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Relative clause

Relative clause 2. which

1. Who. Hanoi, which is the capital of Vietnam, is a
Peter, who helped city for peace.
me with my homework, is one of my best The book which I bought yesterday is very
friends. interesting.
The man who you met yesterday is my

3. That That used for emphasizing

The man that I saw yesterday is my new It is the man that I want to see.
manager. It was the book that I was looking for.
The book that I am looking for is very

4. Definite clause 5. Non definite clause

• The girl who lives next door is very kind to • Hanoi, which is the capital of Vietnam, is a
me. city for peace.
• The car that I have just bought is very • Ho Chi Minh, who was born in Nghean,
expensive was the first President of Vietnam.
• We can not use “that” to replace “who” and
“which” in non-definite clause.
• My father, who likes watching T.V, Is a fan

Hội kiểm toán viên hành nghề Việt Nam (VACPA)

Giảng viên: Phan Thị Thanh Tâm 1
Relative clause

6. whose 7. whom
The man whose car was stolen yesterday is Peter, whom I am looking for, is an
my friend. important guest tonight.
Peter, for whom I am looking, is an
important guest tonight.
Preposition only combine with “whom” and
“which” if it is placed before the relative

That & which is used to replace for

Optional relative pronouns
the clause.
• That I got a pay rise made my family • When the relative pronouns are the
happy. objects of the sentences we can drop
• I got a pay rise, which made my family them.
happy. e.g. The man who I met yesterday is my
new neighbor.
The man I met yesterday is my new

Optional relative clause

1.The first, the second, the only to 2. V -ing
The boy who is waiting for me is my brother.
• He is the first man who saw the fire. The boy waiting for me is my brother.
• He is the first man to see the fire. The staff who works well can get a pay rise.
The staff working well can get a pay rise.
People who came late for the meeting have
been punished.
People coming late for the meeting have
been punished.

Hội kiểm toán viên hành nghề Việt Nam (VACPA)

Giảng viên: Phan Thị Thanh Tâm 2
Relative clause

3. PII 4. Non definite clause

• All of the money that was accepted has Hanoi, which is the capital of Vietnam, is a
already been released. city for peace.
All of the money accepted has already been Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is a city for
released. peace.
• The book which was written by him is very Ho Chi Minh, who was the first President of
interesting. Vietnam, was born in Nghean.
The book written by him is very interesting. Ho Chi Minh, the first President of Vietnam,
was born in Nghean

5. Relative clause with adv

preposition of place
The books that are on the shelf belong to
The books on the shelf belong to Mary.
The students who are in the library now are
The students in the library now are studious.

Hội kiểm toán viên hành nghề Việt Nam (VACPA)

Giảng viên: Phan Thị Thanh Tâm 3

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