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Tqtcq rtsl srkgilr

d.fr.f{..vdtq {rqdf mq+r. wqgr (o,.r.)
srq m. 3o?T /ft.s r/U.q.,/ +,-ss/2o1r {sgq. Rqt6. 2oloz//zo,tg
sfffq-d tErdrrds.
Inffir \rq *h'R1q' Vqraft qus
r+r v+gr @.r.)
fuq .- ftff{r qwr rorRre o-ri qrqE r

qu-ar €ort ftft-<r qfir ffi or u-orsrq ftqg{R vei q ffi6

eTk6< d qf co. en E-srRrd o.-{s,i ol qlr o.f ,-
(1) Ytcr wt d c6 ffi Si \'6' siffi ttqtqN qr{ I

(a) tv wA q-{ wrrrr{n v* (qo. 6q W Vo etffi)

(s) ERs-{ fs wra t u-orsn eTrseq-6't.
fttrfi ffi irr ur6lr fr.S.cs. wr+c it Sr s{ snrd *&d
http://www.cg.nic.in/dpr q e{q:ds fu'qr qT v6r t'. }ro.rRrd fu{rq-{ a rrqrqn q-*t
d sFdqi s{ orqtds d lM of qfisn stt
s6q-r i- ftfufl olrrtTur WqT m. ea.
iil.fr.fr.;r$q {rwqr{ qRd".
v+gt @.r.)
Y.^{. ^ zo76l /R.u.7X.sr.744-3s/2a1r xmgr. ft-tio zolo2/zo1s
r. ft-e qfu{. qq-ftq ri*, d}o, ffiq f{rTr{r. E-trsqa stl-sq. qilrflq. qqT {rsgq
2. sgs €F{s, 6to, ffiur fuTrrr. rtTrqq. q€r+fr rrfi, {qr ttqgv
s. cgq orfuiilr. iil+. Frqiur frqFr. Hur qEq, t€r-rg. wr rrqll
4. Uq etfuiilr tst{-4) qr*T qr.trn w.so qRem si trqcr,f rieraq. r ftsqtC
${r'. ttsffi qr,t {$ ftffir
o. yqr eTfuifrr. dfr.fr.. (v7w; qBq1q. e-drq$/sik6rw//{rqgr/{ffi qRe}*,
sq-{d5 \d e-g frqi"r qRf*. qqgir
o. q$elor erfuiilr. d.ft.fr., Trfi wutFf
r. eY*q erffi, v-so cRrfi vi trwqr,f "**.11ugu
qamq. F.vq. dqq. {qsq I

8. sdvtnm srft+i-fl. d.fr.ft, {r$s {rwcr,i €rrm. vqgq I )

s$H :- ftfr"{r Grnt*ur q{ET F. 38. L-a
gw 3rt{{rfi'"
th.ft.fr..$Sq trwqr{ qRqt{,
v+gt @.r.)
D]\RHARAT\N H. Zone\Crll Letters/Sanchalak-t 7/Bhrxhrfl - ]R - h ttas://m orth. e Droc. in
NATIONAL HrcftwAy zoNE, p.w.D. RAIPUR (C.c.)

NIT No.38/CE/NHlrcl44-35D017, System ID No.2018_MoRTH_306512_1, Dated: 20.02.2018

RFP for Construction of 4 Nos. Grade Separator between km. 2g1.000 to Km. 307.600
(Km. 286.400 Kumhari, Km. 299.000 Transport Nagar, Km. 302.000 power House, Km. 304.000
chandra-Mourya chowk to Km. 305.000 Supeta) of NH 53 (old NH-06) Raipur-Durg 4Jane under
NH(O) Scheme in the State ofchhattisgarh on EPC mode.
The Ministry of Road Trarsport & Highways through [Chief Engineer, pWI), National
Highway Zone, Raipurl is engaged in the development of National Highways and as part of this
endeavour, it has been decided to undertake Construction of4 Nos. Grade Separator between km. 281.000
to Km. 307.600 (Km. 286.400 Kumhari, Km. 299.000 Transport Nagar, Km. 302.000 power House, Km.
304.000 chandra-Mourya chowk to Km. 305.000 supela) of NH 53 (old NH-06) Raipur-Durg 4Jane
under NH(O) Scheme in the State of Chhattisgarh on Engin?ering, Procurement and Construction (EpC)
The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways now invites bids from eligible contractors
for the following project:
State NH No. ICB Name of work Estimated Completion Maintenanc
No. cost period e period
Construction of4 Nos. Grade
Chhattisgarh NH-53 Separator between km. 281.000 284,395 18 Months 4 Years
(ord to Km. 307.600 (Km.286.400 Crore
NH-06) Kumhari, Km. 299.000
Transport Nagar, Km. 302.000
Power House, Km. 304.000
Chandra-Mourya Chowk to Km.
305,000 Supela) ofNH 53 (Old
NH-06) Raipur-Durg 4-lane
under NH(O) Scheme in the State
The complete BID document can be viewed/downloaded from official portal of
http://eprocure.sov.in/epreEure/app from 21.02.2018 to 31.03.2018 (upto 17.00 Hrs. IST). Bid must be
submifted online only at CPP Portal htto://eprocure. sov.in/eprocure/anp as well as physically on or before
31.03.2018 (upto 17.00 Hrs IST). Bids received online shall be opened on 02.04.2018 (at 12.00 Hrs IST)
Bid through any other mode shall not be entertained. However, Bid Security, document
fee, Power of Attomey and joint bidding agreement shall be submitted physically by the Bidder on or
before 31'03.2018 (upto 17.00 hours IST), Please note that the [Ministryi Authority/ Executing Agency
reserves the right to accept or reject all or any ofthe BiDs without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Public Works Department, Govt. of Chhattisgarh,

Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
. Phone/ Fa"x 0771-4062744,4023051
e-mail : cenlr@rediffrnail.com, cenlraipur@gnail.com
Clnstruction of4Nos. Grade Separator between km. 281.000 to Km. 307.600 (Km. 286.400 Kumhari, Km.299.000 Transpon
Nagar, Km. 302.000 Power House, Km. 304.000 Chandra-Mourya Chowk to Km. 305.000 Supela) ofNri 53 (old NH-06)
Durg 4-lane under NH(O) Scheme in the Slate of Chhattisgqrh
J Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by Kamlesh Kumar Pipri
Date: 2018.02.20 17:32:01 IST
Location: eProcure

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