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1. Its a range of emotions which depends on the game.

If your team loses against a better team

except, they playing well. You would feel proud in a way, but also disappointed. If they lose
to a team which is arguably or just worse than them, you feel frustrated and have a mix of
emotions inside the head—rage, sadness etc. You will usually come up with an excuse; its
either the ref or the coach. But, if your team has a tough match against another good team
and is close to win. The feeling of loss then will be extremely hard, this is because after so
much pressure and hard moments.

2. A Christmas morning is always a very festive and aesthetic feeling. You wake up and see you
wake. The sound of laughter comes up to your ears. The children wake up early in a happy
and a full-of-hope mood. So much joy around you and many people are together, a big table
of delicious food is presented and your whole family sits with you. The feeling of this is
nostalgic and esthetic.

3. A holiday in a tropical area is very popular. This is because of the serene and tranquil
environment, you would feel spiritually comfortable and welcomed, the feeling of being in
nature is always the best. It is very common to feel energetic and nostalgic. Nevertheless,
without forgetting that humanity is still around, you can always spot dumps and wastes
thrown around the nature, this upsets and is a killer to the tranquility around.

4. When we talk about a boxer in his prime and his legacy, we immediately think of Cassius
Clay, mostly known as Muhammad Ali. He is considered by many to be one of the most
significant and celebrated sports icons in history; Furthermore, he is regarded as one of the
greatest boxers of all time. One of the reasons he was so loved because of his exciting and
unique style. No matter where you are in the world, you can find people imitating Ali’s
signature movements. Even if you visit a boxing gym anywhere, it wouldn’t be uncommon to
see someone practicing the Ali shuffle or playing around with the rope a dope tactic. But
what made Ali so great was his ability to not only defeat the opponents put in front of him
but to do so in style. His ability to break down opponents strategically was ahead of his time.
Ali was beguiling to watch, one of boxing’s most electrifying showmen. In 1984, Ali was
diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, which can be the result of head trauma and physical
violence. His fight with parkinson’s led to a slow and steady decline in his health, And in
1998, Ali began working with Michael J Fox, who also had parkinson’s disease, and they
worked on funding a cure for parkinson’s. In February of 2013, his brother said that he could
no longer speak, but this rumor was later proved to be untrue. On June 2, 2016 Muhhamad
was hospitalized for a respiratory illness. Although his condition was initially described as
“fair”, it got worse, and he died the following morning from Septic Shock.

5. When a forest you loved to visit before and spend your time to relax and feel free gets
logged. The first and immediate thing is always frustration and realization of how humans
have a dark side which will be almost impossible to stop. Seeing how dead the forest looks
like compared to before—instead of green and vibrant colors, now there is almost no green
left and a new neutral palette was introduced. The animals who lived there are all gone,
finding for a new home most likely. The forest is done for and the habitat there will be soon

6. The sky is like a widow. The clouds are kraken-cruel. They cough out great gouts of water,
flooding the rivers and drowning the fields. It is Noah’s Ark cataclysm of rain. Trees are
uprooted and cars are destroyed, never to be used again. Towns and cities are overwhelmed
by this aggressive sky, the people quickly try to find cover, as if a paranormal creature is
chasing them. The loud gates in the sky have been opened and no one can close them now.
Suddenly, when the gates have somehow been closed, everyone leaves their refuge. A new
serene feeling takes over and it is almost as if the gate had never been open.

7. Oh! What a feeling. The feeling of having a new object, this time a very dear one—a car. The
joy and excitement fills up your blood and your eyes, you can’t wait to try it out and go
around town with your new luxury. You can’t wait to show off this new beauty and see how
friends and the people close to you will react. A few years passed, now you completely
forgot this feeling, thus you didn’t care one bit about the car anymore. Rust overwhelmed it
and windows are shattered, a temporary feeling that once went up to the top, has now been
gone and no where to be found. You though, seemed to careless. After all, all you will
eventually get a new one and the cycle repeats.

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