Effects of Classroom Environment For Improving Students Learning

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Science Academique

Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

Research Article

Effects of Classroom Environment for Improving Students’ Learning

at Secondary Level in Punjab Province, Pakistan
Gulzar Ahmed1*, Muhammad Tayyub2, Rubina Ismail3
Department of Teacher Education, Sheikh Ayaz University, Shikarpur, Sindh, Pakistan
EST, Punjab School Education Department, District Bahawalnagar, Pakistan
M. Phil Education, University of Lahore (Pakpattan Campus), Pakistan
Corresponding author: Gulzar Ahmed, Department of Teacher Education, Sheikh Ayaz University,
Shikarpur, Sindh, Pakistan

Citation: Ahmed G, Tayyub M, Ismail R (2020) Effects of Classroom Environment for Improving
Students’ Learning at Secondary Level in Punjab Province, Pakistan. Sci Academique 1(1): 2-15.

Received date: 27 September, 2020; Accepted date: 21 October 2020; Publication date: 27 October

Abstract environmental facilities including ICT

innovative instructional material in classrooms
Class environment plays leading role in prove helpful indicators for improving
uplifting students’ learning and achieving students’ learning outcomes at secondary
national educational goals in due course of level.
time. The aim of this present study was to
explore effects of classroom environment for Keywords: Classroom learning environment;
improving students’ learning at secondary Teaching Methods; ICT Instructional Material;
level and recommend measures for its further Teacher Training; Students learning
improvement. The population of study
comprised on all teachers teaching at Introduction
secondary classes and students studying in
secondary classes in total 194 (105M+89F) Class environment refers to utilization of
public sector secondary schools of district available physical, instructional facilities and
Bahawalnagar, Punjab province, Pakistan. 120 maintenance of discipline in classroom for
(60M+60F) teachers and 120 (60 boys +60 effective teaching and better students’ learning
girls) students were selected from population (Williams, 2016). It is an amalgamation of
through simple random technique. As the internal and external factors like curriculum,
study was descriptive type in nature, so a self- methods of teaching, teachers’ behavior
developed questionnaire comprising on Five - interaction with students, learning
point Likert scale was applied to collect atmosphere, academic and social
requisite information from respondents. The environment and support services used in
collected data was later on organized, classroom for teaching and learning process
tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using (Jawaid &Aly 2014). It is a wide variety of
descriptive statistics comprising on frequency techniques and skills used in classrooms
score, percentages, mean score, standard enables teachers to keep students attentive,
deviation and t-value. It was found from the organized and actively participating in
results of the study that availability and use of classroom activities to produce productive
physical and instructional classroom results (Arshad et al. 2018). It includes

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

planning, organizing, communicating and was also found that deductive method of
mentoring. It also demands teachers’ teaching was more effective for overcrowded
professionalism, taken of initiatives, class in public schools (Shahzadi, 2019).
dedication, devotion, job commitment, and Students taught through accelerated learning
teachers’ willingness to adjust themselves at method produced good results due to taking
students’ socio-cultural and intellectual keen interest in studies as they have high
caliber (Abel, 2011). level of knowledge to solve problems related
to cognitive learning domain from
Students’ learning is a systematic process of knowledge level to evaluation level (Shams,
obtaining knowledge or skills carried out in or Arshad & Ahmed, 2019).
out of educational institutions through formal
or non-formal systems of education (Lawal, Classroom environment has a positive impact
2014). Use of various pedagogical skills in on students’ academic achievement, as by
classrooms produce fruitful results for provision of physical facilities like furniture,
improving quality of teaching and enhancing electric supply, painted walls, drinking
students’ learning which is a major factor in water, models, charts, overhead projector and
uplifting students’ academic performance other ICT related instructional material,
(Ramli et al. 2014). It comprised on social and students take much interest in classroom
physical environments of educational activities which help them to get high marks
institutions. Social environment refers to in examinations (Kausar,Kiyani &
interaction between teachers and students and Suleman.2017). Provision of physical
their active participation in classroom teaching facilities to schools like well-equipped
and learning activities, whereas physical library, clean drinking water, well-furnished
environment consists on physical facilities classroom, laboratory with related appliances
includes classroom design, classroom are the main factors play vital role for better
decoration, lighting, color, ventilation, seating teaching and uplifting students’ learning
arrangements and ICT related instructional (Omae et al. 2017). School support facilities
equipment (Earthman,2002, Tanner & like I.T Lab, tablet, first aid box, classrooms
Lackney, 2006). having ventilation, store room, cooling and
heating systems, staff room, well equipped
Teachers use various teaching methods like library with adequate books plays vital role
lectures, discussion in classrooms for making for provision of quality teaching and learning
teaching and learning process effective and (Arshad, Ahmed &Tayyab,2019). It was
more productive. Discussion method is found that lack of conducive classroom
process of students talking about a specific environment; non-supportive teachers’
topic, helped them to share their ideas openly attitude, lack of pedagogical skills and
which develops them confidence building students’ disruptive behavior create
habit and improves their learning (Ten Have, hindrances for effective teaching and better
2017). It helps in provision of better learning students’ learning (Ahmed, Faizi & Akbar,
environment which improves students’ 2020).
learning (Malik & Rizvi, 2018). Activity-
based method is another teaching method Provision of conducive classroom
helped teachers to engage students by their environment to both teachers for effective
active and physique participation in learning teaching and for students to have qualitative
activities. In this method students’ learning and productive learning is the primarily
ratio improved by their doing practically responsibility of the state government.
(Mishra & Koehler, 2016). Students’ actively Provincial governments in Pakistan were
take part in activity-based learning which made responsible through constitutional
develop their interest in studies and they powers to provide maximum physical and
learn willingly (Finn, 2010; Noreen, 2018). It instructional facilities to the educational

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

institutions at all levels to achieve social and physical contexts, cognitive

educational goals in due course of time. But domains, instructional tools, teaching
it is a fact that majority of secondary schools methods, teachers’ students interaction etc.
Pakiatan with reference to district (Patrick, Ryan & Kaplan, 2007). It helps
Bahawalnagar, Punjab province were still teachers to draw students’ attention to take
lacking educational facilities, which badly interest in studies by their actively
affecting the whole process of education participation in classroom activities, hopeful in
including students” learning outcomes. So developing teachers-pupils ‘interrelationship
the required objectives for improving and solves students’ academic problems
institutional classroom environment and (Bandello, 2015). Socio economic condition of
improving students’ learning have not been parents, infrastructure of school, education of
achieved so for. There are many factors parents, classroom setting, positive attitude of
accountable for down gradation of students’ teachers, supporting attitude of management
learning outcomes in the region, so it was attitude, students’ motivation, students’
decided to conduct a research study on willingness to learn are the major factors affect
“Effects of classroom environment for students learning.
improving students’ learning at secondary
level in Punjab Province, Pakistan. Classroom environment contained on proper
lighting system, bright atmosphere, use of
Study Objectives ICT instructional technologies, cupboards
The present study was designed to achieve and shelves, electric power supply, air
following objectives; coolers or ceiling fans, audio-visual aids in
classrooms play active role in improving
• To explore classroom environment. students’ academic achievement. Whereas, un-
• To identify factors of students’ learning. conducive classroom environment consists
• To find out effects of classroom on small classroom size, in- appropriate
environment on improving students’ ventilations, high classroom temperature, lack
learning at secondary level. of ICT instructional teaching aids, in-
appropriate desks, improper seating
Research Questions arrangements, lack of fresh air and
overcrowded classrooms prove negative
For this purpose, answers were sought the impact on students’ achievement (Umar,
following research questions; 2017). Provision of sufficient physical and
instructional facilities in classrooms are the
• What is classroom environment? major factors found to have positive impact
• What are factors of students’ learning? on improving students’ learning (Kilel,
• How classroom environment effects 2012), as this type learning environment is
students’ learning at secondary level? necessary for uplifting students’ learning
outcomes. Use of teachers’ better
Review of Related Literature communication skills and a variety of teaching
methods in classrooms are major factors to
Classroom environment comprised on social, improve students’ learning. Relaxed and
physical and emotional factors help in friendly learning environment is important for
facilitating teaching and learning process for enhancing students’ learning (Sulaiman,
achieving educational objectives. It is the Mahbob, & Azlan, 2011).
responsibility of teachers to develop positive
classroom environment for enriching Conducive learning environment is that
students’ learning, as it promotes teaching environment, allows students to learn more
and learning process effective (Bierman, easily (Encyclopedia Britanica , 2010). It is an
2011). It refers to educational concepts, environment provides conditions make it easy

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

for the students to work (Longman English methods include lecture, discussion,
Dictionary, 2010). It also further has been questioning, team work, talk chalk, field trip,
defined by Khalid (2008) that conducive modeling, simulation, dramatic, role-playing,
learning environment is; inquiry, discovery, demonstration, Dalton
plan, programmed learning, experimentation,
The environment that satisfies the needs of its programmed learning, project, microteaching
participants, not only in the acquisition of and mastery learning methods. They not only
numeracy and literacy skills, but is also able to help teachers to teach effectively but help
link the economic and occupational needs of students for enhancing their learning which
the group to literacy with their learning at last improves their academic performance
activities” (Khalid,2008). (dorgu, 2015).

Conducive classroom environment helps Use of instructional and information

both teachers to teach effectively and technology during classroom instruction plays
students to learn with ease and perform better an important role for achieving students’
academically. Use of proper available successful and fruitful high academic
teaching and learning resources in achievement (Iqbal, 2005). Quality of
classrooms enhances learning outcomes of students’ learning be promoted by using
students. It has positive impacts on multimedia, computer, charts, , projectors,
improvements of students’ learning (Qamar graphs, internet, maps, mock ups and other
et al. 2018). It is comprised on various related ICT materials in classes. But advanced
components like room size, lighting, innovative ICT pedagogical soft wares and
temperature, walls, ventilation, whiteboards, devices are not properly used in classes due to
mats, seats, floor, PCs and other material lack of teachers’ professional trainings, badly
prove fruitful effects on students’ learning effects students, learning (Weiss, 2007; Oliver
(Suleman & Hussain, 2014). School facilities & Limpman, 2007; Suleman et al. 2011). It
like school buildings, electricity, was revealed that use of information and
natural/artificial lighting and ventilation in communication technological (ICT) related
classrooms, drinking water, wash rooms and devices like laptop, computers, multimedia,
playground were the main attributes to smartphones, projectors, tablets and LCD in
improve students’ learning (Awan, 2018). classrooms, offices and home by teachers
Students’ academic achievement in well- and students brought revolutionized changes
furnished and small class size room with in teaching, evaluation, assessment and
better facilities was found better than learning process. In this regards
students having large class size classes presentations shown to students in
(Olufemii & Olayinka (2017). classrooms through LCD projector made
classroom teaching and learning activities
Teaching methods indicate strategies more attractive, productive and produce
teachers use in classrooms for delivering fruitful results in uplifting students’ learning
his/her lessons to students based on (Ahmed, Arshad & Tayyab, 2019). It is
curriculum instructional objectives to be concluded that teachers effective use of ICT
achieved for promoting students’ learning tools can prove helpful for improving
outcomes (Buseri & Dorgu, 2011). Use of students’ learning (Imran, Mahmood &
various teaching methods, skills, techniques, Ahmed. 2020).
pedagogical approaches and instructional
strategies in classrooms help teachers for Conducive classroom environment has
effective teaching and facilitate students in positive effects on teachers’ effective teaching
clear understanding of lesson which further and better students’ learning outcomes. It
prove major ingredients for improving their includes floor, walls decorated with charts,
learning (Chen, Zeng & Yang, 2010). These maps, windows, chairs or desks, white boards,

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

LCD or computers, dices and cupboards. If which helps to describe samples as per
students are satisfied and feeling comfortable demands of the study for further description of
in classrooms, then they produce excellent educational phenomena (Gay, Mills &
academic performance as compared to Airasian, 2009; Leob et al., 2017).
uncomfortable classrooms, which can
demoralize students and they show poor Population
learning outcomes (Fisher, 2008). Well-
organized, equipped and facilitated classroom Population in social sciences research studies
environment has a positive effect on academic is comprised on the largest targeted group of
achievement of students (Suleman, Aslam & people have requisite qualities meeting criteria
Hussain, 2014). It brings changes in for collection of relevant information
students’ behaviors which indirectly (Asiamah, Mensah & Oteng, 2017. It is also
improves students’ results (Isaiah, 2013). It consisted on entire set of cases from which
was further found from research that required sample to be drawn for research
classroom environment has a significant investigational purposes (Alvi, 2016; Mills &
impact on students’ academic performance Gay, 2018). The Bahawalpur Division of
(Akomolafe & Adesua, 2015). It was also Punjab province (Pakistan), comprised on
revealed from another research findings of the three districts namely District Bahawalpur,
study that conducive classroom promotes Bahawalnagar and Rahim Yar Khan. District
students’ learning (Manca et al. 2020). Bahawalnagar is randomly selected as
population of the study, as it was easy
Material and Methods approach for the researcher to collect required
information from respective respondents.
Research Design
All teachers 3739 (2064M+1675F) serving in
The design of this current research study was 194 (105M+89F) public sector secondary
descriptive type in nature, so survey method schools (urban & rural) and students 110662
was applied to answer research questions for (66088M+47574) studying at secondary level
achieving study objectives. It is the most in these schools of Bahawalnagar district were
suitable method used in social sciences taken as population of the study. Further detail
research studies for properly elaboration of of the distribution of the population was
characteristics and variation of population, tabulated below;

S/ No. District Teachers’ Distribution Students’ Distribution
Male Female
Male Female Teachers Teachers Male Female
1 Bahawalnagar
105 89 2064 1675 63088 47574
Total 194 3739 110662
Source: (https://schoolportal.punjab.gov.pk/sed_census/).

Table 1: Distribution of Population.

Sample group, used to make inferences regarding

population characteristics or making
Sampling is a process of selection of generalization with reference to population. It
respondents from group of people following is comprised on a group of small number of
criteria that persons representing larger group respondents selected from a population for
from which they were taken (Best, 2016). It is research purposes. In this this study, simple
a subset of population showing complete random sampling technique was followed for

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

selection of sample from population, as each (60M+60F) students studying in the above
and every member of the population in this classes at 30 (15M+15FM) schools (urban
type of sampling technique has equal chances &rural) areas of Bahawalnagar district were
to be selected for sample of the study (Alvi, selected as sample of study. Thus total sample
2016; Mills & Gay, 2018). of this research study was comprised on 240
(120M+120F) respondents. The distribution of
Out of total population, 120 (60M+60F) the sample was further tabulated below;
teachers teaching secondary classes and 120

Schools’ Students’
District Total Teachers’ Distribution Total Total
Distribution Distribution
Male Female
Male Female Male Female
Bahawalnagar Teachers Teachers
15 15 30 60 60 120 60 60 120

Table 2: Sample Distribution.

Tool for Collection of Data and students’ learning, whereas part-111 of the
questionnaire was used for finding out effects
To answer research questions and achieving of classroom environment on improving
objectives of research study in due course of students’ learning at secondary level. To
time, a self- developed questionnaire, collect data, researcher personally visited each
validated through pilot testing and sampled educational institutions and after
administered to collect requisite information obtaining permission from respective school
from respective respondents. In social sciences heads, questionnaire was administered to
survey research studies, it is considered the sampled respondents by requesting to fill them
most suitable tool, helps researchers for as per prescribed given guidelines and
assessing large population perceptions to be researcher also helped them during this
assessed with relative ease on individuals’ process. So in this regards, positive responses
perspectives. Furthermore, it is a systematic were collected from respondents as per
compilation of questions subject for sampling demands of the research study.
of population used for receiving requisite
information from respondents (Mills & Gay, Results
The information received from respective
In present research study, a questionnaire respondents through questionnaire was
comprised on five points Likert scale, having tabulated by application of required statistical
on three parts consisted on 31 items related to tools for achieving objectives of the research
research study was applied to collect requisite study like frequency score, percentage, mean
data from respective respondents. score, standard deviation and t test for data
Questionnaire’s part-1 used for collection of analysis. Results detailed descriptions were
demographic information of respondents, part- tabulated in the following tables;
11 was used for exploring respondents’
perceptions regarding classroom environment

Group Res N Percentage Mean Score SD t-value Sig.

SA 50 41.7
A 31 25.8
Teachers 3.67 1.485 3.262 0.05
UD 7 5.8
DA 14 11.7

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

SDA 18 15.0
SA 44 36.7
A 26 21.7
Students UD 6 5.0 3.37 1.608
DA 18 15.0
SDA 26 21.7
df=199; N =240; t-value at 0.05= 1.960

Table 3: Teachers use activity-based method in classrooms for improving students’ learning.

This table indicates that 67.5% greater than the mean score (3.37) of students.
(41.7%+25.8%) teachers & 58.4% The standard deviation increases from (1.485)
(36.7%+21.7%) students were agreed, whereas to (1.608) and t-value (3.262) is significant at
26.7% (11.7%+15.0%) teachers & 36.7% (0.05) for teachers and students shows the
(15.0%+21.7%) students were disagreed with agreement of the statement that majority
the statement that teachers use activity based (67.5%) of teachers use activity based method
method in classrooms for improving students’ in classrooms for improving students’
learning. Teachers’ mean score (3.67) is learning.

Group Res N Percentage SD t-value Sig.
SA 42 35.0
A 46 38.3
Teachers UD 12 10.0 3.80 1.294
DA 6 5.0
SDA 14 11.7
4.130 .000
SA 31 25.8
A 45 37.5
Students UD 12 10.0 3.48 1.372
DA 15 12.5
SDA 17 14.2
df=199; N =240; t-value at 4.130= 1.960

Table 4: Teachers use discussion method in classrooms to involve students for better Learning.

The above table describes that 73.3% deviation increases from (1.294) to (1.372)
(35.0%+38.3%) teachers & 63.3% and t-value (4.130) is significant at 0.00 for
(25.8%+37.5%) students were agreed, whereas teachers and students. So, it shows that there is
16.7 % (5.0%+11.7%) teachers & 26.7% a significant difference between teachers and
(12.5%+14.2%) students were disagreed with students’ responses. It was also found that
the statement that teachers use discussion majority (73.5%) of respondents show
method to involve students for better learning. agreement that teachers use discussion method
Teachers’ mean score (3.80) is greater than the to involve students for better learning.
mean score (3.48) of students. The standard

Group Res N Percentage Mean score SD t-value Sig.

SA 49 40.8
Teachers A 30 25.0 3.64 1.488 -1.926 0.056
UD 8 6.7

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

DA 15 12.5
SDA 18 15.0
SA 55 45.8
A 31 25.8
Students UD 11 9.2 3.89 1.333
DA 12 10.0
SDA 11 9.2
df=199; N =240; t-value at -1.926= 1.960

Table 5: Teachers use lecture method in classrooms for teaching students effectively.

Table 5 shows that 65.8% (40.8%+25.0%) increases from (1.488) to (1.333) and t-
teachers & 71.6% (45.8%+25.8 students were value1.926) is significant at (.056) for teachers
agreed, whereas 27.5% (12.5%+15.0%) and students. So, it shows that there is a
teachers & 19.2% (10.0%+09.2%) students significant difference between teachers and
were disagreed with the statement that students’ responses. It was also found that
teachers use lecture method in classrooms for majority 65.8% of respondents show
teaching students effectively. Teachers’ mean agreement that teachers use lecture method in
score (3.64) is greater than the mean score classrooms for teaching students effectively.
(3.89) of students. The standard deviation

Group Res N Percentage SD t-value Sig.
SA 59 49.2
A 24 20.0
Teachers UD 8 6.7 3.84 1.42
DA 17 14.2
SDA 12 10.0
1.150 0.252
SA 48 40.0
A 32 26.7
Students UD 8 6.7 3.71 1.387
DA 21 17.5
SDA 11 9.2
df=199; N =240; t-value at1.150=(.252)

Table 6: Teachers motivate students to work hard for obtaining good marks.

This table illustrates that 69.2% The standard deviation decrease from (1.420)
(49.2%+20.0%) teachers & 66.7% to (1.387) and t-value (1.150) is significant at
(40.0+26.7%) students were agreed, whereas (.252) for teachers and students. So, it shows
24.2% (14.2%+10.0%) teachers & 26.7% that there is a significant difference between
(17.5+9.2) students were disagreed with the teachers and students responses. Furthermore,
statement that teachers motivate students to majority (69.2%) of the teachers motivate
work hard for obtaining good marks. students to work hard for obtaining good
Teachers’ mean score (3.84) of teachers is marks.
greater than the mean score (3.71) of students.

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

Group Res N Percentage SD t-value Sig.
SA 47 39.2
A 38 31.7
Teachers UD 6 5.0 3.70 1.459
DA 10 8.3
SDA 19 15.8
.925 .357
SA 47 39.2
A 30 25.0
Students UD 4 3.3 3.55 1.528
DA 20 16.7
SDA 19 15.8
df=199; N =240; value at .925 = 1.960

Table 7: Teachers motivate students to maintain in classroom for better students’ learning.

Table 7 shows those 70.9% (39.2% + 31.7%) score (3.55) of students. The standard
teachers & 64.2% (39.2%+25.0%) students deviation increases from (1.459) to (1.528)
were agreed, whereas 24.1% (8.3%+15.8%) and t-value (.925) is significant at (.357) for
teachers & 32.5% (16.7%+15.8%) students teachers and students. So, it shows that there is
were disagreed with the statement that a significant difference between teachers and
teachers motivate students to maintain students responses. Furthermore, majority
classroom discipline for effective teaching and (70.9%) of the teachers motivate students to
better students’ learning. Teachers’ mean maintain classroom discipline.
score (3.70) of teachers is less than the mean

Group Res N Percentage SD t-value Sig.
Teachers SA 22 18.3 2.57 1.51 -3.705 0
A 17 14.2
UD 7 5.8
DA 36 30
SDA 38 31.7
Students SA 31 25.8 2.93 1.576
A 21 17.5
UD 7 5.8
DA 31 25.8
SDA 30 25
df=199; N =240; t-value at -3.705=1.96

Table 8: Sufficient Furniture is available in classrooms.

The above table indicates that 32.5% less than the mean score (2.93) of students.
(18.3%+14.2%) teachers & 43.3% The standard deviation increase from (1.510)
(25.8%+17.5%) students were agreed, whereas to (1.576) and t-value (-3.705) is significant at
61.7% (30.0%+31.7%) teachers & 50.8% (.000) for teachers and students. So, it shows
(25.8%+25.0%) students were disagreed with that there is a significant difference between
the statement that furniture is available in teachers and students’ responses, as majority
classrooms. Teachers’ mean score (2.57) is

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

61.7% of respondents were of the opinion that classrooms were lacking sufficient furniture.

Group Res N Percentage Mean score SD t-value Sig.

Teachers SA 49 40.8
A 42 35
UD 6 5.0 3.85 1.358
DA 8 6.7
SDA 15 12.5
1.961 .052
Students SA 47 39.2
A 40 33.3
UD 6 5.0 3.74 1.429
DA 9 7.5
SDA 18 15
df=199; N =240; t-value at 1.961= 1.960

Table 9: Proper arrangements of ventilations system are available in classrooms.

This table illustrates that 75.8% The standard deviation decrease from (1.358)
(40.8%+35.0%) teachers & 72.5% to (1.429) and t-value (1.961) is significant at
(39.2%+33.3%) students were agreed and (.052) for teachers and students. So, it shows
19.2% (6.7%+12.5%) teachers & 22.5% that there is a significant difference between
(7.5%+15.0%) students were disagreed with teachers and students responses. Furthermore,
the statement that proper arrangements of majority (75.8%) of the respondents were of
ventilations system are available in opinion that proper arrangements of
classrooms. Teachers’ mean score (3.85) is ventilations system are available in classroom.
less than the mean score (3.74) of students.

Group Res N Percentage Mean score SD t-value Sig.

SA 49 40.8
A 33 27.5
Teachers UD 8 6.7 3.69 1.466
DA 12 10.0
SDA 18 15.0
.592 .538
SA 45 37.5
A 31 25.8
Students UD 11 9.2 3.61 1.434
DA 18 15.0
SDA 15 12.5
df=199; N =240; t-value at .592= .538

Table 10: Facility of AV aids is available in the classrooms.

The above table shows that 68.3% available in the classrooms. Teachers’ mean
(40.8%+27.5%) teachers & 63.3% score (3.69) is greater than the mean score
(37.5%+25.8%) students were agreed, wheras (3.61) of students. The standard deviation
25% (10.0%+15.0%) teachers & decrease from (1.466) to (1.434) and t-value
27.5%(15.0%+12.5%) students were disagreed (.592) is significant at (.538) for teachers and
with the statement that facility of AV aids is students. So, it shows that there is a significant

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

difference between teachers and students conducive classroom environment; non-

responses, as majority (68.3%) of the supportive teachers’ attitude, lack of
respondents were of the opinion that facility of pedagogical skills and students’ disruptive
AV aids is available in the classroom. behavior create hindrances for effective
teaching and better students’ learning
Discussion (Ahmed, Faizi & Akbar.2020). It was also
found from results of this study that majority
Provision of conducive classroom (68.3%) respondents were of the opinion that
environmental facilities to educational teachers’ use AV aids is available in the
institutions at secondary level help teachers to classrooms draw students’ attention to take
teach well in classrooms which ultimately keen interest in classroom activities which
prove to be a major ingredient for improving enriches their leaning skills.
students’ learning (Williams, 2016). Results of
many research studies previously conducted Conclusion
indicated that teachers’ use of various
teaching methods like lectures, discussion It was concluded that conducive classroom
method, activity-based method, deductive environment has positive effects on students’
method help teachers to actively engage learning outcomes. Availability and teachers’
students to actively participate in classroom use of physical and advanced innovative ICT
activities which improve their learning related instructional facilities, teaching
outcomes(Ten Have, 2017;Mishra & methods in classrooms draw students’
Koehler, 2016; Finn, 2010; Noreen, 2018). It attention to actively participate in classroom
was also found from results of this study that activities which ultimately improves students’
majority (67.5%) of respondents were of the learning. It includes furniture, electric supply,
opinion that teachers’ use of various teaching drinking water, models, charts, well-
methods in classrooms like activity-based furnished classrooms, laboratory I.T Lab,
method, lectures method and discussion help tablet, first aid box, ventilation, store room,
teachers to teach well which ultimately cooling and heating systems, staff room, and
improves students’ learning. It was further well equipped library, room size, temperature,
found from findings of various studies ventilation, whiteboard, mats, seats, floor,
conducted in past that provision of physical natural/artificial lighting, wash rooms
facilities like furniture, electric supply, facilities and playground, education of
painted walls, drinking water, models, charts, parents, parents’ socio-economic conduction,
overhead projector and other ICT related classroom setting, positive attitude of teachers,
instructional material, students take much supporting attitude of management, students’
interest in classroom activities which motivation, students ‘willingness to learn,
improves their academic achievements variety of teaching styles were the main
(Kausar,Kiyani & Suleman.2017). School attributes to improve students’ learning. It
support facilities like I.T Lab, tablet, first aid was further concluded that due to lack of
box, classrooms having ventilation, store conducive classroom environment; non-
room, cooling and heating systems, staff supportive teachers’ attitude, lack of
room, well equipped library with adequate pedagogical skills and students’ disruptive
books plays vital role for provision of quality behavior create hindrances for effective
teaching and learning (Arshad; Ahmed. teaching and better students’ learning.
&Tayyab,2019). It further found that lack of


To uplift students’ learning at secondary level, it is recommended that;

Volume 1; Issue: 01
Article ID: SA2105
Science Academique
Ahmed G, et al.
Pages: 2-15

• Physical classroom environmental and advance innovative ICT related instructional facilitates
may be provided to schools on priority basis.
• Short term ICT refresher training courses facilities may be provided to teachers for properly
using advance instructional technology in classrooms.
• Students may be motivated to actively participate in classroom activities.


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