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Nowadays, living in big cities can be really unhealthy because of the high smog percentage.
In light of this, what shall we do in order to avoid being poisoned by pollution?

First of all, trying not to take the car for everyday activities could be both healthier and cheaper.
To provide an illustration, if most of the cities decide to invest in cycle paths, lots of people may will choose
to ride a bike instead of taking the car.

In addition, sharing your own car with the aim of reducing traffic, can be quite helpful for our planet.
An increasing number of car-sharing apps have been downloaded everyday since this idea catched on.

What is more, buying an electric car is a choice you will never regret.
It undoubtedly helps reducing CO2 emissions as well as spending lots of money on fuel.

All thing considered, there still are so much actions we can do as a means to reduce the whole world
temperature. I tend to think that it is not too late to make the difference.

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