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Present perfect

• 2. Use.
Present perfect • A. Express an action which has just
1. Form Just, already ( in positive)
a. Positive.
I have just made a new report.
S + have/ has + PII
b. Negative
Yet: (at the end of the negative and
S + have not ( haven’t)/has not (hasn’t)+ PII
interrogative sentences)
C. Interrogative
I haven’t had dinner yet.
Have/ has + S + PII ?

He has been to Paris . ( He is not in Paris

B. Express the experience. now.)
ever, never
He has gone to Paris. ( He is in Paris now.)
e.g. I have never seen this film before.
C. Express an action which happened in
Have you ever eaten Indian food?
the past and lasts until the present.
this is the first time
For + a period of time
this is the second time
e.g. This is the first time I have read this three months
book. five years
Since + a point of time
1990/ I was born.

Since +Clause V(past simple)
I have worked for this company since I
graduated from university.
So far/ recently/ since then, in the last three
d. Focus on the result.
I have done my homework.
I have made five cakes.

Hội kiểm toán viên hành nghề Việt Nam (VACPA)

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