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Praise and gratitude we extend to the presence of God alm

so that we can complete the paper entitled “Develop Delivery Techniques for Voice & Gestures
That Engages Audience”. The purpose of writing this group task is to fulfill one of the tasks in the
Public Speaking course.

The authors would like to thank the lecturer in Public Speaking course, Dr. Yaredi
Waruwu SS. M.Si, which has given us the guide in order to arrange this paper. We realize that this
group task is still limited and far from perfect, because our knowledge and time are very limited. If
there are many mistakes in conveying it, the authors ask for suggestions and criticisms so that we
can improve this in the future. Hopefully this paper is especially useful for writers and readers.

Gunungsitoli, 27 November 2023

2nd Group


A. Background of Problem

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines public speaking as "the act or skill of

speaking to a usually large group of people". Public speaking is the action or skill of
speaking to a large group of people. The term that is synonymous with public speaking in
the KBBI is "speech", namely "expressing thoughts in the form of words addressed to many
people". Public speaking refers to the act of delivering a speech or presentation to a live
audience. It is a form of communication where a speaker addresses a group of people with
the intent of conveying a message, informing, persuading, or entertaining. Public speaking
can take various forms, including formal speeches, lectures, workshops, seminars, and more.
Effective public speaking involves not only verbal communication but also non-verbal
elements such as body language, gestures, and voice modulation. It is a valuable skill in
many aspects of life, including business, education, politics, and social settings. Public
speaking can be a powerful tool for conveying ideas, inspiring others, and influencing
opinions. To become a successful public speaker, individuals often work on developing their
communication skills, organizing their thoughts effectively, and managing nervousness or
stage fright. Techniques such as practicing, rehearsing, and seeking feedback are commonly
employed to improve one's public speaking abilities.
The most important thing in public speaking is how to make our audience feel interest and
engaging to follow our speech. In order to make our audiences feel engage, there are few
techniques for deliver voice and gestures so that our audiences feel interest. In this paper,
the authors want to explore and find out Develop delivery techniques for voice & gestures
that engages audience.

B. Formulation of Problem

1. What are the developed delivery techniques for voice that engages audience?
2. What are the gestures that engage audience?

C. Purposes
1. To know what are the developed delivery techniques for voice that engages audience.
2. To know the gestures that engage audience.


A. Develop Delivery Techniques for Voice that Engage Audience

In public speaking, the voice is not just a tool in conveying messages to the audience.
Rather, it is a powerful instrument to show whether or not there is a mutual reaction between
the speakers and the audience.
These are some ways to develop delivery techniques for Voice in Public Speaking.
1. Speak clearly and with a different intonation.
Before you speak in public, it would be better if you practice first. You can ask friends for
help to assess speech style, appearance, intonation, and so on. The intonation when speaking
is varied so as not to bore the audience. Use higher or lower pitches to emphasize key points
and maintain audience interest. Be mindful of your natural pitch and work on expanding
your range. Each word, you must pronounce it loud and clear so that the material can be
conveyed well. Enunciate clearly to ensure that every word is easily understood by the
audience. Practice tongue twisters and vocal warm-up exercises to improve articulation. Pay
attention to consonants and vowels, especially in words that may be challenging to
2. Pacing.
The speed of speech i.e. tempo can vary according to our mood at the time. Fast speech can
convey urgency or lack of importance, while slow speech can be used to convey the urgency
of pressure or important points. Speaking too fast is one of the most common behaviors that
can neglect professional speaking skills.
3. Articulates should be clearly.
Articulation (pronunciation and talking) is the ability to physically move the tongue, lips,
teeth and jaw to produce sequences of speech sounds, which make up words and sentences.
It is important to be able to produce sounds, words and sentences which are clear and can be
easily understood and interpreted by others in order to be able to express basic needs and
wants, right through to being able to engage in complex conversations. Each word should be
crisp and clear. Clear diction is especially important when speaking with people who might
have hearing difficulties, or those who are unfamiliar with the language you will be
speaking. With practice tongue twisters and vocal warm-up exercises can improve
4. Uses pauses effectively.
According to Sabri (2020:5), states that even while speaking fairly quickly, a silent pause
can be use to emphasize a point and allow your listeners a moment to think about it. Pausing
during a presentation can be an effective devise to allow your important points to stick in or
give your audience time to process what you have just said. don’t be afraid to allow periods
of silence. Pausing also allows you to breathe, which ensures that your voice stays strong.
Pauses can also add emphasis to key points and make your delivery more dynamic. Practice
using pauses effectively to avoid filler words like "um" and "uh." Because most of them are
confused about what to say, so they say “emmm/ehh” that shouldn’t be said. As a substitute,
you can use pauses when conveying a message to the audience.
5. Projection.
Voice projection is a vocal technique that increases the clarity, diction, and volume of your
speaking voice so that your voice to reach all parts of the audience. You learn how to control
the human voice to draw and hold attention, deliver a message with greater emphasis, and
speak with confidence and authority. This doesn't mean shouting, but rather using your
diaphragm to produce a strong, clear sound. Public speakers and performers frequently
employ voice projection, but you can also practice it in everyday situations, such as
speaking in a loud or busy environment. There are many ways to learn voice projection,
including through vocal exercises and breathing techniques.
6. Relax your vocal cords
Uneasiness increases muscle tension which attacks your larynx, and changes the natural
sound of your voice. Your audience reads this as a negative; therefore, it detracts from your
message. To bring back the natural animation, you must relax and release tension. Upper
and lower body movements as well as deep breathing are critical ways to accomplish this.
7. Modulation
Voice modulation is the ability to change your pitch, volume, tone, and pace of your voice
according to your purpose, content, and audience. It can help you emphasize key points,
express emotions, create contrast, and avoid monotony. Voice modulation and vocal variety
isn’t about making your voice pretty. It’s about taking care of the listener and making your
message more effective. Just like our bodies project our emotions if we’re not aware of what
they’re doing, so our voice reveals our inner state. Some of us are uncomfortable with that,
maybe particularly at work. So we flatten our voice – in the same way we might make our
face impassive.
8. Volume Control
Adjust your volume based on the size of the audience and the acoustics of the space. Ensure
everyone can hear you without straining. Be aware of moments that may require increased
volume for emphasis and those that may benefit from softer delivery.
9. Practice
Regular practice is essential to refine your delivery techniques. Record yourself speaking
and analyze the playback to identify areas for improvement. Rehearse in front of a mirror or,
ideally, in front of a small audience to receive feedback. Remember that effective delivery is
a combination of these techniques, and finding the right balance will depend on your
speaking style, the context of your presentation, and your audience. Regular practice and
self-reflection will help you continually improve your voice delivery in public speaking.

B. Developed Gestures that Engage Audience

Body language is the physical expression of thoughts and emotions. It includes

Facial expressions, gestures, movements and voice modulation (Ezeh, et al., 2021).
Most of us use body language daily- to convey positive or negative thoughts and
emotions to others. For example, a happy person would have a happy expression on
her face, and a sad person would have a sad one. We also use body language to
communicate with others. We gesture with our hands to express ourselves more clearly, for
instance. Body language is an essential part of public speaking. Body language is the
physical expression of thoughts and emotions. It includes Facial expressions, gestures,
movements and voice modulation (Ezeh, et al., 2021). Most of us use body language daily-
to convey positive or negative thoughts and
emotions to others. For example, a happy person would have a happy expression on her
face, and a sad person would have a sad one. We also use body language to communicate
with others. We gesture with our hands to express ourselves more clearly, for instance. Body
language is an essential part of public speaking. To communicate with your audience
nonverbally, employ physical clues like posture, gesture, and facial expression. When used
skillfully, body language may help you connect with your audience more deeply,
communicate your message clearly, and establish rapport (Bowden, 2015). The advantages
of adopting appropriate body language when speaking in public are numerous. First, by
making eye contact, grinning, and using hand or arm motions, you can engage your
audience by leveraging body language to your benefit. These techniques will pique the
interest of the listeners in what you have to say. Body language can be utilized to accentuate
and clarify your message during a public speech. For instance, if you are discussing a
delicate subject, utilizing calm and unhurried nonverbal cues will help you convey your
point more politely. Finally, developing relationship with your audience requires being
courteous. Building rapport with your audience through body language can help you
establish a more intimate connection with them and make your presentation more relatable
(Forbes, 2016).
Gestures are what you do with your hands to emphasize words. An inexperienced
speaker may not know what to do with their hands, and might find that their hands seem to
have a mind of their own. Just as we rehearse our words for the best effect possible, we also
need to think about and practice gestures that will convey the meanings and emotions that
we intend. The best gestures to use are ones that are natural and that emphasize what you’re
saying. Be careful not to repeat the same gesture too many times, however, as that can be
tiring for an audience. Make sure your hands are out of your pockets and available for use
during the speech. If you find making a natural gesture difficult, try putting notecards in one
of your hands and using the other to gesture with. There are some gestures that may be using
in deliver speech to engage the audience, such as:
1. Move around the stage as topics change and move toward the audience when asking
questions, making critical connections, or offering a revelation.
2. The gesture of opening the palm means building public trust. With this gesture, it can
also be interpreted that the speaker does not cover up anything from the public.
3. Rubbing both hands when you want to present an idea. This gives the impression that
the speaker is sincere and honest. Also combine with the right expression to
successfully convince the audience.
4. To put your hands in front of your chest means to declare to the public that what is
conveyed is completely truthful. This universal gesture will be perceived by the
public that the speaker means what he says. Hand gestures touching the chest can
also be practiced if you want to convince the listeners.
5. Counting gestures mean that the speaker has some important points to say. In
addition, this gesture can also make the audience curious about what to say next.
6. The clenched fist gesture can give an emotional touch to the speech. In addition, this
also means as an invitation to the public.
7. Karate-style gestures are commonly used by politicians to emphasize something
important. This gesture is better to use to speak to the crowd.
8. Gestures using the thumb mean giving a positive impression of what is being said.
This gesture is also commonly used by politicians as a form of invitation to the


A. Conclusion
Public speaking aims to convey the ideas and opinions contained in the speaker to the
audience. In doing this, the speaker needs to attract the attention of the listener with the
appropriate delivery of sounds and body movements. Techniques for speaking and stating
something can be done in various ways with the aim of clearly conveying what is to be
conveyed. In addition to techniques for voice, a speaker's gesture is also important to attract
the attention of the audience while emphasizing the ideas conveyed by the speaker. Aims to
convey the ideas and opinions contained in the speaker to the audience. In doing this, the
speaker needs to attract the attention of the listener with the appropriate delivery of sounds
and body movements. Techniques for speaking and stating something can be done in various
ways with the aim of clearly conveying what is to be conveyed. In addition to techniques for
voice, a speaker's gesture is also important to attract the attention of the audience while
emphasizing the ideas conveyed by the speaker.
B. Suggestions
To be a good speaker, it takes courage and mastery of sound and gesture techniques in
conveying ideas and ideas. This paper aims to determine the sound and gesture techniques in
question. With a good understanding for the reader, this can be the ingredients to becoming
a good speaker.


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