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English for Tourism and Hospitality


1/ promotion: a special offer

2/ check(ed) in: report at the airport for a flight
3/ package: a package tour (transport, accommodation, etc. all included)
4/ book: as a verb, make a reservation
5/ stay: spend time at a holiday destination, often used as a noun in this context
6/ armchair: armchair tourist/tourism: S.O who takes an interest in travel and
tourism without actually visiting the destination
7/ interdisciplinary (a):
8/ ever-increasing
9/ TGR = tourism generating region = where tourist com from
10/ TDR = tourism destination region = where they go to

 Info about Thomas Cook:

Package tour
GIT Group Inclusive Travel
FIT Free Independent Travel

Twin-sharing accommodation
Single room >> pay extra
No single supplements (không phải trả thêm tiền cho phòng đơn khi muốn ở một

Adult >> 12 yearsof age >> full fare

Child >> 2 years of age to < 12 years >> 70% >> Miss/Mister
Infant >> <2 years of age >> 30% >> Inf

What is tourism? Definition by an English-English dictionary

- Tourism is the practice of travelling for pleasure, on holiday
- The business of providing services, such as transportation, places to stay,
tours, hotels, entertainment for tourists.
- Defined as the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places
outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for
leisure business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an
activity remunerated from within the place visited (UNWTO).

 What are the main impacts of tourism?

- improved tax revenue and personal income
- increased standards of living
- more employment opportunities
- economy: employment, income,…
- Society: development
- Culture: cross-cultural understanding,…

Unit 2: What’s your kind of tourism?

Some kinds of tourism:

 Adventure tourism: tourists do some adventures activities such as
skydiving, hill climbing, scuba diving,…
 Agritourism: involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that
brings visitors to a farm or ranch.
 Backpacking: a form of low-cost, independent travel, which often includes
staying in inexpensive lodgings and carrying all necessary possessions in a
 Events tourism: a form of tourism involving travel to attend events, both on
the part of dedicated event tourists travelling for specific events and other
tourist attending events while away from home.
 Heritage tourism: travelling to experience the places, artifacts and activities
that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and can
include cultural, historic and natural resources.
 Health/wellness tourism: a wider term for travel that focuses on medical
treatments and the use of healthcare services, ranging from preventive and
health-conductive treatment to rehabilitational and curative forms of travel
 Sports tourism: a fast-growing sector of the global travel industry which
involves either observing or participating in a sporting event while staying
apart from the tourists’usual environment
 Space tourism: the activity of travelling into space for recreational
purposes, either personal or commercial spacelights and it covers
spaceflights that are sub-orbital, orbital, and even beyond Earth orbit.


Invention of TV >> introduced people to other parts of the world

Invention of steam engines and railways >> made overland travel quicker and
easier and also allowed groups of people to travel together
Invention of motor car >> gave people more freedom to move around
Introduction of computer technology >> faster booking and reservations
systems, quicker information
Introduction of holidays with pay >> people had more time and money to spend
on things like holidays
Invention of jet engine >> air travel became quicker and cheaper
Building of roads (Romans) >> made travel between area quicker
Building of great pyramids, temples, and cathedrals >> produced great sights
that people wanted to visit
Introductin of traveller’s cheques >> tourists and travellers didn’t need to carry
cash (therefore safer to travel )
Development f stagecoach and horses transport system >> overland travel
became quicker and it also led to the development of a system of hotels and inns
at the various stages of the journey
Second World War >> gave people experience of the wider world, also changed
attitudes in the post-war world
An increased standard of living and a rise in disposable incomes >> people had
more money to spend on holidays


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