Topic-1: Out Line of The Session

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I welcome all of you to this class on research concept.

Out line of the session

❖Research (definition, aims, features/characteristics)

❖Knowledge source and its interrelationship with research

❖ Reference for this session

❖Sample questions from this session


Definition of research
•Uncomplicated meaning of research can be easily understand by dissecting the word itself.
Research = repeated search. In a broad and general sense, any conscious and repeated
search for certain purposes, can be termed as research.

•Research is nothing but a systematic and objective attempt to study problem for the
purpose of deriving general principles.

•Research is a systematic, careful inquiry or examination to discover new information or

relationships and/or to expand or verify existing knowledge for some specific purposes.

•In other words, research is procedure by which we attempt to find systematically, and with
the support of demonstrable fact, the answer to a question or the resolution of a problem.

• According to Webster international dictionary research is “a careful
critical inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles, diligent
investigation in order to ascertain something.”

• According to Aminuzzaman “Research is a critic, exhaustive

investigation or experimentation having as its aim the revision of
accepted conclusions in the light of newly discovered facts.”


•Thus, any conscious attempt to study a problem systematically or any
effort that aims to generate new knowledge may be regarded as

•Research process is therefore cyclical. It begins with a quest for an

answer of a hard question and ends with a broad generalization or
answers to specific inquiry.

•Next slide figure shows the cyclic process.

Research Process

Source: Aminuzzaman, M. Salahuddin, Essentials of Social Research, 2011, P 6.


Aims of Research

Main aims of any research are as follows

▪ Find new dimensions and generalizations with old data;

▪ Know old conclusions with new data;

▪ Draw different conclusion from the same set of data;

▪ Put forward an entirely original idea or theory, or to discover unexplored

horizon of knowledge; and

▪ Find or to resolve contradictions existing in the area of study.

Features/Characteristics of Research
Research as a process has at least 6 distinct features
✓ It originates with at least one question and attempts to satisfy the researcher with answer of that
unanswered question;

✓ A clear statement of the problem is a precondition of any research. It testimonies existence of a research

✓ Stated research problem can be divisible into sub-problems/specific objectives answerable through the
formulation of hypothesis for each of those.

✓ Research looks for facts directed by the hypothesis and guided by the problem. It is systematic
methodological approach. Personal beliefs, cultures, practices are not its part.

✓ It only endorses solid, measurable data and information to answer to the inquiry. Unproved speculations
are not entertainable to draw conclusions.

✓ Research, by its nature is a cyclic process. Interpretation and analysis leads to the conclusion either
confirming neither rejecting the hypotheses. Hence, doing once again will complete the research cycle in
similar vein.


Sources of accumulation of knowledge

• 5 major sources of earning knowledge
•1st is method of tenacity. In this approach to knowledge, people generally accept
something to be true simply because many people fervently say or believe it to be true.

•2nd source is so-called common sense- where things commonly believed are considered
to be true.

•3rd method is method of authority. If well respected and authoritative sources say that
something is so, then it must be so.

•4th approach is method of intuition. People reach to truth because their natural
inclination is to do so. It agrees with reason and not necessarily with experience.

•5th and final is scientific method. This method has a key characteristics (self-correction)
which is absent in all other four methods. It has built-in checks~ most convincing to the
user and researcher.

Interrelationship between sources of knowledge and research

• Now we know that research is a systematic process of establishing
new knowledge or modification/correction in the existing body of

• On the other side, at least one of the sources of gathering knowledge is

scientific method with self-correction characteristics.

• Hence, it clearly demonstrates that research as a repetitive process is

one of the solid and original sources of knowledge.


Reference for this session

Aminuzzaman, M. Salahuddin, Essentials of Social Research, Osder

Publications, Dhaka, 2011, PP 1-7, 28-31.

Sample questions from this session

1) Define research. How research and sources of accumulation of knowledge are
interrelated? Explain with example.

2) What is research? What are the main aims and features of research?


Thanks 

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