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The Cyclops and the Shoemaker

Once upon a time, a shoemaker lived with his wife above the workshop. The shoemaker
was a very good man, and he worked hard. The day came when he had only enough leather to
make one pair of shoes, he and his wife was very sad.

“I will be able to make a better pair of shoes after I’ve had a good night’s slept,” he told his wife
with sad tone and they went upstairs.

The next morning they went downstairs, and they found their workshop had been broken, even
their leather got steal. They were very sad. After that they tidied up dan repaired their workshop.

After that they tighten up their home security and added trap around their house. After that they
go to sleep.

“Let’s go sleep upstairs,” The Shoemaker said

“Ok, I’ve been really tired this day,” His wife responses

The next morning they found 2 guys coming to their workshop because they feel sorry for the
workshop that had been broken, that 2 guy brought food for shoemaker and his wife and the
shoemaker found some weird footprint soon after they leave.

When the night cames, they were sleeping, and the shoemaker hearing some of sound in their

After that he checked the workshop, and he found 2 guy that gives food for them, but this time
they tranformed into Cyclops and he was really shocked, and scared. And then they break the
workshop table.

The next morning they got help from the neighbors to clean the mess. He still got the
goosebumps from the last night. He was really scared.
And for the next whole week, their neighborhood got terror by the Cyclops who always destroy
their property. After 2 day they had catched the Cyclops and then they got expelled from the city,
and then the neighborhood could live in peace without being disturbed by the Cyclops.

Moral : Never give up on your problem.

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