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What is the primary purpose of exploratory research in business?

a. To test hypotheses and draw conclusions

b. To gather preliminary information and insights

c. To establish cause-and-effect relationships

d. To analyze quantitative data patterns

2. Which of the following is a qualitative research method commonly used in business


a. Surveys

b. Experiments

c. Case studies

d. Regression analysis

3. What does the term “sampling” refer to in business research?

a. The process of selecting a representative group from a larger population

b. The statistical analysis of data

c. The compilation of secondary data sources

d. The examination of historical business trends

4. When conducting a literature review in business research, what is the main objective?

a. To generate new hypotheses

b. To identify gaps in existing research

c. To collect primary data

d. To conduct statistical analysis

5. Which research method is focused on understanding the cause-and-effect relationships

between variables?

a. Descriptive research

b. Exploratory research

c. Experimental research

d. Observational research

6. In business research, what is the purpose of a SWOT analysis?

a. To evaluate the company’s financial performance

b. To identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

c. To conduct regression analysis

d. To measure customer satisfaction

7. What is the key characteristic of a cross-sectional research design?

a. Data collected at a single point in time

b. Data collected over an extended period

c. Focus on cause-and-effect relationships

d. Experimental manipulation of variables

8. What is the primary advantage of using quantitative research methods in business


a. Rich, in-depth insights

b. Exploration of complex relationships

c. Statistical generalization and numerical analysis

d. Flexibility in research design

9. Which ethical consideration is important when conducting business research involving

human participants?

a. Transparency in reporting results

b. Maximizing profits for the business

c. Maintaining confidentiality and informed consent

d. Minimizing competition

10. What is the purpose of a hypothesis in business research?

a. To summarize findings

b. To guide the research and predict outcomes

c. To conduct statistical tests

d. To present qualitative data.

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