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BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement


Section 1: Continuous improvement and innovation review 4

Section 2: Plan and implement continuous improvement and innovation 18

Section 3: Continuous improvement and innovation monitoring and evaluation 31

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Student name: Abdul

Assessor: Waseem


Business (and work area if WORLDUCATION

relevant) this assessment is
based on:

Role: General Manager

What role will you assume? I am a general manager at WORLDUCATION. All senior executives
submit reports, and you possess a direct impact on the business
How does this role contribute
to the broader work goals?

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Section 1: Continuous improvement and innovation review

Summarise the business or work area.

Review organisational The documents which I read are as follow:

 Strategic plan
Which documents did you
 Operational plan
 Organizational structure
Which policies and
 Internal and external communication policies and procedures
procedures will guide your
approach to approvals, Policies and procedures guide to approach to approvals, project
project management and management and change management are as follow:
change management?
 Strategic plan
Attach the documents
 Operational plan
(including the notes you made
as you read them) to this  Organizational structure

section of the portfolio.  Internal and external communication policies

Attach the policy and Attach the documents (including the notes you made as you read
procedures (including the them) to this section of the portfolio.
notes you made as you read
them) to this section of the
portfolio. All the policies are attached within assessment.

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Products and services What are the products and services?

What are the products and

WORLDUCATION is a business to business (b2b) vendor of tablet
computers. To improve student engagement and education, we also
develop software, content, and activities.

Objectives Objectives

List the key business Strategic Priorities:

 Make sure that the strategic policies are supported by all
financial operations, performance metrics, and outcomes.

 Making profitable, accountable, well-organized and fruitful

 Find new and increased revenue streams as well as

strategies to assist more underprivileged classrooms

 Make at least 10% in profit annually

Expand our scope:

 Expanding the selection of products and services offered to

reach to a large target

 Boosting sales to raise fund for underprivileged classrooms

Develop rapport:

 Customer-centred approach with a focus on meeting their

need for superior technology

 Strengthen our employees skills to help customer

 Maintaining a well-functioning help desk to address client


 Encouraging innovation to better satisfy customer needs.

 Boost internal customer effectiveness by giving each team

access to efficient systems.

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Captivate staff:

 Continue progress towards a workforce and customer-

focused high-performance culture

 Strengthen employee skills, to better meet customer needs

 Drive innovation and responding to change

 Continue to improve the diversity of our workforce

 Explore the use of technology in human resources.

Organization framework:

 Sale manager and four sale representatives makeup the

sales team

 The Operations Manager, the Administration Officer, and the

Accounts Officer make up the Operations Team

 The Help Desk Officer, IT Support Officer, and IT Manager

comprise the IT Team. Every year, every team creates a
performance plan for the next twelve months.

It is anticipated that every team will:

 Establish overarching goals that correspond with its primary

role and our strategic directives

 Identify general duties based on the position held within the


 Set outcomes

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Key decision makers Senior management includes CEO and general manager, also
include sale manager, IT manager and Operation manager.
Who are the key decision
makers (stakeholders to Whom you will report or seek advice from)?
whom you will report or seek
As a general manager, I answer to the CEO. I must obtain approval
advice from)?
for my project.

I’m going to put together a creative team to complete my project. I'll

consult with my group, the management, and both internal and
external specialists for advice.

Operational processes Describe key operational processes.

Describe key operational  The intricate supply chain at starts with a sale, which is
processes. typically made through a sales representative or an online
inquiry that the sales team responds to.

 Generally, a sales representative will handle sales or sale

team will handle online inquiries.

 An internal Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP

System) tracks sales and alerts the operations team when a
delivery order needs to be made.

 The operations team approves the delivery of a

manufacturing request to the factory in Hong Kong and
verifies the sales order.

 The Hong Kong manufacturing team takes note of the order

specifications and delivery information and adds it to the
production schedule. After the order is produced, the
operations team arranges for shipping and freight.

Supply chain Summarise the supply chain associated with the work area or
Summarise the supply chain
associated with the work area WORLDUCATION is a supply chain that begins when a sale is made
or organisation. via online enquiry or through a sale representative. Sales are
recorded in the internal enterprise resource planning system “ERP
System”; notify operations team that an order needs to be delivered.

The Operations team verifies the order and authorizes the delivery of

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

the production request to the Hong Kong factory.

The manufacturing team in Hong Kong records the order

specifications and delivery details and incorporates them into their
production schedule. Order is produced and the operations team
arranges to ship directly to the customer.

Performance Improvement Which strategies are currently used to monitor and evaluate the
performance and sustainability of key systems and processes?
Which strategies are currently
used to monitor and evaluate Team meetings, employee surveys, the use of financial reports and
the performance and regular performance reports and staff monitoring and evaluation are
sustainability of key systems important techniques for assessing the performance and
and processes? sustainability of important systems and processes.

Discuss the current Discuss the current continuous improvement systems,

continuous improvement processes, and innovations being used.
systems, processes, and
To reflect best practices, all policies and procedures should be
innovations being used.
examined and updated. Owing to world state economy, we are
coming up with ideas and providing cost estimates for potential future
business models while taking a wait and watch approach.

Policies and procedures What are the organisational requirements for approvals, change
management, project management and knowledge
What are the organisational
requirements for approvals,
change management, project Any kind of approval is based on hierarchal chart of organization. I
management and knowledge must obtain permission from the CEO and other senior management
management? in my capacity as general manager. I should give my approval to
other managers. In accordance with that, their subordinates will seek

Procedures and policies for external communication This pertains to

any proprietary and material information. This covers information on
the website and intranet, news releases, verbal communication (with
outside parties like analysts, investors, and the media), senior
management presentations, and annual and quarterly reports. This
covers (without being restricted to) press releases, blogs,
newspapers, magazines, advertisements, and social media. The
executive management team of world education must approve any
news release that is sent to press or general public.

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Summarise and analyse current performance to identify changes and improvement opportunities.

Analyse performance to Summarise the performance outcomes of your business.

identify performance
 The company performance was over anticipating amid
variances from existing plans.
quarantine (pandemic) and trade was developing. Number of
Summarise the performance clients in 2020 was 186, but in 2021 were 254.
outcomes of your business.
 Because of outlet closure as it were 500 out of 2000 tablets
Include mathematical were dispatched by April 2021. Shipments delays will be
information in your summary most likely to be proceeded.
Staff numbers are steady.
How has the current business
performance varied from what  Revenue $5 min, expenses $4.5, profit $0.5 min
was planned?

Attach documents showing

How has the current business performance varied from what
performance information as
was planned?
evidence that you’ve collected
 Number of customer increased by 68
the information.
 Delivery delays for roughly 75% of products coming from a

 Three weeks was the average wait.

 Using Zoom, the sales team operates online

 The administrative staff's workload has increased

 Earnings up to 40% of sales and as expected

Attach documents showing performance information as

evidence that you’ve collected the information.

Documents showing performance information as evidence that I have

collected the information is shown in this assessment ahead.

Identify and analyse trends Describe current trends and opportunities associated with
and opportunities industry in which the business operates.

Describe current trends and  Possibilities for combining all services and goods into one
opportunities associated with
 Production and delivery are delayed as a result of the

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

industry in which the business pandemic

 The number of people working from home increases tablet
Analyse how these trends demand.
and opportunities impact the
 An increase cyber risk and violation
 Educational institutes must upgrade technology

Analyse how these trends and opportunities impact the


 Offer cloud-based software’s to educational institute and

other clients

 Look into different shipping options or consider outsourcing

production to a different nation instead, concentrate on cloud

 Take into account expanding your manufacturing plant or

refurbishing your old tablets

 Ensure that our product is secure and safe from cyber threats

Analyse supply chains and operational and service systems to identify changes, improvements, and
new ideas

Perform Gap Analysis using the table provided to describe the current state of the supply chain and
operational and service systems and the desired state of the supply chain and operational and service
systems. Also identify solutions to bridge any gaps and the cost-benefit calculations of the solutions.
You may identify more than one solution per issue

Current state Future state Gap solutions Cost-benefit

(at least four issues) (these may be

changes, improvement
opportunities and new

Laying out a second producing

Lack of gadgets due Have more  Laying out a
office(estimated cost
to factory closure than 1 second
supplier of producing $5 million)
equipment office
Re-evaluating fabricating to a
 Re-evaluating
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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement
third party(lost margin of
fabricating to a
$200 per unit sold or $2 million
third party
per year
 Buying off the
assuming 10 000 units are sold)
rack tablet
Buying off the rack tablet(lost
 Reusing margin of
utilized tablet $300 per unit sold or $3 million
per year)
Reusing utilized tablet($100 per

sold or $1 million)

Lack of CRM Integrate Develop CRM The cost per user right now is
CRM with $12.5. With 254 customers, the
ERP cost comes to $3.175.

Postponement of Creating Concentrate on cloud Project expense is $2 million

delivery software that based-software’s so
No losses due to shipment
runs in the there is no need to
cloud and deliver as customers
$45,000 annually
allows users can download the
to access it programme Absolutely no delivery fees
No expenses for production
wherever on
their own

sale team Using Sale team was A video will cost $ 5,000 to
communication with animation overpowered with deal develop and can be developed
clients online using videos to gatherings over in house or anywhere
zoom and they feel demonstrate ZOOM (as gone
the product against to eye to eye
for sale gatherings with
clients). The Sales
Manager has
assessed that such a
video will cost $5,000
to create (and can be

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

created in house).

Set objectives What are the objectives for improving how things work?

What are the objectives for Use assets all the more productively
improving how things work?
Enhance inside cycles and frameworks
What are the continuous
All staff to enhance their work
improvement objectives and
What are the continuous improvement objectives and desired
desired outcomes?
outcomes? Adjust our business for changes in external

The objective of continuous improvement is to implement regular

modifications that enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and
effectiveness of our business operations.

Commence the implementation of continuous improvement by

identifying a specific issue, devising solutions in collaboration with a
team, experimenting with ideas, and closely monitoring the resulting

These elements collaborate to decrease expenses and enhance

outcomes, whether it pertains to the excellence of a product or

Identify team members and seek their input.

Identify at least two team Identify at least two team members

I would select:
Who in the team do you
IT Manager : Hal Hyland
believe is instrumental to
Administration Officer: Alan Ibrahim
ensuring continuous
improvement and innovation? Who in the team do you believe is instrumental to ensuring
Give your rationale for this. continuous improvement and innovation? Give your rationale
for this.

Hal Hyland has a broad involvement in IT and passionate about

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

cloud innovation.

While Alan Ibrahim is an excellent team player with a keen eye for
protocols and systems. In his free time, doing businesses and jobs.

Best practices Describe best practice ways of working that teams can use to
achieve continuous improvement and to be innovative. Give at
Describe best practice ways
least four examples
of working that teams can use
to achieve continuous Will be open for advancement and backing ground-breaking
improvement and to be thoughts. Which are as follow:
innovative. Give at least four
 Brainstorming
 Involve everybody before decision making

 Surveys

 Suggestion box

Learning opportunities What learning opportunities exist for the team to improve their
skills and knowledge in relation to continuous improvement and
What learning opportunities
innovation? Describe at least two.
exist for the team to improve
their skills and knowledge in
relation to continuous
Coaching to Support team members with their performance
improvement and innovation?
Training to the team members to learn new skills and extend their
Describe at least two.

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Seek input

Insert a screen shot of your

email to the team members or
attach it as evidence to this
section of your portfolio.

Reply from Team member

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Attach: Documents and policies and procedures ☐

Performance information ☐

Email to team members (if relevant) ☐


Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Section 2: Plan and implement continuous improvement and innovation

Select most appropriate changes/opportunities/new ideas.

Select most appropriate The Solutions chosen are here as follow:

changes, opportunities, and
1. Cloud computing - Solves new deployment problems and high
new ideas.
demand. The benefits are greater more than the price.
Choose three solutions (from
2. Sales video production: Help the sales team solve complex
your Gap analysis) to focus
problems and deliver a unified message to customers. The difference
on as part of your continuous
is that it is expensive and can be developed in-house, so the benefits
improvement efforts.
outweigh the costs.
These should be the best
3. Automate the financial processes you need to gain buy-in from
solutions based on your Gap
your management team.
analysis and cost-benefit
It is done by hand. The cost is computer training for employees. The

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Say why you chose these cost of installing robotic automation is about $40,000.
three issues (consider
The advantage is that it does not burden our employees, reduces the
resources, needs and
number of manual errors and eliminates the need for our finance

Plan for continuous improvement.

Continuous Improvement Plan for [Add business name]

Objectives and KPIs of the plan

List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organisation. You
have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1.

 Adjust our business for changes in external environment

 Utilize assets more Productively

 Upgrade inner forms and frameworks

 All staff to boost their skills for work

Continuous improvement systems and processes

Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement
changes, opportunities, or new ideas.

Our innovative team will analyses best practices and improve internal processes and policies.
Similarly, there will be monthly meeting to discuss creative ideas.

Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes

Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement
and innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six
key actions.

Change/Opportunity/ Key actions related to Resources Constraints Time

new idea continuous frames
improvement and
innovation (e.g.,
improvement registers,

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

updating policies etc.)

Cloud based software’s Surveys and customer Sales team Inadequately Jan
reviews answers from 2023

Evaluating results and Workers Exposure of Jan

brainstorm ideas from diverse ideas 2023
group who
have diverse

Create sale videos Instruct sales team on IT manager Perhaps in- Feb
new policies and how to person 2022
use videos meetings are
still required

Analyse and update Admin Team Translation Feb

policies and procedures for foreign 2022
about sales clients into

Automate financial tasks Examine and revise Admin team Might issues Sep
new software based with technical 2022
policies and processes part

Train employees and Operation Insufficient Sep

solicit their opinions manager employees 2022


Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the
organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people.

Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals,
project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this.

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Change/Opportunity/new Impact of change and Transition Plan

idea and associated actions consequences for people

Cloud-based software’s Improved customer technology Analyse customer feedback

Increase teamwork Share update with customer

and team
New sale techniques

Results in job losses for

manufacturing workers

Create sale videos More work for IT team Policy and procedure updates
and distribution along staff with
Less work and more uniform
sales process

Automate financial tasks Manager solicit feedback from Update and distribute policies
employees as certain and procedures
individuals have different job
Training for employees
Discuss options with IT team
Find an external service and
train IT staff

Risk management

Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be
Non-performance of staff members.

Risk Potential outcomes Risk response Contingency plan

What are the risks List potential outcomes Will you avoid, How will you manage
associated with your for each risk. retain, share, the risk (e.g., progress
plan? List at least transfer or reduce reports, training,
three. the risk? insurance etc.)?

Staff failure Decline in sales Lessen Train staff

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Failed expectations Customer complain Lessen Survey and consult


Poorly translated Decline in sales and Share In-charge Professional

videos also negative impact translators
on reputation


Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated.

What must be Who will you How will you When must the Further
communicated? communicate communicate? communication comments
to? take place?

Acquaint Customer Social media/ Websites After launch of Should be

customers about new product translated to
new products different

New policies and Staff Email/internet Before N/A

procedure Automation

New job roles Finance team Meeting and email After every N/A

Training for staff Sale team Email invite Before training N/A

Finance team

Meeting for Staff from Email invite Regular N/A

brainstorming different teams meetings

Survey for Customers Email/Website survey Before launch of Should be

customers product translated to

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Acquaint staff Sales team Email/Internet/Meetings/ Before launch of N/A

about new product


Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous
improvement, innovation, and learning.

Knowledge management

Select which of the activities below are used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management
system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation.

Knowledge management item Have learnings

been captured
and managed?

Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the YES


Sharing of best practices YES

Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with NO

other organisations

Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews YES

Mentoring and coaching YES

Performance management YES

Social software such as blogs, wikis NO

Shared documents in cloud-based storage NO

Mentor and coach team members.

Plan for team meeting Who will you meet with?

Who will you meet with? Innovative team

How will you facilitate

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

effective group interaction? How will you facilitate effective group interaction?

How will you build rapport I will urge everybody to take interest and will use active listening
with the team members to techniques.
ensure positive working
How will you build rapport with the team members to ensure
positive working relationships?
What questions will you ask
I will approach everybody with deference and poise, let everybody
about team member’s vision
share thoughts and pay attention to them. I will impart my own
for continuous improvement
experiences to them.
and innovation to guide you
What questions will you ask about team member’s vision for
continuous improvement and innovation to guide you
How will you coach the team
in innovation?
I will ask them by what valid reason we need to be creative, where
Attach your questionnaire to they might to see us later on, what creative thoughts arouse them.
this section of the portfolio.
How will you coach the team in innovation?

I will meet beyond the work place in a more casual settings. I will use
different techniques of learning like brainstorming and opposite

Attach your questionnaire to this section of the portfolio.

Did I make things obvious?

Is it safe to say that I was locking in?

Is it safe to say that I was good to go?

Did I approach your thoughts with deference?

What did I get along nicely?

What I could improve?

Team meeting What feedback did you receive about how you ran the meeting?

What feedback did you Though meeting was a bit longer than expected but the feedback was
receive about how you ran positive.
the meeting?
How can you improve your performance in future?
How can you improve your
By evaluating every aspect of our business to determine whether it is
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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

performance in future? performing at its best. A clear roadmap for continuous improvement
is created.
If not viewed in person by
your assessor, attach proof of If not viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of the
the team meeting to this team meeting to this section of your portfolio.
section of your portfolio.

Meeting minutes

November 23, 2021



Hal Hyland

Alan Ibrahim

Topics Discussed:

1. Innovative ideas

2. Cloud-based solutions

3. Best practice examples

Decisions Made: All attendees agreed to prepare their suggestions

before the next meeting.

Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for December 21,




Hal Hyland

Alan Ibrahim

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Implement innovative processes.

Implement continuous Which change/opportunity/new idea did you implement?

Introducing cloud-based solution
change/opportunity/new idea
Attach proof to this section of your portfolio.
did you implement?

Attach proof to this section of

your portfolio.

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Address impact of How did you address the impact?

change/opportunity/new idea
Through social media plate-forms either making a video or post
How did you address the
Attach proof to this section of your portfolio.
World-education goes to cloud!
Attach proof to this section of
your portfolio. We are excited to announce that starting today we intoduce a cloud-
based product available today.No need for delivery. Our product is
innovative, readily available and is ultra-modern.

Click for a link to product!

Attach: Performance questionnaire ☐

Team meeting (if not already viewed in

person by your assessor)

Proof of implemented change ☐

Proof of how you addressed the impact ☐

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CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

of change

Performance questionnaire

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CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Team meeting

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CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Proof of how you addressed the impact of change

Proof of implemented change:

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National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Section 3: Continuous improvement and innovation monitoring and evaluation

Monitor and evaluate performance.

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CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement

Continuous improvement How well you are the continuous improvement systems,
systems, processes and innovations and processes are working?
innovation evaluation
The staff surveys outcomes are predominantly favourable. We have a
How well you are the few recommendation for enhancement, and it is imperative to foster
continuous improvement increased communication and engagement with staff, which includes
systems, innovations and organizing meetings with them.
processes are working?

Recognise successes What continuous improvement successes can be celebrated?

What continuous The customer survey reveals that most customers are satisfied with
improvement successes can the cloud-based software’s and just one customer had some issue
be celebrated? but was resolved.

Insert a screen shot of your Insert a screen shot of your email to team members or attach
email to team members or proof of the draft email to this section of the portfolio.
attach proof of the draft email
Dear team,
to this section of the portfolio.
I am thrilled to announce that our cloud-based products have
been launched before the expected date and have received great
feedback from our customers. We have only received one report
of a technical issue, which has been resolved. As a gesture of
gratitude, we would like to offer everyone an extra paid day off,
which can be availed upon request. Thank you for your
commitment and hard work.



Screen shot of your email to team members or attach proof of

the draft email to this section of the portfolio.

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Continuous improvement or Describe the failure and analyse the causes.

innovation failure (non-
In some departments, employees are still doing work manually rather
than using software’s to complete their tasks.
Describe the failure and
Possible reason: Insufficiency of training has results in their lack of
analyse the causes.
confidence in new software’s.
Attach proof of implemented
Attach proof of implemented contingency measures.
contingency measures.

To: admin team

Goal: Supplementary software training

Dear team members,

Following the feedback we have received, it has come to our

attention that some individuals are not feeling confident in their ability
to utilize the new software due to insufficient training. In light of this,
we have made the decision to organize an additional training session
this Friday, starting at 9:00 am.
The training session will span a total of 4 hours, with a 1-hour coffee
break included.

The schedule for the training session is as follows:

9:00 am - 11:00 am: Theory
11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Break
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Practice

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An Outlook invitation for the training session will be sent to you later
today. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
to reach out.
Best regards,

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New challenges and What are new challenges and opportunities?

We need to keep maintenance of automated financial software’s and
What are new challenges and have to be make beyond any doubt that staff is well prepared and
opportunities? certain in it.

Also, the inflationary pressure was the challenge but we overcome

through that also through different strategies of sale.

Manage new challenges and opportunities.

Update Continuous Improvement plan to show new challenges or opportunities. Also confirm that
knowledge management systems have been used as planned.

Continuous Improvement Plan for [Add business name]

Objectives and KPIs of the plan

List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organisation. You
have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1.

 Adjust our business for changes in external environment

 Utilize assets more Productively

 Upgrade inner forms and frameworks

 All staff to boost their skills for work

Continuous improvement systems and processes

Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement
changes, opportunities, or new ideas.

Our innovative team will analyses best practices and improve internal processes and policies.
Similarly, there will be monthly meeting to discuss creative ideas.

Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes

Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement and
innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six key
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Change/Opportunity/ Key actions related to Resources Constraints Time

new idea continuous frames
improvement and
innovation (e.g.,
improvement registers,
updating policies etc.)

Cloud based software’s Surveys and customer Sales team Inadequately Jan
reviews answers from 2023

Evaluating results and Workers Exposure of Jan

brainstorm ideas from diverse ideas 2023
group who
have diverse

Create sale videos Instruct sales team on IT Team Perhaps in- Feb
new policies and how to person 2022
use videos meetings are
still required

Analyse and update Admin Team Translation Feb

policies and procedures for foreign 2022
about sales clients into

Automate financial tasks Examine and revise new Admin Team Might issues Sep
software based policies with technical 2022
and processes part

Train employees and Operation Insufficient Sep

solicit their opinions manager employees 2022

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Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the
organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people.

Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals,
project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this.

Change/Opportunity/new Impact of change and Transition Plan

idea and associated actions consequences for people

Cloud-based software’s Improved customer technology Analyse customer feedback

Increase teamwork Share update with customer

and team
New sale techniques

Results in job losses for

manufacturing workers

Create sale videos More work for IT team Policy and procedure updates
and distribution along staff with
Less work and more uniform
sales process

Automate financial tasks Manager solicit feedback from Update and distribute policies
employees as certain and procedures
individuals have different job
Training for employees
Discuss options with IT team
Find an external service and
train IT staff

Risk management

Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be
Non-performance of staff members.

Risk Potential outcomes Risk response Contingency plan

What are the risks List potential outcomes Will you avoid, How will you manage
associated with your for each risk. retain, share, the risk (e.g., progress
plan? List at least transfer or reduce reports, training,
three. the risk? insurance etc.)?

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Staff failure Decline in sales Lessen Train staff

Failed expectations Customer complain Lessen Survey and consult


Poorly translated Decline in sales and Share In-charge Professional

videos also negative impact translators
on reputation


Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated.

What must be Who will you How will you When must the Further
communicated? communicate communicate? communication comments
to? take place?

Acquaint Customer Social media/ Websites After launch of Should be

customers about new product translated to
new products different

New policies and Staff Email/internet Before N/A

procedure Automation

New job roles Finance team Meeting and email After every N/A

Training for staff Sale team Email invite Before training N/A

Finance team

Meeting for Staff from Email invite Regular N/A

brainstorming different teams meetings

Survey for Customers Email/Website survey Before launch of Should be

customers product translated to

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Acquaint staff Sales team Email/Internet/Meetings/ Before launch of N/A

about new product


Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous
improvement, innovation, and learning.

Knowledge management

Select which of the activities below tare used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management
system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation.

Knowledge management item Have learnings

been captured
and managed?

Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the YES


Sharing of best practices YES

Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with NO

other organisations

Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews YES

Mentoring and coaching YES

Performance management YES

Social software such as blogs, wikis YES

Shared documents in cloud-based storage YES

Attach: Email to celebrate successes ☐

Implemented contingency measures ☐

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Email to celebrate successes:

Implemented contingency measures:

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Executive Summary

Established in 2016, WORLDUCATION is a social enterprise specializing in the production of tablet

computers designed specifically for primary school students. Our primary objective is not limited to
hardware development; we also strive to develop software, content, and activities that effectively
captivate and educate young learners. WORLDUCATION'S ultimate goal is to revolutionize the
traditional learning approach by incorporating artificial intelligence technology. This innovative approach
enables us to track each child's progress and tailor their learning experience to meet their individual
needs, thereby creating an optimal path for their educational journey.

WORLDUCATION has a vision of a global society where every child acquires the essential skills of
reading and writing, thereby eradicating illiteracy. Consequently, for every educational institution that
purchases our product, we contribute by providing both resources and training to a classroom in a
disadvantaged region of the world that lacks access to similar technological advancements.
Subsequently, we establish connections between these classrooms, enabling them to foster growth and
collaborate seamlessly throughout their educational journey.

Vision Statement
Envisioning a world where illiteracy is eradicated

Mission Statement
To foster a world free from illiteracy, one must embrace change and revolutionize the educational system
for children, while also ensuring that technology is accessible to a greater number of schools.

Our values are:

Our operations are grounded on fundamental principles that guide our actions, namely

Ethical conduct

Inventive thinking


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Strategic Priorities

 In order to achieve effective leadership, high performance, profitability, and accountability, it is

crucial to ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators, and results align with the
strategic policies.

 Additionally, it is important to identify new sources of revenue and expand existing ones, while
finding innovative ways to support more classrooms in need.

 Lastly, the goal should be to achieve annual profits of at least 10%.

Increase our reach

1. Expand the variety of products and services available in order to broaden the reach to a wider
target market.

2. Broaden the range of products and services offered to effectively target a larger market segment.

Continue building deeper customer relationships

1. Emphasizing the importance of customer satisfaction, our practice revolves around meeting their
comprehensive requirements for top-notch technology.

2. We strive to enhance the capabilities of our employees in order to provide superior assistance to
our valued customers.

3. Our help desk function is designed to efficiently address and fulfill the needs of our customers.

4. By equipping each team with effective systems, we aim to enhance the efficiency of our internal

5. We continuously drive innovation to ensure that we are able to effectively cater to the evolving
demands of our customers.

Attract, engage, and develop the best staff:

The company is prioritizing customer-centred culture, enhancing employee skills, fostering

innovation, promoting diversity, and exploring technology in human resources.

Organisation structure:

The company is led by Senior Management, with key teams including Sales, Operations, and IT.
Each team develops a performance plan for the next 12 months, setting objectives, defining
responsibilities, and setting outcomes, all aligned with the company's strategic directions.

The Market:

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The technology market is rapidly evolving, with emerging technologies like AI and IOT. Cyber
security is gaining importance. The pandemic has affected hardware supply, but consumer
spending has increased due to remote work, boosting tablet demand.

Situation Analysis:

Strengths: Crucial elements include the company's worth and calibre, capable leadership,
devoted clientele, a welcoming workplace environment, and the amount of funding available for

Opportunities: Schools must update their technology. There are opportunities to provide a
variety of services.

• Possibilities for combining all services and goods into one.

Weakness: The organization is expanding, but the brand name is not as well-developed as it
could be.

Threats: The intense level of competition in the market has led to various challenges for
businesses. Additionally, the ongoing economic downturn has resulted in a decrease in overall
spending by consumers. Moreover, failing to meet the demands of clients has further added to
the difficulties faced by companies.

Marketing Strategies

The organization aims to expand its market presence by:

 Enhancing marketing and advertising efforts

 Consistently enhancing the quality of customer service

 Collaborating with all stakeholders to recognize industry requirements and create products
and services that meet those needs.

 Focusing on specific growth markets with well-planned market-driven campaigns that employ
various advertising techniques and media.

 Offering appealing pricing models to our clients

 Continuously enhancing the abilities, knowledge, and efficiency of our team through training
and development programs

 Regularly assessing the effectiveness of all operations and making necessary


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As a company we focus on collaboration both within and outside of the company. Currently our
external partners are:

 Lion Marketing – our marketing agency.

 IT Biz Solutions – Internet Service Provider and web hosting.

 Oz Aid – informs of us education projects in need.

Key innovation and continuous improvement approach

To ensure the effectiveness and longevity of crucial systems and procedures, it is essential to
implement various monitoring and evaluation techniques such as conducting team meetings,
administering employee surveys, and utilizing financial and periodic performance reports.


Supply chain background

The sales order is thoroughly checked by the operations team before granting authorization for delivery
of the manufacturing request to the Hong Kong factory. The manufacturing team in Hong Kong takes
note of the order specifications and delivery details and integrates them into their production schedule.

Operational alternatives

Management has devised a ground breaking approach, which involves the creation of a secondary
production facility (approximated expenditure: $5 million) and the delegation of manufacturing to a third-
party ($200 per unit sold, or $200 per unit annually). They have also developed a cloud-based solution
that enables customers to access software remotely through their personal devices (estimated cost: $2
million). Additionally, customers have the option to acquire standard tablets ($300 per unit sold, or $3
million in annual profit loss) or utilize pre-owned tablets ($100 per year).

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Operational Activities

A new plan has been put in place to develop a cloud-based solution while maintaining the
current business model. The operational tasks for the upcoming year have been identified and the
allocation of responsibilities will be based on the skills and potential of the staff members.

Operational Activities When Who

New activities

Finalisation of proposal for cloud- Mid 2022 To be allocated

based solution

Research into cloud-based solution Mid to end 2022 To be allocated

Finalisation of cloud-based solution January 2023 To be allocated

Develop promotional and Early 2022 To be allocated

demonstrative video for sales staff


Prepare paper for Global Education January 2022 To be allocated


Submit paper for Global Education February 2022 To be allocated


Present paper at Global Education January 2022 To be allocated


Implement new Professional 2022 To be allocated

Development system – all staff to
identify two PD events of their choice


Identify suitable events for 2022, January 2022 To be allocated

including sustainable opportunities
e.g., virtual events

Organise attendance at events, January 2022 To be allocated

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Operational Activities When Who

including setting up a stand

Ongoing activities – focus on 2022

Increase the number of customers by 2022 To be allocated


Implement process automation for 2022 To be allocated

financial processes

Implement a CRM system to integrate 2022 To be allocated

with ERP

Focus on increasing service 2022 To be allocated

satisfaction through help desk support

Identify and implement a continuous 2022 To be allocated

improvement system

Review all policies and procedures 2022 To be allocated

and update as required – particularly
need to focus on formal continuous
improvement and innovation systems
and processes as this is lacking and
so needed in our organisation.

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Organisational structure

Our people

CEO General Manager

Lucas Lopez Irene Green

Sales Manager IT Manager Operations Manager

Jade Somers Hal Hyland Albert Biden

Sales Representative IT Support Accounts

Officer Officer
Jay Santos
Helen Hunt Alicia De Souza

Sales Representative Help Desk

Officer Administration
Jane Stone Officer
Hayley Hill
Alan Ibrahim

Sales Representative

Jala Singh

Jala Singh

The skill of our employees are as follow:

CEO: Lucas Lopez The company was founded by an experienced

social entrepreneur who has successfully
established multiple companies. Additionally, they
dedicated a decade of their life to volunteering in

General Manager: Irene Green Formerly a high school principal, I possess a

resolute social conscience. Additionally, I am an
esteemed member of two NGO boards.

Sales Manager: Jade Somers With a robust sales background spanning over 15
years, he has consistently demonstrated his sales
prowess. He is passionate about motivating his
sales team to achieve their best and is always
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eager to enhance skills. His objective for this year
is to expand the sales team and drive growth.

Sales Representative: Jay Santos Jay has been a valuable member of the company
for half a year. His proficiency in multiple
languages greatly aids in effectively
communicating with customers across various

Sales Representative: Jane Stone She is new to the sales field but has a strong
passion for learning. She is eager to enhance her
sales skills through additional training to ensure
she can effectively utilize proven sales

Sales Representative: Jala Singh With a decade of experience in sales, including

the ICT industry, this individual has demonstrated
their expertise. They possess a genuine passion
for interacting with others and have proven to be
a captivating public speaker during numerous
staff events. It is evident that they have the
potential to excel in a promotional or public
relations position.

IT Manager: Hal Hyland Recently joined the organization, possessing a

decade of experience in the IT industry.
Demonstrates a keen interest in cloud technology
and is presently pursuing a part-time Masters of
IT program.

IT Support Officer: Helen Hunt Over the past 5 years, he have gained extensive
expertise in providing IT support. He possess
excellent customer service skills and a knack for
troubleshooting and resolving issues. Additionally,
he is currently pursuing a part-time Bachelor's
degree in IT. His keen interest lies in cloud
technology and the remarkable potential it holds
for hosting virtual events.

Help Desk Officer: Hayley Hill The individual who recently became a part of our
organization possesses a strong IT background

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along with a customer service background. Their
utmost priority is always the customer's
satisfaction. However, they are somewhat
dissatisfied with the current inefficient systems
implemented for help desk support.

Operations Manager: Albert Biden Highly efficient in organising and scheduling. His
Back-ground in as a high-level public servant.

Accounts Officer: Alicia De Souza Alicia is currently a trainee who is also pursuing a
course in accounts administration. She has
proven to be a valuable asset to the team,
displaying excellent teamwork skills and providing
valuable insights to her role.

Administration Officer: Alan Ibrahim Possesses exceptional skills in arranging and

managing tasks. Demonstrates a keen sense of
structure and processes. Exhibits excellent
teamwork abilities. Currently pursuing a Diploma
of Business Administration during leisure hours.

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Internal Communication Policy and Procedures

WORLDUCATION'S objective is to strengthen and streamline communication efforts in order to reinforce

the organization's vision and strategic priorities, as well as effectively manage any changes that may
arise. In line with this goal, we will persistently work towards the development and experimentation of
novel communication platforms, channels, and tools to enhance the sharing of information and foster
collaboration among all members of our staff.

It is crucial to note that the implementation of this policy must adhere to the applicable legislative
requirements and the highest standards of best practice. WORLDUCATION expects its staff to utilize the
designated channels exclusively for business purposes and to fully comply with all relevant policies and

Communication channels

WORLDUCATION offers a variety of internal communication channels for effective communication,

approvals, project management, change management, and knowledge management. These channels
include a range of options to facilitate seamless collaboration within the organization.

Channel Purpose

Team meetings It is recommended to hold an executive team

meeting on a weekly basis to address any
organization-wide or inter-departmental concerns
and grant approvals as necessary. Similarly,
departmental team meetings should also be held
weekly to discuss issues that are specific to the
department or team. Senior managers are
authorized to provide approvals within their
respective teams. Additionally, project team
meetings should be scheduled at regular intervals
based on the project requirements. The project
team leader is responsible for approving
decisions within the scope of their role.

Staff bulletin The executive has shared significant and

pertinent information with the staff, which includes
updates on training, job openings, and crucial
announcements. Any submissions for the Staff
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Bulletin must receive approval from the respective
manager of the contributor before being
forwarded to the communications officer for
assessment and publication.

Staff surveys To collect information and feedback from all staff

members, surveys should be distributed to
employees through email links by the respective

WORLDUCATION intranet The intranet serves as a convenient platform for

staff to access crucial information. Its primary
purpose is to facilitate the transmission of
important and pertinent information from the
executive team to the staff members. It is the duty
of the content contributor to ensure the accuracy
of the content. Prior approval from the relevant
manager is mandatory for all contributions.

Enterprise social networks Groups of staff can utilize these platforms to

effectively collaborate and communicate on
projects online. This includes sharing and
providing feedback on work-related ideas, news,
and activities. However, it is important to note that
personal use of these platforms is prohibited
during work hours. It is essential to adhere to the
guidelines outlined in the Social Media Policy
when utilizing these networks.

All Staff emails Emails serve as a means of communication

between colleagues. It is obligatory for the staff to
read all the emails that are work-related. Any
approvals given verbally must be validated
through email correspondence.

Email distribution lists The utilization of email distribution lists is

restricted to the executive team exclusively, and it
is imperative to strictly comply with the Privacy

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External Communication Policy and Procedures

This policy is in accordance with the national laws and regulations that
govern WORLDUCATION'S operations. It is applicable to any information that is considered significant
and confidential. This encompasses annual and quarterly reports, news releases, verbal exchanges (with
external individuals like analysts, investors, and the media), and presentations by senior management,
and information available on the company's website and intranet.

It is imperative for employees to refrain from discussing matters or developments that are material and
not yet made public with individuals outside the organization, including family members, relatives, or


There are three primary categories of designated representatives for Worlducation Corporation.

National and international media Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer


Local media Senior Managers

Trade media Sales manager

WORLDUCATION'S executive management team must grant approval for any news release intended
for the media or public. This encompasses various platforms such as blogs, newspapers, magazines,
advertisements, social media, and press statements.

Emergency communication

During times of crisis and emergency situations that may impact

Worlducation and its employees, it is crucial to prioritize safety above all else. In such instances,
employees should promptly inform their direct manager and/or facilities manager, who will then notify the
executive team without delay. When interacting with the media amidst a crisis, it is important to be
accessible for comments and adhere to the following guidelines:

- Provide accurate information based on facts.

- Refrain from disclosing the names of any injured or deceased individuals.

- Display empathy by expressing concern for both employees and the community, as appropriate.

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- Avoid offering personal opinions or engaging in speculation.

- Outline the steps being taken to effectively manage the crisis.

- If uncertain about certain information, politely state, "I need to confirm that information first."

2021 Performance Overview


In the beginning of 2021, WORLDUCATION initiated a significant sale to a school located in Portugal.
While this marked a promising start, the subsequent quarter was overshadowed by the uncertainty
brought about by COVID-19. The substantial surge in customer numbers is undoubtedly positive for
sales; however, we currently lack a dedicated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
Implementing such a system is projected to incur ongoing expenses of approximately $12.50 per user,
but it would greatly contribute to the maintenance and customization of our customer service.

Number of customers Year

186 2020

254 2021


To our surprise, the pandemic has brought in a multitude of new leads, resulting in an unprecedented
growth for our company. However, this growth has also brought along numerous operational and
production problems.

Due to government restrictions limiting the supply, our factory in Hong Kong had to close for a month.
This closure has caused significant disruptions to our operations. Additionally, our sales team has been
overwhelmed with sales meetings conducted over Zoom instead of face-to-face meetings with
customers. In order to alleviate this issue, the sales team has requested the creation of an animated
video to demonstrate our products. The Sales Manager estimates that developing such a video in-house
will cost $5,000.

The tech-support team has been continuously adapting our software to accommodate remote learning
for many schools. However, the varying requirements of different schools have resulted in simple
software errors, leading to several customer complaints.

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Since the onset of COVID-19 and the closure of our factory, we have experienced delays in shipping our
products. Out of the 2,000 tablets that were supposed to be shipped by April 21, only 500 were
completed on schedule. Moving forward, we anticipate an average delay of 3 weeks for all shipments
throughout the year. These continued delays are estimated to cost the business $45,000 annually.


Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, there have been no changes in our staff numbers.
However, our administration staff is currently overworked due to the increased demand. In response,
they have requested the establishment of a dedicated financial team. While the average recruitment cost
per employee is $20,000, the costs associated with replacing lost knowledge and experience due to staff
resignations amount to $25,000 per employee. Furthermore, it has been suggested that automating
financial processes through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) could help alleviate the workload. The
introduction of RPA is estimated to cost around $40,000.


2021 $

Revenue 5,000,000

Expenses 4,500,000

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Staff survey comments

The comments below outline the survey of staff regarding the implementation of continuous improvement
and innovation processes.

Experience of the continuous improvement process

At times, it can be unsettling, causing a slight sense of anxiety within me. Despite management's efforts
to communicate and be transparent, I still harbor a fear of the unknown. If I had to pinpoint one emotion,
it would probably be "disillusionment" because I don't believe the organization is being completely honest
with us regarding the changes. I'm afraid that this continuous improvement system is merely an attempt
to closely monitor our actions. However, I genuinely enjoy and eagerly anticipate the challenges that
come with continuous improvement and innovation. It is what keeps me energized and engaged, so I
embrace it with excitement. I believe that change is beneficial, and I have no reservations about it. In
fact, I am motivated by it.

Personally, I see it as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the organization's operations. I have
encountered various emotions throughout this process, and I'm unsure if it's disappointment or
excitement. Perhaps adopting a "wait and see" approach has led to a sense of unease and nervousness.
I'm uncertain about some of the ideas and how they may potentially create divisions within the
organization. As for myself, I think that different individuals experience a range of emotions when faced
with change. However, I'm not entirely sure if it has affected me or not at this stage.

Resistance to change and new processes

I personally do not resist change. Resisting change is futile as it is an inevitable part of life. Instead, it is
more productive to try and comprehend the reasons behind the change and position oneself in the best
possible way to accomplish the necessary tasks.


The level of communication within the organization is commendable. Transparency is valued as

information is not concealed. However, it is essential to explore additional avenues for communication
beyond meetings and newsletters. While there is good communication within the group, it is crucial to
establish an open line of communication from top to bottom. Currently, rumours tend to provide more
information than superiors, which is unfortunate and unhealthy. Employees should be provided with a
general overview of the organization's happenings to foster trust.

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022
BSBSRT601 Manage Innovation and continuous improvement
Unfortunately, not all information is presented openly, and at times, it feels like pre-made decisions are
being imposed. This restricts open expression and differing opinions. Effective communication is vital, as
it directly impacts trust. When communication channels are open and honest, change becomes more
manageable. The company does make efforts to provide communication, evident through regular staff
meetings. However, the accuracy and truthfulness of the information shared remain uncertain.
Timeliness is another crucial aspect of communication, as delays lead to rumors and misinformation.
Overall, there is room for improvement in communication within the organization, particularly in terms of
change management. While certain individuals excel in this area, it is essential for effective
communication and consultation to reach all levels of the organization.

Melbourne Metropolitan College Document Released by: v1 Last Reviewed:

National Provider No: 40860 BSBSTR601: Project Portfolio
CRICOS Provider No: 03783F Training Manager Feb. 2022

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