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Topic - 7
I welcome all of you to the discussion and participation on Report

Writing Format.

Out line of the session

Recapitulation of Topic - 6
 Report Writing Format
1 Title page 6 Methodology
2 Preface or Acknowledgment 7 Data and Findings
3 Summary or Abstract 8 Conclusions and Recommendations
4 Statement of Research Problem 9 Bibliography or References
5 Limitations 10 Appendix
Reference for this session
Sample question from this session


Recapitulation of Topic - 6
In previous session we have discussed the typical format of
writing a research proposal. In that discussions major sections
were as follows.



Report Writing Format

Now I welcome you all to the discussion on Report Writing


Typical format of a research report generally contains the sections I

have mentioned in out line of the session.

I will sequentially illustrate those sections now.

Title page
• It contains several information including
Title of the study
Name and other information of the researcher
Name of the supervisor or team leader
To whom the report is submitted
Date of submission


Preface or Acknowledgment

• Generally explains the research background and context

• Also focuses on whom the researcher is indebted for guidance,
finance, and any other assistance

Summary or Abstract

Abstract is the very brief summary, generally of 200-500 words

Summary is the gist of the report, something like 3-5 pages in


Self-explanatory in nature


Statement of Research Problem

Other way round, it is the part of the literature review

And relevance of the research with literature review

Also presents objectives and hypothesis/proposition of the research


States the hurdles of the research process and data collection/field


Mentions unexplained and unanticipated factors

Interrupting elements, conditions and circumstances



• Clearly explains the selection process of research method, data

collection and analysis methods

• Research approach and epistemological position

• Explains the used reasoning method, and so on

Data and Findings

This is the biggest and toughest part of the research report

Any graphical, tabular presentation, if models run and its results

Presents classified data, description, analysis and interpretation

Major findings of the research, segregated in several logical sections


Conclusions and Recommendations

Contains broad observations and overall conclusions

Places specific recommendations and any other noteworthy research


Bibliography or References

Enlist in details the books, book chapters, journals, articles, reports,

official records, newspapers, internet based information sources
used in the study

Provides comprehensive list of all publications and unpublished

research works used in this research



Includes raw data, questionnaires, schedules, list of documents, etc.

Includes table, result of model run, computation of data, relevant

photographs, maps and other things used in research

Reference for this session

Aminuzzaman, M. Salahuddin, Essentials of Social

Research, Osder Publications, Dhaka, 2011, PP 92-98.


Sample question from this session

1) Identify and explain the major tasks/steps need to accomplish

for writing a good research report with a suitable example.

Thanks 

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