Chapter 4 - MCQs For Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation - Lab Tests Guide

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28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

151 to 200 MCQs for Lab Technician and

Technologist Exam Preparation
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Questions 151 to 200

151. Abnormal Variation in the size of rbc is known as
1. Microcytosis
2. Anisocytosis ✔
3. Poikilocytosis 2/17
28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

4. Spherocytosis
152. Process of sharpening consist of
1. Honning
2. Embedding
3. Stropping
4. 1 & 3 Both ✔
153. Which types of media require special growth factor.
1. Enriched media ✔
2. Transport media
3. Differential media
4. Simple media
154. Formal citrate solution is used for counting of
1. RBC ✔
2. WBC
3. Platelet
4. none
155. what is extra chromosomal genetic element in bacteria
1. Chromosome
2. Ribosomes
3. Conjugation
4. Plasmid ✔
156. Mature Cyst od E-histolytic is
1. Uninucleated
2. Binucleated
3. Quadrinucleated ✔
4. Octanucleated
157. Which method is used for Urea estimation ?
1. O Toludine method
2. Uricase method
3. DAM Method ✔
4. 2 & 3 both
158. Absence of spermatozoa in semen is called
1. Oligospermia
2. Hypospermia
3. Azospermia ✔
4. Hyperspermia
159. Lavender color top on tube of
1. EDTA ✔ 3/17
28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

2. Heparin
3. S Floride
4. ESR
160. Vitamin C Chemical name is
1. Retinol
2. Ascorbic Acid ✔
3. Folic Acid
4. Riboflavin

161. Fouchet Reagent is used to detect

1. Sugar
2. Keton body
3. Bile Pigment ✔
4. Protein
162. New Methylene blue stain is used for counting of
1. Reticulocyte ✔
2. Erythrocyte
3. Platelet
4. Malaria
163. Dehaemoglobinization is done in
1. Thin smear
2. Thick Smear ✔
3. Wet smear
4. none
164. RBC’s negativaly charge due to presence of
1. Antigen A & B
2. Erythropoietin
3. Sialic Acid ✔
4. Iron
165. Which is the following cell from antibody
1. T Lymphocyte
2. B Lymphocyte ✔
3. Macrophage
4. Reticulocyte
166. Which is best method of Hb estimation ?
1. Cyan meth method ✔
2. Sahli’s Method
3. Alkali hematin method 4/17
28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

4. Specific gravity method

167. Majortiy of iron present in
1. Hemoglobin ✔
2. Transferrin
3. Hemosiderin
4. None
168. What is the principle of Colorimeter ?
1. Beer’s law
2. Lambert’s Law
3. Beer & Lumbert’s law
4. Al of above ✔
169. Which Hemoglobin is called fetal hemoglobin
1. HbA1
2. HbF ✔
3. HbA2
4. HbS
170. Extrinsic hemolysis caused by
1. Sickle cell anemia
2. G6PD Deficiency
3. AIHA ✔
4. Spherocytosis
171. True about blood
1. Blood is Liquid connective tissue ✔
2. Blood contain only platelets
3. in vain blood is pinkish-red in colour
4. normaly blood contain bacteria
172. Who is father of Virology
1. Robert Koch
2. Louis Pasteur
3. Ivanovosky ✔
4. Antony Van Leevenhoek
173. Cocci present in pair of four is called
1. Staphylococcus
2. Streptococcus
3. Tetrads ✔
4. Sarcina
174. Decrease of all types of cell count in blood is seen in
1. Plastic Anemia ✔ 5/17
28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

2. Hemolytic Anemia
3. ITP
4. Iron Deficiency Anemia
175. Which is true for Major Cross match in blood bank
1. Donor Cells + Receiver Serum ✔
2. Donor Cells + Receiver Cells
3. Donor Serum + Receiver Cells
4. Donor Serum + Receiver Serum
176. Which method is used for detection of bile salt in sample ?
1. Hay’s Test ✔
2. Rothera Test
3. Benedict’s Method
4. Biuret method
177. Removing of Calcium from tissue is called
1. Hypocalcemia
2. Decalcification ✔
3. Cleaning
4. Embedding
178. What is used to examine cyst of paracite under microscope
1. Normal Saline
2. Z-N Stain
3. Gram Stain
4. Iodine Preparation ✔
179. Which Parasitic infaction is congenital infaction
1. E. Vermicularis
2. T. Vaginalis
3. E. Granulosis
4. Toxoplasma Gonadii ✔
180. Virus Culture inside the embryo egg is detected with
1. Cytopathic effect
2. Pock formation ✔
3. turbidity
4. Bubbles formation

181. Staphylococcus is differentiate with straptococcus by which biochemical test

1. Catalase ✔
2. Indole
3. Motility 6/17
28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

4. Coagulase
182. Swarming motility seen in
1. Vibrio Cholera
2. Clostridium
3. Proteus ✔
4. Treponema Palladum
183. in Which condition megaloblastic anemia accur
1. Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
2. Folic Acid Deficiency
3. Iron Deficiency
4. A & B Both ✔
184. Which coagulation factor is lacking in hemophilia
1. Factor-Viii ✔
2. Factor-ii
3. Factor-iX
4. Factor-Xi
185. Presence of RBC in urine is dected by
1. Physical Examination
2. Chemical Examination
3. Microscopic Examination ✔
4. All of Above
186. Breakdown of degradation process during metabolism is called
1. Anabolism
2. Catabolism ✔
3. Destruction
4. Cutting
187. Which microtome is used to urgent biopsy ?
1. Base seledge
2. Sliding microtome
3. Rotary microtome
4. Cryostat ✔
188. Purssian blue stain is used for
1. Iron
2. Haemosidrin ✔
3. Glycogen
4. Bacteria
189. Corynebacterium dephtheria granules is stained with
1. Z.N Stain 7/17
28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

2. Auramine Stain
3. Gram Stain
4. Alberts Stain ✔
190. Color code for heparine is
1. Green ✔
2. Yellow
3. Black
4. Red
191. Which medium is used for transportation of kidney biopsy ?
1. Michel’s Solution ✔
2. Normal Saline
3. Buffer Formalin
4. Ice Pack
192. In Harris Hematoxylin which types of mordant is used
1. Alum ✔
2. Iron
3. Tungsten
4. Mercuric Oxide
193. Flagler antigen is also called as
1. O Antigen
2. H Antigen ✔
3. Vi Antigen
4. Flagella
194. Which growth factor required by Haemophilus Influenza ?
1. X
2. X and V ✔
3. V
4. Egg
195. Excess amount of EDTA Cause?
1. Swelling of Platelets
2. Shrinking of WBC and RBC
3. A and B ✔
4. None
196. Which of the following used for counting of leukocytes
1. Turk’d Fluid ✔
2. Dacie formal solution
3. 1 % of Ammonium oxalate
4. Hayem’s Solution 8/17
28/09/2023, 22:59 Chapter 4: MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation | Lab Tests Guide

197. In which of the following case we used Schilling test

1. In relation to vitamin 12
2. in relation of sickle cell anemia
3. Pernicious anemia
4. A & C both ✔
198. N-95 Mask is used during dealing with
1. M. TB ✔
2. Ebola Virus
3. Malaria
4. HIV
199. Which diseases is occure due to lack of GP llb/llla receptor on platelet ?
1. Glanzmann Thrombasthenia ✔
2. Bernal Soliuer Syndrome
3. Plt Gray syndrome
4. Thrombocytopenia
200. Cooley’s anemia is accur due to
1. Absent of beta gene ✔
2. Absent of RBC’s
3. Absent of all blood cells
4. Increase of WBC

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The questions are typically designed to assess the technical skills and knowledge
required for the laboratory profession, including the ability to analyze laboratory test
results, perform laboratory procedures, and maintain laboratory equipment.

To prepare for these MCQs, candidates should have a thorough understanding of the key
concepts and principles of laboratory science. They should also be familiar with common
laboratory equipment and procedures, as well as laboratory safety protocols.

Candidates may also benefit from studying specific laboratory science textbooks or
taking online courses that cover the material tested in the MCQs. Additionally, practicing
sample MCQs and reviewing the answers can help candidates identify areas where they
may need to improve their knowledge or skills. 9/17

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