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Lab 01A - Getting Started

Lab 02A - Preparing Data in Power BI Desktop

Lab 03A - Loading Data in Power BI Desktop
Lab 04A - Data Modeling in Power BI Desktop
Lab 05A - Advanced Data Modeling in Power
BI Desktop

Lab 06A - Using DAX in Power BI Desktop,

Part 1
Year =

"FY" & YEAR('Date'[Date]) + IF(MONTH('Date'[Date]) > 6, 1)

Avg Price = AVERAGE(Sales[Unit Price])

7. Create measures with DAX expressions involving filter
context manipulation.

The steps to use the DAX calculate function in Power BI is as follows .

1. Right-click on the table and choose the “New measure” option.

2. Give the name to this measure. ” Bikes”
3. Now, open the CALCULATE function
4. An expression is the first option. We need to add the “Bike” total in this
example, so open the SUM function.
5. The “ColumnName” we need to SUM is the “Category Name” column, so
choose the respective column.
6. The formula is

7. We need to select the column for FilterExpression and give the criteria.

8. We need to select the “CATEGORY_NAME” column for FilterExpression and

give the criteria as “Bikes.”

9. We are done. Close two brackets and press the “Enter” key to get the new

10. Drag the “Columbia City Sales” to “Fields” to see the new measure.

Publish the file

1. Save the Power BI Desktop file.
2. To publish the file, on the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Share group, click
3. In the Publish to Power BI window, select your Sales Analysis workspace.
4. Click Select.
5. In the Browser, in the Power BI service, in the Navigation pane (located at the
left), review the contents of your <your> workspace.

8. Designing a Report in Power BI

1. Open Power BI software.

2. Go to the “Home” tab and find the “Get Data” option.
3. From the “Navigator” pane, we must choose the table we must upload to the
Power BI. So, we will choose the “TV Sales” table and click on “Load.”
4. By clicking on the “Data” tab, you can see the uploaded data.

– Create Calculated Columns

1. On the right-hand side, we can see the table’s fields.

2. Right-click on the table name “TV_Sales” and choose “New column.”
3. It will ask you to name the column name in the formula tab, so give the
name as “Sale Value.”
4. at the “Sale Value” from the existing columns of the table, we need to
multiply “Units Sold” into “Sale Price.” Type the characters as “Units.”
You will see all the related results. Choose the “Units Sold” column from
the “TV_Sales” table.


6. Press the “Enter” key. The new “Calculated Column” is created in the
7. Press the “Enter” key. The new “Calculated Column” is created in the

– Create Reports in Power BI (By Using Fields)

1. By using these fields, we will create reports.
2. On the right-hand side, we have several visualizations. From this list, click
on the “Table” visual to insert the blank table visually.
3. Now, drag and drop “Month Name” from the table to the “Values” field of
the “Table” visual.
4. Now, drag and drop the “Sale Value,” “COGS,” “Discount,” and “Gross
Profit” columns to the “Fields” area of the “Table” visual.
5. We will insert the “Combo” chart for the same fields to see the “Sales vs.
Gross Profit.” Click on “Combo Chart” from the visuals list.
6. We will create the “Funnel” chart to create a City-wise “Sale Value.” Click
on the “Funnel” chart to create a blank “Funnel” chart.
7. We will create the “Funnel” chart to create a City-wise “Sale Value.” Click
on the “Funnel” chart to create a blank “Funnel” chart.
Output: lab 8 :Report
Output: lab 10 :Dashboard

10. Creating a Power BI Dashboard

Open the Power BI file and go to the “Home” tab. Click “Get Data” and choose the
data source as “Excel.”

-Create New Calculated Column

1. From the Data Table, we have only “Units Sold” and “Price Per Unit” only, so
we need to calculate “Total Sales.” Right-click on the table name and choose
“New Column.”
2. It will ask you to name the column first, so give it a name as “Total Sales.”
3. This column will be calculated by multiplying “Units Sold” by “Sale Price.” So
from the table, choose the “Units Sold” and “Sale Price” columns.
4. We need to format this column as “Currency,” so select the column, go to
“Modeling,” and choose the format as “Rupee.”
5. Come back to the “Report” view now.
6. In this “Report” view, we will create a dashboard now.
7. First, insert the title bar for the dashboard. Next, go to the “Home” tab, click
on “Shapes,” and choose the “Rectangle” shape.
8. Draw this shape at the top of the page.
9. Change the background color of this shape and select the shape. It will open
up the “Format Shape” option to the right side.
10. Now, we need to create slicer visuals. From the Visualization tab, insert a blank
slicer, and select the “Date” column from the data table for the slicer “Field.”
11. We need to design this slicer, so choose the slicer and click on the “Format”
option. Next, choose “Data inputs” and apply the below changes.
12. Like this, we need to create four more slicers to have “City,” “Product,”
“Manager,” and “Date” columns. Copy and paste the same slice but change
the field column and header of the slicer, respectively. We have created similar
slicers, and below is the same image.
13. The Card visual shows the total sales value.
14. Finally, our “Sales Dashboard” in Power BI looks like this.

Things to Remember
 If the required column is not in the data, we must create it using the
DAX function.
 To get attractive colors, search on the web about Hex color codes.
 We must always maintain the dashboard with the most important data.

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