems

Time allotted: 1:30 minutes

Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to perform the following activities
based on the information provided:-
 Connect the necessary peripheral devices of the Server Computer and make
ready for Server Operating System installation.
 Install Windows Server 2008 Operating System on the Server Computer
 Install Windows7 Operating System on the other Computer
 Install the device drivers.
 Establish connections among the Server and the Clients
 Configure the Server as a DNS, DHCP, SMTP, FTP and Active Directory for the
Server Computer using the as a domain name.

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 8
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Task2:- Administer server and configure network Security

Time allotted: 0:50 minutes

Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to perform the following activities
based on the information provided:-

 Create groups by the names MARKETING and PRODUCTION.

 Create Users and Passwords for the two Groups as follows:
A For MARKETING group, Users MktManager and MktOfficer), Password
(Manager and Officer) respectively.
B For PRODUCTION group, Users (ProManager and ProOfficer), Password
(Manager and Officer) respectively.
 Create user privileges to change their passwords at first logon for Users
ProManager and ProOfficer.
 Set the Access limitation time for the MARKETING group users to access the
network only on Saturday from 4:00 AM to 7:00PM.
 Add (join) the Client Computers to the Domain
 Turn on Windows Firewall for the Server Computer
 Set up disk quota of (Local Disk C:\) not to exceed 4GB for all users from the
Marketing group.
 Create Two Folders on the server by the name MKTDOC and PRODOC and share
them to the network. Set security for marketing users not to access PRODOC and
vice versa Production users not to access MKTDOC.

Project 3: - Identify, Resolve network problems and Create technical documentation

Time for this project: 0:50 minutes

This project involves the maintenance of a network having several problems, the candidate
Is expected to identify, resolve and prepare technical documentation.

Competencies covered:
1. EIS HNS3 04 0811 Create Technical Documentation
2. EIS HNS3 06 0811 Provide First Level Remote Help Desk Support
3. EIS HNS3 07 0811 Identify and Resolve Network Problems

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 9
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Instruction: Under this project the candidate is expected to perform the following activities
based on the information provided:-

 Prepare documentation based on organizational rules and requirements

 Identify network problems that may occur both on hardware and software
 Provide solution to the identified problems
 Recommend on the current performance /functionality/ of the network

Identified Problems solution Provided Current

after solution

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 10
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Observation Checklist
Candidate’s Name:
Assessor’s Name:
Occupation: Hardware and Networking Service L-III
Unit of Competency: [EIS HNS3 01 0811 EIS HNS3 02 0811 EIS HNS3 03 0811

EIS HNS3 04 0811 EIS HNS3 05 0811 EIS HNS3 06 0811 EIS HNS3 07 0811 ]
Date of Assessment:
Time of Assessment:
Instructions for the Assessor
 Observe the candidate.
 Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken
 Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate completed each aspects of the activity to the
standard expected in the enterprise.
 Ask the candidate a selection of the questions from the attached list to confirm his/ her
underpinning knowledge.
 Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate answered the questions correctly.
 Complete the feedback sections of the form.
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No
Project 1- Gathering Data on Business Requirement and Determine Best Fit Topology
[EIS HNS3 01 0811 EIS HNS3 02 0811]
 Analyze and Evaluate accurate information  
 Acquire the possible information  
 Select reasonable Topology type  
 List the possible hardware and software  
Project 2: - Configuring, Monitoring Server and Network Security
[EIS HNS3 03 0811 EIS HNS3 05 0811]
Task1:- Install windows operating systems [EIS HNS3 03 0811]

 Connect the necessary peripheral devices  

 Install Windows Server 2008 Operating System  
 Install Windows7 Operating System  
 Install the device drivers  
 Establish connections among the Server and the Clients  
 Configure the Server as a DNS, DHCP, SMTP, FTP and AD

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 11
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Task2:- Administer server and configure network Security [ EIS HNS3 05 0811]
 Create the specified groups  
 Create Users and Passwords  
 Create user privileges to change their passwords at first logon  
 Set the Access limitation time for the group users  
 Join the Client Computers to the Domain  
 Turn on Windows Firewall for the Server Computer  
 Set up disk quota of (Local Disk C:\) for the specified users  
 Create Two shared Folders on the server and set security  
Project 3:- Identify, Resolve network problems and Create technical documentation
[EIS HNS3 04 0811 ,EIS HNS3 06 0811,EIS HNS3 07 0811]
 Prepare documentation  
 Identify network problems  
 Provide solution to the identified problems  
 Recommend on the current performance of the network  
The candidate’s underpinning Skill was:
Satisfactory  Not satisfactory 

Name and Signature of Assessor

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 12
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Recording Sheet for Oral Questioning

Candidate’s Name:
Occupation Hardware and Network Servicing
Unit of Competency: EIS HNS3 (08 0811,09 0811, 10 0811, 11 0811, 14 1012)

Oral/interview questions response
Yes No
Q1. What mechanism do you follow in your computer laboratory so that there  
will be proper arrangement of network hardware and cabling system will
Q2. What common elements should be included while creating network  
technical documentations?
Q3. How do you assist the remote site user when he/she cannot access the  
internet in your organization?
Q4. What procedures do you follow to provide training for a new staff on how  
to use the Network infrastructure of your organization?
Q5. What is the first thing you are supposed to do before implementing a new  
network in your organization?
Q6. What mechanism do you use for efficient and effective performance of  
your staff under your leadership?
The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory  Not satisfactory 
Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Acceptable answers are:
A1. The candidate must provide at least one answer from the given possible answers
 Follow the 5 s Principles/kaizen/
A2: The candidate must provide at least three answers from the given possible answers
 Physical Network Design
 Logical Network Design
 Naming Convention
 IP Address range (schema)
 Version and type of Operating System and other Application
 Device specifications
A3. The candidate must provide the given possible answers
 Gather detail information
 Identify the Problems
 Provide solution based on the identified problems

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 13
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

A4. The candidate must provide the possible answers from:

 Prepare training manuals/materials
 Plan for a training
 Conduct training
 Evaluate the training as it is done according to plan.
A5. The candidate must provide at least 2 from the given possible answers
 Plan the work
 Gather information
A6. The candidate must provide at least 2 from the given possible answers
 provide the responsibility
 supervise and follow up
 Provide training, assistance and support on the given responsibility.

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 14
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 3

Consumable Materials and Supplies (per candidate)

No. Items Unit Qty Specification
1 Cable Meter 3mete 3meters UTP Cross over
r crimped cables
2 RJ-45 PCs 4 Functional

Equipments, Materials and Supplies (per candidate)

No. Items Unit Qty Specification
1 Computers PCs 2 Minimum Pentium 4, At
least 2GB RAM with NIC
2 Windows Server 2008 Standard PCs 1 Well prepared with no
Edition scratches
3 Windows 7 Home edition/Premium PCs 1 Well prepared with no
4 Compatible Driver CD’s both for the PCs 1 Well prepared with no
Server and Client Computer scratches
5 Switch /Hub PCs 1 Minimum 4 port
6 Cable Tester PCs 1 Functional
7 Crimper PCs 1 Functional
8 MS-Office 2007 software PCs 1 Functional

Note: Materials and tools may be modified by the Assessor, depending on the actual job
performed, and location & the standard installation practices of the country.

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-III V-I (Qualification Based) 15

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