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Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor (MMMT) is also known as:

a. Adenofibroma
b. Adenosarcoma
c. Fibrosarcoma
d. Carcinosarcoma

2. True about malignant mixed mullerian tumor:

a. It is most commonly of ovarian origin, but it can rarely arise from the uterus, fallopian tube,
cervix, or peritoneum.
b. It is a biphasic tumor composed of a benign epithelial component and a malignant
mesenchymal component
c. It typically occurs in pre-menopausal women
d. It shares the same risk factors as of endometrial carcinoma

3. Which of the following is not a risk factors of malignant mixed mullerian tumor?
a. Obesity
b. Grand multiparity
c. Exogenous estrogen
d. Tamoxifen therapy

4. True about the genetic profile of MMMT except:

a. Nearly 50% of MMMT cases carry mutations of the PI3K/AKT and RAS/RAF pathways
b. TP53 mutation is the most common molecular alteration
c. It has the same genetic profile with high grade endometrial carcinoma
d. None of the above.

5. The following are false statements about MMMT except:

a. MMMT has a good prognosis
b. The presence of heterologous elements is a statistically significant good prognostic factor.
c. Only low proportion of patients with clinically stage I disease have evidence of extrauterine
spread at the time of diagnosis.
d. The risk of advanced stage of the disease and metastasis is closely related to the depth of
myometrial invasion.

6. In MMMT, if the epithelial component is endometrioid carcinoma, which of the following

immunohistochemistry studies will stain positive?
a. Pancytokeratin
b. SMA
c. Desmin
d. CD117
7. The following statements are false regarding the treatment and management of MMMT
a. TAHBSO along with surgical staging is the first line option in patients without distant
b. Adjuvant chemotherapy is found to be more effective compared to radiotherapy.
c. The local recurrence may be treated with radiotherapy or systemic chemotherapy.
d. None of the above

8. According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NNNC), the recommended

systemic therapy for patients with MMMT is:
a. Ifosfamide and Cisplatin
b. Paclitaxel and Carbopatin
c. Ifosfamide alone
d. Carboplatin and Cisplatin

9. It is a low-grade malignancy composed of sarcomatous stroma (homologous) and a

proliferation of benign glandular elements that are intimately associated.
a. Carcinosarcoma
b. Adenosarcoma
c. Adenofibroma
d. Fibrosarcoma

10. In endometrial stroma sarcoma, which of the immunohistochemistry stains will be positive?
a. CD10
b. Pancytokeratin
c. SMA
d. Desmin

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