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Module 1: Activity 1

a. Based on the video clips, what did you learn about social innovation?
When I watched the two video clips I saw how the people strive for a better life and
finding ways to lessen poverty. One of the reason why we can’t escape poverty is
because of the lack of social innovations. I think that with connectivity, creativity
and, innovation we can find solution to certain problems just like building a portable
water for it to be more accessible for people living in high places, another one is
develop or think of methods for sustainable energy just like what it is said in ‘Hands
in the Mist’. The life of the Filipino in Kubo, The Disaster Relief House also shows
that with innovation and critical thinking we can help people who are in need. I
learned that with social innovation we can build greater things, find solution to every
problem, engaging in a more responsive community and to have a more inclusive
and sustainable development.

b. Summarize what you have watched through concept map.

Module 2: Activity 2
Design Thinking: An Overview

“The essential ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality to meet user
need and drive business success.”
The “Design Thinking: An Overview” introduces that design thinking is a philosophy
and a set of tools to help people solve problems creatively. It specifically focuses to the
human-centered side of creative problem solving. It emphasizes understanding and meeting
the demands of end users in order to develop creative solutions. Design Thinking is
presented as a structured process compromising five stages which are empathize, define,
ideate, prototype and test.
As a Management Accounting student, design thinking is a big help to my chosen
field such that management accounting primarily deals with financial data and data analysis
that helps in planning, controlling and decision making of a business. Problem
identification, one of the empathetic approach of design thinking can assist management
accountants in better understanding of the organization's financial challenges and needs.
This in-depth insight is critical for effectively detecting financial difficulties and
possibilities. Management accountants frequently seek inventive ways to maximize profits
and minimize losses. The design thinking ideation phase stimulates unconventional
thinking, which can lead to creative financial methods. Collaborations, in both design
thinking and management accounting, collaborative effort is essential. Better financial
decision-making and resource allocation can arise from cross-functional collaboration.
The application of design thinking could potentially assist the economic difficulties
we are facing such as income inequality, unemployment, and poverty. Design thinking may
be useful like providing empathetic solutions, empathy is the starting point for design
thinking. Policymakers, businesses, and financial institutions can design more targeted and
effective solutions to alleviate income disparity and poverty if they genuinely grasp the
demands and issues that different economic groups face. Innovative job creation, the
ideation phase of design thinking can result in the development of new company models
and job prospects and encouragement of entrepreneurship and small business development
can aid in the fight against unemployment.
I believe that design thinking is a holistic approach that places the needs and
experiences of individuals. To summarize, it offers a fresh perspective to people by
promoting empathy, collaboration and creativity. It is a powerful framework in solving
problems. It reminds us that design is not limited to aesthetics but extends to the creation
of meaningful and effective solutions for a variety of challenges. The design thinking
overview serves as a valuable introduction to the concept and its potential applications,
inspiring readers to embrace a more human-centered, creative, and innovative approach to
problem-solving. Design thinking has the potential to transform the way we tackle complex
problems and create a positive impact in diverse fields.

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